View Full Version : Name calling

06-28-2002, 05:25 PM
What is the worst thing someone has ever called you and what did you do to deserve it???????? :D :D :p

06-28-2002, 11:48 PM
I got called a Fucking Slut!! and did nothing to deserve it

Now i'm pretty easy going but i hate that word with a passion....he got my palm across his face and he DID deserve it!!

06-29-2002, 12:35 AM
I think the worst thing i was called was a fag....i did nothing to deserve it...the fun part is playing along with such idiots:P

06-29-2002, 01:07 AM
The worst thing i was ever called was an evil unfeeling bitch just cause i told the truth rather than lie. that person apologized soon as the situation proved i was right and she was ultimately wrong.

07-01-2002, 07:51 AM
i was called shrimp or shorty a bit, because i was short. that was about the worst though, because that type of thing doesn't really worry me. then i got called professor once, which was meant in a good way, so it sort of evens out.

07-01-2002, 08:23 AM
When you have been riding motorcycles and been the enforcer;for
a few gangs;ran a customizing and repair motorcycle shop;been
an automotive parts counterman and been an aircraft,marine,
motorcycle,automotive,etc.,mechanic;there is not much that you
HAVEN'T been called by the public.It used to bother me;but now I
realise that as long; as I do the best job possible;and know it;thats all that I can do.I don't think that I deserved any of it.
You can make some of the people happy;some of the time;but you
can't make all of the people;happy;all of the time! Irish
P.S.My philosophy is that you're just doing something that they
can't do!

07-01-2002, 08:59 AM
I think although I was called plenty of names in school, the worst name I have ever been called is "a terrible mother". This was from my then-17yo son during an argument over the fact he was seeing a girl that was nearly 21 and had, for his 17th b'day, given him a 5th of Vodka!! :eek:

Although I knew there was NO validity to his claim, this hurt me very, very deeply. I began questioning and second-guessing everything I had done while raising my sons. Eventually it caused me to go into a depression.:( (I'm fine now.)

We talked about it a few years later and he told me that he never meant it and only said it in anger. I wish I had realized that right away. I really should have too. But I couldn't help wondering if he really believed it...and if so what had I done or not done that was so bad. I did the best I could with the resources I had available to me at the time. I could do no more.
We have settled this and it's OK now. He's really a very fine young man of 22 now.:) :)

07-01-2002, 08:59 AM
well the worst for me was when i was growing up i was constantly referred to as "slant eyes" no idea why, it just seemed like the thing for kids to do at the time and it made me really self conscious about my eyes , now however I am very happy with my almond shaped eyes thank you...lol

07-01-2002, 01:29 PM
I'd have to say that the worst thing that I've ever been called is a "bad friend". The funny thing was that I didn't deserve. My friend liked this girl and so did I. I asked him if I could take her out and he said yes. When I did, he got pissed and said that I should have read between the lines.

07-01-2002, 01:40 PM
Sugarsprinkles---Don't worry about it!Now that I don't;consume;
alcohol anymore;I realise that alot of the; parental duties;had to
be taken care of by my wife.I know that;your husband;used to drink;also.I'm not blaming him but you have to realise that many
of those things are taken for granted and never thought of;by the
other mate.When you have been;a drinker;all of your life;it's amazing;how many things go unnoticed by you! Irish
P.S.Things look differently;when you look at them;from;both sides!(No excuses-just reality)

07-01-2002, 03:15 PM
Originally posted by Irish
Don't worry about it!Now that I don't;consume;
alcohol anymore;I realise that alot of the; parental duties;had to
be taken care of by my wife.I know that;your husband;used to drink;also.I'm not blaming him but you have to realise that many
of those things are taken for granted and never thought of;by the
other mate.
P.S.Things look differently;when you look at them;from;both sides!(No excuses-just reality)

You've got me totally lost here....I'm not sure how my husband's drinking has anything to do with this or where I said he neglected his parental duties.
This incident took place 6 or 7 years after my husband quit drinking. And he never neglected his parental duties. He was very involved with our boys, including going to Boy Scout camp with them every summer.
Somehow I'm missing your point...please help me out here.

