View Full Version : You call THAT music????

02-05-2005, 05:35 PM
When I was a kid my mother loved music and passed it onto me as I have passed it onto my kids...omg and now grandson!

I was wondering what one if any, song/artist that your parents liked drove you crazy. I know all of them did but which one was the worst for you. :hair:

What song/artist did you drive them nuts with? :devilish:

Finally if you have kids....what did you ply them with and how did they get even with you? ;)

02-05-2005, 05:43 PM
Mom serenaded me with Porter Waggoner. I almost lost my mind.

I used to send George Harrison her way with his sitar. She would take to her bed.

My kids detested my Frank Zappa stuff and I did not care much for anything Motely Crue tried to sing...

02-05-2005, 07:28 PM
Mom bombarded me with "The Sound Of Music" soundtrack. It was not one of the few of my favorite things. :)

02-05-2005, 07:36 PM
Mom tortured me with ABBA :p and I drive my kids nuts with Drowning Pool or Linkin Park...screaming and banging my head, just to accentuate my musical maddddddddddddddness.

02-05-2005, 08:30 PM
WOW! I might be a rarity BIBI...but I loved my mom's music! Nat King Cole, Wayne Newton, Frank Sinatra, Tommy Dorsey, anything she took a notion to listen to that particular day...omg...I could go on and on! She had story after story of her memories of fave musicians...and I listened with total interest!

Flip the coin...I had mom doing paradiddles to Van Halen's "Running With the Devil" and always thought she would have loved AC/DC and GnR! I mighta drove her nuts with Janis Joplin's version of "Me and Bobby McGee" or David Bowie's "The Man Who Sold the World"...but she'd never stiffle me...and I loved her for that!

Though...she hated when my brother played Joe Cocker's "A Little Help From My Friends" (or whatever the title). Tommy would immitate Joe...and mom swore he was posessed by the devil...roflmfao! Oh, the memories!

02-05-2005, 09:03 PM
My Dad was a torment *L*

He drove my school bus...we were allowed to give him tapes and he'd play them while we were going to school.....he used to take great delight in switching the tap everynow and then with classical shit...man the whole bus would be in an uproar...and he's be sitting up the chuckling away...

But any of his 'normal' music or Mums i loved......my kids seem to like all mine....

Though i cant say the same for theirs *LOL*...Eminem..Blahhhhhh frogshit!

02-05-2005, 09:33 PM
My mom always sang this song that went lke this....."oh,Johnny,Oh,Johnny how you can love. I don't know who sang it and being about 5 yrs old i really didn't know what the fuck she was saying(I DO NOW!) I later got my revenge by blasting "Cat Scratch Fever" so loud she would have to beat on the ceiling in the kitchen to get me to turn it down. I mellowed and tried to raise my two boys with some early Zeppelin,Black Crowes,Stevie Ray and even some Rush.They responded by torturing me to no end.......My 17 yr old listens to music that Satan plays in his waiting room and my 20 yr old listens to (and writes) gangsta rap....TAKE ME NOW....PLEASE GOD!!!

02-05-2005, 11:50 PM
Mom bombarded me with "The Sound Of Music" soundtrack. It was not one of the few of my favorite things. :)
:grin: ROFLMAO :grin:

My mother did the same thing. It wasn’t something she did often in my whole life, but when she got on something, she was like a bull dog. She must have seen the movie 6 times. (In the days when you could ONLY see it at the theater) She bought the LP record. (for the younger members: they were round, flat, black things with groves on both sides ;) ) She drove me and my 6 brothers and sisters :hair: with it!

02-06-2005, 12:19 AM
Hmmm....loved most of my mom's music.

But my stepfather had a fetish for Elvis....and I simply don't see a damn thing talented about the man. :hair:

02-06-2005, 03:49 AM
Hmm...other than the divided opinion about country music, my mama & I were usually ok with each other tastes...she also liked Big Band music, & I prob learned to like Glenn Miller thru her...she didn't care much for my Black Sabbath albums, but she totally surprised me by getting into Led Zep "Communication Breakdown" :yikes: She also commandered my CCR albums for her own listening...

