View Full Version : Lost, Lost, Lost
No, this thread isn't for our own Lost.
And I'm not lost.
This thread is about Locke, Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Sayid, Shannon, Boone (RIP), Claire, Charlie, Hurley... well, I think you get the point.
All these and others have survived the crash of Oceanic Flight 815 and are stranded on a remote tropical island that seems to have a mind of it's own. Oh, and a couple polar bears and maybe a pissed off giraffe.
Anyone else relieved that we (finally) get a new Lost episode tonight?
05-04-2005, 11:43 AM
i don't watch lost.
i am , however, totally lovin the fact that 24 is being shown in it's entirety. no annoying breaks for special events and no re-runs.
That is nice, isn't it? :D
I think you'd enjoy Lost wyndhy... it has some King style themes. ;)
05-04-2005, 11:50 AM
i might be lost by now. :D no idea what's goin on.
05-04-2005, 12:21 PM
OH I LOVE IT!!! I can't wait for Wednesday's to watch Lost!!!!
05-04-2005, 01:24 PM
I absolutely love it!!
It's on tonight actually....wooohoooooooooo...takes forever for Thursday to roll around *L*
It sounds like you're ahead of us (as usual), so please watch any spoilers ya may let loose :D
I think it's the same for us both Sharni... it's on Wednesday nights here. All the previews make it look like Locke gets shot by Sayid, but I doubt it's gonna go down that way.
I'm dying to know what's in the damn hatch!
05-04-2005, 02:08 PM
Well shit...nobody told me there may be a pissed off giraffe! I've got to check this out!
Of the 831 tv shows Mrs. WI watches at the same time, Lost isn't one of them. Figures, huh? :(
I am soooooooooo excited it on tonight! Four more episode I think it said till the end of the season. We tape it so that we don't have to suffer with the commercials and can zoom back to the show.
I really, really LOVE Sayid! The things I would do to that man. :faint: :lurv:
Did I say that I really love him? :D
Although I will miss Boone's beautiful blue eyes. :(
That show has the best eye candy ever. :thumb:
I really, really LOVE Sayid! The things I would do to that man. :faint: :lurv:
Did I say that I really love him? :D
If I didn't know better I'd think my wife had registered. :rolleyes2 :p
05-04-2005, 06:38 PM
Although I will miss Boone's beautiful blue eyes. :(
Ok thats a spoiler *LOL*
I dont need to miss him as he's still on the show here!
05-04-2005, 06:50 PM
Damn just read the TV guide and Lost isnt being shown tonight...i gotta wait til the 12th May now...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Showing on the 12th May is: Episode 12..."Whatever The Case May Be"
A briefcase may contain insights into Kates unexplained past.
If your watching anything after this please be careful of spoilers :D
05-04-2005, 08:18 PM
Damn just read the TV guide and Lost isnt being shown tonight...i gotta wait til the 12th May now...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Showing on the 12th May is: Episode 12..."Whatever The Case May Be"
A briefcase may contain insights into Kates unexplained past.
If your watching anything after this please be careful of spoilers :D
I LOVE this show and just finished watching the newest episode..but I won't give away any secrets Sharni! lol
05-04-2005, 08:41 PM
of course it wasn't what you expected. ;)
Ok thats a spoiler *LOL*
I dont need to miss him as he's still on the show here!
Oh DAMN!! Sharni I am so sorry. I didn't realize you didn't see them when we did. *Note to watch what I say in the future*
05-04-2005, 10:10 PM
Wow Sharni, that episode was a long time past here. :) I love this show as well, and I'm always glad when it's new. I agree with the other ladies about the eye candy, though I have a thing for Sawyer.... :)
Another fan here! ... only problem is I missed the first half of the episode tonight. (and I missed a couple of the episodes during the regular showings through the winter) ... I'm excited for them to show them during rerun season ... something I hardly ever say about any show! Boone does have beautiful blue eye .... and I even think that Locke is pretty good eye candy ... the advantage I guess to being a bit older is that you can still appreciate all the younger eye candy and get to add in the older eye candy as well! :D
05-05-2005, 04:41 AM
Don't tell me the Skipper and Gilligan tried to take a plane home.
What will they do without the Professor, Ginger, Maryanne and the Thurson-Howells?
But wait, wasn't it in Episode 17 1/2 Gilligan said," Hey Skipper, what'll we do with this
motheaten old giraffe suit?"
LOL @ ^^^
Oh damn Sharni... I didn't realize you're not at the same point that we are. I'll definitely watch what I say.
And I certainly won't mention the aliens... OOPS!
05-05-2005, 01:19 PM
Your always ahead in prettywell all types of TV series
Aqua = :spank:
The second show of seaon two has aired... and now we have even more questions!
Everyone still watching?
wyndhy, are you watching yet?
09-29-2005, 02:40 PM
oooo---eeeeeeeee---ooooo...i was just thinking about posting to this thread but i hadn't gotten get around to finding it yet...weird.
yep...i'm watchin'. bigbad recorded the re-cap thingy they did and swore i'd like it and practically had to tie me down and force me to watch and guess what?...i like it :p:D
and yeah, i gots lots o questions/comments but i don't wanna be a spoiler so i'll keep 'em to myself. :p
It is soooooooo good! I can hardly stand it!! I won't go spoiling anything but damn what is going to happen next week is all I can think about. :line:
oooo---eeeeeeeee---ooooo...i was just thinking about posting to this thread but i hadn't gotten get around to finding it yet...weird.
yep...i'm watchin'. bigbad recorded the re-cap thingy they did and swore i'd like it and practically had to tie me down and force me to watch and guess what?...i like it :p:D
and yeah, i gots lots o questions/comments but i don't wanna be a spoiler so i'll keep 'em to myself. :p
PM baby! ;)
09-29-2005, 03:42 PM
I've been so addicted to this show since it first aired. This season may be even better than the last one, if that's even possible. I was just so happy to see my favorite character .... Josh Holloway, shh... was back. :) Avoiding spoilers, avoiding spoilers, and eagerly waiting for next week.
09-29-2005, 04:41 PM
TV Guide said that there may be 3 or 4 "new" main characters, they must have been hiding in the back of the plane. LOL
09-29-2005, 05:55 PM
A great show - unfortunately they decided to put episodes on back to back and put the newest episdoe on last (another marketing ploy). Unfortunately I am a week behind since the 9:00 episode is after my bedtime. I guess that's why they made a VCR, duh!
TV Guide said that there may be 3 or 4 "new" main characters, they must have been hiding in the back of the plane. LOL
There are 3 new characters to be seen this season... and yes, they were in the tail section of the plane. ;)
09-29-2005, 09:03 PM
I love this show and refuse to talk to anyone, computer, phone or in person, while it's
09-30-2005, 03:49 AM
Can't wait for the second season i must say!
Love the show
09-30-2005, 08:03 AM
I'm with you Alasse i enjoy the show as well, bed luck we have to wait unto next year for season 2
Stolen Kisses
10-01-2005, 11:59 PM
Woo Hoo
Lost fan here! :jump: Just gotta love that yummy Sawyer :hot:
And it sounds like we're going to get some good info tonight. :)
10-05-2005, 04:09 PM
pah! that's what they said last week.
10-05-2005, 09:35 PM
Things are still murky...geesh I love this show, even if it makes me crazy! :hair:
10-05-2005, 10:28 PM
My name is flo and I work in a button factory.....
10-06-2005, 12:59 PM
hi name's dharma :p:D
Well well well, Dharma... I'm Namaste (
10-06-2005, 04:01 PM
IF I use the numbers 4-8-15-16-23-42 will I also win the lotto? :devilish:
10-06-2005, 05:13 PM
Well well well, Dharma... I'm Namaste (
*places hands together and bows*
a namaste for namaste.... :D
ps: where the hell did you find that site?
10-06-2005, 05:22 PM
how mysterious you are...
LMAO... when I was posting that I almost put :mysterious: instead of a smilie cause that was exactly what I was going for.