07-01-2002, 05:43 PM
Sugarsprinkles---The point doesn't matter and I DIDN"T SAY THAT
YOUR HUSBAND NEGLECTED his parental duties.I meant that alot
of things;go unnoticed when you are drinking.I don't know the age of your children.I just know that;I thought that I was doing a
good job with mine.They were;probably;embarrassed by me being
overprotective of them.I participated in all of their sports functions
but was very vocal because of the prejudices against women
atheletes(sp)I should have kept my thoughts to myself.I was just
trying to help.One daughter was a very good pitcher.A kid can be
affected by someone;calling an obvious strike a ball.Even tho;my
daughters;are in thier 30's,the injustice still must bother me.I
know how;they must have felt.I was a Little League Pitcher! Irish

07-01-2002, 06:18 PM
Originally posted by Irish

point doesn't matter and I DIDN"T SAY THAT
YOUR HUSBAND NEGLECTED his parental duties.I meant that alot
of things;go unnoticed when you are drinking.I just know that;I thought that I was doing a
good job with mine.They were;probably;embarrassed by me being
overprotective of them.Irish

I think I understand what you're trying to say now..

But I don't think objecting to a 20 yr. old giving a 17 year old a Fifth of Vodka is being over protective. Not when the 17yo knows that alcoholism runs in his family and that he was underage!

[I realise that alot of the; parental duties;had to
be taken care of by my wife.I know that;your husband;used to drink;also.many of those things are taken for granted and never thought of;by the
other mate.

This is what I.mis-understood as meaning
that my husband neglected his parental duties.

07-18-2002, 09:44 PM
I got called a mistake by my real father. I had to give him a bill from my orthopedist <I was looking into having hip replacement surgery when I was 15.> He told me that I should have been born perfect, that I should have been born a boy, and that if I hadn't been such a mess, my parents never would have gotten divorced.

I haven't spoken to him in over 16 years, but it still hurts. My stepdad walked me down the aisle when I got married.

07-19-2002, 07:57 AM
Wow, roxanne, your dad sounds like a piece of work. I'm sorry to hear he's so mean and takes his failuers and shortcomings out on you. :( It's obviously his problems which have nothing to do with you! Hugs, roxanne!

My current boss calls me a feminist. I do consider myself a feminist but my moron boss says it like it's an insult. Mybe it's not the worst thing I've ever been called but it really shows what an idiot he is. He doesn't have the capability of understanding a lot of issues, I guess.

07-19-2002, 12:53 PM
Hey steph, don't feel too bad about your boss, most guys are like that *runes away from the male bashing*

as for worst thing i've been called...heh, i'm gonna have to say "nice guy" cause its just haunted me for so long...was that guy that all the girls go to when they were having problems with thier BF or SO...didn't attract people that wanted me for my body, just my shoulder and ears... :(

07-19-2002, 01:49 PM
Speaking of bosses.........I had the worst day with my boss yesterday. I'm a telemarketer and we were getting a new computer program and new dialers and they flew a guy down from Baltimore yesterday. Now, normally, my boss is really nice, but yesterday he kept calling us useless in front of the guy from Baltimore. It's pretty sad when you have to highten yourself by calling names just make it clear that you are the boss.


07-19-2002, 05:00 PM
hay Mytaru not all guys are like that iam not like that
and am a guy dont be so mean

07-19-2002, 05:03 PM
fag , queer, bender all names i have been called
by low brow plebes i ignore them

07-19-2002, 05:57 PM
The worst thing I've ever been called, well really never told to my face, but everybody in school (Many many years ago) just knew I was a "nobody". Never picked for the games, never invited to the parties. The class "looser". I never got into the "clique" thing, so I was excluded from every clique. Now I got more friends here at Pixies than I ever dreamed of back then.

07-19-2002, 07:09 PM
I have to stick up for some bosses here!Years ago;I was the Head
Mechanic for a Boat manufacturer.They fired the Foreman;on my;
boat size assembly line.They made me Head Mechanic and Foreman;over 13 people.It was a fairly responsible position;as the boats cost over $200,000 apiece;before optional equipment!
I quickly discovered;that you can't please the workers and management;at the same time!The first thing that I did;was to put;everyone in for a raise.I was called to the office and told to
only;give a raise;to the people;that deserved it.I told them;that
I was a working foreman and as a mechanic;had worked with all
of them and as far as I was concerned;they all deserved a raise!
To make a long story short;they all got their raise!Management;
wasn't happy;but had to put up with my shit;because I made them alot of money.They even started using me as a consultant;
with the owners. Irish

07-20-2002, 12:51 PM
axe - out there at the clubs and where i've been growing up, lots of guys just aren't that nice...here at pixies almost everyone is great! (and i was just joking about the bosses) also, working for the gov't, i run into a lot of bad bosses...gee, go figure.

irish - i definitly understand that there are a lot of good bosses out there but i just don't have the luck of working for them...seems like most of the money is with the people that have been around forever that don't want to learn anything new...

