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  1. Anyone????? (35 replies)
  2. Where You're at Pixies........... (50 replies)
  3. Stupidity (9 replies)
  4. Which X-Men Are You? (44 replies)
  5. tell me... (13 replies)
  6. Your ideal vacation spot?? (22 replies)
  7. Not that anyone probably cares... (14 replies)
  8. i was thinkin... (16 replies)
  9. yeah, so... (11 replies)
  10. Lilith look what I found... (9 replies)
  11. Silly Things (7 replies)
  12. Lip Service (23 replies)
  13. What the hell does that mean?? (64 replies)
  14. What is racism? (14 replies)
  15. How did you pick your username? (6 replies)
  16. i regret to inform you... (25 replies)
  17. Avatar changes (11 replies)
  18. *grooves* (8 replies)
  19. Investing 101 for the 21st Century (4 replies)
  20. whats your occupation? (42 replies)
  21. [email protected] can I get ya lovies@~ (94 replies)
  22. !!!!!!!Glyndwr!!!!!!! (6 replies)
  23. Thank you (5 replies)
  24. schlabba frizzle dee... (10 replies)
  25. Top 50 Cartoons (35 replies)
  26. A Little Help? (9 replies)
  27. Is it safe? <Looking around nervously, and ducking down!> (29 replies)
  28. Beam me up Pixie. (24 replies)
  29. dating a friend (11 replies)
  30. @-8- Word from our favorite Goddess-8-@ (8 replies)
  31. First Concert (36 replies)
  32. bein the silky biznitch that i am... (21 replies)
  33. Your first musical affair (14 replies)
  34. ooooo-Chatroom Games Instructions-ooooo (5 replies)
  35. the use of god in school? (34 replies)
  36. alone again (5 replies)
  37. frumpa wumpta whoo... (18 replies)
  38. <><><>Strange and Funny Work Experiences<><><> (6 replies)
  39. What would you take with you? (16 replies)
  40. Calling all Bond girls (28 replies)
  41. Whats your Hobby (113 replies)
  42. Packing List (25 replies)
  43. ~~Teen Idol~~ (21 replies)
  44. <<>>Top 10 List<<>> (23 replies)
  45. What Book Are You Reading Now..... (45 replies)
  46. ----In the bathroom---- (18 replies)
  47. arrrghhhh greenday show related, sympathy!!!!! (1 replies)
  48. Sex And Your Stars (16 replies)
  49. Bumper Stickers Anyone? (37 replies)
  50. Hi All..................... (17 replies)
  51. favaoite clothes (26 replies)
  52. Truly Twisted Sex Jokes (51 replies)
  53. its in the eyes (55 replies)
  54. zippity-bop. (15 replies)
  55. Want a drinky (40 replies)
  56. For our warm blooded southern family (9 replies)
  57. Big Chief Evil (65 replies)
  58. What Kinda Body Shot Are You Up For? (15 replies)
  59. Big Old Pixies Party (42 replies)
  60. Weird things on TV (2 replies)
  61. here's the deal. (7 replies)
  62. so i was thinkin... (20 replies)
  63. love lost ? (11 replies)
  64. Weird Things (5 replies)
  65. question for the girls (6 replies)
  66. <~~~Sing to me Baby~~~> (2665 replies)
  67. Hello all I be new here (12 replies)
  68. just thought i would introduce myself (13 replies)
  69. What I like about Pixies... (19 replies)
  70. American Violence?? (17 replies)
  71. What's your favorite line from a movie? (57 replies)
  72. New Members (2 replies)
  73. Er...umm....yeah. (12 replies)
  74. gone (8 replies)
  75. What's your lucky number??? (22 replies)
  76. What Drink Are You? (28 replies)
  77. @---8-- <sfc> --8---@ (14 replies)
  78. Why are you proud to be an American? (4 replies)
  79. Which Care Bear Are You? (27 replies)
  80. Happy 4th Of July (4 replies)
  81. More dangerous than bringing out baby pictures. (121 replies)
