View Full Version : <<Lyrics You Love>>

05-16-2002, 02:24 PM
I think almost everyone has a line or phrase from a song that they just adore. Lots of them are mentioned or even used in people's sign offs.

Lets just list them....... no rules just tell us the line and maybe why you like it, if you even know...sometimes it just feels right;). If you know the artist great but if not don't let that stop you from posting a line (as many of you know I am lousy with artists:p).

I am sure we can come up with a ton........

05-16-2002, 02:46 PM
I think that this week, my favourite lyrics from a song are "Been lovin' you since you was a child, girl, cuz you and me's two of a kind" from Deuces Are Wild by Aerosmith.:p
My all-time favourite lyrics though are "Lots of people talking, few of them know: Soul of a woman was created for love" from Dazed and Confused by Led Zeppelin!!!:):p:)

05-16-2002, 02:47 PM
"He knows if he ever even gets a try, he'll bite down hard to make the monster cry. He know's if he ever even gets a chance he'll sell his soul to make the monster dance. He knows if he ever even gets a say, he'll stomp like God to make the monster say..."They can't hurt you unless you let them."

05-16-2002, 06:24 PM
See...I always thought it was soul of a woman was created below

05-16-2002, 06:44 PM
I can hear her heart beat from a thousand miles :)

05-16-2002, 08:33 PM
open up my head and let me out...DMB

05-16-2002, 08:39 PM
Maybe it is, Twisted.... I could be wrong!:p
I think I like my version better, though!

05-16-2002, 08:50 PM
I have always loved 'if you leave me, can I come too'

I can sing the tune but can't remember the artist(s) but I know it is a well known act.

I blame the efexor tablets he he

05-17-2002, 12:04 AM
...just read the sig...and, for that matter, my previous sig "Don't put your heart out on your sleeve, when your remarks are off the cuff"...both by one of the best songwriters of all time, Elvis Costello...another of my favourites is "when you're east of East St. Louis and the wind is making speaches, and the rain sounds like a round of applause"...that one's from Tom Waits...don't know why, I just really enjoy the use of language in these lines, and almost anything else by these two...

05-17-2002, 12:12 AM
Ok my fave

On a hot summer night would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red rose?
- You Took The Words Right Out Of My Mouth (Hot Summer NighT) ~ Meatloaf
mainly just beacuse I find that so damn sexy sounding:p

05-17-2002, 12:15 AM
oooohhhh Vamp! I love......

You took the words right out of my mouth
It must 'a been while you were kissing me........

05-17-2002, 01:34 AM
'You are the one I've been looking for all my life.
Everything about U is an answer to what I've dreamed of.
prayed for, longed for, for as long as I can remember.
The sound of Ur voice when U say my name,
the look in your eyes when U say "I love you,"
the touch of Ur hand, Ur arms holding me close
all these things gently fill an emptiness I carried in my heart until I met U
You are the one I hoped for all my life,and I want to give U all my love.'

I just love this phrase... but I don't remember which song it comes from...

05-17-2002, 01:55 AM
Celebrate we will, cause life is short but sweet

05-17-2002, 01:58 AM
I got kicked and it posted my replay unfinshed........
"Celebrate we will, cause life is short but sweet for certain.
We're climbing two by two, to be sure these days continue things we can not change.."

05-17-2002, 08:38 AM
Lilith, your sign off reminded me of one of my favorite lines. Stephen Stills sang, "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with." That was my theme song when I was in college, along with Neil Diamond's "Thank the Lord for the Nighttime." ;)

05-17-2002, 11:05 AM
Two of my favs ..
"I said 'I Love You til the day I die'/She said 'Drop dead'/Then left with another guy"
- Elvis Costello

"The world moves on a womans hips/The world moves and it swivels and bops"
- Talking Heads

05-17-2002, 01:34 PM
"Schön daß es Dich gibt" (Herbert Grönemeyer)
=> "pleasant that you exist"

05-17-2002, 02:21 PM
Before I put another notch in my lipstick case,
You better make sure you put me in my place!
~Pat Benatar
(love the visual)

05-17-2002, 04:19 PM
I can't forget the taste of your mouth... and from your lips, ah, the heavens pour out.

