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  1. Smoker's Unite!!! (55 replies)
  2. Steriotypes (13 replies)
  3. Moving Day (33 replies)
  4. Warning!!!! (9 replies)
  5. Roflmao!!!!!!!! (9 replies)
  6. So tell me, and be honest... (12 replies)
  7. Let's get all Eastern (26 replies)
  8. What is the best piece of advice ever given to you? (25 replies)
  9. Lunch Break!!! (10 replies)
  10. lets give more incentive (23 replies)
  11. Thirsty (12 replies)
  12. Buffy as you never thought she'd be (5 replies)
  13. Needed... (0 replies)
  14. I know she's probly not had time.. (24 replies)
  15. Theme Parks UK (0 replies)
  16. The War on Terror. (14 replies)
  17. are you ready for another survivor?? (14 replies)
  18. The Pixies Herald (25 replies)
  19. Another silly question from your's truly. (6 replies)
  20. Politics, Politics, Politics (27 replies)
  21. @-8--A Rose is a Rose--8-@ (15 replies)
  22. Good Grief! (23 replies)
  23. Lost ............................ (6 replies)
  24. Now, this is a mad cow!!! (12 replies)
  25. For those who love Flash and tribe music (9 replies)
  26. This lady always does it up in a big way :D (52 replies)
  27. What else are you doing right now? (18876 replies)
  28. let's phone (7 replies)
  29. Foreign foods (33 replies)
  30. Pretty Maids All In A Row (19 replies)
  31. quick question (5 replies)
  32. Laptop (11 replies)
  33. Tell us what you've got.... (32 replies)
  34. Croc Crap! (41 replies)
  35. G~ Googlewhack ~G (32 replies)
  36. Holy Cow Assman .............. (45 replies)
  37. Cold Mountain (5 replies)
  38. 15,000 Pixies (10 replies)
  39. A Rant about EXES! (19 replies)
  40. No Way!!!! (20 replies)
  41. Chicks (31 replies)
  42. movie quotes (146 replies)
  43. The Blair Witch Project (15 replies)
  44. Shortened my nick (9 replies)
  45. oO~ Loyalty ~Oo (33 replies)
  46. Just 19 not so simple steps. (33 replies)
  47. Confession... its good for the soul... (17923 replies)
  48. So Spank Me (23 replies)
  49. Woohoooooooo..... (18 replies)
  50. How Many Do You Have??? (11 replies)
  51. Elmo (10 replies)
  52. Have a laugh...... (24 replies)
  53. Some Space News (9 replies)
  54. Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Hamilton, Jackson, Grant, ... (6 replies)
  55. I Wouldn't Be Caught Dead (32 replies)
  56. LOTR humor (18 replies)
  57. P ...... Poooo .............pop ........ Popcorn (9 replies)
  58. Pull Out ............... (18 replies)
  59. Tanning Your ............. What?!?!?! (10 replies)
  60. *~Happy Anniversary Cobalt~* (24 replies)
  61. COMMONER help! (7 replies)
  62. Happy Birthday Payton! (16 replies)
  63. Ads (3 replies)
  64. Music Videos.....Mmmm!!! (17 replies)
  65. Things that happen while on travels. (11 replies)
  66. Weird history (5 replies)
  67. 3 Old Ladies (12 replies)
  68. "Leg Lamp"..... Was it YOU??? (16 replies)
  69. Sound Recorder (14 replies)
  70. trouble logging on (9 replies)
  71. Sweet dreams are made of these... (6 replies)
  72. Usernames - the secret behind... (50 replies)
  73. Pixies growth (19 replies)
  74. In Case of Emergency (5 replies)
  75. Just a Spoonful (12 replies)
  76. Banished words... or at least they should be... (37 replies)
  77. Happy New Year (4 replies)
  78. Security and Celebrations (7 replies)
  79. GRRR!! for when ya just gotta scream (8 replies)
  80. Sir WWW (11 replies)
  81. Can you recommend a good read? (24 replies)
  82. Legal (22 replies)
  83. It's GUINNESS time (26 replies)
  84. My Sweetie!! (14 replies)
  85. Redskins (10 replies)
