View Full Version : More additions *LOL*

10-26-2006, 05:56 AM
I'd advertised online for tanks and such , minor leaks ok.......anyway

A lady emails me and tells me she has a tank and a couple of goldfish that if noone takes em she's gonna flush them down the loo. :sad: I was a bit stunned that someone would flush them, not to mention its very illegal to do

Soooo...guess what i picked up on my way home from work tonight *L*

Anyway they are settling into the 4ft tank, a big difference from the small tank they were in. I was expecting small/medium fish....and they are huge *L*

With a bit of TLC they should show better colour and finnage....looking a bit poorly at present as the tank they were in was very dirty, and far too small for fish this size (around 2ft long by the look of it)

Here's some pics




10-26-2006, 06:22 AM
Great pictures, Sharni! I think I saw one of them smile and wink. :boink:

10-26-2006, 06:26 AM
It's just them looking at the danios that got short shifted to a plastic bag that is floating in the tank (i'll set them up a nice new home tomorrow)*LOL*

Hopefully the goldies will be too busy enjoying the room to move and explore that they wont give then too much grief in there

10-26-2006, 06:38 AM
Those fish are so beautiful. I can't believe she would flush them!!!! :mad:The tank is very nice looking too. In my former life we raised Oscars. Those fish never let you have a pretty tank. :rolleyes2

10-26-2006, 06:44 AM
They are wonderful fish, glad you saved them. If i hadnt got 2 cats im sure fish would be the next best thing

10-26-2006, 07:19 AM

I'm sure this is silly, but they look OK to me. Should they have larger fins? Is that what finnage means?

10-26-2006, 07:39 AM
In my former life we raised Oscars. Those fish never let you have a pretty tank. :rolleyes2

Of course not...they live in garbage cans. :D

Sharni ~ Beautiful fish! And their new home is lovely too.

Can you please make sure your naked reflection is visible in future pictures? :D

10-26-2006, 10:18 AM
Your tank is lovely....as is your heart for saving the fish. :)

10-26-2006, 01:31 PM
Those fish are so beautiful. I can't believe she would flush them!!!! :mad:The tank is very nice looking too. In my former life we raised Oscars. Those fish never let you have a pretty tank. :rolleyes2
Thankfully they didnt head that way...poor babies

I had oscars a couple of years ago, they were great, i think i was lucky though mine didnt redecorate at all


10-26-2006, 01:35 PM

I'm sure this is silly, but they look OK to me. Should they have larger fins? Is that what finnage means?
It's not fin size jseal....but they have a lot of marks and minor damage, tis hard to see there

10-26-2006, 01:36 PM
Can you please make sure your naked reflection is visible in future pictures? :D

I'll try

10-26-2006, 01:38 PM
mayhem & osuche ~ I'm just glad they didn't get the royal flush, such a waste of beautiful fish....not to mention downright cruel!

But anyway now they can live out their fishy lives in a bit of luxery for once eh

10-26-2006, 03:04 PM
mayhem & osuche ~ I'm just glad they didn't get the royal flush, such a waste of beautiful fish....not to mention downright cruel!

But anyway now they can live out their fishy lives in a bit of luxery for once eh
Here Here!!

Sharni sets a grand example... be loving to Fish. It's a good thing. :loveshowe

Bless you Sharni!

10-26-2006, 03:28 PM
I'm just glad they didn't get the royal flush, such a waste of beautiful fish....not to mention downright cruel!

Damn big fish too! That'd be a service call to the plumber for sure. :D

10-26-2006, 03:42 PM
If all else fails, we can have a forum-wide competition for the best way to fillet them.

Would you like fries with that, sir?

10-26-2006, 03:48 PM
If all else fails, we can have a forum-wide competition for the best way to fillet them.

Would you like fries with that, sir?

:yikes: :spank:

10-26-2006, 03:59 PM

10-26-2006, 04:08 PM
They are wonderful fish, glad you saved them. If i hadnt got 2 cats im sure fish would be the next best thing

I speak from experience...I used to have a big 55 gal tank full of fish. Also had cats(lots of cats) when I lived with my mom. The cats liked to get ontop of the tank and sleep on the lighted hood because it was warm...we started leaving the glass panels out of the top of the tank(they were kinda like lids for it) and the cats would smack at the water with their paws...BUT...after the first time or two they fell in, they didn't get back up there, NOR did they mess with the fish. They just sat in the floor and watched.

10-26-2006, 04:30 PM
With a bit of TLC they should show better colour and finnage....
Not to worry. With a bit of fatting up, they'll be fine. .........and it seems that female, red swordtail is going to be just the ticket to start them on their new diet.


10-26-2006, 04:43 PM
If all else fails, we can have a forum-wide competition for the best way to fillet them.

Would you like fries with that, sir?

lightly breaded and baked please with a little lemon juice on them just before you eat them and yes on the fries.

10-27-2006, 05:12 AM
... but they have a lot of marks and minor damage ...

Thank you. I am pretty unfamiliar with fish as pets.

10-27-2006, 06:23 AM
They are wonderful fish, glad you saved them. If i hadnt got 2 cats im sure fish would be the next best thing

I'm sure your cats would have loved them ... :loveshowe

... at least through lunch. :yikes: