View Full Version : General Chat
- Smoker's Unite!!! (55 replies)
- Steriotypes (13 replies)
- Moving Day (33 replies)
- Warning!!!! (9 replies)
- Roflmao!!!!!!!! (9 replies)
- So tell me, and be honest... (12 replies)
- Let's get all Eastern (26 replies)
- What is the best piece of advice ever given to you? (25 replies)
- Lunch Break!!! (10 replies)
- lets give more incentive (23 replies)
- Thirsty (12 replies)
- Buffy as you never thought she'd be (5 replies)
- Needed... (0 replies)
- I know she's probly not had time.. (24 replies)
- Theme Parks UK (0 replies)
- The War on Terror. (14 replies)
- are you ready for another survivor?? (14 replies)
- The Pixies Herald (25 replies)
- Another silly question from your's truly. (6 replies)
- Politics, Politics, Politics (27 replies)
- @-8--A Rose is a Rose--8-@ (15 replies)
- Good Grief! (23 replies)
- Lost ............................ (6 replies)
- Now, this is a mad cow!!! (12 replies)
- For those who love Flash and tribe music (9 replies)
- This lady always does it up in a big way :D (52 replies)
- What else are you doing right now? (18876 replies)
- let's phone (7 replies)
- Foreign foods (33 replies)
- Pretty Maids All In A Row (19 replies)
- quick question (5 replies)
- Laptop (11 replies)
- Tell us what you've got.... (32 replies)
- Croc Crap! (41 replies)
- G~ Googlewhack ~G (32 replies)
- Holy Cow Assman .............. (45 replies)
- Cold Mountain (5 replies)
- 15,000 Pixies (10 replies)
- A Rant about EXES! (19 replies)
- No Way!!!! (20 replies)
- Chicks (31 replies)
- movie quotes (146 replies)
- The Blair Witch Project (15 replies)
- Shortened my nick (9 replies)
- oO~ Loyalty ~Oo (33 replies)
- Just 19 not so simple steps. (33 replies)
- Confession... its good for the soul... (17923 replies)
- So Spank Me (23 replies)
- Woohoooooooo..... (18 replies)
- How Many Do You Have??? (11 replies)
- Elmo (10 replies)
- Have a laugh...... (24 replies)
- Some Space News (9 replies)
- Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Hamilton, Jackson, Grant, ... (6 replies)
- I Wouldn't Be Caught Dead (32 replies)
- LOTR humor (18 replies)
- P ...... Poooo .............pop ........ Popcorn (9 replies)
- Pull Out ............... (18 replies)
- Tanning Your ............. What?!?!?! (10 replies)
- *~Happy Anniversary Cobalt~* (24 replies)
- COMMONER help! (7 replies)
- Happy Birthday Payton! (16 replies)
- Ads (3 replies)
- Music Videos.....Mmmm!!! (17 replies)
- Things that happen while on travels. (11 replies)
- Weird history (5 replies)
- 3 Old Ladies (12 replies)
- "Leg Lamp"..... Was it YOU??? (16 replies)
- Sound Recorder (14 replies)
- trouble logging on (9 replies)
- Sweet dreams are made of these... (6 replies)
- Usernames - the secret behind... (50 replies)
- Pixies growth (19 replies)
- In Case of Emergency (5 replies)
- Just a Spoonful (12 replies)
- Banished words... or at least they should be... (37 replies)
- Happy New Year (4 replies)
- Security and Celebrations (7 replies)
- GRRR!! for when ya just gotta scream (8 replies)
- Sir WWW (11 replies)
- Can you recommend a good read? (24 replies)
- Legal (22 replies)
- It's GUINNESS time (26 replies)
- My Sweetie!! (14 replies)
- Redskins (10 replies)
- out of hiding ;-) (39 replies)
- The Eldersburg emu (17 replies)
- Resolutions You Can Keep (23 replies)
- my how time flies.... (20 replies)
- Now that christmas is behind us.... (11 replies)
- DVD help (6 replies)
- Past year reflection... new year ahead.... (29 replies)
- What is the worst present you gave/received for Xmas? (10 replies)
- Find your celebrity match... (25 replies)
- A challenge for 2004? (36 replies)
- Free to a good home... (10 replies)
- What you'd LIKE to do for NYE (11 replies)
- Pop Off! (7 replies)
- Re-write the charts (sexually) (0 replies)
- 2004 Quarter Designs (8 replies)
- Making of LOTR quote thread (9 replies)
- Sick of Spies (21 replies)
- Anyone willing to play Nostradamus... (11 replies)
- Happy Birthday, SuccubusKitty (16 replies)
- I confess (8 replies)
- New Year on Mars (53 replies)
- Diablo 2 (79 replies)
- Lord of the Rings - Return of the King (37 replies)
- Did you see your bird yesterday? (12 replies)
- Personality Profile (28 replies)
- Moooo~oooo~oooo~ (24 replies)
- BMP images (3 replies)
- Tommy?.......Fritz?......... (9 replies)
- Favorite Poem (0 replies)
- What happened to the pictures of that sexy college girl from vermont? (14 replies)
- Not now I'm reading.... (22 replies)
- Bloke Rules (8 replies)
- Happy Birthday, TxSweet (6 replies)
- Reindeer Poop ~ or ~ Coal????? (15 replies)
- Winter Holiday Greetings! (10 replies)
- Payton Crantor 102 (16 replies)
- Tracking (7 replies)
- How to save on your kids Christmas gifts (13 replies)
- Xmas cards: Important? (3 replies)
- Real Women (11 replies)
