View Full Version : General Chat
- Exploding whales and such
- Will the real gekko please head bob
- Absence!
- Saw these alternate nursery rhymes...
- not the type of thong we all like to see
- Check this out
- I have been soooooooooooo bad
- What is...
- ~Phil Collins..."In The Air Tonight"...Urban Legend?~
- The Ghan inaugural journey has begun!
- Mature ladies opinion please
- looking for that awesome summer job
- What in Holy Hell????
- He's Already Nekkid
- *~*~Punxutawney Phil~*~*
- only singles may apply
- Man on the moon...
- Ok, the Janet Jackson 'boob stunt' poll...
- male v female menapause
- Pucker up boys...
- Bad taste? ...maybe. Do I care?...not really.
- Oh, won't you be my six-legged valentine?
- Smile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Any Gamblers here?
- Inspired by UNDERWORLD
- When shaking your groove thang...
- So tell me something...
- Don't think about it
- Just remember your childhood
- Stress Reliever!
- Bad Dog
- What's your battle cry?
- I think I may change my mind about breast implants...
- Customisation.......redneck style
- Audition
- Sunshine, thong bikini's, iced drinks, hot oiled bodies...
- Time for censorship?
- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday...
- U.S> Pick Your Issues
- --Understated--
- NeW sToRe OpEnInG SoOn NeAr YoU!
- Brew Amber Flex
- Do you have your Beaver??
- Valentine's Tips
- Valentines Day = Buying a gift for a woman?
- Happiness on hold........
- Pixies Cupid strikes again
- Something to be aware of!
- I got dumped.... not that anyone would care
- Lixy, Do Have a Message For Me To Deliver?
- Let's indulge for a moment
- Classes for men only!
- SongVids
- OK...Who done it?
- Music and its soul{ful,less} origin
- US & Australian trade deal.
- Lose Weight During Sex!
- Romance Mathematics!
- Old one re-visited! (Brit version)
- Pixies Chat room
- I Just Started My Own Business!
- Shameless plug
- 2 year Anniversary
- Bye, for a while; maybe for good.
- Still Standing Tall!
- Pixies Chat leaving
- Which Candy Heart Are You????
- A scary trip through my mental nightmare.
- Hmmmm... Chicken!
- If.........
- Hugs!
- ~Flutterby~Butterfly~
- A Flower For My Friends
- Porn & Snowboarding
- An anthem for all women
- Life is Complicated Life is SUCK
- Questions?
- What wud u do????????
- be safely romantic
- Larger people
- Superstitions
- Relationships
- Ha! And you Americans thought you were the first to land on the moon!
- Happy Vday
- Happy Valentine's Day
- 1st Pixies Valentine's Day Lonely Hearts Club Party
- Snow In Texas!!!!
- Sandwitch fillings
- Shocked!
- For The Lonely
-'s what's for dinner.
- @--8- Be My Valentine -8--@
- From the mouths of children
- Today
- Ladies, buy your Space Shuttle tickets now!
- My new avatar
- Where in the World is Tess?
- Bend it Like Bekham?
- Well Pop My...
- Sydney Race Riot.
- Coors sucks bottom!
- Belated Birthday Wishes
- ~*~Does It Really?~*~
- Am I the ONLY American Dumbass???
- Are You Over 40?????
- I've Got Tears in My Ears from Lying on My Back, Crying Over You
- Paris Hilton and goat.
- Ladies and Gentlemen - Come on in
- Funny Slogan Site
- Oxymorons!
- things that feel good
- Political Ties...
- Gibson, God and big bucks!
- <<~InSoMnIa~>>
- Short Stories
- The missing parts of life's map.
- Gone With The Wind
- Volunteer work.
- Living in a nation where ur Football (soccer) team are so pish!!!!
- Lick Me & Stick Me
- Man my intuition sucks pondwater
- Cheerio!!!
