01-04-2005, 09:46 PM
A little joke to get you thinking.
A professor was ending class and started talking about the next day's final exam. He said there would be no excuses for not showing up, barring a dire medical condition. One smart-aleck student asked, "What about extreme sexual exhaustion?" and the whole classroom burst into laughter. After the laughter subsided, the professor glared at the student and said, "Not an excuse-you can use your other hand to write."
A professor was ending class and started talking about the next day's final exam. He said there would be no excuses for not showing up, barring a dire medical condition. One smart-aleck student asked, "What about extreme sexual exhaustion?" and the whole classroom burst into laughter. After the laughter subsided, the professor glared at the student and said, "Not an excuse-you can use your other hand to write."