View Full Version : so what is it

08-30-2007, 01:35 AM
Just a simple question, what is the role of a moderator on Pixies?

08-30-2007, 03:53 AM
To moderate the tone of the forum, essentially to protect us from ourselves and intruders.

08-30-2007, 06:09 AM
To keep trouble/drama queens-kings out
To keep trouble/drama queens-kings in line that may have been given the benefit of the doubt in past times...who seem to just love to keep stirring the pot.
To warn those stirrers to cut it the hell out or face a beheading
To toy with trouble/drama queens-kings prior to beheading :D
To keep an eye on members we feel MAY cause trouble
To edit/remove posts that are deemed inappropriate
To edit/remove posts no longer required
To remove and try to keep spam to a minimum
To investigate any problem a member may have
To assist any member where possible

There be more behind the scenes stuff (specially for Lil), and prolly stuff i missed but.....

Basically try to make members feel at home and comfortable....though pleasing everyone everytime is impossible...we do try our best in each instance to get the right solution.

08-30-2007, 07:20 AM
I think you guys should all have super hero capes for the work you do, voluntarily and unpaid for the site. It's why I love it round here!

:loveshowe: to all the Pixie Mods!

08-30-2007, 07:29 AM
The Pixie mods are the best I've seen, and I have been a member of many, many forums. I have also been a moderator of a forum where the members often got very out of hand. Because of my time being a mod, I now appreciate even more what the Pixie mods go through. Believe me it is not an easy task we ask of these people.

Irezumi Kiss
08-30-2007, 08:12 AM
Are the moderators actually "mod?" Or did that go out of style after the sixties?

08-30-2007, 10:12 AM
Yay for the Pixie mods!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


08-30-2007, 11:54 AM
Are the moderators actually "mod?" Or did that go out of style after the sixties?
Some of the "mods" are actually "rockers".

Some go have qualities of both, and are known as "mockers"


Teddy Bear
08-30-2007, 06:05 PM
I picture mods kinda like sheriffs, with shiney star badges. lol. Keeping the peace isn't easy at times and i thank all of you for the terrific job you do!!! (((Pixies mods)))


08-30-2007, 06:53 PM
Some of the "mods" are actually "rockers".

Some go have qualities of both, and are known as "mockers"


Are the other two known as "rods"?

08-31-2007, 08:49 AM
To keep trouble/drama queens-kings out
To keep trouble/drama queens-kings in line that may have been given the benefit of the doubt in past times...who seem to just love to keep stirring the pot.
To warn those stirrers to cut it the hell out or face a beheading
To toy with trouble/drama queens-kings prior to beheading :D
To keep an eye on members we feel MAY cause trouble
To edit/remove posts that are deemed inappropriate
To edit/remove posts no longer required
To remove and try to keep spam to a minimum
To investigate any problem a member may have
To assist any member where possible

There be more behind the scenes stuff (specially for Lil), and prolly stuff i missed but.....

Basically try to make members feel at home and comfortable....though pleasing everyone everytime is impossible...we do try our best in each instance to get the right solution.
Sometimes I think the best thing about Pixies mods is watching them give trouble-makers just enough rope to hang themselves...