View Full Version : Columbus discovers Peoria

10-13-2007, 06:52 AM
Had a check up with my surgeon yesterday and on the way home we stopped at the Peoria riverfront where the "Nina" was docked for a visit. A re-creation of the small caravel used by Columbus, it's amazing to visit. We saw it 17-years ago when it first docked in Peoria, but it was fun going through it again. Anyone near St. Louis, it's next port of call will be in Alton, IL.

Makes you admire the courage of the men that would cross the ocean in such a small craft.

10-13-2007, 07:03 AM
How many were lost in the search for the Indies to the East?

10-13-2007, 07:44 AM
That is so very cool. Columbus Day is not celebrated in my area and I always forget it is in most other places.

10-13-2007, 08:45 PM
Makes you admire the courage of the men that would cross the ocean in such a small craft.Not to mention that they did so several centuries before the invention of deodorant... :eew: :fart:

10-13-2007, 09:01 PM
That is so very cool. Columbus Day is not celebrated in my area and I always forget it is in most other places.

In Berkeley, they call it "Indigenous Peoples Day" and revile Christopher Columbus.

We're very PC in Berkeley...hate the white guy. :rofl:

OK, just kidding...mostly. But being from Columbus, OH...I don;t really observe "Indigenous Poeples Day." It's funny when at 31 I realize that I am turning into a hidebound old fart.

***edited to add***

My aunt got married on a copy of the Santa Maria, which sits on the Olentangy River in Columbus. It was a very nice ceremony and a beautiful locale. DB, oyur pictures reminded me of their wedding...thank you.

10-14-2007, 09:15 PM
She was docked in the Quad Cities a couple of weeks ago. Really cool! Great pics DB! :thumb: