View Full Version : Personality Profile

12-26-2003, 05:29 PM
Just make a choice there is no right or wrong just being my typical nosey self....

1) Paper or plastic?

2) Soup or salad?

3) Ribbed or ultra-thin?

4) JLo or Shakira?

5) NSYNC or Back Street Boys?

6) ButteryNipples or Screaming Orgasms?

7) Real or fake?

8) Crouching tiger or hidden dragon?

9) Classic triangle, Brazillian strip, or smooth?

10) Cheerleader or Catholic school girl?

12-26-2003, 05:33 PM
Screaming Orgasms
Classic triangle
hidden dragon
Catholic school girl

12-26-2003, 05:36 PM
1/ Plastic

2/ Salad

3/ Ultra Thin

4/ Shakira

5/ Back Street Boys

6/ Buttery Nipples

7/ Real

8/ Crouching Tiger

9/ Smooth

10/ Cheerleader

12-26-2003, 05:38 PM
Paper or plastic? plastic

2) Soup or salad? salad

3) Ribbed or ultra-thin? ultra thin

4) JLo or Shakira? j lo

5) NSYNC or Back Street Boys? omg plz no ! i refuse to answer on the grounds i dont like either ! LMAO although justin is kinda hot!

6) ButteryNipples or Screaming Orgasms? screamin orgasms

7) Real or fake? real

8) Crouching tiger or hidden dragon? hidden dragon i spose

9) Classic triangle, Brazillian strip, or smooth? classic triangle (normally)

10) Cheerleader or Catholic school girl? schoolgirl


12-26-2003, 06:32 PM




Backstreet Boys

Screaming Orgasms


Crouching tiger

Smooth (as a baby's bum)


12-26-2003, 07:51 PM
1) Paper or plastic? Paper

2) Soup or salad? Salad

3) Ribbed or ultra-thin? Ultra-thin *although I really hate the damnable things.

4) JLo or Shakira? J Lo

5) NSYNC or Back Street Boys? NEITHER! yech, down with boybands!

6) ButteryNipples or Screaming Orgasms? I know the Buttery Nipple is a alcoholic beverage, but I have never heard of a Screaming Orgasm....of course if anyone would like to volunteer to give me an actual Screaming Orgasm.....

7) Real or fake? Real, real, real!

8) Crouching tiger or hidden dragon? Hidden Dragon

9) Classic triangle, Brazillian strip, or smooth? Smooth as the day you were born please...hair can be distracting, not gross, just distracting.

10) Cheerleader or Catholic school girl? Catholic School girl...they get to wear their cute little skirts everyday...cheerleaders have to wait to GameDay.

12-26-2003, 09:00 PM
1) Plastic
2) Salad
3) ultra-thin (never used one)
4) JLo
6) what no real drinks(rum&coke) Butterynipple :D
7) REAL :p
8) Hidden Dragon
9) Smooth :slurp:
10) Catholic School Girl who is a cheerleader (went to Cath. school) :jedi:

12-26-2003, 09:59 PM
wouldn't know
wouldn't know
school girl

12-26-2003, 10:07 PM
1) plastic

2) Soup or salad - Summer/salad Winter/soup

3) ultra-thin

4) dont like either (put in Shania Twain for me)

5) Back Street Boys

6) Screaming Orgasms (rum & coke my fav)

7) Real

8) Crouching tiger

9) Classic triangle (for me the exciting pointer to the erotic centre of a woman, feel cheated without it)

10) School Girl (something about the developing sexulality that is as tempting as it is untouchable)

12-27-2003, 01:49 AM


3....ultra thin (never used one....but had him put on an orange glow-in-the-dark one once........just to giggle as he bounced across the room with the lights out)


5....Can't really say with authoritative knowledge......only ever saw one of the bands (NSYNC) mimicked on The Simpsons.....so I have no basis for comparison!

6....Buttery Nipples....(oh.....my hips!)


8....Crouching Tiger....(least way.....I can see him when he pounces......and he's not "hidden")

9....Brazillian strip (I'd prefer a strip.....it's irritating in one slight spot if I shave it smooth)....but hubby would prefer smooth!

10....Gonna say cheerleader.....just for the acrobatics and flexibility.....(sorry catholic girls.....but nothing in catholisism says "RAH RAH RAH.....SIS BOOM BAH".......*split*......and Billy Joel said you start much too late......and sinners are much more fun too......yikes!)

*ducking the rotten tomatoes*

White Noise
12-27-2003, 03:23 AM
1) Paper or plastic? Paper

2) Soup or salad? Salad

3) Ribbed or ultra-thin? ultra thin ribbed (sorry, I am being a smartass there)

4) JLo or Shakira? Shakira

5) NSYNC or Back Street Boys? Hand me the gun please

6) ButteryNipples or Screaming Orgasms? Butterfly Nipples

7) Real or fake? Real but fake is OK if done properly (don't want to be a hypocrite here)

8) Crouching tiger or hidden dragon? Crouching tiger

9) Classic triangle, Brazillian strip, or smooth? Brazillian strip

10) Cheerleader or Catholic school girl? School girl, oh yeah, the school girl.

12-27-2003, 04:49 AM
1) Paper or plastic?

2) Soup or salad?

3) Ribbed or ultra-thin?

4) JLo or Shakira?

5) NSYNC or Back Street Boys?

6) ButteryNipples or Screaming Orgasms?
Screaming Orgasms

7) Real or fake?

8) Crouching tiger or hidden dragon?
Crouching tiger.

9) Classic triangle, Brazillian strip, or smooth?

10) Cheerleader or Catholic school girl?

12-27-2003, 06:41 AM
1) Paper or plastic? Paper

2) Soup or salad? Salad

3) Ribbed or ultra-thin?UltraThin

4) JLo or Shakira?there's a difference?

5) NSYNC or Back Street Boys? again

6) ButteryNipples or Screaming Orgasms? Buttery Nipples

7) Real or fake? Real

8) Crouching tiger or hidden dragon? Hidden Dragon.

9) Classic triangle, Brazillian strip, or smooth? Yes

10) Cheerleader or Catholic school girl? Both?


Payton Crantor
12-27-2003, 10:23 AM
1) Paper or plastic? Paper

2) Soup or salad? Soup

3) Ribbed or ultra-thin? Well when I have to use them then I suppose ultra-thin.

4) JLo or Shakira? Shakira...damn she can move those hips. :hot:

5) NSYNC or Back Street Boys? Neither if I can help it.

6) ButteryNipples or Screaming Orgasms? Never had either drink

7) Real or fake? Real all the way.

8) Crouching tiger or hidden dragon? Crouching tiger

9) Classic triangle, Brazillian strip, or smooth? Smooth please

10) Cheerleader or Catholic school girl? Hummmm...either one can be so naughty. but would have to say Catholic school girl. :devil:

12-27-2003, 11:01 AM
1) Paper or plastic?
2) Soup or salad?
3) Ribbed or ultra-thin?
>>>Both!...they make 'em with both features now! :p
4) JLo or Shakira?
>>>JLo if I must...don't like either one
5) NSYNC or Back Street Boys?
>>>Do I HAVE TO answer this one?....ok, nsync... :rolleyes:
6) ButteryNipples or Screaming Orgasms?
>>>I dunno...I've never tried either drink before.
7) Real or fake?
>>>Real always!
8) Crouching tiger or hidden dragon?
>>>Hidden dragon
9) Classic triangle, Brazillian strip, or smooth?
10) Cheerleader or Catholic school girl? [/B][/QUOTE]
>>>Catholic school girl (I'm going to hell for this one...)

12-27-2003, 11:52 AM
1) Paper
2) Salad
3) Ultra-thin
4) JLo
5) turn of the CD please or find me some Rock-n-roll
6) buttery nipples
7) Crouching Tiger, at least I can see the thing.
8) Brazillian Strip just sounds exotic but I'll dine amongst any of them
9) Cheerleader

12-27-2003, 12:21 PM
1. Plastic
2. Salad, most definitely
3. Ribbed
4. JLo
5. Backstreet Boys
6. I've never had either. :)
7. Real
8. Crouching tiger
9. Triangle
10. Catholic school girl

strip, or smooth?