  86. out of hiding ;-) (39 replies)
  87. The Eldersburg emu (17 replies)
  88. Resolutions You Can Keep (23 replies)
  89. my how time flies.... (20 replies)
  90. Now that christmas is behind us.... (11 replies)
  91. DVD help (6 replies)
  92. Past year reflection... new year ahead.... (29 replies)
  93. What is the worst present you gave/received for Xmas? (10 replies)
  94. Find your celebrity match... (25 replies)
  95. A challenge for 2004? (36 replies)
  96. Free to a good home... (10 replies)
  97. What you'd LIKE to do for NYE (11 replies)
  98. Pop Off! (7 replies)
  99. Re-write the charts (sexually) (0 replies)
  100. 2004 Quarter Designs (8 replies)
  101. Making of LOTR quote thread (9 replies)
  102. Sick of Spies (21 replies)
  103. Anyone willing to play Nostradamus... (11 replies)
  104. Happy Birthday, SuccubusKitty (16 replies)
  105. I confess (8 replies)
  106. New Year on Mars (53 replies)
  107. Diablo 2 (79 replies)
  108. Lord of the Rings - Return of the King (37 replies)
  109. Did you see your bird yesterday? (12 replies)
  110. Personality Profile (28 replies)
  111. Moooo~oooo~oooo~ (24 replies)
  112. BMP images (3 replies)
  113. Tommy?.......Fritz?......... (9 replies)
  114. Favorite Poem (0 replies)
  115. What happened to the pictures of that sexy college girl from vermont? (14 replies)
  116. Not now I'm reading.... (22 replies)
  117. Bloke Rules (8 replies)
  118. Happy Birthday, TxSweet (6 replies)
  119. Reindeer Poop ~ or ~ Coal????? (15 replies)
  120. Winter Holiday Greetings! (10 replies)
  121. Payton Crantor 102 (16 replies)
  122. Tracking (7 replies)
  123. How to save on your kids Christmas gifts (13 replies)
  124. Xmas cards: Important? (3 replies)
  125. Real Women (11 replies)
  126. Iraq Christmas Carol! (9 replies)
  127. Reflections (19 replies)
  128. Merry Christmas to all (6 replies)
  129. Are You A Ho, Ho, Ho???? (21 replies)
  130. The emotions of Christmas (12 replies)
  131. France (4 replies)
  132. A Special Pixie Birthday Holiday Tomorrow (28 replies)
  133. 20 Ways To Confuse Santa Claus (8 replies)
  134. have u ever....... (12 replies)
  135. Not just a pen... (16 replies)
  136. Merry Chistmas Sweetie!!!!!!!!! (6 replies)
  137. Christmas Wishes (1 replies)
  138. *~*~*Winter Fun*~*~* (12 replies)
  139. What goes.... (16 replies)
  140. Plom Plom Plom (138 replies)
  141. Merry Christmas Pixies (10 replies)
  142. Christmas Wishes To One And All (18 replies)
  143. "Inappropriate" humor (18 replies)
  144. Kegels (3 replies)
  145. Leaving... (22 replies)
  146. First Timer... (17 replies)
  147. California Pixies Front and Center (10 replies)
  148. Ahem... (46 replies)
  149. Merry Christmas (5 replies)
  150. Lobster Barbie (2 replies)
  151. Wishes ! (4 replies)
  152. Ofactory gratification (8 replies)
  153. Perfect Crime (7 replies)
  154. HoHoHo... Bad Santa... (6 replies)
  155. Review of 2003 (5 replies)
  156. December 23rd.....***Christmas Adam*** (19 replies)
  157. OMG! Late Honeymoon....Early Christmas present! (13 replies)
  158. Damn you, WI!! (19 replies)
  159. Hugs for Wildeye (13 replies)
  160. Merry Xmas (12 replies)
  161. Feminism (13 replies)
  162. 55555 (17 replies)
  163. Christmas Day on Mars (35 replies)
  164. Funnies (8 replies)
  165. Aqua's Cafe! (6 replies)
  166. Two nice nude Screensavers I found... (7 replies)
  167. Ozzy (13 replies)
  168. Good & Bad News! (3 replies)
  169. Tattoo Trend (17 replies)
  170. Connections (15 replies)
  171. Retail Pet Peeves (30 replies)
