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  1. It ain't easy... (1 replies)
  2. 100 post (8 replies)
  3. Queastion (3 replies)
  4. Chinese New Year is comming up (5 replies)
  5. Need Some Computer Advice For A Friend (25 replies)
  6. <><>murphy<><> (23 replies)
  7. Sexy Cards (8 replies)
  8. **Star Light** Star Bright** (41 replies)
  9. *cough-cough* I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sick :p (17 replies)
  10. Doing it just a little different. (4 replies)
  11. Hidden S&H charges! (6 replies)
  12. What are you wearing... (499 replies)
  13. Just Wondering??? (1 replies)
  14. ooohhh... the dungeon, I like the sound of that (7 replies)
  15. Hollywood comes to town (6 replies)
  16. Happy Australia Day (6 replies)
  17. The Rules (6 replies)
  18. Thanks... (3 replies)
  19. I Love This Place.... (11 replies)
  20. Burns Night! (11 replies)
  21. *^Super Bowl^* (18 replies)
  22. One of life's MOST embarrassing moments! (9 replies)
  23. READ THIS....If you are tired of telemarketers! (21 replies)
  24. Beautiful British Columbia (5 replies)
  25. ~~GREASE is the Word~~ (8 replies)
  26. What Movie Makes You Laugh? (56 replies)
  27. Thankfullness? (5 replies)
  28. Feelings! (27 replies)
  29. I've Been Cloned! = ) (1 replies)
  30. Superbowl Champ? (12 replies)
  31. Naughty Limericks (2 replies)
  32. What's in your wallet? (21 replies)
  33. What are you reading? (35 replies)
  34. Laughter IS the best medicine! (21 replies)
  35. Why women are so cool (2 replies)
  36. Happy B-Day Morrigan (9 replies)
  37. Working, Working, Working! (30 replies)
  38. I feel the need... (18 replies)
  39. What hobbies do you enjoy (25 replies)
  40. Elizabeth Wurtzel (1 replies)
  41. (((((((((validus))))))) (3 replies)
  42. Why men are so cool (17 replies)
  43. Make love not war! (8 replies)
  44. --->Never Ever<--- (80 replies)
  45. I feel so guilty (16 replies)
  46. Dick Clarks Watching ~ Pixies Countdown (11 replies)
  47. STO's Thoughts about life thread. (93 replies)
  48. Why is life Unfair? (13 replies)
  49. Blowing you a kiss! (24 replies)
  50. My Big FAT................ (5 replies)
  51. marital status (48 replies)
  52. Check it out! New free beer giveaway! (14 replies)
  53. What have you learned...... (19 replies)
  54. ???Who The Hell Are You??? (24 replies)
  55. nice guys finish last (8 replies)
  56. Can anyone help? (3 replies)
  57. Sarcastic posts???? (15 replies)
  58. Finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 (8 replies)
  59. Is it really possible??? (17 replies)
  60. What is it...? (16 replies)
  61. BiTe Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (13 replies)
  62. Looking for me? (6 replies)
  63. Right Now I'd Trade My Firstborn For........ (108 replies)
  64. :o) You Gotta Love College (o: (14 replies)
  65. Rule Britannia! (9 replies)
  66. Connecting to Chat (2 replies)
  67. Are we unshockable? (9 replies)
  68. quotable quotes (1 replies)
  69. Stupid queastion (11 replies)
  70. How do YOU know your s/o is cheating? (8 replies)
  71. What kind of drink are you! (8 replies)
  72. Opinion! (9 replies)
  73. They censor this.........and they censor that! (33 replies)
  74. <Don't Give Me Your Attitude!> (19 replies)
  75. *o~Damn!!! I am sooo worn out!!!~o* (21 replies)
  76. I lost my avatar.... (9 replies)
  77. Looking for Friends.... (10 replies)
  78. Help! (11 replies)
  79. $$Favorite TV commercials$$ (17 replies)
  80. The Key to Relationships (18 replies)
  81. mother o' fuckin god... (4 replies)
  82. ^*^*^*Pixies Journal*^*^*^ (170 replies)
  83. Which Hygiene product are you???? (32 replies)
  84. Speaking of Herpes........................... (17 replies)
  85. What time is it? (16 replies)