07-20-2002, 02:09 PM
Mytaru---Bosses;that care about the workers;are few and far between.It's like I always said about drinking(I'm a recovering alcoholic);when you can see things from;both;sides;you are more understanding;because you know the problems of both.What most bosses don't realise;is that their image depends on their workers;doing a good job.Most companies don't realise this;that's
why they don't want fraternizing;among bosses and workers.I found that if you treat your workers;the same;as you would want them to treat you;NO PROBLEM! Irish

07-20-2002, 03:26 PM
thats how it used to be at my office, the bosses stuck to themself...it seems to have gotten better over the last few years as they have differant bosses for everything and most of them work directly with people...so its not quite the same here as it is for you...i guess that every job is differant...

i'm just lucky where I am i suppose.

07-21-2002, 10:40 AM
Originally posted by Murphy
Never picked for the games, never invited to the parties. The class "looser". I never got into the "clique" thing, so I was excluded from every clique. Now I got more friends here at Pixies than I ever dreamed of back then.

Murphy Dear,
I understand completely how you must have felt back then, and your feelings for Pixie's today.
You aren't alone in having bee excluded from everthing at school, and left out of the cliques. Not only was that the situation for me, but I was also called all sorts of names mostly by the boys. And those same boys all treated me and behaved as though I had "cooties". Oh yes, school was such a happy time in my life..................NOT!!!!!
I much prefer my internet friends, most especially my Pixie friends. Here we are accepted for WHO we are, no more no less..
What more can you ask for?
THANK GOD FOR PIXIES!! and for the very special friends I've made here!!!!:D :D :D

07-23-2002, 11:41 AM
yes sprinkles, i must agree, every time i come to this place i've really enjoyed myself...(oh yea, that pun was intended lol)

07-26-2002, 05:12 PM
Well I've been called everything over the years but I guess if we're talking about things that actually have a strong emotional affect on me then I guess it has to be "you're such a nice guy"
It just seems to mean that most people want to use you cos they know you're just gonna do what ever you can for them.

to be honest anyone can call me anything they want to. I know I'm a good person and that's all that matters to me......if that's what it takes for someone to feel good about themself, to call someone else a name, then go for it in the end you're only hurting yourself.

I'm off to my dark and quiet corner ...........night all

07-26-2002, 06:30 PM
My mum called me a lazy bitch yesterday because I hadnt done the washing up by the time she got in (she neglected to notice that I'd done all the families washing and tidied the house so that hurt a bit). I cant hold it against her though, theres a lot of redundancies (is that spelt right) at her work and she's not sure where she stands.

Apart from that I cant think of anything, I know people at school used to call me things but I learnt to block them out, all girls schools can be very bitchy and I was an easy target for a lot of people

07-26-2002, 09:36 PM
The worse thing I have ever been called was a "liar" by my wife. She has a bad temper sometimes and misunderstood something I had said. She later apologized but, 1 year later, it still hurts me like hell to think about it.


07-27-2002, 08:09 AM
sorry, but I gotta say this....

I was called "late for supper" once!

Probably cuz I was having too many brews with some friends?

Wicked Wanda
07-27-2002, 08:52 AM
mmmmm the worse in public ( a bar) was a long string
Something like "you common little whore slut bitch dyke" -it all ran together, with lots of screaming and yelling.
She had caught me making out with her partner, and I didn't even know she existed.
That was not the most hurtful one, but it stuck in my head a long time...


07-28-2002, 09:57 PM
I have been racking my brain and I swear......I can't think of a single derrogatory thing ever said to my face. I wouldn't know what was said behind my back but I find this fascinating in that I never, ever thought of this before but.........

They like me! They really like me! (OMG, I couldn't resist that!)

Things that make ya go hmmmmmmmmmm........???

Mrs. Lix