View Full Version : The pig's bitch

01-08-2007, 04:40 PM
Apparently I am the guniea pig's bitch. If she even hears me in the hallway she begin this high pitched squeal to get my attention. It wouldn't be so bad except she is squealing at 5 am. Anyone have a good recipe for guniea pig?

01-08-2007, 04:47 PM
My wifes best friend is from Equador I will see what she can give me as far as a recipe.

I'm not kidding they eat guinea pig down there.

01-08-2007, 04:48 PM
I know. I tell La Gordita Rosa daily.

01-08-2007, 05:56 PM
First you need to build a guinea pig roaster (see instructions below).
Gut and skin guinea pig then fill the cavity with 2 pearl onions and a few sprigs of parsly and sew it shut with some cooking string. season the out side of the guinea pig with some salt and pepper. Place a skewerthrew the guinea pig from head to tail. Place a small crab apple into guinea pig mouth. take 5 or 6 charcoal brickets and place them into the guinea pig roaster light brickets and wiat till they are ready to cook place skewer into the guinea pig roaster. Roast for 1 hour basting with a mixture of butter and beer every 10 minutes. You can also add some woodchips for extra flavor if you would like. Check temperature with a meat thermometer is done when reaches 165 F. Take off skewer and serve.

guinea pig roaster

Take 2 #10 can and weld the open ends togeather, then cut in half the long way, weld 6 leg to the bottem 2 on either end an 2 in the middle of the bottem half, weld arm to in the center of either end of the bottem half that stick up 1/2 inch above the center to hold the skewer. On the top half cut 2 slits about 5/8 inches in the center of either end. Also take church key and and use the end for puching hole and punch a hole at the top center of either end of the cans. Take 2 hinges and weld the top and bottem half of the cans back together. Attach a small elictrical motor (should be able to pick one up at any hobby shop). Place a 1/8 inch pulley on motor and 3 inch pulley on skewer use heavy ruuber band as belt.

01-08-2007, 06:14 PM
That seems like an awful lot of work Booger. I'm betting Ron Popeil could make a "Set It and Forget It" machine for guinea pigs. :D

01-08-2007, 09:40 PM
I know. I tell La Gordita Rosa daily.


My wifes name is Rosa.

She says she's offended. Then she called me a prick. Too funny.

01-08-2007, 09:44 PM
Go reptiles! Eat mammals!

01-09-2007, 12:51 AM
Skin, gut and leave in the fridge for 24 hrs wrapped in glad-wrap with tarragon and cracked black pepper.

Slow roast in a slow oven.

Portions, allow one animal per adult.

Serving instructions, place gently inrefuse/composter, open pepperoni pizza and a bottle of Lambrusco.


01-09-2007, 09:39 AM

it's obvious you just need to learn how to talk guinea pig. :p

Wheek - A loud noise that sounds about the same as its written form. An expression of general excitement, it can mean "feed me", "pay attention", or possibly "I'm hurt". It is sometimes used to find other guinea pigs if they are in a run. If a guinea pig is lost, it may "wheek" for assistance.
Rumbling - This sound is related to Guinea pig dominance or in response to an unfamiliar sound. It can also come as a response to comfort or content. Whilst courting, a male usually purrs deeply, while swaying from side to side, nearly lifting the rear feet.
Chattering - This sound is made by rapidly gnashing the teeth together—it is a warning to others to keep away. Guinea pigs tend to raise their heads when making this sound so as to look more dangerous.
Bubbling, or Purring - This rather pleasant sound is made when the guinea pig is enjoying itself, when being petted or held. They may also make this sound when grooming, crawling around to investigate a new place, or when given an unexpected food treat, like lettuce or carrots.
Chirping - The meaning of this sound is unclear to this editor, but its existence is well documented. [2]

or guinea jerky. teriyaki flavor would be best.

01-09-2007, 10:08 AM
I don't do a lot of cooking as you know, but this does seem to be the best place to post an old family recipe for that odd sized specialty when unexpected company drop in. :cool:

6,004 loaves stale bread
398 loaves stale cornbread
1/2 acre celery
1/4 acre onions
100 lbs. butter, softened
50 lbs. seasoned salt
1 orchard sage
1 elephant, scraped and drawn (keep the giblets)

Boil elephant giblets for three days. Remove from broth and dice fine. Chop onions and celery, toss all ingredients into a cement mixer and mix well. Add broth from the giblets several gallons at a time until the dressing reaches the desired consistency. Stuff elephant and secure the opening with skewers (blue marlin bills make excellent elephant skewers). Bakes two weeks in an old municipal incinerator with heat on medium-low. Turn out on a bed of palm fronds and place a watermelon in the elephant's mouth.


01-09-2007, 01:02 PM
Recipe for Guinea Pig success:

Let one of the Lost Boys take the guinea pig home

Go out to dinner at your favorite restaurant

Relax and repeat as necessary, until the guinea pig is no more

01-09-2007, 03:37 PM
She's wheeking at me definitely.

01-09-2007, 04:23 PM
Or is she just wheeking off?