  86. Lilith.......Herewith Job Application. (4 replies)
  87. Is considering a move (1 replies)
  88. Spreading Like Herpes Through a College Dorm (12 replies)
  89. we're all affected... (6 replies)
  90. ~!~Happy Friday Baby~!~ (21 replies)
  91. The dominion of evil has gone too far! (6 replies)
  92. My hidden sexual talent...... (23 replies)
  93. Sinking Ship? (8 replies)
  94. IS Internet on crack tonite??????? (15 replies)
  95. Winter impressions (17 replies)
  96. here's a pic I enjoy! (4 replies)
  97. Hello! anybody out there? (6 replies)
  98. Help, again, please .... (29 replies)
  99. Its 4 o'clock in the morning! (9 replies)
  100. Going...going...gone (33 replies)
  101. Are you turned on easily...a quiz for CasperTG...LOL (19 replies)
  102. What's With You Men, Anyway???? (15 replies)
  103. The draft (13 replies)
  104. Boy, what a day!!! (10 replies)
  105. J-Lo & Mr. Affleck in the News (21 replies)
  106. Hey Lurkers !!!!!!!!! (5 replies)
  107. Time Keeps on Changing (4 replies)
  108. Away for a While.... (14 replies)
  109. %Average% (30 replies)
  110. =Tune= (17 replies)
  111. Doc Marten ............ (16 replies)
  112. I wAnT tO TASTE you..... Do YoU wAnT tO TASTE ME??!!?? (28 replies)
  113. I am such a CUMSLUT ... (23 replies)
  114. You Big Dummy!!!!!!!!!! (2 replies)
  115. How do you cope with your fears? (51 replies)
  116. Oompa Loompah's on the Brain - Sorry (26 replies)
  117. Lurid Limericks..... (5 replies)
  118. new year so far? (2 replies)
  119. What kind of Panties are you?!?! (19 replies)
  120. ^How the Hell Would Martha Clean This Up?^ (8 replies)
  121. Here's your sign?? (10 replies)
  122. Bizarre Sites (26 replies)
  123. Well hot damn! (9 replies)
  124. Random Bandit Quotes (17 replies)
  125. Question for Australian Women (4 replies)
  126. How to Interpret Personal Ads (5 replies)
  127. Should I stay at Pixies....or leave??? (52 replies)
  128. Someone out there don't like Pixies Place!!!!! (19 replies)
  129. Going OK Now thanks (6 replies)
  130. need good photo software (for posting pics) (10 replies)
  131. For Kim............Happy New Years Sweetie. (0 replies)
  132. Shhhhhhhhhhh! (19 replies)
  133. Am I boring? (9 replies)
  134. If you are alone tonight.......... (8 replies)
  135. Happy New Years! (2 replies)
  136. Recomendation (7 replies)
  137. Just me..........wanting (20 replies)
  138. I want to wish everyone... (4 replies)
  139. New Years Plans (16 replies)
  140. Things wanted, or not (1 replies)
  141. Sharni Turns 6,000! (29 replies)
  142. Breast Reduction (129 replies)
  143. Any password surfers? (4 replies)
  144. Just because (4 replies)
  145. distant travels to another time. (2 replies)
  146. new year wishes (12 replies)
  147. How did we survive.. (21 replies)
  148. Grandpa pride showing through ... (3 replies)
  149. Question for the males. (33 replies)
  150. Skip's Movie Buff Thread... (4 replies)
  151. No Makin Bacon Nakid!!! (5 replies)
  152. newbie here (5 replies)
  153. What are your..... (20 replies)
  154. Our House, Christmas Morning (19 replies)
  155. Dear Me...Did anyone see the Size of that Chicken?!?!! (31 replies)
  156. (((((Support for Sands))))) (12 replies)
  157. Christmas gifts (16 replies)
  158. How big is TOO BIG ?? (23 replies)
  159. Merry Christmas!!!!!!!! (4 replies)
  160. Happy Birthday Txsweet (12 replies)
  161. Merry Christmas (8 replies)
  162. Waiting for Santa (11 replies)
  163. I have some pics, but? (3 replies)
  164. Merry Christmas to all (2 replies)
  165. Missing You All (23 replies)
  166. Awww...to be a Grinch!!! (5 replies)
  167. denile (7 replies)
  168. See you all after Christmas! (9 replies)
  169. A Reindeer Link......... (8 replies)
  170. A Prayer for those in the Service (3 replies)
  171. Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? (7 replies)
  172. how many kids we got? (57 replies)
  173. Good ol New Years Resolutions (0 replies)
  174. A Question for Devillishgirl (17 replies)
  175. Santa Fetish? (8 replies)
  176. Update on Job Interview (15 replies)
  177. Who Have You Seen Live? (72 replies)
  178. Staying in the Spirit of the season (3 replies)
  179. Going away for a bit.. (29 replies)
  180. Humor??? (4 replies)
  181. OoOo~Mooning You~oOoO (14 replies)
  182. Single Girl's Prayer (1 replies)
  183. Question for the moderators (6 replies)
  184. Why ______are better than men / Why _______are better than women. (3 replies)
  185. Toon song 'white trash x-mas' (1 replies)
  186. Merry Christmas........If there is a hell, I am in it!!!!!! (17 replies)
  187. erotic Stories guidelines (1 replies)
  188. "May I have your autograph???" (2 replies)
  189. hopefully a change of luck (23 replies)
  190. oops! Belated Birthday oops! (7 replies)
  191. oooooo-Lilith is a Ball Breaker-oooooo (13 replies)
  192. ==^Merry Music^== (20 replies)
  193. Seasons Greetings :) (3 replies)
  194. My kind of woman (0 replies)
  195. The Mystery of Britney's Breasts (1 replies)
  196. What do you do.... (4 replies)
  197. I'm leaving! *wink* (7 replies)
  198. Home Handyman..... (16 replies)
  199. Greetings to all (10 replies)
  200. ??How Many?? (17 replies)
  201. Tech Support ~ Duh!! (33 replies)
  202. Is your computer male or female? (3 replies)
  203. How many Students we got here? (20 replies)
  204. Sex Q & A (20 replies)
  205. Sexless Reindeer? (3 replies)
  206. Christmas cums but once a year............ (25 replies)
  207. sad news (21 replies)
  208. To my dear friends (5 replies)
  209. Hey guys - first post!! (4 replies)
  210. Would we be surprised? (17 replies)
  211. Teacher's Pet....another bedroom game. (2 replies)
  212. Bug's Lament....... (8 replies)
  213. The Honesty Report (23 replies)
  214. Help..... (2 replies)
  215. The end is near ... for CK (32 replies)
  216. Empty Pocket Days of Christmas (3 replies)
  217. random thoughts (0 replies)
  218. So, 100 . . . (10 replies)
  219. Seasons Greeting (34 replies)
  220. Best Cereal Box Prizes (5 replies)
  221. The Dungeon... (7 replies)
  222. Addiction (14 replies)
  223. Message from Dicksbro (7 replies)
  224. Irish's crazy typing (16 replies)
  225. Birds And Bees (0 replies)
  226. Sexism alive and kicking (11 replies)
  227. 10 things................... (8 replies)
  228. Sewing Help anyone? (5 replies)
  229. Hi (27 replies)
  230. generation x the media phenomenon as opposed to media produced texts of the time. (13 replies)
  231. FYI ingredients(sp?) (3 replies)
  232. Hmm what SEX TOY are you???? Please tell me! (31 replies)
  233. What ELF from Lord of the Rings are you?????? (25 replies)
  234. Invitation to a Party (0 replies)
  235. Under the tree..... (14 replies)
  236. Crazy Book Titles (0 replies)
  237. My little red wagon (8 replies)
  238. Pixies Chat (2 replies)
  239. I LOVE this grandchild of mine!!! *she's weird like me!* (10 replies)
  240. Just another favorite Christmas tune....*naughty pics inside!* (20 replies)
  241. Male stroking gif....I've got a need! (5 replies)
  242. Men, Making your Marriage Last (14 replies)
  243. Last update on Dicksbro's surgery (24 replies)
  244. ~*~ Chat Chat BLAH BLAH ~*~ (10 replies)
  245. Rejected Children's Books (5 replies)
  246. Favorite Game show (11 replies)
  247. Have an Original Thought!!!! (26 replies)
  248. Happy Birthday Lilith!!! (55 replies)
  249. They SAY this is a true story! (2 replies)
  250. It's A Good Thing (9 replies)