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  1. LoveDivas Birthday! (25 replies)
  2. How the Hell~~~~> (65 replies)
  3. Any thoughts on (6 replies)
  4. Questions? (4 replies)
  5. appologies to all !! (9 replies)
  6. (((Bilbo))) (22 replies)
  7. Maybe It's Not Your Imagination (7 replies)
  8. ~gryphon~ (11 replies)
  9. Emotional Investment AKA The difference between Men and Women (online) (15 replies)
  10. Growing cute cocks is easy as 1-2-3!! (9 replies)
  11. David turns 60!! (15 replies)
  12. Happy Birthday grumbleguts!!!!! (22 replies)
  13. You know how I like parks ... (11 replies)
  14. -Dullsville- (15 replies)
  15. mobile phone law (18 replies)
  16. Harassment/ Cyber Stalking/ Intimidation (29 replies)
  17. My sentiments&Robin Williams (8 replies)
  18. Blonde Joke - read before viewing pic (11 replies)
  19. ====>Bi Bi<==== (32 replies)
  20. Got My Ticket (35 replies)
  21. 8 more days!!! (19 replies)
  22. ~ Everyone Say......awwwww! ~ (24 replies)
  23. Goin Once, Going Twice, Sold!!! (37 replies)
  24. Some cute signs ... (11 replies)
  25. The world won’t stop (12 replies)
  26. Why God Created Children: (13 replies)
  27. Joseph Campbell and the........... (13 replies)
  28. Its been awhile since I posted anything just wanted to say hi (6 replies)
  29. mIRC help for a MAC user? (7 replies)
  30. Nastiest Shit I Ever Put In My Mouth (27 replies)
  31. Had a scare on entering Pixie's (10 replies)
  32. Tell us about how you met your S/O (29 replies)
  33. Fav Lyrics? (2 replies)
  34. ((ryder)) (13 replies)
  35. Some Things to Ponder (9 replies)
  36. High School (20 replies)
  37. Congrats to Bopper !!!!!!! (18 replies)
  38. ~Unlike any 12 step program you've ever heard of~ (0 replies)
  39. With last kiss, widow dies at spouse's coffin (8 replies)
  40. His Dream... worth remembering (11 replies)
  41. Nothing to say... (33 replies)
  42. Life is like...and Forrest!!!!!! (7 replies)
  43. !!Rebuttal!! --->to Irish's---> Man Rules!! (5 replies)
  44. Saddaddy come on down!!!!! (18 replies)
  45. Kleclere :Spank: Sar (24 replies)
  46. What took you so long? (15 replies)
  47. Want to see something pretty neat? (15 replies)
  48. ---8-@Scarlett (27 replies)
  49. Another one for the quiz fanatics (15 replies)
  50. Man Rules (16 replies)
  51. ==Dumpster Divers== (8 replies)
  52. *kerpoof* (18 replies)
  53. Pussy thought (1 replies)
  54. Men (3 replies)
  55. *Happy Happy Dance* (5 replies)
  56. Just wondering? (20 replies)
  57. wedding dance floors (17 replies)
  58. Sometimes Bad Things Happen to Bad People (20 replies)
  59. another milestone passed (17 replies)
  60. Gods’ sense of humor is different than mine (18 replies)
  61. Congratulations To Sharni (24 replies)
  62. $$$$$Hickey Tattoo$$$$$ (16 replies)
  63. Gawd, another one bites the dust. (29 replies)
  64. Saddam's Kids Identified (13 replies)
  65. I've returned ^__^ (13 replies)
  66. Music Paper Topics (14 replies)
  67. Is There a Doctor in the House??? (20 replies)
  68. Will someone please... (69 replies)
  69. Would u rather... (1 replies)
  70. LotR Part 2 DVD.. (6 replies)
  71. More Smiley Faces (18 replies)
  72. Planning a Trip (9 replies)
  73. Depp as Willy? (18 replies)
  74. The Teddy Bear Date :) (4 replies)
  75. ~ Feelings~ (16 replies)
  76. Puff -n- Stuff (27 replies)
  77. Smoke Free (19 replies)
  78. Scared the Pants Off Me (23 replies)
  79. 8888Magic-8-Ball8888 (113 replies)
  80. It's Time Once Again.... (46 replies)
  81. Ass "emoticons" (8 replies)
  82. Sing-a-long (3 replies)
  83. Wish you were here ??? (1 replies)
