View Full Version : General Chat
- L@@k here please!!!
- Multimedia
- Space, not Anal
- Hate Laundry???
- Rabbit's Favorite Cup Size
- ¦¦¦I'm Bursting At The Seams¦¦¦
- Drinking
- Classic painters...
- Images reveal Titan's secrets
- Ordering a Pizza (Big Brothers watching)
- Sweet!
- Slumber Parties!!!
- Help on MS Access
- Knock Knock Knock
- Glad to be back
- One for the Good Guys!
- I Hate Taxes!!!!!!!!!
- Transitions — Charlie Bell
- Progress
- Have You Heard...???
- He Bought Me An Appliance!
- impress your friends, annoy your coworkers, entertain your kids!
- God bless our reporters—and their editors!
- life lessons
- Desperate Housewives
- LOL This made the news...
- Inauguration celebration
- Poe toasted again...
- American Idol
- Jib Jab strikes again!
- Nascar
- Oh my god people are so evili about Tsunami
- Ah.......My new house
- Another use for WD-40
- 1/05 Bizarre
- Damn Liars!!!
- ~* Desperate *~
- Safety????
- Eid-al-Adha
- Sponge- Bob Queer- Pants???
- Time Sink
- Crossing My Legs Tightly
- And he's right!!!
- ~*oh...birthday Boy*~
- OMG! Gonna get 10-16 inches today!
- ~x* Wild & Wooley Birthday WildIrish *x~
- Twisted Necklaces...what to do???
- Johnny
- Then and Now
- OMG--hubby lost a condom last night!!
- Vanity License Plates?
- MUSICMAN...come on down!!!
- Things to Ponder.......
- Hmm, been a couple of months, but...
- Cinematic Rot
- Why all psychic readers are WOMEN ?
- Got ‘em!
- Just posted
- Smokin!
- Would you work here?
- Thank goodness it's Friday
- Are You My Mama?
- What about you?
- So did anyone else notice...
- A Hockey First
- funny kind of thing
- I'm A Mommy!!!!
- What do you drink?
- Beware of sheep in hamsters clothing.
- Good News on the AIDS Front
- Reiki.....??
- Happy Happy Birthday scotzoidman!
- Very Content
- Freedom-buddist style
- a little game i play
- Congrats!
- Light and Glass at it's best.....
- Furry Bastard
- In todays Birthdays
- 2nd Annual Pixies Valentines Day Lonley Hearts Club Party
- Favourite Movie(s)
- Star Trek: RIP
- Thainland Dead Baby Haunted
- Perspective...
- Something for your PC to do while you are away
- Jupiter is a strange and disturbed little man.
- Got "romantic porn"? Anyone???
- What's Your Favorite Story Here At Pixies?
- So like.........
- Awwwwww!
- I am going for a nap.....
- Transitions - Max Schmeling
- 1,126 days ago...
- another one to make you go awwwww
- Super-triple-dicklepissed!!
- *e*a*g*l*e*s*
- Helpful House Hints!
- i tHINK
- Can't Find Chat On Mirc
- Welcome to Pixies
- Imaginewithme Reaches 16000
- If Virginia is for lovers...
- Taking Bets
- Commercials
- EEEEEKK!!! Mid-life,Wisdom,and Smiles
- You call THAT music????
- How to get into the Chat Room
- What Treat would you bring?
- WildIrish Keep Out!
- Oh, fuck my chihuahua!
- Ellen MacArthur’s round-the-world journey
- Location, Location, Location
- Trying to tone up a little at home, any advice?
- Baby You Can Drive My Car
- How Do You Get Your News???
- Hello, strangers!
- A song
- Cooler than the mp3 Server/Boombox
- Looking for a new place to chat....
- Wonderful Wednesday....
- This Must Be PantyFanatic's Year
- Happy Chinese New Year
- You Know You Are Getting Older When,
- Thought of the day
- 5000
- It is almost someone's b-day!!!
- Strange sign!
- And what are
- New Pictures
- Australian woman selling baby for $1mil
- It's all in the interpretation...
- I think I have it figured out...
- we dare???
- 69
- Am I the only one...
- SuzyQ @ 5000
- "New Health Plan!"
- If you could make any part of you 'perfect', what would it be?
- Transitions – Arthur Miller
- Quick IAKG- Sharni needs you!
- you guys (and gals) are the greatest!
- Transitions – Howard Dean
- Valentine's Plans
- Will You Be My Valentine?
- Lovapalooza 2
- How was your 1st time?
- Little Black Book
- Sing To Me Baby - Valentine's Edition....
- Am I the Only One???
- Happy Birthday Slowride...Wherever You Are!
- Happy Valentine Day
- Achilles Heel
- Galatea
- Anyone not having sex tonight?
- Anyone want to chat?
- Hmmmmm..
- so...
- Hope for hockey?
- Escape the "Date from Hell"
- Teenagers Living In Poverty
- Oz adult match-making site linked to..
- Men & Women---Differences!
- Live Forever?
- Designer Drugs
- Identity Theft
- @----8- February
- Wacko Jacko in Court
- The joys of art.....body art that is
- Missed You Guys .................
- Holy Crap!!!
- For that stressful time of the month.....
- Online Universities?
- Men strike back!!
- Body Modification
- *****
- I saw the weirdest thing.....
- Movie classics - lines
- calihotguy
- Pilot's Dilemma for OldFart
- Hitting the Road
- 200 posts
- Rearranging the Furniture
- Elegant Dining
- I`m New here @ Pixies!
- Hiya Cheyanne and Cobalt!
- Desiderata
- Chat....
- Lolly, Lolly, Lolly...
- Holy shhhhhhh...!!
- 19k
- Taking Bets~~~> Sharni Keep Out!
- gay penguins
- Transitions - Ruud Lubbers
- Passings.....Sandra Dee
- Three Years!
- Cleaning, selling things, and doing taxes
- toons to tickle your tummy
- Another front in MS's new "security push"?
- Apologies
- That crazy, gonzo lifestyle/writing style
- 10k
- How many of you are parents?
- A Tuesday (22nd) B'Day Wish
- Funny and not funny commercials
- A Little Known Fact About Pantyfanatic!!!
- Because of Winn-Dixie
- Chance Encounter?
- Strangers in the night...
- 10k - Again!
- F. B. I.???
- Thank You Australia!!!!
- Good
- Direct Hit!
- Hello Everyone
- Show me that pocket protector...
- Jury duty
- Happy B'Day Just4Fun
- what cud i pay ya .........
- 9/11...Not Forgotten
- Erotica fans . . . "new to me" site
- A Place of Our Own
- Someone's sending a message
- *pouts*
- Funniest things you've said to your boss.
- Greatest rock song in existence
- March Holidays!
- Blogs anyone????
- Holy Cow!!!
- Camping
- Divorce!
- Uncommon Cure for the Common Cold
- 25 or 6 to 4
- ~> PM News <~
- White House Press Room Scandal
- Daddy How Was I Born?
- Transitions : Peter Benenson
- Dreaming of Spring
- Entrepreneur
- Whooo-eee!
- A Common Anomaly
- So what is ....
- Happy Birthday Irish!
- Your relief reporting for duty
- The Gates
- SCARECROW and the number 8,000
- Bias?
- Academy Awards
- If you were stranded....
- Musical Clothing
- Transitions - Jef Raskin
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