DMB...... Self explanatory

05-17-2002, 04:24 PM
No... it wasn't DMB... It was Santana, featuring Dave Mattews on vocals.... sorry.

Here is one from DMB~ Crush me with the things you do, and I'll do, for you, anything too oh. Sitting, smoking, feeling high, and in this moment... ah, it feels so right. Lovely lady, let me drink you please...won't spill a drop, no, I promise you. Lying unger this, spell you cast on me, each moment, the more I love you.
I love it because it is so beautiful... hits home because Twisted sings it to me sometimes when we are listening to the CD.

05-17-2002, 04:30 PM
bon jovi---Lay your Hands on me
What you get ain't always what you see......But satisfaction is gaurenteed

05-17-2002, 09:34 PM
This is an oldie by Billy Joel but its a great song:

"And the waitress is practicing politics
As the businessmen slowly get stoned
Yes, they're sharing a drink they call loneliness
But it's better than drinkin' alone"

- Piano Man (Billy Joel)

Here is a great Irish song, if you like Irish music, you need to hear this one:

"You'll have to excuse me, i'm not at my best
I've been gone for a month, i've been drunk since i left
and these so called vacations will soon be my death
i'm so sick from the drink, I need home for a rest"

-Home for a rest (Spirit of the West)

05-17-2002, 10:01 PM
I could load this thread up with favs... let's start of with one from Steely Dan;

The Cuervo Gold, the fine Columbian,
Make tonight a wonderful thing...

05-18-2002, 12:10 AM
We are building a religion
A limited edition
We are now accepting callers
for the pendant key chains

To resist it is useless
It is useless to resist it
His cigarette is burning
But he never seems to ash

He is grooming his poodle
He is living comfort eagle
You can meet at his location
But you better come with cash

Now his hat is on backwards
He can show you his tatoos
He is in the music buisiness
He is calling you "DUDE!"

Now today is tomorrow
And tomorrow today
And yesterday is weaving in and out

And the fluffy white lines
That the airplane leaves behind
Are drifting right in front
of the waning of the moon

He is handling the money
He's serving the food
He knows about your party
He is calling you "DUDE!"

Now do you believe
In the one big sign
The doublewide shine
On the bootheels of your prime

Doesn't matter if you're skinny
Doesn't matter if you're fat
You can dress up like a sultan
In your onion-head hat

We are building a religion
We are making a brand
We're the only ones to turn to
When your castles turn to sand

Take a bite of this apple
Mr. Corporate Events
Take a walk through the jungle
Of cardboard shanties and tents

Some people drink Pepsi
Some people drink Coke
The wacky morning DJ
Says domocracy's a joke

He says, "Now do you believe
In the one big song?"
He's now accepting callers
Who would like to sing along

He is handling the money
He is serving the food
He is now accepting callers
He is calling me "DUDE!"

Now do you believe
In the one big sign
The doublewide shine
On the bootheels of your prime

Comfort Eagle by Cake
somehow it reminds me of Rev Silky

05-18-2002, 12:47 AM
Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play. Now I need a place to hide away. For I believe in yesterday. Suddenly. I'm not half the man I'm used to be. There's a shadow hanging over me, for yesterday, came suddenly. Why she had to go I don't know, she wouldn't say. I said something's wrong how I long for yesterday.....
-Paul McCartney and the Beatles

05-18-2002, 12:55 AM
I used to be disgusted, now I try to be amused...

Elvis Costello

Reverend Silky
05-18-2002, 04:07 AM
for outright sappiness, it's either: "I love it when the only sound that I hear is your infectious laughter / I will hear you again in 800 years / If I'm still lucky", from 'Random', by 311.