- Iraq Christmas Carol! (9 replies)
- Reflections (19 replies)
- Merry Christmas to all (6 replies)
- Are You A Ho, Ho, Ho???? (21 replies)
- The emotions of Christmas (12 replies)
- France (4 replies)
- A Special Pixie Birthday Holiday Tomorrow (28 replies)
- 20 Ways To Confuse Santa Claus (8 replies)
- have u ever....... (12 replies)
- Not just a pen... (16 replies)
- Merry Chistmas Sweetie!!!!!!!!! (6 replies)
- Christmas Wishes (1 replies)
- *~*~*Winter Fun*~*~* (12 replies)
- What goes.... (16 replies)
- Plom Plom Plom (138 replies)
- Merry Christmas Pixies (10 replies)
- Christmas Wishes To One And All (18 replies)
- "Inappropriate" humor (18 replies)
- Kegels (3 replies)
- Leaving... (22 replies)
- First Timer... (17 replies)
- California Pixies Front and Center (10 replies)
- Ahem... (46 replies)
- Merry Christmas (5 replies)
- Lobster Barbie (2 replies)
- Wishes ! (4 replies)
- Ofactory gratification (8 replies)
- Perfect Crime (7 replies)
- HoHoHo... Bad Santa... (6 replies)
- Review of 2003 (5 replies)
- December 23rd.....***Christmas Adam*** (19 replies)
- OMG! Late Honeymoon....Early Christmas present! (13 replies)
- Damn you, WI!! (19 replies)
- Hugs for Wildeye (13 replies)
- Merry Xmas (12 replies)
- Feminism (13 replies)
- 55555 (17 replies)
- Christmas Day on Mars (35 replies)
- Funnies (8 replies)
- Aqua's Cafe! (6 replies)
- Two nice nude Screensavers I found... (7 replies)
- Ozzy (13 replies)
- Good & Bad News! (3 replies)
- Tattoo Trend (17 replies)
- Connections (15 replies)
- Retail Pet Peeves (30 replies)
- xxx~ I Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus ~xxx (18 replies)
- Not A Good Idea (21 replies)
- *Happy Chanukkah* (6 replies)
- Can Anybody Tell Me..... (6 replies)
- Peta (23 replies)
- Some advice.... (14 replies)
- Wright Brothers (6 replies)
- i broke............. (15 replies)
- Racism (24 replies)
- Nasty Habits (18 replies)
- I wonder.... (39 replies)
- Christmas Humor (17 replies)
- What would YOU do?!?! (16 replies)
- Ho-Ho-Ho~Sling Me Baby~Ho-Ho-Ho (26 replies)
- Innocent Festive Fun - Honest. (9 replies)
- Love (7 replies)
- Greetings (17 replies)
- Conversations (3 replies)
- How bad do you want a new life? (3 replies)
- A.w.o.l. (32 replies)
- Luckily no one was seriously injured (24 replies)
- sharni ummmm (6 replies)
- %!#&#$%!! (19 replies)
- The Twelve Days of Christmas..Sing along. (14 replies)
- Is the truth out there? (13 replies)
- 12 Days of Christmas Origin? (8 replies)
- Christmas Cookies (7 replies)
- holy crap - they've found Saddam (36 replies)
- It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas ... (15 replies)
- Now I've Seen Everything (16 replies)
- Splatt! (15 replies)
- $ Maddddddddddd Money $ (7 replies)
- I can see your house Steph (19 replies)
- God Bless David Letterman (11 replies)
- Christmas Diets (bah hum bug) (5 replies)
- quiet and unassuming our DB is.... (14 replies)
- science exam!!!!!!! (3 replies)
- If things were different! (18 replies)
- Meet Maxine!!!! (9 replies)
- Loves/Obsessions (11 replies)
- My new official photograph (8 replies)
- 3~3~3 (17 replies)
- Backhanded compliments and the people who give them (31 replies)
- Well it's Christmas again... (20 replies)
- Top this one Steph (17 replies)
- Have you gotten your Pole? (3 replies)
- Poke Me With A.................... (34 replies)
- You know you're the parent of a toddler when... (21 replies)
- attention Canadians (10 replies)
- >< Theme Song >< (7 replies)
- Guess what Nikki bought me for Xmas...... (6 replies)
- Mythological Forms (24 replies)
- *******warning : Whining Involved****** (15 replies)
- Celebrity b-day (18 replies)
- As Christmas season approaches... (14 replies)
- ~@~ Visions of Sugar Plums ~@~ (14 replies)
- Help me to learn a little bit about you. (24 replies)
- Demi Factor????? (what do you think?) (8 replies)
- one to many (15 replies)
- Angels in America........ (5 replies)
- Buy~ Sell~ Trade (7 replies)
- Grown Up Lincoln Logs (3 replies)
- <^>You Mutant!<^> (14 replies)
- Dark Tower anyone? (11 replies)
- UK Butt-Arse (12 replies)
- Who here hates those annoying chain emails? (14 replies)
- What special gift have you bought for someone this Xmas? (24 replies)
- in a name (9 replies)
- What's on your mind? (10313 replies)
- Ever felt like an ASS? (32 replies)
- Christmas formals (15 replies)
- Nice bum, where ya from? :) (33 replies)
- Who else wants breasts for Christmas? (7 replies)
- **>>**Christmas Avatar**<<** (22 replies)
- English! (5 replies)
- Had Our First Covering Snow Last Night (31 replies)
- Whips and chains for the birthday girl (39 replies)
- Here's the scoop on Steph ... but shhhhh ... trying to keep it quiet (20 replies)
- Miserable failure (12 replies)
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