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  1. Taking Bets (12 replies)
  2. If Virginia is for lovers... (33 replies)
  3. Imaginewithme Reaches 16000 (16 replies)
  4. Welcome to Pixies (96 replies)
  5. Can't Find Chat On Mirc (0 replies)
  6. i tHINK (19 replies)
  7. Helpful House Hints! (5 replies)
  8. *e*a*g*l*e*s* (8 replies)
  9. Super-triple-dicklepissed!! (21 replies)
  10. another one to make you go awwwww (6 replies)
  11. 1,126 days ago... (22 replies)
  12. Transitions - Max Schmeling (2 replies)
  13. I am going for a nap..... (10 replies)
  14. Awwwwww! (5 replies)
  15. So like......... (19 replies)
  16. What's Your Favorite Story Here At Pixies? (11 replies)
  17. Got "romantic porn"? Anyone??? (5 replies)
  18. Jupiter is a strange and disturbed little man. (66 replies)
  19. Something for your PC to do while you are away (5 replies)
  20. Perspective... (8 replies)
  21. Thainland Dead Baby Haunted (5 replies)
  22. Star Trek: RIP (8 replies)
  23. Favourite Movie(s) (41 replies)
  24. 2nd Annual Pixies Valentines Day Lonley Hearts Club Party (2 replies)
  25. In todays Birthdays (8 replies)
  26. Furry Bastard (42 replies)
  27. Light and Glass at it's best..... (4 replies)
  28. Congrats! (18 replies)
  29. a little game i play (6 replies)
  30. Freedom-buddist style (12 replies)
  31. Very Content (20 replies)
  32. Happy Happy Birthday scotzoidman! (32 replies)
  33. Reiki.....?? (5 replies)
  34. Good News on the AIDS Front (9 replies)
  35. Beware of sheep in hamsters clothing. (8 replies)
  36. What do you drink? (23 replies)
  37. I'm A Mommy!!!! (48 replies)
  38. funny kind of thing (7 replies)
  39. A Hockey First (5 replies)
  40. So did anyone else notice... (13 replies)
  41. What about you? (18 replies)
  42. Are You My Mama? (20 replies)
  43. Thank goodness it's Friday (20 replies)
  44. Would you work here? (9 replies)
  45. Smokin! (18 replies)
  46. Just posted (1 replies)
  47. Got ‘em! (5 replies)
  48. Why all psychic readers are WOMEN ? (1 replies)
  49. Cinematic Rot (23 replies)
  50. Hmm, been a couple of months, but... (14 replies)
  51. Things to Ponder....... (6 replies)
  52. MUSICMAN...come on down!!! (20 replies)
  53. Vanity License Plates? (13 replies)
  54. OMG--hubby lost a condom last night!! (5 replies)
  55. Then and Now (7 replies)
  56. Johnny (15 replies)
  57. Twisted Necklaces...what to do??? (18 replies)
  58. ~x* Wild & Wooley Birthday WildIrish *x~ (51 replies)
  59. OMG! Gonna get 10-16 inches today! (25 replies)
  60. ~*oh...birthday Boy*~ (13 replies)
  61. And he's right!!! (2 replies)
  62. Crossing My Legs Tightly (10 replies)
  63. Time Sink (6 replies)
  64. Sponge- Bob Queer- Pants??? (46 replies)
  65. Eid-al-Adha (1 replies)
  66. Safety???? (2 replies)
  67. ~* Desperate *~ (8 replies)
  68. Damn Liars!!! (15 replies)
  69. 1/05 Bizarre (22 replies)
  70. Another use for WD-40 (7 replies)
  71. Ah.......My new house (8 replies)
  72. Oh my god people are so evili about Tsunami (4 replies)
  73. Nascar (10 replies)
  74. Jib Jab strikes again! (2 replies)
  75. American Idol (198 replies)
  76. Poe toasted again... (8 replies)
  77. Inauguration celebration (17 replies)
  78. LOL This made the news... (6 replies)
  79. Desperate Housewives (4 replies)
  80. life lessons (7 replies)
  81. God bless our reporters—and their editors! (10 replies)
  82. impress your friends, annoy your coworkers, entertain your kids! (9 replies)
  83. He Bought Me An Appliance! (19 replies)
  84. Have You Heard...??? (6 replies)
  85. Progress (17 replies)
  86. Transitions — Charlie Bell (0 replies)
  87. I Hate Taxes!!!!!!!!! (6 replies)
  88. One for the Good Guys! (6 replies)
  89. Glad to be back (5 replies)
  90. Knock Knock Knock (15 replies)
  91. Help on MS Access (9 replies)
  92. Slumber Parties!!! (15 replies)
  93. Sweet! (2 replies)
  94. Ordering a Pizza (Big Brothers watching) (11 replies)
  95. Images reveal Titan's secrets (3 replies)
  96. Classic painters... (78 replies)
  97. Drinking (12 replies)
  98. ¦¦¦I'm Bursting At The Seams¦¦¦ (9 replies)
  99. Rabbit's Favorite Cup Size (13 replies)
  100. Hate Laundry??? (14 replies)
  101. Space, not Anal (1 replies)
  102. Multimedia (21 replies)
  103. L@@k here please!!! (17 replies)
  104. Mama said... (15 replies)
  105. Exciting Announcement. We're expecting..... (29 replies)
  106. Nervous and excited....all at once (17 replies)
  107. DVDs (16 replies)
  108. Diagnosing a Stroke! (12 replies)
  109. ¿¿We're Having A Heat Wave...A Tropical Heat Wave...Literally¿¿ (17 replies)
  110. More Mish... (4 replies)
  111. Happy 100! (12 replies)
  112. this latest version of the flu...... (15 replies)
  113. book club (5 replies)
  114. The price that Redsox fans have had to pay for their team! (6 replies)
  115. Happy Birthday Geo2002 (5 replies)
  116. Would You Like Fries With That? (11 replies)
  117. I'd Rather Be Grouchy! (20 replies)
  118. Happy Birthday Nikki (11 replies)
  119. Common Sense! (10 replies)
  120. Internet Recipes? (8 replies)
  121. Abbot and Costello would be honoured... (8 replies)
  122. The Great Debate..... (28 replies)
  123. is there a pharmacologist in the house? (7 replies)
  124. i wish i was... (13 replies)
  125. Eminem's a trip (12 replies)
  126. Smoking (40 replies)
  127. Let's all donate (8 replies)
  128. depessed (13 replies)
  129. Curious about your hobbies... (23 replies)
  130. ~* Neverland *~ (13 replies)
  131. Email Notification (15 replies)
  132. wanna start a book club? (50 replies)
  133. Ranting... (30 replies)
  134. Welcome Canadians! (7 replies)
  135. I Just Have To Share This Story!! (11 replies)
  136. Damn Those Evil Penguins! (20 replies)
  137. I would love to be able to attend (5 replies)
  138. G'day All (23 replies)
  139. 36 Going On 16..... (38 replies)
  140. 2000 posts for Pegasusx62!!!!!! (15 replies)
  141. Friendships (23 replies)
  142. oh, i'm wasted and i... (7 replies)
  143. What're the odds? (15 replies)
  144. One of My Favorite "Memories" (14 replies)
  145. Canadian World Hockey Dominance (4 replies)
  146. For those heading back to class. (2 replies)
  147. It's a little bit funny (30 replies)
  148. Musical Memories (19 replies)
  149. My Turn (20 replies)
  150. Our Song (24 replies)
  151. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! (15 replies)
  152. The wind is in from Africa.... (7 replies)
  153. One of the informative websites on the tsunami(sp?) (3 replies)
  154. sympathy cards for kids from kids (3 replies)
  155. You must remember this.... (9 replies)
  156. Why (17 replies)
  157. Transitions - Shirley Chisholm (3 replies)
  158. Avatar's (1 replies)
  159. Girlie Quiz (16 replies)
  160. If (26 replies)
  161. Roll Call! (46 replies)
  162. X (11 replies)
  163. Happy Birthday, Denny! (17 replies)
  164. goodbye 2004 (22 replies)
  165. New Year's Traditions/ Superstitions (15 replies)
  166. Smile An (16 replies)
  167. Holy F*&%$#G shit Batman!!!!! (9 replies)
  168. Happy New Year (25 replies)
  169. Good news following my eye surgery :) (25 replies)
  170. New Member. (23 replies)
  171. Insensitivity and the Media or WHAT GALL! (11 replies)
  172. New Years Eve...going out or staying in? (31 replies)
  173. Mama Gena's School of Womanly Arts... (11 replies)
  174. Tech help with converting video (1 replies)
  175. Where the F%@K are the flying cars???? (29 replies)
  176. New Year's Recipes (1 replies)
  177. Black Mouth, Bent Thumb? (15 replies)
  178. Most suprising holiday gift from least expected source (20 replies)
  179. 24 hours (13 replies)
  180. Theme for tonight (17 replies)
  181. Karaoke (44 replies)
  182. How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb (8 replies)
  183. Bad timing (16 replies)
  184. Oh (22 replies)
  185. Cock (32 replies)
  186. Merry Christmas to Me, Life Sucks...;_; (9 replies)
  187. Tick~ tick~ tick (5 replies)
  188. How fragile and temporary we are. (52 replies)
  189. Just heard from GermanSteve (3 replies)
  190. Happy Birthday Oldfart2020 (6 replies)
  191. Red Green is alive and well (9 replies)
  192. Follow -Through's A Bitch (13 replies)
  193. txsweet (9 replies)
  194. Merrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry Christmas (9 replies)
  195. Merry Christmas (9 replies)
  196. It's a Christmas baby (15 replies)
  197. The Christmas Spirit is alive and well (11 replies)
  198. Is it just me???? (18 replies)
  199. Merry Christmas!!! (15 replies)
  200. Where's Santa? (10 replies)
  201. My kitty cat (55 replies)
  202. Opinions (11 replies)
  203. Tell me what you learnt today.. (24 replies)
  204. Consolidation! (2 replies)
  205. Such a dismal time....... (7 replies)
  206. PC Holiday Song Quiz (1 replies)
  207. Santa's Pick Up Lines (4 replies)
  208. 12 Days of Christmas (16 replies)
  209. Let the holiday MaDnEsS ..... (6 replies)
  210. MUM's DICTIONARY (3 replies)
  211. The First Parent (0 replies)
  212. My Prayer..... (6 replies)
  213. You know you're addicted to the 'net when ... (5 replies)
  214. Van Gogh's Relatives (2 replies)
  215. Twas The Night Before Xmas (16 replies)
  216. Xmas Funnies (9 replies)
  217. See if ya know the answer (12 replies)
  218. Why A Xmas Tree Is Better Than A Man (7 replies)
  219. A Little Holiday Cheer! (10 replies)
  220. nite all you shiny happy peeps (28 replies)
  221. Hold Me (11 replies)
  222. Play Safe (6 replies)
  223. DON'T hold the lemon, please (6 replies)
  224. New here (18 replies)
  225. Ready-made retail sex! (22 replies)
  226. Philosophy of life (4 replies)
  227. Remember this at Christmastime (13 replies)
  228. The first 25 people... (13 replies)
  229. Home Remedies??? (27 replies)
  230. For our college students..... (3 replies)
  231. Quotes~n~Jokes~~There Are Two Kinds Of Women.. (6 replies)
  232. Merry Christmas PF!!! (17 replies)
  233. now whats Christmas with out few smiles (9 replies)
  234. Just a post to say "Thank You' (9 replies)
  235. Happy Birthday Jay-T (17 replies)
  236. Posting just (6 replies)
  237. Happy Anniversary Studmuffin69!!! (19 replies)
  238. Cobalt... (8 replies)
  239. CONGRATS to ME (30 replies)
  240. Hasn't been posted in a long time :D (8 replies)
  241. The Phantom of the Opera (3 replies)
  242. What's wonderful, sexy and 3,000? (17 replies)
  243. The Answer to All Life's Problems (22 replies)
  244. Happy B'Day ChicaLatina (4 replies)
  245. the perfect Xmas gift (4 replies)
  246. A PF Christmas (20 replies)
  247. Hey, are you in a... (3 replies)
  248. PB&J (2 replies)
  249. Sticky sticky sticky (10 replies)
  250. Puter Question (11 replies)