View Full Version : Any Bus Drivers........

01-20-2007, 07:13 AM
.... here, who might relate to this (http://www.bloodbus.com)?

This guy drives (mostly) late-night buses in Glasgow, and tells some of his experiences here. I think he's funny as f*ck...... what do YOU think??


01-20-2007, 07:24 AM
Those are hilarious! :roflmao: Loved the bit about doing community service for aggravated assault. :D

01-20-2007, 07:49 AM
Too funny...........wish I could read more but I'm heading to work early.

01-20-2007, 07:51 AM
Diva never mentioned a lot of this.

01-20-2007, 08:16 AM
I saved it to my favorites and I can't wait until my busdriver gets home to read some of these!

01-20-2007, 02:12 PM
OMG those are so funny and i can relate to a lot of them... Good on ya

01-20-2007, 10:09 PM
I also picked up one of Drumchapel's choicest odd-balls. He's fortyish with permed blond hair and goes about dressed in tight leather from head to toe: leather stetson, leather waistcoat, leather jacket (with tassels), leather trousers, leather boots and (probably) leather underpants. This evening's ensemble was garnished with gold chains, gold pendants and sovereign rings beyond the scope of counting. He does actually creak and clank when he walks.

However, his slick image is betrayed by a strong slavic accent. Rather than a bona fide cowboy from the Wild West, he has the guise of a retired, Eastern European porn star who is still clinging to his on-stage persona: 'Helmut Bloe'.