That episode didn't quite go the way I thought it would. Damn... next week needs to get here already!
10-13-2005, 12:36 PM
yeah, that was a curveball, eh?
the end made me cry though :)
10-13-2005, 01:04 PM
yep. good episode all in all though
and i am now addicted to the show that comes on after lost, invasion. that's the trouble w/ tv, once you start...
the end made me cry though :)
Me too :)
I can't wait for next week!! :line:
I've heard Invasion is really good... but it's on too late. *shrugs*
Anyone else have a hunch Bernard was a white guy?
10-13-2005, 01:13 PM
i had no clue. i don't think it's significant, though. do you?
No... just a little twist to throw you off balance.
Anyone else have a hunch Bernard was a white guy?
Never entered my mind one way or another. I did say he was Bernard the moment I saw him though. Wonder when we will see a happy reunion? :)
10-13-2005, 04:18 PM
I figured it was him when he started talking to Michael. Doubt it was significant though, just to keep you guessing.
I wish people would stop punching Sawyer though! :mad:
10-13-2005, 04:46 PM
I wish people would stop punching Sawyer though! :mad:
Maybe she will kiss it and make it better, I see a new romance. :x:
10-19-2005, 10:19 PM
3 weeks?? 3 WEEKS???!!!
fuck me sideways
10-20-2005, 06:07 AM
i think it's just going to be three weeks until the "big" episode. My friend checked his Tivo, and it looks like there WILL be a new episode next week.
Don't have a heart attack just yet. :x:
3 weeks?? 3 WEEKS???!!!
fuck me sideways
i think it's just going to be three weeks until the "big" episode. My friend checked his Tivo, and it looks like there WILL be a new episode next week.
Don't have a heart attack just yet.
According to the official Lost website, next weeks episode will be 'Adrift', which was the 2nd episode this season.
I didn't think they were gonna do this crap this year. :mad:
*fucks wyndhy sideways*
10-20-2005, 04:44 PM
*fucks wyndhy sideways*
at least i got something good out of this stupid show. :D
12-07-2005, 08:40 PM
^^the why the fuck is it another repeat smilie.
The next new episode isn't until January!
*shakes fist*
12-07-2005, 08:57 PM
i dare they get me all addicted and then just...just...
*detox shakes*
12-07-2005, 09:03 PM
The next new episode isn't until January!
*shakes fist*
crap, you're kidding!?!? Now WTF will I do on Wednesday nights???!??!?!
12-07-2005, 09:50 PM
It's all a plot!!!!!!
12-07-2005, 11:40 PM
I just realized, if the next few weeks will be re-runs...if they play the one of "The Others".....when AnnaLisa (whatever her name is) takes the guy to the top of the mountain to use the radio a car drives by in the back ground. Also a tall antenna like for cell phones, etc. is seen in that episode. I missed it but Mr. IWM saw it and couldn't believe it.
I just realized, if the next few weeks will be re-runs...if they play the one of "The Others".....when AnnaLisa (whatever her name is) takes the guy to the top of the mountain to use the radio a car drives by in the back ground. Also a tall antenna like for cell phones, etc. is seen in that episode. I missed it but Mr. IWM saw it and couldn't believe it.
The girl's name is Ana Lucia and I believe that episode was called 'The Other 48 days'. I'm gonna watch for it to see if those things are still there when/if it's replayed.
YES!! New Lost tonight!! *Happy Dance*
Yep, it's been a long time coming!!!
01-11-2006, 09:29 PM
YES!! New Lost tonight!! *Happy Dance*
ty, ty, ty!!
we would have missed it but as soon as i noticed this thread i ran up to start the dvr. only missed the first few minutes.
i owe you one ;)
01-11-2006, 10:13 PM
I love the show!!!! So glad its back on
01-11-2006, 10:15 PM
*zips lips*
01-12-2006, 07:30 PM
Dear Father I have ...
I have never watched a whole espisode...10 minutes at the most here and there.
