View Full Version : General Chat
- Ride the magic bus! (11 replies)
- Hi, I am a newbie (9 replies)
- What's your number... (23 replies)
- China's High way Pictures (12 replies)
- Shanghai, China Pictures (7 replies)
- Beijing, China Pictures (8 replies)
- ShenZhen China Pictures (6 replies)
- Hubei, China Pictures (9 replies)
- My hands smell like... (20 replies)
- Passers By (21 replies)
- Happy Anniversary (19 replies)
- What next? (8 replies)
- New England - Big E (14 replies)
- Of all the Gin joints (7 replies)
- The Fear (3 replies)
- Worst Prank You Guys Have Ever Pulled? (16 replies)
- Farewell to Pixie's (12 replies)
- Quotes about Katrina... (13 replies)
- I quit smoking! (33 replies)
- Transitions Simon Wiesenthal (0 replies)
- The 5 Secrets........ (10 replies)
- My Birthday (10 replies)
- Transistions - Kenny & Renee (4 replies)
- Alassλ...shoulda been here yesterday... (3 replies)
- Pixies CD ~ Rita (11 replies)
- 13,000 (10 replies)
- I can hear the bells (15 replies)
- (((Teddy Bear))) (22 replies)
- still here (38 replies)
- Transitions Angela Merkel (0 replies)
- Hell Ya!!!!!!! (24 replies)
- ...and today the birthday girl is.... (22 replies)
- Transition~ Buffalo Soldier (3 replies)
- Creepy? Kooky? (26 replies)
- Wish List~~> vrooooooooooom! (26 replies)
- Transitions Sir Hermann Bondi (1 replies)
- Not Happy!!! (6 replies)
- 12,000 Shamrocks (20 replies)
- Best response to the Katrina catastrophe (9 replies)
- I am back. I was in China for sometimes (17 replies)
- Transitions WildIrish (11 replies)
- technical problem (10 replies)
- Napoleon Dynamite & Bill Gates ~~ for Aqua & other sexxxy geeks (5 replies)
- Transitions Britney Spears (9 replies)
- Pixies CD ~ Ophelia (7 replies)
- I suspect WI (7 replies)
- Not just Katrina (7 replies)
- Just to be on the safe side (6 replies)
- Photogoth entries (8 replies)
- Costco Engagement Ring?!?!?! (32 replies)
- A little levity (13 replies)
- September is... (21 replies)
- Birthday Girl (2 replies)
- Need Seven Year Itch Advice (15 replies)
- Hey WINSTON!!!! (11 replies)
- It's still September 13th in California (36 replies)
- Birthday Boys and Girls (24 replies)
- Remembering 9/11 (8 replies)
- The Ying Yang of Katrina (120 replies)
- Best dating memory(ies) ... (8 replies)
- Just wondering (16 replies)
- I don't wanna grow up... (38 replies)
- OK, so I can't keep it in any longer.... (59 replies)
- Just a Quick Hello (13 replies)
- Good News re: Pixies Pkg #1 :D (13 replies)
- things are not always what they seem... (17 replies)
- Missing someone you totally love (12 replies)
- Project Brotherly Love (11 replies)
- Transitions Technology (8 replies)
- I met her (17 replies)
- Hump Day (11 replies)
- Elton John (18 replies)
- Refugee is a racial remark?? (23 replies)
- GILLIGAN! So long, Little Buddy... (17 replies)
- caulk (45 replies)
- Down The Road (14 replies)
- Sweet 16 (16 replies)
- Happy 75th Anniversary (6 replies)
- Transitions Gauloises & Gitanes (5 replies)
- Transitions: Chief Justice William Rehnquist (12 replies)
- Constant Garden (4 replies)
- Sometimes I just gotta..... (7 replies)
- Hey everyone... (23 replies)
- Anyone like Green Day? (5 replies)
- Looks like BIBI gets the spankings today!! (22 replies)
- I'm so Bummed.. (16 replies)
- no, i don't want any scrapple... (39 replies)
- Whole lot of Birthday Spankings going on today! (26 replies)
- 99 The Countdown ((LAW)) (20 replies)
- Is this accurate? (15 replies)
- .19 (77 replies)
- Ever hear of metal band, Voivod... It's a sad day (5 replies)
- Watch out Lilith!!!!! (15 replies)
- Add some herring to your diet...... (11 replies)
- Prison Break (FOX) (10 replies)
- gekkogecko is another year older..... (20 replies)
- Little League World Series (5 replies)
- Pixies CD ~ Katrina (45 replies)
- Speaking of Spyware (2 replies)
- Oh Brother, Big Brother (18 replies)
- Its Finally Happened (14 replies)
- Katrina (11 replies)
- FYI Spyware (7 replies)
- Dear BigBear (2 replies)
- F*ck me, I need a drink... (17 replies)
- Are You Goin To Hell? (34 replies)
- Accent, Me? (26 replies)
- The Worst Feeling In the World (20 replies)
- hey... newbie here (16 replies)
- Help!!! (1 replies)
- Public Flogging (15 replies)
- Transitions Brock Peters (1 replies)
- Opinions requested (15 replies)
- The 20,000th thread!!!! (16 replies)
- Top 25 Death Scenes (7 replies)
- I laughed out loud! (5 replies)
- What's it gonna take? (71 replies)
- It's finally happened, the McDonald's diet! (7 replies)
- Guess Who Just Hit 40? (17 replies)
- depression based rambling (2 replies)
- Living Up To The Stereotype... (49 replies)
- Travails of Teddy (59 replies)
- RIP Robert Moog *cue eerie synth music* (5 replies)
- Transitions Dr. Robert Moog (0 replies)
- Abe Lincoln and John Kennedy (15 replies)
- Is elegance gone? (9 replies)
- Flight 93 had different music (12 replies)
- Not being around lately (15 replies)
