View Full Version : Usernames - the secret behind...
01-01-2004, 09:55 AM
I'm interested to know how people here chose the usernames they have when they first signed up. Some I understand, some I don't.
There's a secret behind mine:
ukG² (
Yes, it's the channel ukG². The channel recently changed it's name from UK Gold 2 and this new logo inspired me to use this name just days before I signed up here.
Creating it was easy. I had to go into Microsoft Word, click on Insert menu and select Symbol and then choose the small ² from the list of symbols. A bit of cutting and pasting, and hey presto!
I would like to get the "uk" part raised and put in capitals, but can't find a way, so that just the G is a normal sitting character. No doubt I will find a way.
01-01-2004, 10:00 AM
like UKg²
01-01-2004, 10:12 AM
I'm sure there's another thread about this somewhere, I just can't find it!! :) Ho Hum!
Anyhow ~ mine comes from my "obsession" with a certain cartoon-rodent Superhero...... DANGERMOUSE!! (No surprises to anyone who's been here a while!!)
The number (383) comes from when my ex-wife and I first moved to the Isle of Man.... we had a Fiat Uno at the time, and the digits in the Reg. plate were 383. We wanted a "personalised" plate for it, and as we are both RMN's (Registered Mental Nurse's) we wanted RMN90 or 90RMN for the plate (when we qualified!).......both gone, unfortunately!! So, we chose "RMN 383". (When I got my fist BIG bike, I got "383 RMN" for it!! :))
*I can hear y'all saying "So what?".... I'm gettin' there!!*
SO...... when I FIRST got online, my mate set up my very first Yahoo account for me, while I was at work, and named it "Dangermouse383". And I've used the name (or variations of it) ever since!!
(Sorry th^t was SO long...... but you DID ask!! :))
01-01-2004, 10:41 AM
Oh, it's OK. ;) The longer the explanation, the better!
Originally posted by Lilith
like UKg²
???????? Yep! As in the TV channel. That's what I said! :)
01-01-2004, 10:45 AM
No I mean the change in the it that you just want the UK capitolized or do you want it raised like the 2 is???
01-01-2004, 11:13 AM
a ranger was the first type of character i played in EQ..
my e-mail is
[email protected]
Raistlen is a character from a book set i read and found to be one of the most interesting fictional character's i've ever read about but i couldnt get
[email protected] so i just added the number 1930 because i was pretty sure no one else would have it...
i don't honestly know where the switch came from.. but it did so there ya are
01-01-2004, 12:03 PM
Originally posted by Lilith
No I mean the change in the it that you just want the UK capitolized or do you want it raised like the 2 is??? I want the "uk" raised like the 2 is and in capitals.
01-01-2004, 12:17 PM
Osuche - as some have already learned...
osu = Ohio State University (my alma mater)
che = Chemical Engineer
...Lame but descriptive. Of course, the Greek word for "soul" is "psuche" -- which is damn close. So maybe I'm a Chem E with soul.
01-01-2004, 12:34 PM
Hmmmmm.........let's see........I was sitting on my hubbies lap in front of the monitor when he intro'd me to Pixies. I wanted to join immediately after looking at the pic forums even though I hadn't checked out the entire site.......but I didn't want to use the nick he had already joined with (months earlier) I blurted out, "We can be lixnlix69....get it?"......and he rolled his eyes at me, so I knew I hit upon something. We were Mr. and Mrs. Lix in the forums for a little while (even though he never typed a!) and one day Scotzoidman (a honey of a Pixie member!) told me I should get my own nick to differentiate who was posting to the forums. I thought I had been doing that by signing every post "Mrs. Lix".........but I got to thinking maybe he just wanted to PM me and didn't really want hubby to get my PM's *giggle* I began to think of individual nicks I could use.....but I liked nothing. I would go to chat quite often and each time I would go in and FussyPucker was in there, he'd greet me with, "hiya sexy lixychick" (knowing that hubby never went to chat and it had to be me despite the lixnlix69 nick).
And sooooooooooo.......voila!
*runs over to Fussy Yummy Pants.......jumps up...wrapping my legs around his waist and kisses his face off*
01-01-2004, 01:12 PM
I don’t know.:confused: Just something that came to me:rolleyes: ................................. with a class mate in the coatroom:D ............. third grade.:lust:
01-01-2004, 01:58 PM
I'm an historical re-enactor (no we arn't all anoraks) and I'm a Musketeer and so that was it, simple as that.
01-01-2004, 02:13 PM
A gal told anther gal who told me, I was cute and anti-social. A Catch22. :) :(
01-01-2004, 02:56 PM
I had a brother named Dick. Wasn't that clever? :)
01-01-2004, 03:30 PM
I'd never have guessed (honestly!). :)
01-01-2004, 04:38 PM
mine comes from my youth i use to play soccer and being a slow runner was on defense mostly but occasionally there would be a small burst and was nicknames speedy.
01-01-2004, 07:13 PM
Found the other thread...I knew it was around here somewhere....
So now it's same answer different thread :daisy:
Payton Crantor
01-01-2004, 07:20 PM
Was a name of a RPG character I created for a Werewolf game I play.
Payton was the name I would like to name my son if i ever had one. and Crantor just came to me one day. I guess being the only child I can be very creative in my spare time.
01-01-2004, 07:21 PM
Never really had a nick name in my life so I asked my boyfirend (now hubby) to give me one. He said "Hmmm, you're my baby and you like babybunny". So thats about it. Although I dont think he has actually called me babybunny ever.
Teddy Bear
01-01-2004, 08:01 PM
Pretty easy guess on my nick.... I like teddy bears!
I collect all types, sizes, makes, models, etc.
And, well........ I'm cuddly like a teddy bear.
teddy ;)
01-02-2004, 03:09 AM
I wanted something for a nic that was unusual and a bit quirky and humorous and when I was thinking about it my tummy rumbled.
So Grumbleguts was born. Actually I like the shortened version, Grumble better.
Then when looking for an avatar there was a guy sitting on the loo so that was obviously the result of having a grumbling guts so it suited me fine.
See before you just thought I was a dickhead now you know LOL
:D :D
01-02-2004, 04:45 AM
The word "blue" has been a part of most of my on line names ever since I got my first computer in '97. I've used "BlueSwede" as my screen name at various sites and as my e-mail address name for a couple of years now.
I love the color blue and I have blue eyes, plus life's been quite hard/stressful for at least the past 5 years, so I've also often been "blue." I'm of Swedish descent (with some Norwegian thrown in, too) and identify w/my background a great deal, so I combined the two. For some reason, they just seemed to go together. I realize there was (is?) a singing group called BlueSwede also, but I don't think I'm familiar w/any of their music.
01-02-2004, 12:43 PM
Mine is no secret.........;) :D :slurp:
The Shadow
01-02-2004, 12:57 PM
Thats what i did till retired several years ago. Ive had this nick for several years..
A plus is that i get to look up a CGT fine assets !!!!!!!!:hot:
Aqua... short for Aquaman, as in the Superhero. I had it shortened to Aqua simply because that is what everyone called me here after a while.
01-02-2004, 01:03 PM
They'd know that if you didn't change your avatar once a week.:rolleyes:
remember your first one? ;) lol
01-02-2004, 01:05 PM
Originally posted by fireguy
Thats what i did till retired several years ago. Ive had this nick for several years..
A plus is that i get to look up a CGT fine assets !!!!!!!!:hot:
LMAO:o AWWW ((((( hugs)))))));)
01-02-2004, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by babybunny
Never really had a nick name in my life so I asked my boyfirend (now hubby) to give me one. He said "Hmmm, you're my baby and you like babybunny". So thats about it. Although I dont think he has actually called me babybunny ever.
babybunny - that's one cute name. :)
01-02-2004, 02:05 PM
I chose mine simply because I like things hot! ;)
It didn't hurt that Summer is my favorite season and here in South Florida it is always Summer Time, Summer Lovin', etc. etc. !!!! hehe
Originally posted by PantyFanatic
They'd know that if you didn't change your avatar once a week.:rolleyes:
remember your first one? ;) lol
I remember my VERY first one...
But I doubt anyone else does. I only used it for a couple days, and then saw a regular (who is not around anymore) was using it, so I changed it.
01-02-2004, 03:34 PM
:D That's it! LOL
Thanks for the memories.:) Now you can go back to Wheel of Avatars.;)
My VERY first Av I used here...
01-02-2004, 04:56 PM
I prefer the one you had before the snowflake.
01-02-2004, 08:05 PM
Originally posted by Ranger1930
a ranger was the first type of character i played in EQ..
my e-mail is
[email protected]
Raistlen is a character from a book set i read and found to be one of the most interesting fictional character's i've ever read about but i couldnt get
[email protected] so i just added the number 1930 because i was pretty sure no one else would have it...
i don't honestly know where the switch came from.. but it did so there ya are
Would this character appear in a series of books called the Dragonlance chronicals? If it is I have to agree Raistlin was avery intersting character, even if I did prefer Tika well the pics I imagined she looked like.
Virgin Teen
01-03-2004, 03:37 AM
Very simple my name... I didn't know what to call myself so I was trying to think of something a little bit sex related... Decided on Virgin Teen because I am a virgin (ha, who'd have guessed!?) and I'm a teenager (perfectly legal - a month or so away from turning 19).
Didn't think about the consequences though... like when I lose my virginity or when I turn 20... Guess I'll either change my name or keep it the same to remind myself that I don't always think things through. Oh well.
