View Full Version : General Chat
- Anyone willing to play Nostradamus...
- Sick of Spies
- Making of LOTR quote thread
- 2004 Quarter Designs
- Re-write the charts (sexually)
- Pop Off!
- What you'd LIKE to do for NYE
- Free to a good home...
- A challenge for 2004?
- Find your celebrity match...
- What is the worst present you gave/received for Xmas?
- Past year reflection... new year ahead....
- DVD help
- Now that christmas is behind us....
- my how time flies....
- Resolutions You Can Keep
- The Eldersburg emu
- out of hiding ;-)
- Redskins
- My Sweetie!!
- It's GUINNESS time
- Legal
- Can you recommend a good read?
- Sir WWW
- GRRR!! for when ya just gotta scream
- Security and Celebrations
- Happy New Year
- Banished words... or at least they should be...
- Just a Spoonful
- In Case of Emergency
- Pixies growth
- Usernames - the secret behind...
- Sweet dreams are made of these...
- trouble logging on
- Sound Recorder
- "Leg Lamp"..... Was it YOU???
- 3 Old Ladies
- Weird history
- Things that happen while on travels.
- Music Videos.....Mmmm!!!
- Ads
- Happy Birthday Payton!
- COMMONER help!
- *~Happy Anniversary Cobalt~*
- Tanning Your ............. What?!?!?!
- Pull Out ...............
- P ...... Poooo .............pop ........ Popcorn
- LOTR humor
- I Wouldn't Be Caught Dead
- Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Hamilton, Jackson, Grant, ...
- Some Space News
- Have a laugh......
- Elmo
- How Many Do You Have???
- Woohoooooooo.....
- So Spank Me
- Confession... its good for the soul...
- Just 19 not so simple steps.
- oO~ Loyalty ~Oo
- Shortened my nick
- The Blair Witch Project
- movie quotes
- Chicks
- No Way!!!!
- A Rant about EXES!
- 15,000 Pixies
- Cold Mountain
- Holy Cow Assman ..............
- G~ Googlewhack ~G
- Croc Crap!
- Tell us what you've got....
- Laptop
- quick question
- Pretty Maids All In A Row
- Foreign foods
- let's phone
- What else are you doing right now?
- This lady always does it up in a big way :D
- For those who love Flash and tribe music
- Now, this is a mad cow!!!
- Lost ............................
- Good Grief!
- @-8--A Rose is a Rose--8-@
- Politics, Politics, Politics
- Another silly question from your's truly.
- The Pixies Herald
- are you ready for another survivor??
- The War on Terror.
- Theme Parks UK
- I know she's probly not had time..
- Needed...
- Buffy as you never thought she'd be
- Thirsty
- lets give more incentive
- Lunch Break!!!
- What is the best piece of advice ever given to you?
- Let's get all Eastern
- So tell me, and be honest...
- Roflmao!!!!!!!!
- Warning!!!!
- Moving Day
- Steriotypes
- Smoker's Unite!!!
- Long, lost________
- Did you ever................
- Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
- Supermarkets
- A Quiz for Sharn
- Triple J's Hottest 100
- A cautionary tale!
- Strip off your skin
- New York's lost Twin Towers
- a funny for the older Pixies
- What sex?
- Seventy five and still going strong!
- Who is the ultimate hero?
- What a playoff game!
- To all the 'Tater' people at Pixies.
- *~Ring~*~Ring~*~Ring~*
- Back By Popular Demand......
- It is that time again!!!!!!!!
- The Amazing Texan!
- Question of Character
- Queenslanders to vote.
- For the GIRLS!!!!
- For the GIRLS!!!! (2)
- Early Valantines!
- Dicksbro: MIA?
- For the GUYS!
- Sound familiar?
- Dear John Letter
- Bad Anal
- Yay me!
- New Age Lullabye
- Ink work anyone
- Fraud!!!!!!!!
- PF, WI and C22 getting pussy!
- Cuff Me ~n~ Stuff Me
- If CANADA landed On MARS 1st.
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^---------Sticky's. Love em? Hate em?
- Murphy's Other Laws
- Redneck Gingerbread House
- Male Copyright
- Trip booked
- **The.....Ahhhhhhh! Grrrrrrrrr!.....Thread**
- Irish ingenuity
- Hokey Cokey and all that cobblers...
- Much ADU about everything
- Pistons on 11-game winning streak
- What is the dumbest thing you have ever heard said?
- Information eludes me....
- Tipping - what does it apply to and how much?
- Cloneing Gone TOO Far!
- Pearls of Wisdom.
- Travel tips for Aussies.
- Guiding light...
- Drink
- Get fit for 2004!
- What gender???????
- Do YOU............????
- Monkey Spanking
- Panthers going to the Super Bowl!
- Radio
- Truth.........OR......
- figured yall would like this
- Music Questions
- It's Martin Luther King Jr. Day here in the States
- I need an Angle.
- this is really sad
- Just some nice thoughts!
- not quite RABBIE BURNS!!!!!!
- "I wish I hadn't said that!"
- Praise the Lord and pass the beans!
- Kalifornia English from the Governator!
- User Cp
- Michael Jackson
- videos
- ~Spankins for SUPERPIPE~
- Spring Break Trip
- Red Rover, Red Rover
- Soldier's Girl
- Even men who pose naked at work have birthdays
- Heard a couple of interesting questions today.
- What, in your opinion, is...
- What song
- Spirit may be back
- Toronto is so dam COLD
- I want to convert from Buddism to Muslim
- Anybody ever heard of or played Dragon Court?
- Points to ponder
- Captain Kangaroo
- Captain Kangaroo
- Question?
- Wow, two years
- Varied people attractions...
- ~~ shhhhhhhhhhhhh! ~~
- What Ifs
- Musicman wants a spanking ...
- Disavowel(?)
- Older than dirt Quiz
- What do you read?
- Opportunity Lands
- Mr. Skipthisone
- Best of the Worst
- Australia Day
- & Now For Your Ag Report...
- Tan Lines
- Well worth a look....
- Blessing!
- 200 posts in over a year
- Employee Evaluations
- Virus Warning!
- more baby pics
- totally random question
- <=== Energy ===>
- What kind of Pussy do you have?
- Top-up Fees
- Alaska or Hawaii
- When YMCA lovers be bumpin when they should be humpin..
- *giggle*
- any other websites like this?
- I hate you! You're the worst mom/dad in the world!
- Oscars anyone?
- Lost
- Married Love??????
- Some new winter pictures ...
- Rumor had it that WildIrish might visit Florida...
- A serious threat to our nation!
- Words to live by!
- OMG! Sharniqua has been CUT!
- Where have all the Bunnies Gone?
- Home Pics!
- ^^^ I Feel Good ^^^
- I Found Nemo!
- Do you have 8 cups of water ?
- Bad Karma at the Beeb!
- Missed my 1000th post!
- Something just for my good friend WI
- Political & other PERSONAL outlooks!
- >>>Muy Caliente<<<
- ~~ For Every Dip...
- Super Bowl plans
- Leaf Blower 4 Sale
- A list for the Geek's: You might be a redneck Wizard if...
- don't start this unless you have time
- How often have you moved?
- Cover That Pussy
- Lost In Translation
- B-r-r-r-r-r-r
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