View Full Version : General Chat
- One of my ramblings
- I've been lurking too much lately, sooo....
- Damn, I've dreaded this.....
- Lurker from hell...happy b-day to me!!
- "New Series!"
- Being overtaken by Humongous Chickens!!!!
- Over or Under
- Messages
- Doing it standing
- Maturity!
- Pucker Up
- Farm Business
- $$$$ Down the Drain
- Horseman12 has Pleuracy
- Naked Without...
- Boobies or Buttttt
- Most Important Meal of the Day
- Something Special??
- What was your worse Childhood Nightmare?
- Either ~ Or????
- I'm so excited! I did it!
- Happy New Year to all....
- My love button.....
- Stupid Questions?
- Chatroom trouble~ After 35 attempts...
- Things you dread about the in-laws visiting
- ****My Hubby Has Wood****
- Thank You Ladies & Gentlemen Of Pixies
- [Rearview]
- Once Apon A Time~~~~~~
- I Could Eat My Weight In ~~~>
- *lol*
- Songs to Sob to :D
- Its been a year!!!!!!!!!!
- OH OH ... There's Been a Terrible Accident
- Re-arrange the Letters
- Damn that was quick!
- i think my calendar must be broken!
- AGE difference
- Do this for me?
- im new here
- "Athletic knowledge"
- Anyone wants to help?
- new member here
- ?????Sex Positions?????
- Get us off this rock!
- Just for Irish..... Harley's 100th Anniverary!!
- There’s not much that can excite me more than silky panties.
- You are cordially invited...
- SAT awnsers to help your children!
- Virus Protection
- Housekeeping Hints
- Sensory Series: Smell
- What you don't see at the...........
- The Blue Light "BEER" Game
- I'm off
- The Most Romantic Movie Quotes Ever
- It's Hockey season!!!
- ((Fairy Bird))
- The Liberty Bell took Liberty....
- How did I get here?
- */*/*/*/*/*Soap Operas*\*\*\*\*\*
- OMG I forgot to moisturize!
- Mental?
- to all my Canadian friends....
- Eagles fans ..... what's your favorite?
- THings you wish you could say at work:
- ~~Good Old Fashioned...Home Remedies~~
- Thought for the day ...
- Darkness falls across the land..the midnight hour is close at hand...
- Top 10
- Not a joke, but worth reading (I think)
- Santa Clause is Coming to Town
- ~~> 1st Prize <~~
- ^@^ Evil Music ^@^
- A little Naughty
- Just to add balance;)
- SS & Platinum
- Just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in...
- My dog ate my Penis...
- your favorite
- ~~>Gag Me<~~
- Doo Doo Doo..lookin out my backdoor...
- Some New Fall Pictures
- Depp 'returns in Pirates sequel'
- the rest of the stoty?
- Halloween Costumes?
- >>October<<
- Non-Sense Poem
- Women over 30!
- Just a quick note
- If you could be....
- The Love Police
- English Karaoke Please help
- Sooo... any doctors in the house?
- Re: Sharni
- cake or bed?
- I Am Not A Yankee Fan But For Those Who Are.....
- Ever wanted to visit Glasgow? Read THIS!!
- Are you in control of your right foot?????
- I live in a cave!!!
- 4444~days
- Color
- Teddy Bear
- Something i made (model)
- Hi Everyone!
- Sears (not advertising)
- Iakg Hits 20, 000
- Can you find the man???
- Get that knee better Steph!!
- PLEASE! Enough is bloody enough!
- (((BiGbEaR57)))
- For sale on E-bay
- ^o^ Spooktacular Games ^o^
- where am i?
- The speed of Light......
- ((Mr.ThisOne))
- Fish<==
- Another Model :)
- Moving out!
- School~of~Rock
- "Titles"(names)
- moms note
- Ladies night out ...
- *~*~Daily ~~ NEWS~*~*
- Secondhand Lions
- If you could go back...
- Money??
- christine
- Well, I haven't been here in a looong time
- What legend or myth do you believe?
- Picture that you and I went to Uni together...
- ^@^Fave Psycho^@^
- The last of the wine has been finished...
- "World Economics?"
- Hiya, everyone!
- Tick-Tock
- [ l ] Stories [ l ]
- the dreaded Black Knight
- Buying a webcam
- Animal Food!
- damn fire...
- Silly Newbie Question...
- Men are from Mars,Women are from Venus!
- Men are from Mars,Women are from Venus-2
- non-pc employee handbook
- Say baby, You wanna lay down with me?
- "Spam" Free!
- ~~~Thought Of The Day~~~
- Possession Being 9/10ths And All That Horse Shit.
- DB's not allowed to post anymore!
- Close Encounters of the Gloved Kind
- Are You A Cheap Ass Bastard?
- Australian Idol
- Pixies! Vote for my best friends Tiger!, Photo Contest
- Some funnies
- A thought for our California Members
- Sharni hits 23,000!
- Toronto Best Chinese Northern Dumpling - DimSum
- The Mystery of Britney's breasts
- show me your.................
- Update on me and hellsbells
- Hi!
- Women!
- Political Public Announcement
- How Many????
- Halloween Candy and Dress up
- Comet the Size of Texas Heading this way!!!
- So sad when listen to old songs
- Ugly Dresses
- Time machine
- IMing - what program(s) do you use and why?
- Nine Days Makes Such a Difference When it Comes to IAKG
- Can you believe that Steph?
- I never drink.................
- If You Want to Have Shower Sex
- Spooky Babies
- Question?
- Job interviews and applications
- Something heartwarming for Halloween
- Shame On You!!!!!
- Hi FussyPucker!!!!
- "Who the fuck are you"??????
- ==Billboards==
- Help Balance The Scale
- other sites like this?
- Riddles
- Extreme Pumpkins
- What AV would you give someone?
- What made you smile today?
- Sexual Harrassment
- Gay Pride
- (_l_) ((Aqua)) (_l_)
- Ever fancied doing Role Playing?
- ~~> Key to My Heart <~~
- to share.. or not to share...
- How many guys "do it" for themselves?
- The Noises In My Head
- Hey guys!
- )*( PM Slut )*(
- ||||||->Exercise Program<-||||||
- Most remarkable thing I can remember ...
- Words Women Use!!!!!!
- Trojan Games
- FYI!
- Tech issues
- What if Aqua and Lilith mated?
- The Nachi Worm
- Questions! We Have Questions!!
- "For Every Begining, There is an End...": Thoughts on the Matrix (WARNING: SPOILERS)
- I still live.
- $$Any One Up For A Game Of Monopoly$$
- The Site
- Revolutions...
- The "Aqua" Pumpkin.
- Let's Dance with me Please...3..2...1 Let's Go
- Incest fantasies
- Manners Maketh Man
- Drax the Destructor!!
- Policeman gets two years for oral sex
- Cows with guns?!?!
- You Big Freak!
- A bit of a shock
- just wanted 2 say hello
- Lunar eclipse to turn moon red 11-08-03
- For Eros==> "What Are You Bringing to Eat?"
- Your Top Five List...
- Ekkkkk... has PF been taken by aliens?
- ?? Which Decade ??
- Oh What I Wouldn't Give To Be A Chicken Wing
- Love Actually
- I just checked.....
- Salam Pax blog
- Which messed-up Barbie are you?
- Where's PF?!?!
- Why do women
- (((Q))) & (((2-4-tea))
- If I Had a Dollar...
- Public Service announcement..........
- Yee-Hawwwwww!!
- You're Toast.......
- Ctrl-v Fun
- Camera question
- The Meatrix
- Attention denny fans ...
- University of Toronto Study.
- The Rules~~~~~~Male Version!
- Try this~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Top or Bottom?
- The Immigrant Song
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