01-03-2004, 04:06 AM
My name combines my two loves, Ballet, and tackling other girls in the mud. Really though, dance and rugby are two very prominent aspects of my life, always will be.
01-03-2004, 07:43 PM
Well see from a man's point of view loving to tackle other girls in the mud is not a bad thing. Don't they pay for that in some places? :eek:
White Noise
01-04-2004, 04:14 AM
Hmmm, do I even begin to start up on this one without looking pretentious....
OK, here goes. Mine came from a term I picked up studing psychology but I think it rests more easily in Physics. It basically is the description of auditory stimulus that has all frequencies represented at random fluctuations - that great "shhhhhhhhhh" sound you hear at the end of video tapes for example.
Anyway, I liked the term so decided to use it (it was either White Noise or Doppler Effect or Occam's Razor) but I suppose it can also apply to myself personally as I tend to "drown out" others in conversation (especially when drunk) as I love the sound of my own voice.
01-04-2004, 09:37 AM
I have that problem as well. My voice must sound normal and prime I feel. Sometimes when I get up in the morning I blow my nose coz I keep thinking that will make my voice normal again after a night's sleep.
01-08-2004, 03:51 PM
If you hold down Alt and type in 0178 on your numeric keypad (not the numbers along the top) you get my little ² appear.
01-08-2004, 05:15 PM
I usually post as Xantar which is short for Lord Xantar DeLoki the Destroyer which is the first D&D character I ever made and also a pseudonym I had used since high school when I wrote rants, bad poetry, or just other twisted tales.
Like Succubus Kitty I have posted on other sites as Knight of Chaos, Savant of Eris, and Book of Xantar to reflect my religious views.
Then there is Tuvalu Bound becuase well I just have this obession about going to plazes I have never heard of.
As for Cunning Linguist: that was a pun. See this is a primarily a sex site so I decided to use a sexual screen name. I am cunning in that I prefer to use my quick wits to suvive in a harsh, cruel world (Actually luck has more to do with me being alive and somewhat sane). I am a linguist only in the sense that I absolutly love words becuase picking the right ones will totally change how your message is recieved and also becuase you will notice if you are on my weekly mail list that I murder the Eglish language every chance I get. Every woman I have had sex with can pretty mcuh testify to the fact that the one thing I can do well is eat pussy. So far women I have not ever had sex with seem to want to test it out.
I am a master of Puppetry in cyberspace and here is an abbreviated litany of my other screen names: El Pendejo, Bible Believer, I am not Luge, Santa Claus, Satan Claws, Sinter Klaus (posts the same things as Santa Claus, but in German and more anti-semetic in tone), Brett Walker, Antechrist (to go off on spouts about how the end times are coming).
Mor Rioghan
01-09-2004, 04:40 PM
Basically, "Mor Rioghan" is a variation of "Morrigan", a name I use online and in other areas of my life where my real name isn't everyone's business.
I found it looking for other ways to spell Morrigan...and like this spelling the best.
01-09-2004, 06:29 PM
I hate the default avatars here. Sorry Lilith.
01-09-2004, 08:34 PM
mine comes from my love for music and that I work in music for my living....
"Tess" is the style name of my favorite wig :)
01-09-2004, 10:59 PM
Originally posted by ukG²
I hate the default avatars here. Sorry Lilith.
So do I...on my old personal site I used to have 400 alternate choices available. I am always ready to lend a hand to people who want to make or have me make them a custom av.
01-09-2004, 11:12 PM
Originally posted by Lilith
So do I...on my old personal site I used to have 400 alternate choices available. I am always ready to lend a hand to people who want to make or have me make them a custom av.
Sounds interesting. What would you need from us to do that?
01-09-2004, 11:26 PM
Well, ideas of what you may want or a pic. If someone is interested all they need do is PM me with what they like or think they may like.
01-10-2004, 06:37 PM
OK here is my reason, I think the guy is a great comedian (Billy Connolly I mean!) but I could have another reason for my nic..............
01-10-2004, 06:42 PM
Mine was a joke, as I'm one of the of the most un-animallike around. I find it hard to stay in a mood for more than a few minutes but love a laugh and joke.
I get excited but who doesn't! :D
PS Wouldn't mind changing it now for something to comemmorate my fondness for the Carolina Panthers, who are giving me a hard time against the St Louis Rams tonight!
01-10-2004, 08:35 PM
LOL, I am a chick who is trying to teach myself how to play guitar. I own 4 guitars in which 2 of them are made by Fender. So, Fenderchick worked while I was making the screen name. No one at Pixies had this name.....
01-12-2004, 11:41 AM
For those people not from the North of England, supporters of Wigan rugby league club are known as pieeaters. Any sexual innuendo is purely co-incidental,
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