02-06-2005, 06:20 AM
My mum was a piano player, and I was brought up on pieces from Chopin, Tchaikovski and such.

All good radio stuff of the 50's and anything else she could lay her hands on.

She taught me to love all kinds of music. I still do.

02-06-2005, 10:26 AM
My parents were fans of that old country and western stuff that I just couldn't understand as a child growing up in the 80s. I can't even name the names of the 33's and 8 tracks they played anymore but it definitely turned me off. I was even resistent when the "new" country started to become popular just because it was still country.

02-06-2005, 11:23 AM
WOW! I might be a rarity BIBI...but I loved my mom's music! Nat King Cole, Wayne Newton, Frank Sinatra, Tommy Dorsey, anything she took a notion to listen to that particular day...omg...I could go on and on! She had story after story of her memories of fave musicians...and I listened with total interest!

I am the same way Lixy! I remember my parents playing Dorsey on the record player and dancing in the living room while us kids watched...dad couldn't dance worth a darn - but when they looked in each other's eyes who cared!? It was always a special treat when they would do that, 'cause dad would come and get one of us and let us stand on his feet and he would dance with us.. :D

Mom would rock with us too... I remember her getting into Tears for Fear, Joan Jett, Aerosmith, Van Halen.. lol - Dad, well - he would tell us to turn that damn noise down.. lol

02-06-2005, 01:32 PM
My mom always sang this song that went lke this....."oh,Johnny,Oh,Johnny how you can love. I don't know who sang it and being about 5 yrs old i really didn't know what the fuck she was saying(I DO NOW!) I later got my revenge by blasting "Cat Scratch Fever" so loud she would have to beat on the ceiling in the kitchen to get me to turn it down. I mellowed and tried to raise my two boys with some early Zeppelin,Black Crowes,Stevie Ray and even some Rush.They responded by torturing me to no end.......My 17 yr old listens to music that Satan plays in his waiting room and my 20 yr old listens to (and writes) gangsta rap....TAKE ME NOW....PLEASE GOD!!!
ROFLMFAO! Too funny tgisober! BTW...have I said Welcum to Pixies? Well, I'm doing it now! So glad to see a new face and I hope to see you round the boards! TY for the smiles!

02-06-2005, 01:34 PM
Can't remember any particular one, but my mom taught me to listen to the words, listen to the story behind it......and I do that now.

02-07-2005, 12:39 AM
My mom...all muscials "Oklahoma", "South Pacific", "The King and I", etc...I did memorize that "riff" in "The Music Man". You know...it goes...

He's a Music Man
He's a what?
He's a what?

He's a Music Man
And he sells clarinets
to the kids in the town...yadda, yadda, yadda

I used to do the whole thing all the way from L.A to San Frnacisco. LOL Drove her nuts!

I have to admit to being a Tony Bennet fan, though. Always liked him. She also introduced me to Ella Fitzgerald and Lionel Hampton. My high school graduation present was sitting up front at their concert. I'll never forget it.

My preferences have percolated to my kids. AC/DC, Van Halen (W/David Lee Roth), Queen, Seal, Gordon Lightfoot, James Taylor, Carole King, etc., Beethoven, Tchaikovsky and other classical pieces. Although my daughter added the Grateful Dead to her listening repetoire (sp?)

02-07-2005, 12:40 PM
But my stepfather had a fetish for Elvis....and I simply don't see a damn thing talented about the man.

uh...his hips!? there so....roll-ey :D

my mom liked the oakridge boys :eek: and hated my dead head phase... which, 17 years later, i now completely understand :D i also got chewed out for leaving a dr. hook tape in her car which led to my little brother hearing 'get my rocks off..." :grin:

02-07-2005, 01:04 PM
My parents always listened to 50's sock hop music which was very easy to enjoy.

