View Full Version : General Chat
- Transitions — Lou Rawls
- Crash
- don't go
- Tonight’s the Night!
- Wake up and try this
- Jennaflower!!!!
- Comfort food ...
- One month to go!
- Aren't they just so.......
- the crazy things funny people do.
- Romantic Dinner (fzzy got me thinking)
- Happy Birthday Nikki!
- Really big button that doesn't do anything
- What Pope name would you choose?
- What's all the hub-bub about?
- Sexual Offender
- Fucktard Smilie
- bonjour jacques
- 2-0-5 in review.
- Daily Pixies 1/13/06
- Multi-tasking
- Happy Birthday......
- .:*Slang*:.
- Sixteen hours
- Mind Trick
- Shelley Winters
- Finding the right drink
- Conan
- Kiss My Ass Goodbye
- Brokeback Mountain
- Wouldn't It Just Suck
- Who Makes the Best Patient?
- First Grade Test
- signs
- For the lovers of Duct Tape
- It's Idol Time Again
- Trogdor
- It Didn't Go UP!
- jbh3.....come and get your birthday spankings
- One Step Forward...Alito Steps Backward...our country recedes????
- The Year 1905
- :( Forever waiting "In the Midnight Hour" :(
- No Idea in Hell
- Happy Ending
- This might tickle your fancy!
- Happy Birthday!
- Should sexless Marriages open the door?
- Happy Hatching Day
- Seattle or Pittsburg this year?
- The Independent Man!
- “I just wanted to be happy”
- Happy Birthday musicman!
- Conservative Minority in Canada
- Wikiwikiwikiwiki
- Hey Aqua!
- Eek!!!!
- George Bush Farts
- The 2005 Stella Awards
- Lilith is making car commercials now?
- Katrina Tshirts
- ~~~Jiggle While You Wiggle~~~
- Macho, macho man . . . Clay Aiken
- Happy Valentine's Day.. :D
- woo hoo
- Holy Ghost Enema
- I know my child/partner is an alien because...
- Hello!
- Long awaited Wedding Pics!
- It's final
- Happy Birthday scotzoidman!
- Transitions — Coretta Scott King
- Coretta Scott Kings passes away!
- Drinks are on me
- Silly & Geeky
- If You Remember Us
- Some Funnies...
- 5,4,3,2,1...Best wishes Alasse!
- Happy Happy
- They say we're young
- Literary Memories
- A particular song
- Which actress are you?
- *~Let me gaze into my crystal ball~*
- Pixies on stage....
- Rings & Things
- Transitions — Betty Friedan
- My new tat!
- Transitions — Grandpa Munster!
- Unfortunate Valentine's cards
- Streaker
- just wanted to welcome
- Strange Bird
- Who moved my cheese?
- I have returned after a long, long time
- Are you a yankee or a rebel?
- Geeky lizards strike again!
- Nicknames
- and yet another waste of your time...
- We're all on the way ...
- My Eyes Dilate, My Lips Turn Green
- Happy Birthday Pegasusx62!
- Not Nekkid...
- finally got some pics of the new place in germany
- A Wish I Could NOT Refuse
- Please Ignore ....
- Olympics
- Chat Room?
- A Really Bad Day
- And the Darwin Award goes to.........
- Transitions — Jeeves
- Most memorable kiss
- Presents for Dad on Mother’s Day??
- All Abuzz About iPod
- what do you miss
- lactation + wtf 2 me
- For the men who love boobies.....
- Quel autre langue pouvez vous parler?
- A bird in the bush...or something like that.
- Snowy Day
- ~Another VD question~ Valentine's Day
- Missing Pixies?
- A yes or no is all that is required
- What do you believe?
- Happy Birthday Slowride.....You Tease lol
- Romantic Interlude
- I miss all the Pervert Pixies smiles
- Tincan and a string?
- Who is your favorite American Idol Judge??
- Old friend
- Download Porn Video
- New Mix set: D-Sides
- Spooky Stories - Insert Here (don't be rude!)
- Do u have a favourite quote?
- New Camera!
- Pantyhose and Stockings!
- One experience for the other gender...
- I dont normally do this but.....
- ~~alspals69~~
- It's Friday, let the insanity begin!!!
- Army Retirement
- Earworms!! Oh farkin' HELL!!
- Read any good books lately?
- Takes a lot to impress me
- Happy Birthday calihotguy!
- So what has America learned?
- For the Nickster... by special request : )
- Oh, such an osuche!
- Poster-lific!
- What would happen if we all met...
- Secret passions anyone?
- The three Rings of Marriage
- All HAIL!
- Hey Coaster......
- Good Thoughts for ME!!!!!!
- Help....I've Been Attacked!!
- Absent!
- Have a seat...take a load off!
- So that's what that look means!
- gimme some funky bass...
- Where is the strangest place...
- Guess Who’s Birthday Is Tomorrow?
- They need names
- PantyFanatic Hates It When...
- For you sports nuts
- What would you invent???
- Random post
- Nutworld!!
- Skinner
- Come one, come all............
- What kind of soul are you?
- Oh CRAP, it's BACK! *whispering hoping you won't notice*
- There are times when you just want to work for the U.S. Postal Service, you know?
- Psycho Path #1
- Ketchup as foreplay
- Bye Bye Barney Fife
- Another Notch Reached
- Sharni Readmitted
- Carol Vorderman (UK) - CountDown
- Darren McGavin
- Another death...Dennis Weaver
- need help
- Throw away your foil hats!!!
- Do we have many NASCAR fans
- REALLY funny photos
- For newbies like me to the old vets
- Happy Birthday TinglingTess!
- Adopt-a-Moose!
- Here’s Something Interesting
- Happy Birthday dm383!
- Luckiest Monkey at the Zoo......
- I hope I never have an accident in Chicago
- New Living Will Form
- If I can read your Under-roos...
- Just started reading...
- Hillbillies......Rednecks........whuuuut!!!
- Rabbit in London
- Iwm
- Happy B-Day Primal51
- Big Days for Race Fans
- Dilbert
- Happy Birthday moose!
- He said WHAT??!!
- Just me
- 24
- Transitions - Kirby Puckett
- Strange and funny things seen while shopping?
- National Salesperson's Day...........
- Dana Reeves Passes Away.....
- T V
- In Your Neighborhood.........
- You know what I hate?
- Americans and those who are interested in a green card
- Wish me luck...
- Hey Sharnie.
- On a Side Note
- Charity
- First Picnic of 2006
- Happy Birthday (1)Nutworld!
- March Madness
- Pictures Of Men
- Update
- I said a
- Happy B'Day ShadowDancer
- Transitions — Slobodan Milosevic
- I don't get Islam
- Just in case
- hello again
- OMG I'm in love....
- It Is The Season.
- Miracle Workers
- Happy Pi Day
- Hopefully it's nothing....
- I've had a bite...
- ~o+`*On-line Pregnancy Test*`+o~
- What's your perfect "Groundhog Day"?
- Favourite muppets/puppets?
- Worst Web pages in the
- Happy Birthday Mercury_Maniac!
- One-Trick Pony
- Happy Saint Patricks Day!
- What song was #1 when you were born???
- Just wondering...
- OK LADIES>>>>>>>>
- Hey Wildirish...
- You may have seen this
- Smile for the camera
- PF...come and post #10,000 here!!!
- Put Down The Scissors and Step Away From The Mirror
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