"Loneliness is emptiness, and happiness is you", from 'Happiness Is You', by Johnny Cash.

but this week, it's been a verse from a song called 'One For The Road' by Cee-Lo Green: "I also solicit / Visual verbalism worth a visit / Intensely excuisite artism / Inquire, ah who is it? / It's a deliciously daring delicacy / How he do his shit / Oh his way with those words / I want seconds and thirds".

but the A-number-1 bad-ass lyric... from 'Sureshot', by the greatest hip-hop act ever, Beastie Boys: "Well, ya say I'm twenty-sumthin / And I shouldn't be slackin' / But I'm workin' harder than ever / And you can call it mackin'". word.

Reverend Silky
05-18-2002, 04:16 AM
hehe ya know, i'm actually a HUGE Cake fan, Bama. in fact, i almost rattled off every Cake lyric that came to mind, but i figured i'd take the other path just this once.

"Your feasty eyes won't make me fall apart / Your turquoise and silver won't weaken this old heart"

05-18-2002, 05:50 PM
Rev hm how strange! my g/f and I are upsety Cake is playin about 2 hours south of us and we're not gonna make it.... this will be the 4th time they've been t that benue and we've missed them

Reverend Silky
05-18-2002, 09:47 PM
they're supposta play here in Hickville on the 23rd, i think. me and my lankmonster accomplice are probably gonna make a cameo.

05-19-2002, 08:50 AM
"So here we are tonight, you and me together
and the storm is wild, and the fire is bright
oh and in your eyes, I see what's on my mind
you got me wild, turned around inside...

we kiss and sweat, wet tongue baptized
baby to the best of all we can offer
all this for a kiss, tangled tongues and lips
oh see me this way, i'm turnin and turnin for you
oh yeah, oh just tonight...

and tomorrow, go back to being friends."

'Say Goodbye'-DMB....one of my fav's from him cuz it's such a wonderful fantasy.

05-19-2002, 10:12 AM
Rev: man.... you suck ;) the only concert I've been to *ducks the rotten veggies being thrown* was 3 doors down and nickelback.....

Reverend Silky
05-19-2002, 11:41 AM
how's this? i've only been to one other concert myself, and that was Pantera in '94. even though i'm morally obligated to loathe you now, what with the whole Nickelback and 3 Doors Down thing, i guess i'll let that be yer warning. consider yerself fortunate, lady. i'm not so lenient with just everybody. *grin*

05-19-2002, 03:01 PM
Why? you dont like them? I though 3doors down sucked in concert but nickelback.... man they were great.... lessee, I saw them my jr year of highschool.....somewhere in 99-00
heheh got to go back stage.... got a hug from NB lead singer heheeh it was cool as fuck, b/f at the time got the tickets autographed but he kept them sorry bastard

05-19-2002, 10:43 PM
For pure humor, you can't beat Ray Stevens:

"Get your tongue out of my mouth, I'm kissin' you goodbye."

05-20-2002, 04:53 AM
Im more into the gutair solo's than lyrics....

like...Bon Jovi ~ Dead or Alive

Joe Satriani ~ Circles or Always with me Always with you

I think i just like the songs.....i know when i like the song ..theirs just something about it...

I love rock music because when i hear a good song i get shivers down my spine and go all goosepimply. Strange i am i know.

05-20-2002, 10:05 AM
Originally posted by pantyfanatic
I can hear her heart beat from a thousand miles :)

I wonder who's???????????????? :D :D

05-21-2002, 08:17 PM
Dominatra~ A beautiful choice! (of course I'm biased)

Oh I sleep just to dream her
Beg the night just to see her
That my only love should be her
Just to lie in her arms

It seems so unnerving
but still somehow deserving
That she could hold my heart so tightly
and still not see me here


05-21-2002, 08:44 PM
I love the words to this whole song...