  82. Sadora and Twisted are still alive! (9 replies)
  83. Nice bunch of bananas! (14 replies)
  84. Kimmer22 (13 replies)
  85. What Would You Want On Your Tombstone??? (59 replies)
  86. {{What in heaven's name are you on?}} (22 replies)
  87. To are Canadian Freinds (8 replies)
  88. Inspired by Aquaman and Lilith *Naughty Seuss* (41 replies)
  89. My 500th post tribute (18 replies)
  90. ~@**^Madame Lilith^**@~ (95 replies)
  91. Name calling (31 replies)
  92. *Nostalgia* (80 replies)
  93. doin what i do best... (341 replies)
  94. I sure will miss you all....... (25 replies)
  95. Blame this on Scotzoid! (11 replies)
  96. Wet Stuff (11 replies)
  97. Double Dog Dare You (40 replies)
  98. Woo HOO! Can ya see me? (4 replies)
  99. Greetings!! (17 replies)
  100. Why did you choose your avatar ? (123 replies)
  101. George Constanza's Words of Wisdom (6 replies)
  102. A Show Of Hands!! (21 replies)
  103. Kissy's MSN community (0 replies)
  104. ((((((Happy Father's Day)))))) (13 replies)
  105. Oldfart/Oldfart/Oldfart (11 replies)
  106. ^^What Instrument Do You Play?^^ (33 replies)
  107. language barrier (67 replies)
  108. ---------->>f.a.q's<<---------- (20 replies)
  109. chat help (2 replies)
  110. Kudo's to KIM (9 replies)
  111. Dead Body Question(Burial,cremation,etc.?) (26 replies)
  112. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Member Profiles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (13 replies)
  113. Erotic words (16 replies)
  114. Help ............... (27 replies)
  115. Needed prayers for us!!! (45 replies)
  116. I never, in a million years, thought I could............. (61 replies)
  117. Linux? (11 replies)
  118. Will you go to jail? (16 replies)
  119. I'm Back (9 replies)
  120. gender test (21 replies)
  121. Duh!!...This took me 2 minutes (16 replies)
  122. ???????????Guess What?????????????? (86 replies)
  123. Which random object are you? (47 replies)
  124. What D&D Character are you? (34 replies)
  125. Bodybuilding for women? (15 replies)
  126. Rendezvous (15 replies)
  127. What Muppet are you? (60 replies)
  128. Ugh! Nightmares!!! (34 replies)
  129. Technical Help!?!?!?!?! (17 replies)
  130. weird moment (1 replies)
  131. My 100th post (3 replies)
  132. I'm taking a vacation.... (7 replies)
  133. Pixie's Men How Secure Are You Really (46 replies)
  134. woo who (3 replies)
  135. **ATTN Pantyfanatic** (17 replies)
  136. Happy Birthday Danziggy!!!!!!!!!! (13 replies)
  137. what do you find the sexiest about a partner? (18 replies)
  138. Music Question (3 replies)
  139. cult and obscure tv (12 replies)
  140. Oops! Dammit, I missed it... (35 replies)
  141. Celebrating 6 months of Pixaholism... (18 replies)
  142. Just sharing some thoughts... (3 replies)
  143. Crying with film scenes (17 replies)
  144. hello (16 replies)
  145. stunned (16 replies)
  146. Memorial Day (3 replies)
  147. road rage (8 replies)
  148. Good ~or~ Bad ? (223 replies)
  149. 6 more posts.... (16 replies)
  150. !!!Florida Pixies!!! (13 replies)
  151. truth (13 replies)
  152. Warning!! (6 replies)
  153. story posting (3 replies)
  154. what about the women?? (18 replies)
  155. are there still gentlemen (22 replies)
  156. <Peeking head in...> (41 replies)
  157. ~*A Bouquet For The Ladies Of Pixies*~ (14 replies)
  158. world cup dread (9 replies)
  159. Dumb Dumb Dumb (13 replies)
  160. Striptease for Fun (1 replies)
  161. captions (15 replies)
  162. free sites - a place of trust like Pixies? (11 replies)
