View Full Version : WhoooHOOOOOOO! No more car fires while driving!

05-01-2005, 12:47 PM
As some of you may know - we have a vehicle that has a tendency to catch fire while it is being driven.. :( - it is a god ol' girl - has 228,000 miles on it and has served us well.)

We just couldn't see continuing to drive it around with gallons of water in the back of it just in case, so..........

We went to the bank Saturday morning and met with a loan officer - he approved us on the spot and told us if we found a new vehicle that day we could just write a check for it and then visit with him on Monday to finalize the paperwork! (Needless to say - we just about shit our pants lol)

After feeling the power of being able to write a check for a vehicle (within our budget of course) - we spent the day going car shopping!!!!

I loved the look on the saleperson's face when during negotiations, we told him we had already been approved by the bank and could write a check for what we wanted if they were able to meet our "demands" lol.

We found just the vehicle we wanted! Forest Green, taupe leather seats that have individual controls for heat - in the seat!!! (that is soooooooo cool), dual heat/cool so if I am cold and he is hot we can have our individual vents do the talking.. lol (I am not sure really how that would work in an enclosed area, but it is neat anyway) It has an awesome sound system... lots of controls on the steering wheel, and more buttons that I have ever seen on a dash.. lol

We used to know how fast we were going by the sound of the car... lol - now we have to watch the speedometer... Anyway - this is what it looks like... :D

It is an Oldsmobile Intrigue... :D

05-01-2005, 12:59 PM

Congratulations! I'm sure you'll enjoy your new wheels! Looks good.

05-01-2005, 01:35 PM
Wow, that's great!!! Congrats!

05-01-2005, 01:36 PM
It seems like you are trading off the excitement of a Sunday drive for non-eventful transportation. Sounds like the first stages of getting old to me. :rolleyes2
LOL :rofl:

It looks great hun :)

I’m happy for you two.:D When you’re busting your hump to stay in the running, it’s nice to see you get something to lighten the load.

Happy motoring. :thumb:

05-01-2005, 01:40 PM
WooHoo......congrats C & C.......That's great!!!!

05-01-2005, 01:54 PM
Girl, don't you know you'll look goooooooood in that car! lol

CONGRATULATIONS [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[hugs]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

05-01-2005, 02:23 PM
nice car, but 228,000 on the old one. i have to ask what was it? i'm aiming for the 200,000 mark on my explorer

05-01-2005, 02:52 PM
Congrats! sounds like things are looking up for you two! :thumb:

05-01-2005, 03:37 PM
Grats!!! Love the color!

05-01-2005, 03:43 PM
nice car, but 228,000 on the old one. i have to ask what was it? i'm aiming for the 200,000 mark on my explorer
good vehicles those explorers (when they are not flipping over)... 185k on mine with the original engine and transmission. of course it is leaking some fluids at the moment (transfer case) but I'll get that fixed. It still gets 19mpg on the highway.

Oh, and Cheyanne... congrats on the new wheels :thumb:

05-01-2005, 03:52 PM
Thanks everyone! Seems kinda silly to be so excited about a vehicle, but.... lol

The vehicle we traded in was a 1991 GMC Jimmy....may it rest in peace..

05-01-2005, 04:06 PM
enjoy it! drives real nice...my aunt had one and my wife has an alero (similar car)

drive it well!

05-01-2005, 04:10 PM
Congratulations!!!! great to have wheels that you don't have to plan ahead for it's foibles! :)

05-01-2005, 05:37 PM

Teddy Bear
05-01-2005, 06:33 PM
Congrats on the new car!! Sounds great!

Hope you'll have many miles of fun, safe adventures with it!

Have you checked out the back seat yet? ;) ;)

05-01-2005, 06:40 PM
Grats! I just went through a similar experience, cept my previous vehicle wasn't as old or well travelled... but the peace of mind that comes with a newer vehicle is amazing.

05-01-2005, 08:26 PM
congrats on the new car!

05-01-2005, 09:26 PM
Congrats on the new car!! Sounds great!
Hope you'll have many miles of fun, safe adventures with it!

Have you checked out the back seat yet? ;) ;)

LOL.. not yet!!! It has leather seats so we need to be prepared with a waterproof something or other... I can say though.. the seat in the back is good sized.. and there is a lot of leg room!!! :lust:

05-01-2005, 09:57 PM
I love the Aleros -- I always try to get them as rental cars.

I hope she treats you well.....you both deserve it. (((Chey))) & (((Cobalt)))