View Full Version : Rotator cuff strengthening and injury prevention

05-16-2004, 02:26 AM
Hi guys,
As some of you know, in mid-2002 I damaged my rotator cuff while pitching, the supraspinatus tendon to be exact. After a season and a half of no baseball, I have resumed pitching. So far it's almost painless and I'm not at all incapacitated, but I would like some advice on how to keep it strong and prevent re-injury. I am currently doing a number of exercises using resistance tubing and 2kg weights, and push-ups. I'm sure we have some physiotherapists at Pixies (we've got pretty much everything else :p) so if anyone can help, please give me any input. Thanks :)

05-16-2004, 10:13 AM
Belial---As you,probably,know,I work-out almost every dayI have a Bowflex & also subscribe to Muscle & Fitness & Flex magazines.
I'm very sure that I have seen exercises,just for Rotator Cuffs,in
some of them.!Example:The Bowflex manual,has sections for each
body part.If you check under,Arm Exercises,you will,probably,find
something there.If you don't have access,just e-mail me & I will
send you anything that I can find! Irish
P.S.If you check the Bowflex website,you can,probably,order just
a manual!

05-16-2004, 12:46 PM
Belial---I found something!In the Bowflex Owner's Manual Fitness
Guide,under shoulder exercises,there are two Shoulder Rotator
Cuff(internal rotation & external rotation)exercises listed.If you don't have a Bowflex,you can adapt your exercise bands to do,
basically,the same thing.It is amazing,the amount of things,that you can adapt,if you have to.Recently,I had a broken foot.I couldn't stand to exercise.I,quickly,adapted MANY exercises to be
done seated.They might be a little different,but I figure that,
anything does more good then nothing! Irish

05-17-2004, 12:29 AM
Thanks Irish, much appreciated. :)

05-17-2004, 01:25 AM
Belial, some online stuff:


