View Full Version : General Chat
- Kissy's MSN community
- A Show Of Hands!!
- George Constanza's Words of Wisdom
- Why did you choose your avatar ?
- Greetings!!
- Woo HOO! Can ya see me?
- Double Dog Dare You
- Wet Stuff
- Blame this on Scotzoid!
- I sure will miss you all.......
- doin what i do best...
- *Nostalgia*
- Name calling
- ~@**^Madame Lilith^**@~
- My 500th post tribute
- Inspired by Aquaman and Lilith *Naughty Seuss*
- To are Canadian Freinds
- {{What in heaven's name are you on?}}
- What Would You Want On Your Tombstone???
- Kimmer22
- Nice bunch of bananas!
- Sadora and Twisted are still alive!
- More dangerous than bringing out baby pictures.
- Happy 4th Of July
- Which Care Bear Are You?
- Why are you proud to be an American?
- @---8-- <sfc> --8---@
- What Drink Are You?
- What's your lucky number???
- gone
- Er...umm....yeah.
- New Members
- What's your favorite line from a movie?
- American Violence??
- What I like about Pixies...
- just thought i would introduce myself
- Hello all I be new here
- <~~~Sing to me Baby~~~>
- question for the girls
- Weird Things
- love lost ?
- so i was thinkin...
- here's the deal.
- Weird things on TV
- Big Old Pixies Party
- What Kinda Body Shot Are You Up For?
- Big Chief Evil
- For our warm blooded southern family
- Want a drinky
- zippity-bop.
- its in the eyes
- Truly Twisted Sex Jokes
- favaoite clothes
- Hi All.....................
- Bumper Stickers Anyone?
- Sex And Your Stars
- arrrghhhh greenday show related, sympathy!!!!!
- ----In the bathroom----
- What Book Are You Reading Now.....
- <<>>Top 10 List<<>>
- ~~Teen Idol~~
- Packing List
- Whats your Hobby
- Calling all Bond girls
- What would you take with you?
- <><><>Strange and Funny Work Experiences<><><>
- frumpa wumpta whoo...
- alone again
- the use of god in school?
- ooooo-Chatroom Games Instructions-ooooo
- Your first musical affair
- bein the silky biznitch that i am...
- First Concert
- @-8- Word from our favorite Goddess-8-@
- dating a friend
- Beam me up Pixie.
- Is it safe? <Looking around nervously, and ducking down!>
- A Little Help?
- Top 50 Cartoons
- schlabba frizzle dee...
- Thank you
- !!!!!!!Glyndwr!!!!!!!
- [email protected] can I get ya lovies@~
- whats your occupation?
- Investing 101 for the 21st Century
- *grooves*
- Avatar changes
- i regret to inform you...
- How did you pick your username?
- What is racism?
- What the hell does that mean??
- Lip Service
- Silly Things
- Lilith look what I found...
- yeah, so...
- i was thinkin...
- Not that anyone probably cares...
- Your ideal vacation spot??
- tell me...
- Which X-Men Are You?
- Stupidity
- Where You're at Pixies...........
- Anyone?????
- $$Buy Sell Trade$$
- Awsome Sunrise This AM
- What's In A Name???
- 1000 Posts!!
- Lord of the Rings
- Brush With Greatness!
- 10,000
- Texas???
- Pixies put spark into life since 1832
- odd sex laws ?
- Show us a bit of......
- ~*~Kim~*~
- Walking in
- Not so happy birthday
- Can you tell the difference?
- House Work
- ((((lovies))))
- I'm back~
- so...
- U.S. and European children sold as sex slaves to the Saudis!
- Omg Im Baacck!!!
- Where Were You
- Lovely Window Treatments...
- What is the best thing you love about your significant other?
- Happy National Acadians Day!
- Formerly known as..........
- Anyone interested in trading video's ?
- wedding bells
- No ads or pop ups? How do you run a free site?
- EXTRA, EXTRA, read all about it!
- BBW/BBM: Either you love em.. or you hate um?
- Penis Wrinkle!!!!!!!! Nipple Clips!!!!!!!!
- Text Messages
- Other sites?
- i wanna see how smart you are
- Hello
- The Weakness.....
- The People That Back Kim.............
- Is Your Glass Half Empty Or Half Full?
- Avitar Design
- Whatcha' Eatin???
- @Dream Ride@
- Who will be the lucky member....
- Holy Crap!!!
- not ready for this
- Help!!!!!!!!
- Touching Songs
- I need advice on Family Problem
- This is funny
- I need HELP!!! too
- Who remembers, "Oh Wicked Wanda" comix?
- big scare
- worst drive
- Just how bad do you have it????
- awwww yay-uh...
- *~*Diva's Welcome Back Party*~*
- Dog Ugly But Still Do-able
- 333 Comes in Threes 333
- ^^Gender Bender^^
- $$I'm Buying$$
- ~Prophet Reality~
- Ladies, thank you!
- Finally!!!
- Signs that the seasons are changing....
- Is this the place to say Hi?
- yeah, so...
- Special Request . . .
- spare underwear
- sex in the city quiz
- Live chat
- Curious about minorities...
- ~~~~~~~~~Slidding in.....Kramer style~~~~~~~
- Which Pulp Fiction character are you?
- Another What Drink Are You?
- information from the standardization of sexual terminology office : European union
- Quiz: What ass do you have?
- Quiz ~~ What's your Sex Sign?!?!? ~~
- !!!!!!Happy Birthday!!!!!!
- going gray
- Hi
- it seems like forever
- Are you or aren't you?
- A Commemorative: 9/11 ~Remembered~
- To any of my Yiddish friends here at Pixies
- Holy Crapola!!!!!
- Meeting via the internet
- @-8-- DiVa is 39 and holding --8-@
- Great fake names!
- Sleepin with the Fishes....
- Ladies Tell Me Ur Wishes ( Click Here)
- # 500
- Back!!!
- Promises promises..........
- Top Ten Lists
- We broke the record today!!!!!
- Seven Little Perverts
- Someone pulled a quickie on me!
- Birthday Presents for Men
- A web site I know you will Like!
- Opinion?
- Anyone remember RainbowBrite?
- I have a question......
- *^Sharniqua^*
- Yeah , yeah yeah...IT'S ANOTHER QUIZ!!
- ~Bama Bama bo Bama~
- Govt!
- ~~Quiz: Do you need a Boob Job????? ~~
- ~~ Quiz: DICK QUIZ!!!!!!!! ~~
- Show us your art
- What Sopranos character are you???
- Hobbies: Movies: Animation: Japanese
- oooo! Friday the 13th !oooo
- Which M&M are you?
- show us a bit of your....
- Hero or Villan?
- Aaawwww.........
- Good Morning!!!
- strange replys to a net search
- hi! newbie alert!!
- Be On The Lookout For---->
- know any pick-up lines that work?
- ??if??
- Inspired by Steph...describe your town!
- Embarrassing questions
- quick question for the ladies
- Lovexam
- I am leaving pixies to honour a promise
- RandyGals Anniversary!
- How do you want to be known??
- Prison bitch!!!
- Black Rose's B-D
- Day And Night, Night And Day
- Wheeeeee!
- Howdy to your neighbors
- HI there....
- on the map
- Conspiracy Theory
- Kenny Logins, Big Hair and stonewashed jeans
- Riddle me this...
- How Do You Spend Your Online Time?
- Email FUNNY.. I love my job
- I have Happy Nipples!
- A puzzle
- Murphy's Dad
- WOO HOO! Happy Nipple dances to celebrate!
- Deep Dark Secrets
- ((((((((rabbit))))))))
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