I wanna wake up each morning
With you for the rest of my life
I wanna feel your heart beating
Just get lost in your eyes
You can tell me your secrets
You can let me feel your pain
You can show me your weakness
And never be shamed

Hold on to me when your world's turnin' cold
When it feels like your life's spinnin' out of control
You're hopin', prayin', tryin' so hard to believe
Hold on to me when there's no middle ground
And every emotion is comin' unwound
And you don't know if you can hold on
To your dreams
Baby you can hold on to me.

I wanna lay down each evening
With you right here by my side
I wanna get drunk on your laughter
And wipe the tears when you cry
You can scare me with your darkness
You can blind me with your light
Throw your worries out the window baby
On your wildest night

Hold on to me when your worlds's turnin' cold
When it feels like your life's spinnin' out of control
You're hopin', prayin', tryin' so hard to believe
Hold on to me when there's no middle ground
And every emotion is comin' unwound
And you don't know if you can hold on
To your dreams
Baby you can hold on to me.

By John Michael Montgomery

05-22-2002, 11:15 AM
ok so I couldn't resist putting up another of my faves

You're a freak, sweet freak
You like to play
Hypnotic, erotic, sexy litle games
You like to play, just look at you
All those subtle little movements
-Come On ~ Barry White

05-22-2002, 05:20 PM
If the devil is six
if the devil is six

then the god is seven...

05-22-2002, 05:22 PM
I dreamt about you last night
and fell out of bed twice...

05-23-2002, 01:23 AM
oh, wow... i could put so many, but of course brain is not functioning at this late hour, so i'll just go with a couple.

first, Mulder put one of my favorite Billy Joel lines. Piano Man is so great. what else...hmmm..let's do one more billy joel
"They say there's a heaven for those who will wait
some say it's better, but i say it ain't
I'd rather laugh with the sinners and cry with the saints
the sinners are much more fun, you know that only the good die young."

And I of course have to add in some john mayer. i could probably quote the whole c.d., but i'll try and limit.
"we bit our lips, she looked out the window
rolling tiny balls of napkin paper
i played a quick game of chess with the salt and pepper shakers"
"so what, so i've got a smile on
but it's hiding the quiet superstitions in my head
don't believe me, don't believe me
when i say i've got it down...
everybody is just a stranger
but that's the danger in going my own way
guess that's the price i have to pay
still, 'everything happens for a reason' is no reason not to ask myself
if i am living it right"

ok, done for the moment. i'm sure i'll return with more.

05-23-2002, 06:19 AM
yeah i am hung like planet pluto
i can see with the naked eye
but if i crashed into uranus
i would stick it where the sun don't shine


i am kinda like han solo
always stroking my own wookie
i'm the root of all that's evil
yeah, but you can call me cookie

fire water burn ~ the bloodhound gang

05-23-2002, 07:00 AM
Sadora -- let's hear it for the DMB fans!! yayyyyy

Legend -- wonderful choice!! those guys just crack me up -- here are some similar funny lyrics

produce dope hits
i love big tits
plus I'm all that
and a hot bowl a grits
with a buck and three quarters
so fathers hide your daughters
cuz i'm coming through
like my name was Ricky Waters
cuz i'm a dip and groove
and do a spin move like smooth
cuz i ain't got shit to prove
gettin love at the pub like sam malone
and a make girl moan
when it's time to bone

-- Da Horny Man

05-23-2002, 07:49 AM
you and me baby
aint nothing but mammals
so lets do it like they do
on the discovery channel

the bad touch ~ the bloodhound gang

05-23-2002, 10:33 AM
I like the lyrics from O-towns "Baby I would". It says what I would do for a woman I love. Anything. Theres nothing that can't be done for someone else if you love them enough. I listen to this song at least once a day to remind me how special some people in my life are... I'd do anything and more or die trying and I've died emotionally a few times but I get back up eventually.