View Full Version : General Chat
- WANTED:Significate Other
- Did you hear the one about the Pirates? lol
- Milquetoast
- Cyclone Larry
- Update on my doc's visit today
- Am i a bitch?
- Hey Rockintime.............
- La Sacre du Printemps.......
- the architects that work downstairs
- ~Arts & Crafts~
- Woo hoo! We're moving!
- redsquare game
- Transitions ~ Bernard Lacoste
- Tell me something ...
- Ooops!
- Mouse? Mice? Meese's? Uh...
- WWE Fans
- hahahahaha!
- Why yes, yes I am a mind reader.
- Hey Steph!
- New observations as I stop by ...
- Sharni UPDATE
- So I'm bummed.
- Deal or No Deal???????
- Stress?!?!?!?!
- Shakira (music)
- Extreme Makeover- Home edition.
- Skylines
- Military!!!!
- not sure whos in the midwest...
- Transition..Buck Owens
- Miss Me????
- it's nine o'clock on a saturday
- Online News Source
- Transitions — Caspar Weinberger
- IAK did you hear the news???
- When I'm drivin' in my car
- When "WildIrish" was a lawyer!
- Cyclone Glenda
- 404
- East Coasters
- Hurrrrrrray!!!!
- In my mind
- Lay Lady Lay
- "Passing" Thoughts
- I Need A Current Sticky!!!!
- April Fool
- Happy Birthday..............
- The Opening of The G.W.Bush wing of....
- Obviously
- I gotta!!
- Did you miss me?
- The BEST April Fool Puzzle EVER
- V for Vendetta
- I miss you!
- When I was a kid!
- It beggars the imagination.
- I saw a werewolf with a Chinese menu in his hand
- 1,2,3,4,5,6
- Chomp! Chomp!
- US School year
- Yeah....
- celebrities
- I'm so unlucky that...
- what the motherfuck grrrrrrrrr
- Aviation Aphorisms
- Controversial or "hot Topic" question
- Does anybody REALLY
- Congratulations, Salacious!!
- Could you do something for me?
- The Running of the Nudes....
- This business with Iran...
- I KNOW I told you..........
- What should be done about the
- Why Is Race Still An Issue...?
- There's a lady
- Duke Lacrosse Team Story
- Australian ~ New IR laws
- Australian ~ Qld new hoon laws
- It is Spring Cleaning Time.
- I can't believe
- Dj
- Cam anyone?
- Bears
- Easter Eggs? Who Knew!
- Sleepwear?
- Hey Ma ...
- Open note to Pixie-Place Owners
- Together Again
- Fuck Me Running
- Sick fucks
- On Me
- Trip to Mexico!
- Diagnosis: Crohn's Disease
- Has anybody seen......
- Crazy Laws
- Malware, spyware, etc.
- Joke ~ cracked me up
- Clogged Razor
- 50 Best Jobs
- Rockstar:Supernova
- It’s half your fault!
- "Helpfull Hints"
- Cyclone Monica and Old Fart
- Hey GUYS........
- Australian ~ ANZAC Day
- You have posted in this thread
- mmmmmmmmmmm salty nuts
- Smilies
- Happy Birthday PixieSprite!
- Gay fairy tale sparks outrage
- Australian ~ Just what we DONT need!
- Only in Australia
- 20 harsh things a woman can say to a naked man
- Attention Lilith!
- I think you should all know...
- WI is at it again.
- Loves2Laugh.... Happy Birthday!
- Happy Secretaries Day
- Phone crap
- Best
- "Ladies Restroom"
- Help a brother out! :)
- New Virus--WARNING!
- Powerful
- Do you get paid sick days? (not the sexiest thread title, I know)
- Forty Shades Of Green
- En Espaniol
- Botox
- Transitions — John Kenneth Galbraith
- Blogging
- The other side of the fence!
- Gas War???????
- 3 weeks
- The "What made you feel stupid today" thread.
- I Got Chills
- Breast Augmentation
- Antm
- Fried Pickles
- [ Rant ]
- Advice for Men
- f*** off? how boring...
- For PF
- this is discusting
- I've got your number, man
- A Little Known Piece of History
- this is *not* disgusting
- Laughter
- Sounds Like
- Congratulations to TinglingTess!
- An action Smilie for Lilith
- HB Loulabelle!!
- Forgive my rambling a bit ...
- Finally
- How Do They Do It?
- Fessing Up
- Baby,
- STRoke identification
- Deal or No Deal?
- Long Range Goals
- Hahahaha! Clean Porn!!
- Why God made mothers
- "Boycott Results"
- S.A.T. Testing (this is cute)
- Deja Vu
- Happy Mother's Day
- How long can you keep the ball in the air?
- Countdown
- I don’t like doing this
- Evolution
- Had to try my new camera ...
- are you content?
- Smile at a stranger
- I'm Nuts!
- Illegal Aliens
- Over the Hedge is over the top.
- United 93
- Lovers
- French Toast
- Barry Ties Babe
- Mistaken identity
- Transitions ... :)
- A lifetime supply?
- Devious
- got a 'happy birthday' email
- shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
- Home remedies?
- Collegial Conversations
- *bumps & grinds*
- Favorite Smilies
- Almost as good as sex
- let it be known
- vader owns you
- Memorial/Decoration Day
- DaVinci
- Playing with Firewater
- ndugu.... Happy B'day!
- You Know You're Getting Older When......
- ð...What Pissed You Off Today...ð
- Kevin "Bloody" Wilson
- Guess who's coming to dinner?
- You're not welcome here!
- Part of an E-Mail I received on Memorial Day
- I guess every office has one....
- I am ______ (fill in the blank)
- dos cabana boys
- Amen Reverend
- Holy lesbos batman! POW!
- *Supernatural*
- One Hell of a party
- Spielberg Misled Me
- Transistions: yet another Dead keyboardist...
- Ha! This made me smile!
- In Honor of 06/06/06
- After mowing the lawn ... I read this!
- A clean box
- Transitions — Billy Preston
- Use Lipstick
- Av hunt
- We're back!
- The SHACK- No Girls (at least no wives, girlfriends, or mothers)
- *IWM's Relaxation Spa & Resort*
- I am Sam
- Learning to speak Russian
- Am I dead?
- If you believe in prayer
- Al Zarqawi is No Longer!
- Happy Birthday sodaklostsoul!
- For all the overstressed homemakers out there.
- Getting a divorce
- On Women 40+
- Here's your sign WI
- Retirement Doesn't Have to be Boring
- Scarecrow
- My poochies
- Cars
- ~> Simple Pleasures <~
- Happy Birthday fzzy!
- Talking Out Loud
- Shoplifting
- Ohhh Lion
- Beautifully Stated
- Flix
- Windows Security Update
- Why Mosquitos Buzzzz In People's Ears
- [/off]
- A Prairie Home Companion — the movie
- Cum m'lady
- ** Virus ** Yamanner
- My Superman
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