I feel I am the only person in the world not hooked on this show.
ty, ty, ty!!
we would have missed it but as soon as i noticed this thread i ran up to start the dvr. only missed the first few minutes.
i owe you one ;)
Sweet! wyndhy owes me one... hmmmm... now I must ponder a suitable exchange for this information. ;)
I really enjoyed last nights episode! Eko has a serious past.
01-13-2006, 04:23 PM
I have never watched a whole espisode...10 minutes at the most here and there.
I feel I am the only person in the world not hooked on this show.
I keep trying but I just can't get excited over it either.
01-13-2006, 04:27 PM
Sweet! wyndhy owes me one... hmmmm... now I must ponder a suitable exchange for this information. ;)
I really enjoyed last nights episode! Eko has a serious past.
But does everyone have a connection to someone else on the island. :confused:
But does everyone have a connection to someone else on the island. :confused:
It seems they do in one way or another.
01-14-2006, 12:56 AM
I thought it was a really really strange coincidence that his brother was on the same island... but then, this is Lost. What did you think of the 'monster'?
01-14-2006, 07:00 PM
Every week I see it I am like "What?????????" really keeps you wondering what the hell is going on and you can't help but to see it again next week!
I thought it was a really really strange coincidence that his brother was on the same island... but then, this is Lost. What did you think of the 'monster'?
They gave some insight into it's nature and at the same time opened up more questions.
Can't wait for Wednesday... "This is our island!"
01-16-2006, 10:07 PM
Just a couple more days!!!
"You and me ain't done, Zeke." :eek:
03-09-2006, 12:24 PM
i'm getting tired of the re-runs every other week. they are this close to losing me all together.
anyone else wonder if the writers even know where this is going? i get the feeling they're all just flying by the seats of their pants.
You should download the Official Lost Podcasts... they explain a lot and you don't actually need an iPod or iTunes to get it.
Just go here...
They explain why they do so many reruns and that they know where the story is going for the most part, but not always. It's really entertaining, IMHO.
I didn't mind seeing Shannon in her bikini last night though. :p
03-09-2006, 12:50 PM
You should download the Official Lost Podcasts... they explain a lot and you don't actually need an iPod or iTunes to get it.
Just go here...
They explain why they do so many reruns and that they know where the story is going for the most part, but not always. It's really entertaining, IMHO.
thanks, i will
I didn't mind seeing Shannon in her bikini last night though. :p
perv. :p:D
03-09-2006, 01:10 PM
Yeah, I'm tired of the re-runs too. I look forward to each week and then it's a rerun!
Basically, the amount of time it takes to film an episode only allows them to produce a certain amount of episodes per year, about twenty-four I believe they said. The Fall TV season is much longer than 24 weeks, so unless we want to wait until January for them to start Lost, they have to fill in the gap weeks with re-runs. I don't like it, but I understand now why they do it.
04-06-2006, 05:10 PM
I'm a little nut
Things are getting very interesting here towards the end of the season.
Watching Hurley attack Sawyer was the best scene so far. :D
04-06-2006, 07:16 PM
I am now more confused than ever.
I am now more confused than ever.
Me too! The ending left me going WTF!!! :eek:
I agree that Hurley attacking Sawyer was great! :D
04-06-2006, 09:45 PM
Yeah...the show could end right now and leave us all like "huh?" Every week I get aggrevated at it, but can't stop watching it!
I have heard that by the end of the season they are going to answer a LOT of questions.
And raise a lot of new ones. :rolleyes:
04-07-2006, 05:35 PM
Its all in your mind .... :eek:
its NOT a thread dedicated to ME?!?! lol
not sure how i missed this thread for so long so I could say that.
Ive watched the show but not regularly enough to know the full story, i may have to rent the series and watch it.
since i use the name Lost in many places online, since the show started i have ppl ask me if i'm a big fan and have to let them know i was using the name before the show ever existed *sigh*
Well it's about time you got your ass in here. :p
And I highly recommend renting it to get caught up. Or just shell out $40 or so and buy it.
05-03-2006, 09:04 PM
Anyone else watch tonight????
