12-29-2006, 03:27 AM
39,000 Posts!
Many good folks roam Pixies' halls,
Posting wisdom, fun and all the rest,
Some, though, make it a special place,
And we call them, the very best.
Well, "very best" just doesn't cut it,
When we talk about our Lil,
She keeps the site in control.
We hope she always will.
She brings wit and charm and fun and joy,
And shares it in abundance,
She starts new threads that get us going,
To a special, lively cadence.
Now it's her turn to set a milestone,
A major one at that,
39,000 fun filled posts,
To which I tip my hat.
Light up the dungeon and decorate the chains,
It's a time for celebration,
Give a cheer for our Lilith, dear,
Then, renew your masturbation. :yikes:
39,000 Posts!
Many good folks roam Pixies' halls,
Posting wisdom, fun and all the rest,
Some, though, make it a special place,
And we call them, the very best.
Well, "very best" just doesn't cut it,
When we talk about our Lil,
She keeps the site in control.
We hope she always will.
She brings wit and charm and fun and joy,
And shares it in abundance,
She starts new threads that get us going,
To a special, lively cadence.
Now it's her turn to set a milestone,
A major one at that,
39,000 fun filled posts,
To which I tip my hat.
Light up the dungeon and decorate the chains,
It's a time for celebration,
Give a cheer for our Lilith, dear,
Then, renew your masturbation. :yikes: