View Full Version : I think I am leaving
08-30-2007, 02:33 AM
A little while ago I was ganged up on by a member of pixies, when I was only a new member to this site, so I thought I would have a break as I did not want to be apart of a site/forum that does not respect the opinions of all members. Yes I got ALOT of PM's of support and that really is the only reason why I am back now.
But I cam back the day before yesturday and I am already seeing another member of Pixies being targeted and ganged up on. What kind of a site/forum could this be when member are not even allowed to say what they wanna say without being critized......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
08-30-2007, 03:03 AM
I know I'm not here too often these days, but I can honestly say I havent notice what you speak of lately. (Unless you mean PantyFanatic... but that is all in fun, honest!)
I, for one, am pleased you have come back to see us; I do remember enjoying reading your posts previously. I noticed another thread you've started about the role of the mods - well, this is one of them! If you feel someone (or, indeed, yourself) are being "picked on" let one of the mods know (who they are is posted at the top of each section) by PM, and they will sort it out.
PLease, please do it if you feel you should - it's not nice when members leave, for whatever reason.
08-30-2007, 03:41 AM
If you followed the thread (if it's the one I'm thinking of), you would see that a member took issue with some spelling and got a little pointed about it. They were pulled up for it and that was that.
These things happen, unfortunately, but not often and not for long.
Should you see a need to leave us, you will be missed and the door is always open.
A PM to Lilith may also be in order.
08-30-2007, 03:45 AM
Mikaylasmummy, I'm so sorry you feel like this. I suspect I know which thread has upset you, and having read it through, I understand that such conflict can be unsettling if you are essentially a peacemaker, however I'd like to point out that certainly in that (rare) case and in yours, the conflict was caused by regular members jumping to the defense of a newbie who was probably being made to feel unwelcome.
We're a very protective bunch, and we are very grateful to new members who decide to post for the first time (we know it's a scary thing) as they keep the forum fresh and interesting. It tends, therefore to be our habit to try to distance ourselves from the opinions/comments of someone on the boards who is singling out a new (and urguably emotionally vulnerable in this case) member for a petty reason (such as say, their spelling).
Please don't leave sweetheart. You and I have PMed before and you're such a lovely person, I'd hate to see you leave because some of us (including me) can't keep our mouths shut when we think someone has been called on something unfairly.
08-30-2007, 05:04 AM
I hope you remain and continue to post here at Pixies. Pixies is a better place if there are many rather than fewer voices allowed to be heard. If you leave, I can understand why.
Try to be patient, the types of activities you refer to happen only infrequently. Nothing is perfect.
08-30-2007, 05:09 AM
Mikaylasmummy for a lot of us Pixies is like a second family. Sometimes we get a few bad apples. The mods try to weed most of them by telling them their behavior is not acceptable and then banning them if they continue with said behavior. Some will push the edge of the acceptable behavior as much as they can. When this happens a lot some of the members will jump on the bad apples. It's not our jobs or place to do so but we try to defend out family form these bad apples. Please don't let a few bad apples make you leave or any action taken by others of us to jump on the bad apples.
There is also a certain amount of joking around that goes on here with long time members. That some one who is newer might see as fighting until they get to know us better. A good example of this would be Pantyfantic and steph they both make comments about each other that would lead a new person to think they dislike each other (in fact they are good friend (don't tell them I told you this because they both will deny it)) but after a while they can see it's all in fun.
08-30-2007, 06:22 AM
A little while ago I was ganged up on by a member of pixies, when I was only a new member to this site, so I thought I would have a break as I did not want to be apart of a site/forum that does not respect the opinions of all members. Yes I got ALOT of PM's of support and that really is the only reason why I am back now.
But I cam back the day before yesturday and I am already seeing another member of Pixies being targeted and ganged up on. What kind of a site/forum could this be when member are not even allowed to say what they wanna say without being critized......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So 1 member out of the thousands picked on you and you feel the need to leave? Get a thicker skin and stay just to spite them *LOL*
There is more respect here than most forums i've visited (both adult and non adult sites).
Targeted and ganged up on...i think not...if its the thread i think you are referring to, that member got only what they asked for....they are known for saying stuff that riles other members...and i've stuck up for this member and "got sand thrown in my face" for my effort.
If you want a forum where people can "say what they wanna say without being critized......!!!!!!!!!!!"...whats the problem then?...the members you say 'ganged' up on this other member are within their rights, according to you, "to say what they wanna say without being critized......!!!!!!!!!!!"...And critisizing is exactly what you are doing to them for doing the same thing to another member...which is what started it all by that same member critisizing another member *LOL*
I've been a member here from the original Pixies, let me just say, this is the tamest Pixies of them all. RARELY are their any conflicts nowadays...especially anything major.
This is not just a forum...this is a bunch of real people who have come to know each other like a real family..Even families have the occassional tiff...
Again if ya can put up with the odd tiff...this may not be the place for you...and that would be a shame...cause you'd be missing out on some wonderful people!
Teddy Bear
08-30-2007, 06:18 PM
I hope you will decide to stay. There are so many good/kind/wonderful people here and so few not as nice ones. If you leave there will be one less good person here! The not as nice ones will have won. :(
Leave if you really feel you have to but remember you're welcome back anytime! :)
08-30-2007, 07:54 PM
A little while ago I was ganged up on by a member of pixies, when I was only a new member to this site, so I thought I would have a break as I did not want to be apart of a site/forum that does not respect the opinions of all members. Yes I got ALOT of PM's of support and that really is the only reason why I am back now.
But I cam back the day before yesturday and I am already seeing another member of Pixies being targeted and ganged up on. What kind of a site/forum could this be when member are not even allowed to say what they wanna say without being critized......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So the first person who critized someone should be free from getting critizied back? That was how I saw it. Free speech works both ways. <shrug>
08-30-2007, 08:32 PM
A gentle PM to the first person saying why you feel the criticism is unwarranted, cover copied to a mod or two is the way to go.
Slanging matches are ultimately unhelpful and just make the rest of us uncomfortable.
I've said this in the open forum to save others repeating it.
08-30-2007, 08:36 PM
Please dont leave. We need new peeps here. When I was first here (so many moons ago) I was surprised at some of the comments between pixies... but then I realized that it was all in fun.
Then someone posted a thread of Interacial relationships. And being from the south and the way I was brought up I stated MY own opinion. To say the least it was not taken lightly. But I didn't take offense to it. There were some pixies that took up for me speaking my opinion and then some that didn't like it. But that is they way grown ups deal. And it was MY opinion and no one elses.
So unless you feel you have to leave then do so. But only do it because your not happy with the place. We have really good conversations and the people here really care about others when you let them in. They are some great people.
And remember the door is always open and the welcome sign is always there...hey well even leave the light on for you.
08-30-2007, 09:30 PM
So 1 member out of the thousands picked on you and you feel the need to leave? Get a thicker skin and stay just to spite them *LOL*
There is more respect here than most forums i've visited (both adult and non adult sites).
Targeted and ganged up on...i think not...if its the thread i think you are referring to, that member got only what they asked for....they are known for saying stuff that riles other members...and i've stuck up for this member and "got sand thrown in my face" for my effort.
If you want a forum where people can "say what they wanna say without being critized......!!!!!!!!!!!"...whats the problem then?...the members you say 'ganged' up on this other member are within their rights, according to you, "to say what they wanna say without being critized......!!!!!!!!!!!"...And critisizing is exactly what you are doing to them for doing the same thing to another member...which is what started it all by that same member critisizing another member *LOL*
I've been a member here from the original Pixies, let me just say, this is the tamest Pixies of them all. RARELY are their any conflicts nowadays...especially anything major.
This is not just a forum...this is a bunch of real people who have come to know each other like a real family..Even families have the occassional tiff...
Again if ya can put up with the odd tiff...this may not be the place for you...and that would be a shame...cause you'd be missing out on some wonderful people!
I'd like to point out that I feel that if I had said this I would have received a couple of PM's and a few posts following it telling me what I dick I am. Do I really care? Nope not at all I know I can be a bit of a dick sometimes and sometimes I deserve to be called such. I also know I say stupid stuff sometimes as well. And I just try not to let what a bunch of people on a message board think of me affect my self esteem too much.
Though I don't think the member she is referring to as being targeted and ganged up on was Mark or myself but the original poster of that thread. After all I'm the one who ganged up on her originally. Evidently stating an opinion contrary to the popular opinion is ganging up on someone. I was never aware of this but I'm glad to have received the lesson. But until I came here I wasn't aware that one should never state an opinion contrary to that of a new mother for fear of upsetting her either.
08-30-2007, 10:38 PM
I've been here for awhile........ and I've met several pixies in RL........... and ALL of them were great people and I'm glad they took time out of their busy lives to meet me.
Hope you stick around.......... I'm sure you have lots to contribute! :grope:
08-31-2007, 06:35 PM
I'd like to point out that I feel that if I had said this I would have received a couple of PM's and a few posts following it telling me what I dick I am. Do I really care? Nope not at all I know I can be a bit of a dick sometimes and sometimes I deserve to be called such. I also know I say stupid stuff sometimes as well. And I just try not to let what a bunch of people on a message board think of me affect my self esteem too much.
Though I don't think the member she is referring to as being targeted and ganged up on was Mark or myself but the original poster of that thread. After all I'm the one who ganged up on her originally. Evidently stating an opinion contrary to the popular opinion is ganging up on someone. I was never aware of this but I'm glad to have received the lesson. But until I came here I wasn't aware that one should never state an opinion contrary to that of a new mother for fear of upsetting her either.
But you didnt say that...i did.
And by the way, are you calling me a 'dick' for my post you quoted?
08-31-2007, 07:47 PM
"one should never state an opinion contrary to that of a new mother for fear"
Truer words never spoken in jest.
If I've read this forum right after 6 years here, disagreement thrives here, but it is respectful (mostly) disagreement with ideas, not with how they're delivered. Occasionally some feel a need to press a point (not excepting me), but mostly it's fun.
08-31-2007, 08:08 PM
I've never felt unwanted or ridiculed here please stay
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