I tormented them with Bad Company, AC/DC, Quiet Riot and Twisted Sister. Now I listen to everything from Disturbed to Sinatra. And it keeps my kids guessing, that's for sure. "So what's it today, Dad...Etta James or Rob Zombie?" :grin:

As for Mrs. WI...she's discovered just how good music in the 80's was. She's recently purchased Bananarama and ABBA, and just yesterday the crowning jewel of her new collection.........The Thompson Twins. :D

02-07-2005, 01:11 PM
I always thought my Mom raised me right, listening to the Stones, CCR, Bob Dylan, the Beatles White Album (we were surprised to learn it wasn't their first as we grew older), the Greatful Dead, all that stuff. I still love it. But when I was in my late teens, she remembered she's half Scottish and went mad for bagpipes. I can't STAND bagpipes. To me, they sound like someone's molesting a flock of ducks.

As far as MY music...I really don't know. She tended to ignore anything she didn't like, figured we'd just play it louder if she let us know it got to her. I kind of rejected 80s pop in favour of her music, so I wasn't bringing anything home she didn't already know. She liked a lot of the things I loved in my late teens/college (went through an Indigo Girls/Cranberries/Angsty female rock phase). I'm pretty sure that if she got over the bagpipe fetish, that'd still be true ;).

I do know that she did put her foot down at some of my older brother's more mysogenistic rap (back in the EZ-E days)...and she and I both agree that there isn't a lot of music in Ministry (another brother's obsession).

Dang...looking back on it that way....I was a really boring child ;).


02-07-2005, 01:47 PM
my mother was scratch that is also a musicianmade her living at it she started at the age of 4 humming which my gran finally noticed and got her off to piano lessons she was studying classical opera in college in the 60's when she tuned in turned on, (or something like that) hitched to nyc and worked in the village when alot of the famous musicians were just nobodys like her we came to calif with peter tork(the monkees) and hoyt axton.
so i was def exposed to alot of music growing up both other musicians as well as her own material (which we have just recently rereleased) but i believe that the one that got to her the most was "ice cream man" by van halen as for hers i recall anything she ever played as being unbearable but then i am highly biased was then am now she is def one of my idols an i aspire to be like her as much as is possible if anyone is interested our web addy is on my profile page and there is a link from there to a site that has taken the time to put sm sound bytes to sample. as for my kid well so far we pretty much agree on the music although i am still most fond of being able to actually HEAR the lyrics. (another thing from momma) these days i'm just as likely to listen to Kid Rock as i am any of my old faves i sing a bit but no where near like the angel voice of my ma. god blessed her without a doubt.

** you can tell when you are getting old when that's what you lead off with b4 a story!*

02-07-2005, 03:33 PM
Didn't know where else to put this so .....

Thanx for the welcum Lixy Chick I haven't been here long but feel i've been forever.Great people here!!!

02-08-2005, 09:59 AM
My parents made me enjoy Boney M, Neil Diamond, ABBA and other cheesey tunes from the 70s. I have stayed away from that stuff now.

I like all music but prefer not to listen to Britney and Mariah too often.

I was chatting with a friend who was blasting opera, another friend blasting jazz, Eminem is on permanent repeat for me lately & Saturday night I went to a bar to listen to some rockabilly. Yesterday I enjoyed some music from Afghanistan at the local pizza place waiting for my veggie samosas.

I really like it all. George Jones was sung by me on the way to a friend's the other night.

I didn't drive my parents too nuts with my music, I don't think (but I believe that's why my father built a room in the basement for me). They thought I was going to be a musician so they encouraged me.

I introduced Dad to John Prine, Leonard Cohen & other folkies.

Oh wait! My mother's love of Andrew Lloyd Webber confounds me. I remember buying her one of his CDs for Christmas with gritted teeth. :D