- Escape~~~~>
- Mind blowing...and not the good way
- Damn Blaster worm..
- Guess your age?
- I'm Off
- Ouchie.....
- If you ask nicely.......
- I know Lilith has never had this problem...
- Aurora....Birthday greetings for
- Question
- Who Love Eat Chinese Tea leaf cook with Eggs
- ~~>Babysitter Game<~~
- Help!!!
- Congratulations, Sharni!
- Got it
- Is it Just me?
- I once knew a chicken from nantucket...damn that's not right
- Stay in your own damn genre....
- Cause that monkey used to make me laugh my ass off.
- Steph's Neighbors...
- Ah the bordom!
- Coconut Cup Recipes
- Beijing Roast Duck - The best
- headin to fla...
- Frig it is hot!
- Ever Wanted to Do This???
- is it a mac thing???
- I Am Finally Back For Good
- Happy Birthday Wishes For A Sweet Lady!!!!!
- Name pronouncation
- Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Come Out
- Not to get serious but
- **The George Foreman Grilling Machine**
- Bliss
- 500th Post
- Ever have one of those weekends?
- You know you're in an Australian Summer when.....
- why, when i'm drunk do i buy shite!!!!
- new id
- Come be shriven here!
- ??? from a Junior Member
- I'm the curious sort...
- Change of systems!
- From the mouths of babes
- Another reason why.......
- Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps....
- Calgon~ Take Me Away!!!!!
- 9/11 conspiracy theory
- london's new view
- Mlb 2004
- Passion...and your thoughts.
- Looking For a Non-American Opinion
- Anybody Notice????
- Are they made from real girl scouts?
- I'M SPARTACUS!!!!!!!! (new thread for Roman flicks)
- you kiss your mamma with that mouth?
- 3: The Dale Earnhardt Story
- Exotic Palms
- If con is the opposite of pro...
- War on Pop-ups
- Beware!!!!
- Johnny Cash, Musical Hero?
- the turning point
- The other side of the coin.
- My first 200 posts
- Putting a URL on my signature line
- My Bologna Has A First Name It's.....
- 50 First Dates
- Why Do People Act Like This???
- Watch out for these new viruses
- The Ole Switch-er-roo
- Did everybody see..........
- To the Moderators
- Funny Stuff
- Pok Choy stir fly with dried Tofu
- Would You Rather
- Chinese Pussy Recipes for Non-Vegetarian
- Chinese Pussy Recipes for Vegetarian
- Picasso-by-Numbers
- Who would you like to spend
- ###-Gettin' the Digits-####
- Statistics!
- Hell hath no Fury like the Family.
- post your pets
- These are a few of my favorite things...
- locked box
- Celtic Angel
- [ l ] Self Help Book [ l ]
- ~a~s~l~
- Update!
- In a previous life...
- Post frenzy!!!!!
- Spring Break
- Multicrap from Multimap
- Wireless
- last three things
- Would You Rather #2
- Because I'm a smartass
- Opinions!
- *Tax Cuts*
- Nice Guy's Have Birthdays Too!
- I'm goin' to hell
- What Street Sign Are You??
- Bush & the 9/11 ad.
- The hidden or not-so-hidden side...
- pudsey and buttons summer holiday!
- ~~>I'll Have Whatever Your Having...
- The Party Begins ...
- places to upload videos?
- The Grand Dame of Pixies has Arrived!!
- Are You Predictable In Bed?
- -->Fuck the Election<--
- Windows ME advice/help
- Always the bridesmaid...
- Would You Rather #4
- OK PC Gamers what games do you play?
- sing for me baby!!
- <==From Russia With Love==>
- Getting Fixed?
- newbie needing help
- ooo= Coconut Rum =ooo
- :)Clever Canadians(:
- The best thing i have seen so far
- honey I'm home!
- Wow, yesterday was a year!
- Jeff Foxworthy, and Kids
- Irregardless of what you may think.....
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