10-01-2007, 10:35 PM
:loveyou: They say the internet is everywhere,and Nowhere,,,actually,its right there in front of you. Smoke and Mirrors? If your a realist;Mystic and Magic if your a Romantic. Either way its buyer beware,that sweet 21 year old female from Southern California, is more than likely a crusty old 58 year old male from New Jersey,if there is no live cam action,hard to tell....After prolonged correspondence,and your guard somewhat relaxed,Has anybody ever let that "line blur" and fell for their "Cyber" aquantince's? Physical site unseen,never met in "Real Life", just hours of R/P or Chatting till it Seems you've known them for ever.(Seems,can be one of those words thats illusional based) Non the less your Heartfelt Emotions are right there plain as day. Have you ever allowed yourself to cross that "line"? If so,,,how did it work out for you??? Crazeeeeeeeeeeeeee..........