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  1. Color (35 replies)
  2. 4444~days (20 replies)
  3. I live in a cave!!! (16 replies)
  4. Are you in control of your right foot????? (21 replies)
  5. Ever wanted to visit Glasgow? Read THIS!! (12 replies)
  6. I Am Not A Yankee Fan But For Those Who Are..... (2 replies)
  7. cake or bed? (9 replies)
  8. Re: Sharni (17 replies)
  9. Sooo... any doctors in the house? (28 replies)
  10. English Karaoke Please help (8 replies)
  11. The Love Police (7 replies)
  12. If you could be.... (17 replies)
  13. Just a quick note (23 replies)
  14. Women over 30! (15 replies)
  15. Non-Sense Poem (9 replies)
  16. >>October<< (14 replies)
  17. Halloween Costumes? (10 replies)
  18. the rest of the stoty? (3 replies)
  19. Depp 'returns in Pirates sequel' (9 replies)
  20. Some New Fall Pictures (29 replies)
  21. Doo Doo Doo..lookin out my backdoor... (32 replies)
  22. ~~>Gag Me<~~ (25 replies)
  23. your favorite (16 replies)
  24. My dog ate my Penis... (26 replies)
  25. Just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in... (14 replies)
  26. SS & Platinum (21 replies)
  27. Just to add balance;) (5 replies)
  28. A little Naughty (11 replies)
  29. ^@^ Evil Music ^@^ (16 replies)
  30. ~~> 1st Prize <~~ (15 replies)
  31. Santa Clause is Coming to Town (5 replies)
  32. Not a joke, but worth reading (I think) (5 replies)
  33. Top 10 (9 replies)
  34. Darkness falls across the land..the midnight hour is close at hand... (23 replies)
  35. Thought for the day ... (7 replies)
  36. ~~Good Old Fashioned...Home Remedies~~ (2 replies)
  37. THings you wish you could say at work: (30 replies)
  38. Eagles fans ..... what's your favorite? (11 replies)
  39. to all my Canadian friends.... (10 replies)
  40. Mental? (21 replies)
  41. OMG I forgot to moisturize! (16 replies)
  42. */*/*/*/*/*Soap Operas*\*\*\*\*\* (10 replies)
  43. How did I get here? (8 replies)
  44. The Liberty Bell took Liberty.... (20 replies)
  45. ((Fairy Bird)) (27 replies)
  46. It's Hockey season!!! (10 replies)
  47. The Most Romantic Movie Quotes Ever (31 replies)
  48. I'm off (31 replies)
  49. The Blue Light "BEER" Game (13 replies)
  50. What you don't see at the........... (5 replies)
  51. Sensory Series: Smell (15 replies)
  52. Housekeeping Hints (7 replies)
  53. Virus Protection (15 replies)
  54. SAT awnsers to help your children! (4 replies)
  55. You are cordially invited... (24 replies)
  56. There’s not much that can excite me more than silky panties. (40 replies)
  57. Just for Irish..... Harley's 100th Anniverary!! (18 replies)
  58. Get us off this rock! (2 replies)
  59. ?????Sex Positions????? (18 replies)
  60. new member here (3 replies)
  61. Anyone wants to help? (18 replies)
  62. "Athletic knowledge" (4 replies)
  63. im new here (3 replies)
  64. Do this for me? (10 replies)
  65. AGE difference (9 replies)
  66. i think my calendar must be broken! (6 replies)
  67. Damn that was quick! (26 replies)
  68. Re-arrange the Letters (3 replies)
  69. OH OH ... There's Been a Terrible Accident (4 replies)
  70. Its been a year!!!!!!!!!! (14 replies)
  71. Songs to Sob to :D (7 replies)
  72. *lol* (14 replies)
  73. I Could Eat My Weight In ~~~> (31 replies)
  74. Once Apon A Time~~~~~~ (6 replies)
  75. [Rearview] (23 replies)
  76. Thank You Ladies & Gentlemen Of Pixies (14 replies)
  77. ****My Hubby Has Wood**** (47 replies)
  78. Things you dread about the in-laws visiting (16 replies)
  79. Chatroom trouble~ After 35 attempts... (24 replies)
  80. Stupid Questions? (3 replies)
  81. My love button..... (24 replies)
  82. Happy New Year to all.... (7 replies)