Man the suspense!!!!!!!!! :eek:
OMG!!! :eek: I had a feeling he wasn't quite right, but WHOA!!! Don't want to spoil anything until everyone has seen it.
Hurry up everyone so we can dish!!!
05-03-2006, 09:20 PM
I second that!
05-03-2006, 09:22 PM
Well, that really caught me off guard!!
05-03-2006, 09:35 PM
Mr. Lil knew that would happen.
yes, interestinger and interestinger!
05-04-2006, 08:17 AM
Mr. Lil knew that would happen.
me too. :p :D
but still - whoa
05-04-2006, 08:38 PM
Well, I, for one, did absolutely not see it coming. Though it's not completely surprising in retrospect, considering the legal status of the two.
Well, I, for one, did absolutely not see it coming. Though it's not completely surprising in retrospect, considering the legal status of the two.
According to show writers/producers it was already decided where this story was going before the arrests. *shrugs*
I don't think Libby is dead. The bullets went into the blanket but we never saw them go into her.
05-05-2006, 12:03 PM
Yeah I read some article that pointed out in the previews they shouted "She's dead". If both were dead they should have said "THEY are dead". And also, Libby is the only one that we haven't heard her back ground on yet either.
Can't wait for next week!
05-11-2006, 07:16 AM This show makes me think too hard
but I still can't get enough of it!
05-11-2006, 07:41 AM
so hurley says "can i talk to her" right before jack is about to shoot her up with the heroine. jack nods, "sure" and hurley walks up to the bed and..........
nothin'. :(:mad: the damn show ran a wee bit long so the dvr didn't record the last few minutes.
ah, the perils of technology.
05-11-2006, 01:25 PM
We're upto the episode where Charlie is in the shit for lying and doing all the weird stuff...and little Aaron and Claire got emselves baptised
Looks like we got some interesting times to i love this show!!
05-11-2006, 01:42 PM
yes, yes you do.....very interesting!
05-11-2006, 06:51 PM
wyndhy, you can catch the episodes in full for free on the site... just go to videos, and full episodes, they'll usually available the day after they air, so it should be up today.
05-11-2006, 07:33 PM
thanks FA! i didn't know that.
IWM filled me in but i'll keep that in mind for the next time.
I heard that the season finale is going to be incredible!
05-11-2006, 09:40 PM
So I've heard too... sad that the season is ending though... but so much has happened!
Have any of you been to recently?
05-12-2006, 12:39 PM
nope. but i will now
anyone catch the sumbliminal commercial in this weeks episode? lmao
Oh yes... but it was subLYMONal... :p
05-12-2006, 01:29 PM
OMG that's right. i knew the spelling was funky but i couldn't rememeber...damn you! (nerd)
Oh, and you might want to check out this ( company... a fine maker of pregnancy test kits and other pharmaceuticals as well as a limited line of food products.
Geez Louise!! I came in here to read the new post on Lost and got mesmerized by Aqua's new av!! Makes you wanna reach out and grab it! :D
05-17-2006, 09:20 PM
Geez Louise!! I came in here to read the new post on Lost and got mesmerized by Aqua's new av!! Makes you wanna reach out and grab it! :D
yeah for real!!!
Well atleast in tonight's show someone was actually smart and realized what might be happening!!!
05-17-2006, 10:13 PM
that made me so happy when he figured it out!
next week looks good, but it seems doubtful that we'll get answers like the previews said. it is, after all, the season finale. *anxiously waiting another week... again*
Me too. I was all, 'Please tell me he's going to figure it out!'. I was disappointed it wasn't sooner by someone else. *shrugs*
The finale looks like it's going to be a wild ride!
Tonight's the night!!! :D :D :D
There is a one hour recap show then a two hour season finale. Get your popcorn and tissues because Sawyer won't been seen again until next season. :(
05-24-2006, 05:29 PM
I can't believe I'm even excited about it!
05-24-2006, 10:09 PM
I officially want to pull my hair out now.
05-24-2006, 10:12 PM
I'm not less confused, just confused in different way...geesh!
05-24-2006, 10:14 PM
I'm not less confused, just confused in different way...geesh!
That's a perfect way to put it!
05-24-2006, 10:22 PM
Did you catch the commercial for Hanso?
Did you catch the commercial for Hanso?
hrmm, I think I somehow missed that...
but you can always check out their website, hehe
I post here a link to their "hidden" page thats the orientation video...
also if you go to the "Alvar Hanso" page and let it sit there for a little while,
it changes to a document you can read
all of these projects seem to somehow tie into the island, its just figuring out whats what and where and since i didnt see the show for a while I'm missing parts so I'll have to rent older episodes so I can catch it all, so many things to think about, hehehe
05-25-2006, 08:25 AM
Did you catch the commercial for Hanso?
yes and the man looked familiar :D
i've been thinking that the others were the good guys, doing bad things to reach their goal and justifying them for a noble cause. kinda like greenpeace.:D
we shall see...
06-09-2006, 07:15 PM
Is Australia the last to see it (furtherest behind in eps)from the nationalities here?
For anyone anticipating season 4, here's a new orientation film...
The Orchid (
*Sigh* WHEN is Lost coming back???????? :curse:
*Sigh* WHEN is Lost coming back???????? :curse:
I never left!!!
sorry, I couldnt resist :P
but yes, season 4 starts in Feb.
Harold Perrineau Jr returns this season as Michael Dawson
along with 5 new actors!
(Rebecca Mader, Jeffrey David Fahey, Ken Leung, Jeremy Davies)
only 48 episodes left till we know all the answers and the show is concluded.
Lost, you are now the Lost official tell-us-the-scoop dude! :nod:
February!! :(
But when it comes back on it's non-stop until the season finale. No mid-season hiatus, no two weeks on-three weeks off, or any such thing.
But when it comes back on it's non-stop until the season finale. No mid-season hiatus, no two weeks on-three weeks off, or any such thing.
Are you trying to make me feel better???? :ranting: I need eye candy and February is like forever away. :rolleyes:
If you cared you would show me something hot, hard, and naked. Ohhhh and hairy! :brows:
01-13-2008, 09:36 AM
I love the new ARG at if anyone else is playing, let me know, we can talk. :)
And the countdown to (shortened but hopefully lengthened soon) season 4 is on!
*Happy sigh of contentment*
It's back and it's good!!! :nod:
02-01-2008, 07:39 PM
I agree, Tess. :) Sad that there are only 7 more episodes ready... *prays for the end of the strike*
02-01-2008, 07:56 PM
*Happy sigh of contentment*
It's back and it's good!!! :nod:
but did they have to do a 2 hour recap on Wednesday and another hour of the same recaps on Thursday. And why did Hugo say 6???????????
I agree, Tess. :) Sad that there are only 7 more episodes ready... *prays for the end of the strike*
Praying right now!!!!
Scarecrow, the recaps were annoying for me as well. However, my 16 year old just got interested in the show last season so watching the recaps saved me having to do a bunch of explaining. :nod
02-02-2008, 09:42 AM
I watched the recaps because they usually have more information/answers/interviews. But I was disappointed. And sad that the re-airing of last season's finale didn't offer me more "new revelations" for old viewers.
But I was more that happy that: 1) LOST was back; and 2) The premiere was awesome.
03-09-2008, 10:45 PM
Still the show I love to watch...or love to hate
03-11-2008, 08:17 PM
Love to hate? Really?
I think I love this show more every week - but I can see it losing viewers as the weeks go on and the questions that are about to be answered get more complex.
This season has been epic so far! (IMO) The Desmond centered episode that aired recently was one of the best ever. The way they're doing this season is at least giving up something to work with to form theories... and they are providing some answers.
Kinda. :p
03-11-2008, 09:41 PM
Love to hate? Really?
I think I love this show more every week - but I can see it losing viewers as the weeks go on and the questions that are about to be answered get more complex.
Ok, maybe it's actually hate to love.... haha
It's the show I have to run to the living room to watch and the last minute of the show I say "I HATE THIS SHOW"....and can't wait all week to see it again. :sad:
The way they're doing this season is at least giving up something to work with to form theories... and they are providing some answers.
Kinda. :p
or is it all misdirection to make you THINK your starting to understand.
then when ya least expect it... BAM!... they point you in the opposite direction!
hrmm, or is that maybe just the way I feel day to day? lol
I love the show so much. I do hate the way my kid thinks I'm one of the writers and should be able to tell her what is happening. :D
03-12-2008, 02:51 PM
I just love this show. And I love seeing how everyone's responding to it. Lost really has become my one true obsession over the past 4 years. (that's kinda sad)
But I agree that they are at least pointing us in some of the right directions as per fan theories. Anyone truly interested can usually find me on as WanderingMathematician.
And yes, the Desmond-centric The Constant has become one of my favorite episodes ever. As Desmond has become my favorite character. :)
03-12-2008, 03:01 PM
i have to admit i am so fed up with this show. it's twisted, sneaky plot misdirections and cliffhangers are getting hokey. it was fun for a while, but now i find it arty and inflated. i'll find out what happens, if anything, when it's all over and they give us a recap on GMA. a cheap "it was all just a dream/the boogey man did it" type ending is in store, i believe. i may be wrong, but wither way, i won't miss watching it.:shrug:
the writers/producers have already said, its NOT a dream and its not purgatory.
and only 1 more new episode before a 4 week break ....
but hey, the writers strike could have gone on longer,
but still, we lose 3 episodes of this season :(
03-14-2008, 08:37 PM
I don't watch it all the time but I bawled last night.
03-15-2008, 07:49 AM
I post my consensus with Lost, the writers/producers have said that they have an ending that will be satisfying to all who have put the time in to watching this show. Which makes me happy.
And while I am sad that we are having another break and losing 3 episodes this season, I'm glad that this season's story arc is still going to be intact and that those 3 episodes will be included in the remaining seasons.
Anyone watching the new season?
I think they are doing a great job with it so far... can't wait for the next epi.
01-29-2009, 09:41 PM
Will Desmond follow his lead or not?
no cable tv where I am on vacation in florida :(
so I havent been watching
I'm watching and loving it. :D
Dang, this season is good!
Dharma Initiative!
Time travel!!
Four toed statue!!!
03-05-2009, 07:00 PM
I'm watching too.
I'm really looking forward to tonight's episode!
03-18-2009, 02:56 PM
I missed it last week
S'ok... last week was a repeat.
I watched last night episode this afternoon. Man!! Is it great or what? I'm starting to mourn that it's about over. I love Sawyer!!! :nod:
03-19-2009, 09:29 PM
I hear that, TT... love me some Sawyer. But I hate Juliet... so this latest development has me seeing red. :)
03-19-2009, 10:18 PM
I saw it! I like a bossy Sawyer!
03-19-2009, 11:52 PM
Now where is John????
03-20-2009, 10:51 AM
i'm watching it again damnit. but that doesn't mean i hafta like it. 'cept i do. damnit
05-24-2010, 11:02 AM
So we haven't seen this thread at all this season, I had to drag it up after last night. So now that it's all over... ( :( )
Disappointed? Glad? Confused? Redeemed?
How did The End leave you feeling?
05-24-2010, 01:43 PM
I lost all interest and did not watch the last season at all.
it was GREAT up till the last episode...... last episode i think sucked, I want a do over!!
05-24-2010, 06:20 PM
I looked for this thread to say how bad it sucked. I was soooooo disappointed.
05-24-2010, 06:57 PM
It didn't suck, vacuum cleaners suck (which is actually doing something).
Lost just sat there like a jelly someone's forgotten to flavour, moving but not going anywhere.
I had such high hopes for the first two episodes, then it went no-where.
I thought the episode was well done and really enjoyed the remembering sequences of some of the characters... especially Claire and Charlie.
As a part of the whole Lost storyline I didn't care much for it at all.
07-15-2010, 08:32 PM
I looked for this thread to say how bad it sucked. I was soooooo disappointed.
me too. may as well have all been a dream. what a joke
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