  163. Fast>>>>>>>>>>>> (33 replies)
  164. Sugarsprinkles (1 replies)
  165. --Compliment-- (22 replies)
  166. Pink and Blue (2 replies)
  167. Got any complaints? (24 replies)
  168. <<Lyrics You Love>> (46 replies)
  169. Meeting Anniversaries (18 replies)
  170. Critters (49 replies)
  171. Go Leafs Go!!!! (12 replies)
  172. News of Nurse Traci (5 replies)
  173. What are your thoughts on.... (16 replies)
  174. **Which Do You Prefer** (25 replies)
  175. Hi (17 replies)
  176. Those D*MN Neighbors!! (15 replies)
  177. Mother's Day Questions (9 replies)
  178. Nurse Traci (6 replies)
  179. ((Happy Mother's Day)) (8 replies)
  180. Movies (21 replies)
  181. Erotic personals??? (1 replies)
  182. How many windows? (13 replies)
  183. Tried to post this elsewhere but to no avail!!!!!! (8 replies)
  184. Crazy Fun (23 replies)
  185. settle a debate... (19 replies)
  186. Hey Ladies What do you look for... (9 replies)
  187. Happy Anniversary To........Me (23 replies)
  188. Anyone here from Finland? (13 replies)
  189. Feelin' the need for a pair (10 replies)
  190. It's been a while.... (5 replies)
  191. smooth with a capital SSSSmooooooth! (12 replies)
  192. August Pixies Party (55 replies)
  193. Another Ozzy (13 replies)
  194. Grinding away! (10 replies)
  195. About pics (6 replies)
  196. I share a birthday with (22 replies)
  197. *headshake* guh... (21 replies)
  198. Great Forum (22 replies)
  199. strange dictionary (3 replies)
  200. Who's Online (17 replies)
  201. ~Superheroes~ (35 replies)
  202. Hi There (4 replies)
  203. I woner why? (27 replies)
  204. Better this than that (4 replies)
  205. A big change for me! (16 replies)
  206. Happy Anniversary to Irish and his Mrs.!!! (16 replies)
  207. <Necessaries> (40 replies)
  208. fake pics (5 replies)
  209. Shagable (11 replies)
  210. gay marriages (14 replies)
  211. Outside (0 replies)
  212. Hiya! (13 replies)
  213. Size or ? (4 replies)
  214. does anyone play video games? (18 replies)
  215. For the men.... (43 replies)
  216. Stealing your identity... (9 replies)
  217. wife had her baby (32 replies)
  218. Best TV Theme Music (45 replies)
  219. Go Leafs Go!!!!!!!!1 (1 replies)
  220. Must share that (42 replies)
  221. Thirst Quenching... (35 replies)
  222. whos a hockey fan??? (234 replies)
  223. Eccentric Eats (61 replies)
  224. It's funny...just think about it!! (7 replies)
  225. I can't live with out....... (46 replies)
  226. Bumping Uglies (29 replies)
  227. Employment drug test??? (12 replies)
  228. I am so bored..... (8 replies)
  229. weird jobs (28 replies)
  230. Good freemail provider (0 replies)
  231. Best break up song (39 replies)
  232. Talent vs. Ineptitude (59 replies)
  233. Problems with board today? (6 replies)
  234. playing on words (6 replies)
  235. more chat login problems... (2 replies)
  236. Gullible??? (1 replies)
  237. freak (32 replies)
  238. Murphy's little girl is sick.... (16 replies)
  239. Miss SugarSprinkles.. (6 replies)
  240. Mantra (28 replies)
  241. Does your computer turn you on? (22 replies)
  242. Pixies-Place Chat Room?? (13 replies)
  243. Make you cry... (34 replies)
  244. another question (2 replies)
  245. make you smile? (23 replies)
  246. Crank-It-Up! (41 replies)
  247. Choose your partner? (6 replies)
  248. Insatiable (31 replies)
  249. How do you relieve stress at work? (22 replies)
  250. What's the difference between these two?? (6 replies)