View Full Version : General Chat
- It ain't easy... (1 replies)
- 100 post (8 replies)
- Queastion (3 replies)
- Chinese New Year is comming up (5 replies)
- Need Some Computer Advice For A Friend (25 replies)
- <><>murphy<><> (23 replies)
- Sexy Cards (8 replies)
- **Star Light** Star Bright** (41 replies)
- *cough-cough* I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sick :p (17 replies)
- Doing it just a little different. (4 replies)
- Hidden S&H charges! (6 replies)
- What are you wearing... (499 replies)
- Just Wondering??? (1 replies)
- ooohhh... the dungeon, I like the sound of that (7 replies)
- Hollywood comes to town (6 replies)
- Happy Australia Day (6 replies)
- The Rules (6 replies)
- Thanks... (3 replies)
- I Love This Place.... (11 replies)
- Burns Night! (11 replies)
- *^Super Bowl^* (18 replies)
- One of life's MOST embarrassing moments! (9 replies)
- READ THIS....If you are tired of telemarketers! (21 replies)
- Beautiful British Columbia (5 replies)
- ~~GREASE is the Word~~ (8 replies)
- What Movie Makes You Laugh? (56 replies)
- Thankfullness? (5 replies)
- Feelings! (27 replies)
- I've Been Cloned! = ) (1 replies)
- Superbowl Champ? (12 replies)
- Naughty Limericks (2 replies)
- What's in your wallet? (21 replies)
- What are you reading? (35 replies)
- Laughter IS the best medicine! (21 replies)
- Why women are so cool (2 replies)
- Happy B-Day Morrigan (9 replies)
- Working, Working, Working! (30 replies)
- I feel the need... (18 replies)
- What hobbies do you enjoy (25 replies)
- Elizabeth Wurtzel (1 replies)
- (((((((((validus))))))) (3 replies)
- Why men are so cool (17 replies)
- Make love not war! (8 replies)
- --->Never Ever<--- (80 replies)
- I feel so guilty (16 replies)
- Dick Clarks Watching ~ Pixies Countdown (11 replies)
- STO's Thoughts about life thread. (93 replies)
- Why is life Unfair? (13 replies)
- Blowing you a kiss! (24 replies)
- My Big FAT................ (5 replies)
- marital status (48 replies)
- Check it out! New free beer giveaway! (14 replies)
- What have you learned...... (19 replies)
- ???Who The Hell Are You??? (24 replies)
- nice guys finish last (8 replies)
- Can anyone help? (3 replies)
- Sarcastic posts???? (15 replies)
- Finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 (8 replies)
- Is it really possible??? (17 replies)
- What is it...? (16 replies)
- BiTe Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (13 replies)
- Looking for me? (6 replies)
- Right Now I'd Trade My Firstborn For........ (108 replies)
- :o) You Gotta Love College (o: (14 replies)
- Rule Britannia! (9 replies)
- Connecting to Chat (2 replies)
- Are we unshockable? (9 replies)
- quotable quotes (1 replies)
- Stupid queastion (11 replies)
- How do YOU know your s/o is cheating? (8 replies)
- What kind of drink are you! (8 replies)
- Opinion! (9 replies)
- They censor this.........and they censor that! (33 replies)
- <Don't Give Me Your Attitude!> (19 replies)
- *o~Damn!!! I am sooo worn out!!!~o* (21 replies)
- I lost my avatar.... (9 replies)
- Looking for Friends.... (10 replies)
- Help! (11 replies)
- $$Favorite TV commercials$$ (17 replies)
- The Key to Relationships (18 replies)
- mother o' fuckin god... (4 replies)
- ^*^*^*Pixies Journal*^*^*^ (170 replies)
- Which Hygiene product are you???? (32 replies)
- Speaking of Herpes........................... (17 replies)
- What time is it? (16 replies)
- Lilith.......Herewith Job Application. (4 replies)
- Is considering a move (1 replies)
- Spreading Like Herpes Through a College Dorm (12 replies)
- we're all affected... (6 replies)
- ~!~Happy Friday Baby~!~ (21 replies)
- The dominion of evil has gone too far! (6 replies)
- My hidden sexual talent...... (23 replies)
- Sinking Ship? (8 replies)
- IS Internet on crack tonite??????? (15 replies)
- Winter impressions (17 replies)
- here's a pic I enjoy! (4 replies)
- Hello! anybody out there? (6 replies)
- Help, again, please .... (29 replies)
- Its 4 o'clock in the morning! (9 replies)
- Going...going...gone (33 replies)
- Are you turned on easily...a quiz for CasperTG...LOL (19 replies)
- What's With You Men, Anyway???? (15 replies)
- The draft (13 replies)
- Boy, what a day!!! (10 replies)
- J-Lo & Mr. Affleck in the News (21 replies)
- Hey Lurkers !!!!!!!!! (5 replies)
- Time Keeps on Changing (4 replies)
- Away for a While.... (14 replies)
- %Average% (30 replies)
- =Tune= (17 replies)
- Doc Marten ............ (16 replies)
- I wAnT tO TASTE you..... Do YoU wAnT tO TASTE ME??!!?? (28 replies)
- I am such a CUMSLUT ... (23 replies)
- You Big Dummy!!!!!!!!!! (2 replies)
- How do you cope with your fears? (51 replies)
- Oompa Loompah's on the Brain - Sorry (26 replies)
- Lurid Limericks..... (5 replies)
- new year so far? (2 replies)
- What kind of Panties are you?!?! (19 replies)
- ^How the Hell Would Martha Clean This Up?^ (8 replies)
- Here's your sign?? (10 replies)
- Bizarre Sites (26 replies)
- Well hot damn! (9 replies)
- Random Bandit Quotes (17 replies)
- Question for Australian Women (4 replies)