  83. I'm so excited! I did it! (31 replies)
  84. Either ~ Or???? (23 replies)
  85. What was your worse Childhood Nightmare? (22 replies)
  86. Something Special?? (17 replies)
  87. Most Important Meal of the Day (23 replies)
  88. Boobies or Buttttt (24 replies)
  89. Naked Without... (24 replies)
  90. Horseman12 has Pleuracy (39 replies)
  91. $$$$ Down the Drain (5 replies)
  92. Farm Business (6 replies)
  93. Pucker Up (11 replies)
  94. Maturity! (6 replies)
  95. Doing it standing (1 replies)
  96. Messages (12 replies)
  97. Over or Under (25 replies)
  98. Being overtaken by Humongous Chickens!!!! (19 replies)
  99. "New Series!" (7 replies)
  100. Lurker from hell...happy b-day to me!! (13 replies)
  101. Damn, I've dreaded this..... (80 replies)
  102. I've been lurking too much lately, sooo.... (16 replies)
  103. One of my ramblings (6 replies)
  104. :( Hear Ye Hear Ye The Bears Lost! :( (26 replies)
  105. "Keepers!" (7 replies)
  106. Stupid Ads (3 replies)
  107. Should Smoking POT be legal?? (39 replies)
  108. Can you spot them??? (12 replies)
  109. My car (80 replies)
  110. Pixies Medical Plan! (12 replies)
  111. I'm new (25 replies)
  112. Getting there !! (7 replies)
  113. OO Pretty Shining Spinny Things OO (26 replies)
  114. My boobs are big enough, thanks! (16 replies)
  115. I have done it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (16 replies)
  116. !!~~**Away for a Bit and other stuff**~~!! (23 replies)
  117. Monkey Business.......and other peculiarities! (19 replies)
  118. Ride 'Em (((Cowgirl))) (41 replies)
  119. Monday Night~Cause It's Tradition~ It's On Bitch!! (44 replies)
  120. Why are you here at Pixies? (46 replies)
  121. C is for Cookie~ That's Good Enough For Me (7 replies)
  122. Pumpkin Harvest (15 replies)
  123. More pilot humor (12 replies)
  124. > Wee Willie Winkie < (20 replies)
  125. I've Got... (6280 replies)
  126. What Kind of a Lay Are You???? (23 replies)
  127. My Last Friday In Uk (55 replies)
  128. History Lesson (5 replies)
  129. Can you unhook 17 bras with one hand in under a minute? (15 replies)
  130. Mother of pearl, someone actually bought this? (13 replies)
  131. age? (33 replies)
  132. HUH??? --->Misheard lyrics<-- (13 replies)
  133. rabbit, rabbit, rabbit (18 replies)
  134. World’s oldest genitals discovered.... (7 replies)
  135. Which of you ladies bought this plate? (6 replies)
  136. Kaneel Shatters Masturbation World Record! (7 replies)
  137. >>]]]]]]]]]]D> (15 replies)
  138. ==> Misfortune <== (38 replies)
  139. ((axe31)) (17 replies)
  140. Why aren't you in chat? (22 replies)
  141. your first (14 replies)
  142. Is this news?? Do people really care? (10 replies)
  143. what's in a name (3 replies)
  144. Prayers!!! (11 replies)
  145. Bad 4 Letter Words! (10 replies)
  146. CIA (3 replies)
  147. ~~~I Knew Typonese Was The Universal Language~~~ (6 replies)
  148. New Medication!!!! (women Only!) (4 replies)
  149. Freedom for All! (20 replies)
  150. Bill of Non-Rights! (3 replies)
  151. Would u rather... (9 replies)
  152. The Cure (4 replies)
  153. Banned Book Week (12 replies)
  154. How To Make Love (2 replies)
  155. Q. How many women....... (8 replies)
  156. Did something for the first time today ... (6 replies)
  157. And You Thought Madame Lilith Was Psychic... (13 replies)
  158. Me Thinks Thou Art A Shit Head (30 replies)
  159. The Redneck Love Poem (14 replies)
  160. ~ Homesick ~ (16 replies)
  161. Your favorite body part?? (27 replies)
  162. Color Me This, Color Me That (10 replies)
  163. Fall has Fallen Here (9 replies)
  164. Coffee, Tea, or Me??? (26 replies)
  165. Did you ever wonder? (6 replies)
  166. Fall Flowers (23 replies)
  167. ~ Creative Cleaning ~ (16 replies)
  168. Ever wonder what pilot's talk about ... (8 replies)
  169. Art anyone?? (43 replies)
  170. 2 New Elements! (6 replies)
  171. The Whys Of Men!!!!!! (8 replies)
  172. Chinese Umbrella -- Your opinion please (11 replies)
  173. Teddy Bear Teddy Bear Turn Around (30 replies)
  174. **The Calm Before The Storm** (36 replies)
  175. Welcome Back among the pervs (10 replies)
  176. Marriage Differences! (5 replies)
  177. “I will guard everything within the limits of my post and ...... (11 replies)
  178. Y.M.C.A. in the village from the north (12 replies)
  179. More Blonde Jokes! (0 replies)
  180. You either love or hate him! (10 replies)
  181. Favorite City (6 replies)
  182. BDSM King (7 replies)
  183. Living Life to the fullest? (13 replies)
  184. Tihs Is Inertetsrnig (7 replies)
  185. Dicks Around the World (19 replies)
  186. The REAL Reaon for the Blackout (13 replies)
  187. 21!!!! (9 replies)
  188. Garage Sale 101 (11 replies)
  189. interesting lil thing (13 replies)
  190. Warning - I got your Bank Card (6 replies)
  191. Sorry To Do This But I'm Moving (21 replies)
  192. No Isabel here please. (2 replies)
  193. I would just like to announce (32 replies)
  194. Bored?????????? (8 replies)
  195. Stupid pet tricks (12 replies)
  196. Opinion? (11 replies)
  197. Fashion Model (5 replies)
  198. He leaves out tomarrow!!!!!!!!!!!! (14 replies)
  199. Men & Women (5 replies)
  200. U.S.A. Taxes! (9 replies)
  201. Going it alone (12 replies)
  202. Stupid Human Tricks (8 replies)
  203. (((osuche))) (19 replies)
  204. Thank you (10 replies)
  205. theres always something about the coming of fall (4 replies)
  206. You're all wrong (962 replies)
  207. *A girls first time* (5 replies)
  208. Furniture Porn (2 replies)
  209. The Pixies Family (8 replies)
  210. The real story of how the internet began. (10 replies)
  211. Golden Oldies (3 replies)
  212. Googlism (23 replies)
  213. In Rememberance (8 replies)
  214. sad news (1 replies)
  215. Wedddddggggiiiiiieeee!!!! (5 replies)
  216. Prawnography (14 replies)
  217. /me Flashes You (5 replies)
  218. Recent Developments (14 replies)
  219. It's 5 O'Clock Somewhere (17 replies)
  220. 2 John's (14 replies)
  221. Wile E. Coyote....Suuuuuper Genius (25 replies)
  222. scared for life (20 replies)
  223. One For The Ladies!!!!!!!! (8 replies)
  224. Hello Beautiful!!!! (12 replies)
  225. !!!!Breaking <DEATH> News!!!!! (44 replies)
  226. Country! (12 replies)
  227. Krispy Kreme (46 replies)
  228. ~Birthday Spankfest~ (17 replies)
  229. Drivers Licenses? (12 replies)
  230. For the parents ... (6 replies)
  231. Baseball Fans (5 replies)
  232. George Carlin LIVE!!!!!!! (7 replies)
  233. Blaine in the Box (16 replies)
  234. The Ultimate Dance Album (9 replies)
  235. "Old"Virus Warning! (4 replies)
  236. Postive Thoughts for ((((quisath)))) (24 replies)
  237. Make money.....Sell your soul !!! (32 replies)
  238. Been away, and still am (2 replies)
  239. you do what? (7 replies)
  240. ~Funk Removal~ (13 replies)
  241. Just a cool song...(no i'm not drunk this time) (56 replies)
  242. 10 Little known facts about yourself.... (200 replies)
  243. --> .[Message in a bottle]. <-- (24 replies)
  244. I regret to inform you... (12 replies)
  245. Guess who's drunk and rambling???? (17 replies)
  246. Classy, Sassy, Or Trashy??? (15 replies)
  247. Why don’t you build me up (18 replies)
  248. Shit damn fuck!! (13 replies)
  249. *rolls eyes* (6 replies)
  250. Personal Play-by-play Announcer (3 replies)