  84. This would be so cool!!! (13 replies)
  85. Who would you salute? (6 replies)
  86. Yo' Mama (42 replies)
  87. WARNING to all pixies near and far..... (5 replies)
  88. Favorite Advertisement. (9 replies)
  89. Gimmee gimmee some music every night (17 replies)
  90. Super Mario fans - check out this kid! (11 replies)
  91. Don't get mad, get even......... (3 replies)
  92. BHPs need scratchin' too (4 replies)
  93. The angel and devil on your shoulder... (16 replies)
  94. White Bear Warning...... (8 replies)
  95. Spank your Monkey (11 replies)
  96. Clown haters unite!!! (20 replies)
  97. Slower times (8 replies)
  98. Read the fine print........ (3 replies)
  99. Does Barbie Know That Ken Fucked Midge? (18 replies)
  100. Blueberry Pie (21 replies)
  101. Oooooo Ahhhhh! (19 replies)
  102. Here's a Deal for Family Oriented Folks ... (7 replies)
  103. Virgins (4 replies)
  104. Comedians (25 replies)
  105. Women (25 replies)
  106. YOU are Defenitly going to JAIL ! (30 replies)
  107. Let Them Eat Cake...and then some (8 replies)
  108. How To Poo At Work (16 replies)
  109. Whale farts in the Antarctic (6 replies)
  110. Two Cows! (4 replies)
  111. NP:Question... (1 replies)
  112. Lets Play Naked Twister..... (10 replies)
  113. It's been too long, ladies ... (7 replies)
  114. So many fish in the sea... (17 replies)
  115. =====>Jokes<===== (3195 replies)
  116. Candyman (23 replies)
  117. Men are from Mars; Women are from Venus (13 replies)
  118. New Breast Inplants ? (8 replies)
  119. Fucking Austria & Intercouse in Pennsylvannia (4 replies)
  120. New Make up Make-over (3 replies)
  121. The spanking chef (2 replies)
  122. Those Crazy Mexicans... (1 replies)
  123. boys (14 replies)
  124. :o Place Your Bets o: (2 replies)
  125. Power Outages!!! (30 replies)
  126. You know you are addicted to Pixies when __________________ (655 replies)
  127. Cat ~n~ Mouse (10 replies)
  128. ~~Water Water Everywhere~~ (16 replies)
  129. Professiononalism&caring! (11 replies)
  130. Safety first (16 replies)
  131. You know what, you guys.... (17 replies)
  132. Happy Birthday Mindboxer! (16 replies)
  133. What's your stripper name? (17 replies)
  134. What should you teach? (8 replies)
  135. Teacher Teacher Can You Teach Me? (18 replies)
  136. Are you a COOL person???? (21 replies)
  137. W32.Blaster.Worm (15 replies)
  138. \/ Ice Ice Baby \/ (11 replies)
  139. Yeah! AOL 8.0 Plus is here. (22 replies)
  140. ???How In The Hell???? (16 replies)
  141. >>Better Than a red Rider BB-Gun<< (5 replies)
  142. A question... (64 replies)
  143. Is this really You? (19 replies)
  144. Fuck You!! (35 replies)
  145. The Sexual Etiquette Test (33 replies)
  146. ///Rubbb Me the Right Way/// (21 replies)
  147. Dilemma (23 replies)
  148. Having a Weezer Morning.... (17 replies)
  149. $$$->Barter<-$$$ (9 replies)
  150. Wierd things turn my woman on..... (14 replies)
  151. Meine Luftkussekrafte hat KEIN Aale... (1 replies)
  152. Hi =) (20 replies)
  153. Time Travel (28 replies)
  154. What's your sex position? (25 replies)
  155. )))Fluffer Nutter((( (45 replies)
  156. ~~Secret Recipe For VIAGRA~~ (4 replies)
  157. ^*Dance Your Way Into My Heart*^ (19 replies)
  158. Sued over sex toys in dishwasher (1 replies)
  159. Penis stew turns woman into vegetarian (6 replies)
  160. Me No Speaka Engrish very well... (6 replies)
  161. ~> Bedroom Behavior <~ (15 replies)
  162. xxx amateur movies (11 replies)
  163. Hey Dadaist,I got a question. (4 replies)
  164. Disturbing Thoughts (13 replies)
  165. Booger for Pres. (6 replies)
  166. Texas Women and some funnies (24 replies)
  167. oh my (18 replies)
  168. Ages (36 replies)
  169. September 10!<3<3<3<3<3<3 (18 replies)
  170. The sickest world record ever? (13 replies)
  171. Porn for public office! (26 replies)
  172. Me living dangerously....... (9 replies)
  173. Cowboy (15 replies)
  174. The mouse that roared! (7 replies)
  175. Fuck it! (22 replies)
  176. Not only size but shape matters !!! (12 replies)
  177. . o O~ Stop Alien Abductions ~O o . (21 replies)
  178. (((((((((((((osuche))))))))))))) (24 replies)
  179. Do I.... (30 replies)
  180. I'll Be ........Governor (13 replies)
  181. ^^Good Morning Mister/Madam President^^ (43 replies)
  182. ~@@~ Do You Have Green Eyes???? (21 replies)
  183. < Love. Love, Love Love Crazy Love > (18 replies)
  184. xx~ Love Me 2 X Baby ~xx (15 replies)
  185. *lol* (8 replies)
  186. New Movies......~OR~.....Scraping the bottom of the barrel ! (14 replies)
  187. Music? (1 replies)
  188. Big Deal (17 replies)
  189. Success (7 replies)
  190. Nudity in Movies (14 replies)
  191. religious freedom (19 replies)
  192. The raunchy side of Pixies... (14 replies)
  193. Is it or isn't it... (10 replies)
  194. And Demi Moore kept teasing me!!! (11 replies)
  195. For you folks who attend a lot of meetings ... (9 replies)
  196. ~Who Tf Invented~ (23 replies)
  197. Affairs - the lighter side (7 replies)
  198. Sara Pipalini (4 replies)
  199. I have returned... (5 replies)
  200. Alternative Meanings (4 replies)
  201. Made it!!!!! (6 replies)
  202. Pixies Ending? (5 replies)
  203. ^*When You Can't Be At Pixies*^ (17 replies)
  204. Cell Phones (2 replies)
  205. Green Garden Snake (5 replies)
  206. Golfing or Sex (6 replies)
  207. The Yuppie (2 replies)
  208. ****this just in**** (12 replies)
  209. Will be gone for the week (4 replies)
  210. ~ Margaritas & Cadbury Bars for All ~ (20 replies)
  211. Skipthisone is a nice guy after all (11 replies)
  212. Ok, call me a cynic but..... (12 replies)
  213. Spookie Car ... (7 replies)
  214. Happy Yorkshire Day !!!! (11 replies)
  215. Quantas ... for our Aussie friends :D (7 replies)
  216. While he was performing ... (7 replies)
  217. A new blonde joke ... (19 replies)
  218. New (13 replies)
  219. Favourite recipes? (0 replies)
  220. Fare thee well (for a week!!!) (22 replies)
  221. ((Shot Through the Heart & Your to Blame)) (16 replies)
  222. Who Cares (13 replies)
  223. Have a round on me! (11 replies)
  224. Down again.... (27 replies)
  225. Sexually active? (4 replies)
  226. Who said guys never ask for directions? (4 replies)
  227. Truth about babies ... (4 replies)
  228. You all are getting too serious ... (5 replies)
  229. Cheater!!!! (19 replies)
  230. Shackin' Up (17 replies)
  231. The Stones Toronto Web cast (3 replies)
  232. A & B with fresh fruit (4 replies)
  233. ... Baby Steps ... (6 replies)
  234. Seeing which threads you posted in. (4 replies)
  235. what are your favorite "beachy themed" songs? (3 replies)
  236. Another is/was 2 Years Old (9 replies)
  237. Do you think something wrong with (12 replies)
  238. No Respect I am telling ya (3 replies)
  239. *Sweet Dreams Are Made of These* (25 replies)
  240. Beep Beep: You've Got a Message ... and a Divorce (4 replies)
  241. Sammy on the block (11 replies)
  242. I'm Back!!! (7 replies)
  243. Moms! (9 replies)
  244. Happy Birthday Ienki! (22 replies)
  245. **~~TRANSLATIONS~~** (14 replies)
  246. Opinion? (25 replies)
  247. Bob Hope died today. (19 replies)
  248. I'm Back (14 replies)
  249. For Those in Charge of this Site (2 replies)
  250. Obscure stuff (9 replies)