- How to Interpret Personal Ads (5 replies)
- Should I stay at Pixies....or leave??? (52 replies)
- Someone out there don't like Pixies Place!!!!! (19 replies)
- Going OK Now thanks (6 replies)
- need good photo software (for posting pics) (10 replies)
- For Kim............Happy New Years Sweetie. (0 replies)
- Shhhhhhhhhhh! (19 replies)
- Am I boring? (9 replies)
- If you are alone tonight.......... (8 replies)
- Happy New Years! (2 replies)
- Recomendation (7 replies)
- Just me..........wanting (20 replies)
- I want to wish everyone... (4 replies)
- New Years Plans (16 replies)
- Things wanted, or not (1 replies)
- Sharni Turns 6,000! (29 replies)
- Breast Reduction (129 replies)
- Any password surfers? (4 replies)
- Just because (4 replies)
- distant travels to another time. (2 replies)
- new year wishes (12 replies)
- How did we survive.. (21 replies)
- Grandpa pride showing through ... (3 replies)
- Question for the males. (33 replies)
- Skip's Movie Buff Thread... (4 replies)
- No Makin Bacon Nakid!!! (5 replies)
- newbie here (5 replies)
- What are your..... (20 replies)
- Our House, Christmas Morning (19 replies)
- Dear Me...Did anyone see the Size of that Chicken?!?!! (31 replies)
- (((((Support for Sands))))) (12 replies)
- Christmas gifts (16 replies)
- How big is TOO BIG ?? (23 replies)
- Merry Christmas!!!!!!!! (4 replies)
- Happy Birthday Txsweet (12 replies)
- Merry Christmas (8 replies)
- Waiting for Santa (11 replies)
- I have some pics, but? (3 replies)
- Merry Christmas to all (2 replies)
- Missing You All (23 replies)
- be a Grinch!!! (5 replies)
- denile (7 replies)
- See you all after Christmas! (9 replies)
- A Reindeer Link......... (8 replies)
- A Prayer for those in the Service (3 replies)
- Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? (7 replies)
- how many kids we got? (57 replies)
- Good ol New Years Resolutions (0 replies)
- A Question for Devillishgirl (17 replies)
- Santa Fetish? (8 replies)
- Update on Job Interview (15 replies)
- Who Have You Seen Live? (72 replies)
- Staying in the Spirit of the season (3 replies)
- Going away for a bit.. (29 replies)
- Humor??? (4 replies)
- OoOo~Mooning You~oOoO (14 replies)
- Single Girl's Prayer (1 replies)
- Question for the moderators (6 replies)
- Why ______are better than men / Why _______are better than women. (3 replies)
- Toon song 'white trash x-mas' (1 replies)
- Merry Christmas........If there is a hell, I am in it!!!!!! (17 replies)
- erotic Stories guidelines (1 replies)
- "May I have your autograph???" (2 replies)
- hopefully a change of luck (23 replies)
- oops! Belated Birthday oops! (7 replies)
- oooooo-Lilith is a Ball Breaker-oooooo (13 replies)
- ==^Merry Music^== (20 replies)
- Seasons Greetings :) (3 replies)
- My kind of woman (0 replies)
- The Mystery of Britney's Breasts (1 replies)
- What do you do.... (4 replies)
- I'm leaving! *wink* (7 replies)
- Home Handyman..... (16 replies)
- Greetings to all (10 replies)
- ??How Many?? (17 replies)
- Tech Support ~ Duh!! (33 replies)
- Is your computer male or female? (3 replies)
- How many Students we got here? (20 replies)
- Sex Q & A (20 replies)
- Sexless Reindeer? (3 replies)
- Christmas cums but once a year............ (25 replies)
- sad news (21 replies)
- To my dear friends (5 replies)
- Hey guys - first post!! (4 replies)
- Would we be surprised? (17 replies)
- Teacher's Pet....another bedroom game. (2 replies)
- Bug's Lament....... (8 replies)
- The Honesty Report (23 replies)
- Help..... (2 replies)
- The end is near ... for CK (32 replies)
- Empty Pocket Days of Christmas (3 replies)
- random thoughts (0 replies)
- So, 100 . . . (10 replies)
- Seasons Greeting (34 replies)
- Best Cereal Box Prizes (5 replies)
- The Dungeon... (7 replies)
- Addiction (14 replies)
- Message from Dicksbro (7 replies)
- Irish's crazy typing (16 replies)
- Birds And Bees (0 replies)
- Sexism alive and kicking (11 replies)
- 10 things................... (8 replies)
- Sewing Help anyone? (5 replies)
- Hi (27 replies)
- generation x the media phenomenon as opposed to media produced texts of the time. (13 replies)
- FYI ingredients(sp?) (3 replies)
- Hmm what SEX TOY are you???? Please tell me! (31 replies)
- What ELF from Lord of the Rings are you?????? (25 replies)
- Invitation to a Party (0 replies)
- Under the tree..... (14 replies)
- Crazy Book Titles (0 replies)
- My little red wagon (8 replies)
- Pixies Chat (2 replies)
- I LOVE this grandchild of mine!!! *she's weird like me!* (10 replies)
- Just another favorite Christmas tune....*naughty pics inside!* (20 replies)
- Male stroking gif....I've got a need! (5 replies)
- Men, Making your Marriage Last (14 replies)
- Last update on Dicksbro's surgery (24 replies)
- ~*~ Chat Chat BLAH BLAH ~*~ (10 replies)
- Rejected Children's Books (5 replies)
- Favorite Game show (11 replies)
- Have an Original Thought!!!! (26 replies)
- Happy Birthday Lilith!!! (55 replies)
- They SAY this is a true story! (2 replies)
- It's A Good Thing (9 replies)
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