View Full Version : General Chat
- Virgins
- Here's a Deal for Family Oriented Folks ...
- Oooooo Ahhhhh!
- Blueberry Pie
- Does Barbie Know That Ken Fucked Midge?
- Read the fine print........
- Slower times
- Clown haters unite!!!
- Spank your Monkey
- White Bear Warning......
- The angel and devil on your shoulder...
- BHPs need scratchin' too
- Don't get mad, get even.........
- Super Mario fans - check out this kid!
- Gimmee gimmee some music every night
- Favorite Advertisement.
- WARNING to all pixies near and far.....
- Yo' Mama
- Who would you salute?
- This would be so cool!!!
- Wish you were here ???
- Sing-a-long
- Ass "emoticons"
- It's Time Once Again....
- 8888Magic-8-Ball8888
- Scared the Pants Off Me
- Smoke Free
- Puff -n- Stuff
- ~ Feelings~
- The Teddy Bear Date :)
- Depp as Willy?
- Planning a Trip
- More Smiley Faces
- LotR Part 2 DVD..
- Would u rather...
- Will someone please...
- Is There a Doctor in the House???
- Music Paper Topics
- I've returned ^__^
- Saddam's Kids Identified
- Gawd, another one bites the dust.
- $$$$$Hickey Tattoo$$$$$
- Congratulations To Sharni
- Gods’ sense of humor is different than mine
- another milestone passed
- Sometimes Bad Things Happen to Bad People
- wedding dance floors
- Just wondering?
- *Happy Happy Dance*
- Men
- Pussy thought
- *kerpoof*
- ==Dumpster Divers==
- Man Rules
- Another one for the quiz fanatics
- ---8-@Scarlett
- Want to see something pretty neat?
- What took you so long?
- Kleclere :Spank: Sar
- Saddaddy come on down!!!!!
- !!Rebuttal!! --->to Irish's---> Man Rules!!
- Life is like...and Forrest!!!!!!
- Nothing to say...
- His Dream... worth remembering
- With last kiss, widow dies at spouse's coffin
- ~Unlike any 12 step program you've ever heard of~
- Congrats to Bopper !!!!!!!
- High School
- Some Things to Ponder
- ((ryder))
- Fav Lyrics?
- Tell us about how you met your S/O
- Had a scare on entering Pixie's
- Nastiest Shit I Ever Put In My Mouth
- mIRC help for a MAC user?
- Its been awhile since I posted anything just wanted to say hi
- Joseph Campbell and the...........
- Why God Created Children:
- The world won’t stop
- Some cute signs ...
- Goin Once, Going Twice, Sold!!!
- ~ Everyone Say......awwwww! ~
- 8 more days!!!
- Got My Ticket
- ====>Bi Bi<====
- Blonde Joke - read before viewing pic
- My sentiments&Robin Williams
- Harassment/ Cyber Stalking/ Intimidation
- mobile phone law
- -Dullsville-
- You know how I like parks ...
- Happy Birthday grumbleguts!!!!!
- David turns 60!!
- Growing cute cocks is easy as 1-2-3!!
- Emotional Investment AKA The difference between Men and Women (online)
- ~gryphon~
- Maybe It's Not Your Imagination
- (((Bilbo)))
- appologies to all !!
- Questions?
- Any thoughts on
- How the Hell~~~~>
- LoveDivas Birthday!
- Personal Play-by-play Announcer
- *rolls eyes*
- Shit damn fuck!!
- Why don’t you build me up
- Classy, Sassy, Or Trashy???
- Guess who's drunk and rambling????
- I regret to inform you...
- --> .[Message in a bottle]. <--
- 10 Little known facts about yourself....
- Just a cool song...(no i'm not drunk this time)
- ~Funk Removal~
- you do what?
- Been away, and still am
- Make money.....Sell your soul !!!
- Postive Thoughts for ((((quisath))))
- "Old"Virus Warning!
- The Ultimate Dance Album
- Blaine in the Box
- George Carlin LIVE!!!!!!!
- Baseball Fans
- For the parents ...
- Drivers Licenses?
- ~Birthday Spankfest~
- Krispy Kreme
- Country!
- !!!!Breaking <DEATH> News!!!!!
- Hello Beautiful!!!!
- One For The Ladies!!!!!!!!
- scared for life
- Wile E. Coyote....Suuuuuper Genius
- 2 John's
- It's 5 O'Clock Somewhere
- Recent Developments
- /me Flashes You
- Prawnography
- Wedddddggggiiiiiieeee!!!!
- sad news
- In Rememberance
- Googlism
- Golden Oldies
- The real story of how the internet began.
- The Pixies Family
- Furniture Porn
- *A girls first time*
- You're all wrong
- theres always something about the coming of fall
- Thank you
- (((osuche)))
- Stupid Human Tricks
- Going it alone
- U.S.A. Taxes!
- Men & Women
- He leaves out tomarrow!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Fashion Model
- Opinion?
- Stupid pet tricks
- Bored??????????
- I would just like to announce
- No Isabel here please.
- Sorry To Do This But I'm Moving
- Warning - I got your Bank Card
- interesting lil thing
- Garage Sale 101
- 21!!!!
- The REAL Reaon for the Blackout
- Dicks Around the World
- Tihs Is Inertetsrnig
- Living Life to the fullest?
- BDSM King
- Favorite City
- You either love or hate him!
- More Blonde Jokes!
- Y.M.C.A. in the village from the north
- “I will guard everything within the limits of my post and ......
- Marriage Differences!
- Welcome Back among the pervs
- **The Calm Before The Storm**
- Teddy Bear Teddy Bear Turn Around
- Chinese Umbrella -- Your opinion please
- The Whys Of Men!!!!!!
- 2 New Elements!
- Art anyone??
- Ever wonder what pilot's talk about ...
- ~ Creative Cleaning ~
- Fall Flowers
- Did you ever wonder?
- Coffee, Tea, or Me???
- Fall has Fallen Here
- Color Me This, Color Me That
- Your favorite body part??
- ~ Homesick ~
- The Redneck Love Poem
- Me Thinks Thou Art A Shit Head
- And You Thought Madame Lilith Was Psychic...
- Did something for the first time today ...
- Q. How many women.......
- How To Make Love
- Banned Book Week
- The Cure
- Would u rather...
- Bill of Non-Rights!
- Freedom for All!
- New Medication!!!! (women Only!)
- ~~~I Knew Typonese Was The Universal Language~~~
- Bad 4 Letter Words!
- Prayers!!!
- what's in a name
- Is this news?? Do people really care?
- your first
- Why aren't you in chat?
- ((axe31))
- ==> Misfortune <==
- >>]]]]]]]]]]D>
- Kaneel Shatters Masturbation World Record!
- Which of you ladies bought this plate?
- World’s oldest genitals discovered....
- rabbit, rabbit, rabbit
- HUH??? --->Misheard lyrics<--
- age?
- Mother of pearl, someone actually bought this?
- Can you unhook 17 bras with one hand in under a minute?
- History Lesson
- My Last Friday In Uk
- What Kind of a Lay Are You????
- I've Got...
- > Wee Willie Winkie <
- More pilot humor
- Pumpkin Harvest
- C is for Cookie~ That's Good Enough For Me
- Why are you here at Pixies?
- Monday Night~Cause It's Tradition~ It's On Bitch!!
- Ride 'Em (((Cowgirl)))
- Monkey Business.......and other peculiarities!
- !!~~**Away for a Bit and other stuff**~~!!
- I have done it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- My boobs are big enough, thanks!
- OO Pretty Shining Spinny Things OO
- Getting there !!
- I'm new
- Pixies Medical Plan!
- My car
- Can you spot them???
- Should Smoking POT be legal??
- Stupid Ads
- "Keepers!"
- :( Hear Ye Hear Ye The Bears Lost! :(
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