10) Cheerleader or Catholic school girl? [/B][/QUOTE]

12-27-2003, 12:38 PM
1) plastic

2) salad

3) ribbed

4) JLo


6) Screaming Orgasms

7) Real

8) hidden dragon

9) smooth

10)Catholic school girl

Virgin Teen
12-28-2003, 03:18 AM
1) Paper or plastic?

2) Soup or salad?

3) Ribbed or ultra-thin?

4) JLo or Shakira?

5) NSYNC or Back Street Boys?
Backstreet Boys

6) ButteryNipples or Screaming Orgasms?
Hmm... Would ButteryNipples be the same as SlipperyNipples? Because I really like that one...

7) Real or fake?

8) Crouching tiger or hidden dragon?
Hidden dragon

9) Classic triangle, Brazillian strip, or smooth?
Classic, although I might got smooth... been thinking about it...

10) Cheerleader or Catholic school girl?
Catholic school girl - I was one a few years ago!

12-31-2003, 02:21 PM

2) salad

3) ultra-thin

4) niether

5) niether

6) Screaming Orgasms

7) Real

8) Crouching tiger

9) Brazillian strip

10) Catholic school girl

12-31-2003, 05:11 PM
1) Paper
2) Soup
3) ultra-thin
4) -- pass --
5) -- pass --
6) ButteryNipples or Screaming Orgasms? neither, Scotch please
7) Real
8) hidden dragon
9) smooth
10) Catholic school girl

12-31-2003, 06:54 PM
Soup... depending on the soup
Shakira (J-lo's ass is overrated)
*real* screaming orgasms (Forget the drink! :o)
Hidden Dragon
Hardwood floors
Catholic School girl... they are just waiting to release all their pent up sexual energy that has been repressed

12-31-2003, 10:15 PM
Paper (if I dont have my bag with me)


NEITHER (latex sensitive)

JLO (her man is a cutie)

NSYNC (just because I have to choose one)

Buttery Nipples


Hidden Dragon


ugh DO I HAVE TO CHOOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cheerleader at a Catholic School lol

12-31-2003, 11:48 PM
Paper///Salad///Ultra thin,I'll let the lady provide the lubrication.///Helen Merin,just check out Calander Girls.///Crosby,Stills, Nash and Young///Buttery Nipples///Real/// Hidden Dragon...I want to be consumed in a passionate inferno...///Catholic girls,because of the Billy Joel song....

01-01-2004, 08:56 PM
1) Plastic. I work for a company that makes it.

2) salad

3) Ultra thin if I must...

4) Ick!!!

5) Back Street Boys?

6) Ick!!! Give me scotch (neat) any day...

7) Real

8) Crouching tiger

9) Classic triangle - groomed daily. :D

10) Cheerleader (I've been the Catholic school girl and it sucks)

01-01-2004, 11:38 PM
What is the crouching tiger/hidden dragon question asking re: personality?

01-01-2004, 11:56 PM
nothing...it's all nonsense

01-02-2004, 12:17 AM
ribbed - for her pleasure
shakira - whenever, how ever, for as long...oh sorry.....
Neither - I own a gun
Britney Spears - I mean School Girl

01-02-2004, 05:02 AM
Damn, after reading the list, I can tell I definitely need to get a life and get off these nightshifts where life is just work/sleep/work/sleep, etc.

1) Paper or plastic? paper

2) Soup or salad? salad

3) Ribbed or ultra-thin? ultra-thin

4) JLo or Shakira? Who?

5) NSYNC or Back Street Boys? Back Street Boys (but PREFER rock'nroll)

6) ButteryNipples or Screaming Orgasms? geesh, I thought you were talking about REAL buttery nipples or screaming orgasms. If that's the case, I'll take the screaming orgasms. (Can you tell I don't drink or have a social life?)

7) Real or fake? Who cares?

8) Crouching tiger or hidden dragon? Hidden dragon

9) Classic triangle, Brazillian strip, or smooth? smooth

10) Cheerleader or Catholic school girl? Yuk. Neither.