  172. xxx~ I Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus ~xxx (18 replies)
  173. Not A Good Idea (21 replies)
  174. *Happy Chanukkah* (6 replies)
  175. Can Anybody Tell Me..... (6 replies)
  176. Peta (23 replies)
  177. Some advice.... (14 replies)
  178. Wright Brothers (6 replies)
  179. i broke............. (15 replies)
  180. Racism (24 replies)
  181. Nasty Habits (18 replies)
  182. I wonder.... (39 replies)
  183. Christmas Humor (17 replies)
  184. What would YOU do?!?! (16 replies)
  185. Ho-Ho-Ho~Sling Me Baby~Ho-Ho-Ho (26 replies)
  186. Innocent Festive Fun - Honest. (9 replies)
  187. Love (7 replies)
  188. Greetings (17 replies)
  189. Conversations (3 replies)
  190. How bad do you want a new life? (3 replies)
  191. A.w.o.l. (32 replies)
  192. Luckily no one was seriously injured (24 replies)
  193. sharni ummmm (6 replies)
  194. %!#&#$%!! (19 replies)
  195. The Twelve Days of Christmas..Sing along. (14 replies)
  196. Is the truth out there? (13 replies)
  197. 12 Days of Christmas Origin? (8 replies)
  198. Christmas Cookies (7 replies)
  199. holy crap - they've found Saddam (36 replies)
  200. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas ... (15 replies)
  201. Now I've Seen Everything (16 replies)
  202. Splatt! (15 replies)
  203. $ Maddddddddddd Money $ (7 replies)
  204. I can see your house Steph (19 replies)
  205. God Bless David Letterman (11 replies)
  206. Christmas Diets (bah hum bug) (5 replies)
  207. quiet and unassuming our DB is.... (14 replies)
  208. science exam!!!!!!! (3 replies)
  209. If things were different! (18 replies)
  210. Meet Maxine!!!! (9 replies)
  211. Loves/Obsessions (11 replies)
  212. My new official photograph (8 replies)
  213. 3~3~3 (17 replies)
  214. Backhanded compliments and the people who give them (31 replies)
  215. Well it's Christmas again... (20 replies)
  216. Top this one Steph (17 replies)
  217. Have you gotten your Pole? (3 replies)
  218. Poke Me With A.................... (34 replies)
  219. You know you're the parent of a toddler when... (21 replies)
  220. attention Canadians (10 replies)
  221. >< Theme Song >< (7 replies)
  222. Guess what Nikki bought me for Xmas...... (6 replies)
  223. Mythological Forms (24 replies)
  224. *******warning : Whining Involved****** (15 replies)
  225. Celebrity b-day (18 replies)
  226. As Christmas season approaches... (14 replies)
  227. ~@~ Visions of Sugar Plums ~@~ (14 replies)
  228. Help me to learn a little bit about you. (24 replies)
  229. Demi Factor????? (what do you think?) (8 replies)
  230. one to many (15 replies)
  231. Angels in America........ (5 replies)
  232. Buy~ Sell~ Trade (7 replies)
  233. Grown Up Lincoln Logs (3 replies)
  234. <^>You Mutant!<^> (14 replies)
  235. Dark Tower anyone? (11 replies)
  236. UK Butt-Arse (12 replies)
  237. Who here hates those annoying chain emails? (14 replies)
  238. What special gift have you bought for someone this Xmas? (24 replies)
  239. in a name (9 replies)
  240. What's on your mind? (10313 replies)
  241. Ever felt like an ASS? (32 replies)
  242. Christmas formals (15 replies)
  243. Nice bum, where ya from? :) (33 replies)
  244. Who else wants breasts for Christmas? (7 replies)
  245. **>>**Christmas Avatar**<<** (22 replies)
  246. English! (5 replies)
  247. Had Our First Covering Snow Last Night (31 replies)
  248. Whips and chains for the birthday girl (39 replies)
  249. Here's the scoop on Steph ... but shhhhh ... trying to keep it quiet (20 replies)
  250. Miserable failure (12 replies)