View Full Version : Eat Me

09-25-2007, 05:17 PM
I need an edible cell that will not rot for a kid's class project. 3D.

Any ideas.

Currently I can only think jell-o jiggler filling with candy stuck in. Anything better?

09-25-2007, 05:51 PM
does it have to have that jiggly texture? hard candy is super easy to make (you could even construct a little mold, maybe using some greased wire in a sheet pan and get something that looks like a bunch of connected cells) plus it won't rot til the year 4563

09-25-2007, 06:07 PM
it does not have to be jiggly *gag*

09-25-2007, 06:22 PM
well, cells aren't exactly crunchy. :p perhaps you were going to take a purist's approach to the whole experiment. why do the cells need to be edible?

Teddy Bear
09-25-2007, 06:29 PM
Are they really gonna eat it after it's been looked at and touched by sneezing, sniffly classmates? Ewwww!!

A cell.... it's been a few years but it seems to me the daughter made hers with a variety of things. I don't remember what kind of cell it was. Using a picture in her school book she matched shapes. Off hand I recall potato sticks, mini marshmellows, cheese nips, jelly beans, cheerios.... not sure what else. And I do not recall how she stuck them together. Frosting maybe? I do know we combined all food not used in a big bowl and sent it to the class for snack. Made an interesting trail mix the kids loved.

Have fun. :D

09-25-2007, 06:35 PM

While it may be a bit advanced for this project, you may want to keep Jell-O Shots (http://www.myscienceproject.org/j-shot-feedback.html) in mind for future Science Projects.

09-25-2007, 06:49 PM
Thanks for the ideas. His teacher is killing me. I am thinking I may try rice krispy treats as a base to stick the "parts" in.

09-26-2007, 07:55 AM
Must they be edible so that the little darlings won't accidentally eat them and die?

09-26-2007, 08:46 AM
Most Honorable Number One Son had a project last year in which he was to construct a DNA strand. It was to be a three dimensional double helix with one full twist. Each compound was represented with distinguishing items, and all were linked together to form the strand.

While we did it with K'nex (which made for a damn tall model...but was ok, he told the teacher it represented his personal DNA...those of you that know of him understand lol), many kids used candy. Twizzlers and marshmallows were prominently featured. ha ha

Could this be an option? They could learn a very simply version of what DNA is, and use non-lethal materials to construct it.