- Send A PIXIE Greeting TODAY! (1 replies)
- Did You Ever... (5 replies)
- Iron Man Radio (8 replies)
- hey Steph, Something good finally came out of Cleveland!! (13 replies)
- A untapped Hallmark Division (20 replies)
- Breath in Breath out!!!! (10 replies)
- quityer bitchin (20 replies)
- Hot Town...... (2 replies)
- What A Day....... (2 replies)
- Opps...we missed a Birthday!! (10 replies)
- I think it went to Italy. (8 replies)
- Largest Sex Organ (8 replies)
- Happy Blackout Day!!!! (4 replies)
- stages of life (6 replies)
- Could you be happy (21 replies)
- TinTennessee...come on down.... (35 replies)
- Now everyone can be a purse lover (16 replies)
- For the sheep lover in all ... er ... some of us. (7 replies)
- Pixies line of the day (7 replies)
- A mesage to keep you safe (11 replies)
- Bone suckin' sauce (21 replies)
- Money well spent.... (14 replies)
- The World Tallest Man (8 replies)
- Do you Believe... (18 replies)
- Ill show you my priceless (26 replies)
- What A Contrast (7 replies)
- List your Pets (24 replies)
- so I was checking out today's birthday's.... (19 replies)
- Bite Me. (7 replies)
- For Steph (12 replies)
- Stop wasting need to hurry up! (24 replies)
- Applying for Uni Again!!!!! (4 replies)
- I've got a better idea... (9 replies)
- New to the forums :) (15 replies)
- And you thought spelling was important (12 replies)
- Age ain't nuthin but a number...right? (52 replies)
- Ever Feel REALLY SILLY .... don't bother. (5 replies)
- hey DB what.......... (6 replies)
- Transitions: Peter Jennings (9 replies)
- Some Strange (5 replies)
- my friends (14 replies)
- Just a little sad here ... (44 replies)
- No respect at all! (15 replies)
- Hot Summer Night Equipment (17 replies)
- put it mildly (26 replies)
- Was IAKG Deceiving Us On Her Planned Move (1 replies)
- Do you like to fly? (10 replies)
- You'll either laugh or cry. (9 replies)
- What music do you like that not many others do? (56 replies)
- Fishing Anyone????? (10 replies)
- ~*~Oreo Cookies & Cherry Kool-Aid~*~ (36 replies)
- Check: Right This Moment (20 replies)
- Throwing $$ at it (26 replies)
- What Should I Read? (6 replies)
- Air France Crash in Toronto (1 replies)
- Flying Monkey Fowls Radar (10 replies)
- Courage (6 replies)
- Anything to save a buck! (5 replies)
- Random Thoughts (240 replies)
- if the sun (57 replies)
- Trim that pussy, will ya? (14 replies)
- Transitions - King Fahd bin Abdel Aziz (0 replies)
- I'm getting married! (29 replies)
- Well! Hot Damn...It's Maddy's Birthday!!! (28 replies)
- The Weather Report (4931 replies)
- Pixies Place Orphans (41 replies)
- Courtesy of Mars Express (6 replies)
- Shit guys, the missiles, they are coming... (22 replies)
- Hello all of you Pixie Pervs (12 replies)
- It has come to my attention that IenkiMoonshine... (12 replies)
- Hmmmmm........... (12 replies)
- Computer Up-keep (11 replies)
- Boom, Boom... (16 replies)
- If you really love me... (10 replies)
- LonelyArmyWife...front & center! (20 replies)
- Have I been living in the country too long? (16 replies)
- Free Pussy (11 replies)
- back online for the moment (5 replies)
- Now serving number 69... (50 replies)
- How Hot Is It? (24 replies)
- Light em up! (34 replies)
- Spank ya later (43 replies)
- What made you laugh today! (1376 replies)
- Up Up Away Back In The Game (30 replies)
- We Mind Very Much If You Smoke (52 replies)
- What do you get if you squeeze me real tight? (17 replies)
- #7! (11 replies)
- You're A Peein' (27 replies)
- RIP Long John Baldry (4 replies)
- Happy Birthday, Kathy1 (16 replies)
- DayLight Savings Time (27 replies)
- It's over (6 replies)
- Libel (14 replies)
- Dear Friends ... I just wanted to thank you ... (7 replies)
- Goings on (49 replies)
- Impressions (5 replies)
- Bend Over and Say Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (25 replies)
- Transitions Gerry Thomas (4 replies)
- Just a note (13 replies)
- I know you spoil them... (2 replies)
- Scotty (19 replies)
- Oh yes! Oh Yessssssss, you know what I want (4 replies)
- PF you won't believe this! (1 replies)
- How can you tell a man took this pic? (25 replies)
- Happy Birthday to someone...... (3 replies)
- Can you tell a faker? (20 replies)
- ~*~ (24 replies)
- any of you guys in south eastern PA? (0 replies)
- *Brrrrrrrrr****shivers****brrrrrrr* (9 replies)
- Athletes Spark White House Flip-Flop Flap (19 replies)
- Hey ... it's Kaelynn's Birthday!!! (23 replies)
- Gen. Westmoreland DEAD! (9 replies)
- Inxs (186 replies)
- Sometimes Alone Is Good (18 replies)
- i am NEVER doing anal again (1206 replies)
- Check all of your nearby parks, people (37 replies)
- How many do you have? (18 replies)
- I'm leaving.... (22 replies)
- Hello (18 replies)
- Transitions Sir Edward Heath (2 replies)
- When I go to the hardware store... (26 replies)
- Hi ho, hi ho, It's back to the States i go.... (28 replies)
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