View Full Version : Transitions ~ Barbaro

01-29-2007, 02:06 PM
Kentucky Derby winner Barbaro was euthanized Monday after complications from his breakdown at last year's Preakness, ending an eight-month ordeal that prompted an outpouring of support across the country.

A loss to the sports world for sure. :(

01-29-2007, 02:20 PM
Hadn't heard that yet. I was afraid that was going to happen though. I really can't believe he made it this far. Nearly made me sick watching him in the Preakness when he hurt himself. :(

01-29-2007, 05:11 PM
sad. They seemed to try so hard to save him.

01-29-2007, 07:36 PM
Poor guy.....er horse.

01-29-2007, 11:11 PM
Cynically, how many litres of million dollar semen did they coax?

01-30-2007, 06:03 AM
I'm not positive OF...but I think in order to breed a champion to the status Barbaro would have commanded, the horse would have to go to stud and be able to stand and mate at least once on his own. There might be special circumstances surrounding Barbaro. If I'm wrong could someone please correct me!

R.I.P. Barbaro

They say he passed very peacfully!

01-30-2007, 09:25 AM
not to lessen barbaro's life - he was an amazing horse - or his owners' grief - it's obvious they loved him and did all they could to save him (and spent a major amount of $$ for his care, i’m sure, although if he had been saved it would have been recouped 10 fold in stud fees) - and not to hijack this thread or be too cynical but...

i think it's completely absurd that a horse can be euthanized in this country after one night of "...clear distress. He wasn't comfortable laying down or standing up. You could see he was a different horse. You could see he was upset"... and it's legal, allowing his owners to receive their insurance money, but a human being can suffer for decades in debilitating pain and bed-ridden misery andif they want to end their own life, they lose the insurance money that would go to their family to help with bills, funerals, and time to grieve (not to mention the social and religious shame of suicide.) and if they ask a doctor or anyone else to help them die then that person is a murderer.

:( i’m sorry barbaro. your death should not be a path to my soap box, but being the wonderful, brave horse you were, somehow i think you might have agreed with me. rest in peace, big guy. and peace to his family, too.