View Full Version : I can't get no Satisfac----suhn......

07-12-2004, 03:22 PM
On this date in 1962,the ROLLING STONES gave their first public performance at the Marquee Club in London. Nobody knows when their last performance will be.......

07-12-2004, 03:28 PM
I do but I'm sworn to secrecy! ;)

07-12-2004, 08:36 PM
Someone should tell Charlie Watts and Keith Richards they've already had theirs (last performances) and they should lay down now!

OMGGGGGGGGGG!...I said that out loud...didn't I?

*ducks the rotten tomatoes and poison darts*

07-12-2004, 08:37 PM
I love Beast of Burden...my all time fave.

07-12-2004, 08:47 PM
I saw them live in 1964. Even then Charlie Watts looked like death warmed over. Somebody needs to tell them to quit before they're old enough for pensions. I enjoyed them tremendously when they and I were younger. But their time has passed.

*ducking and running with Lixy*

07-12-2004, 08:47 PM
Brown Sugar always gets my ass wiggling...

07-12-2004, 08:50 PM
I was never a big Stones fan, just a few songs that I like...but like I said in the funeral song thread...I love Sympathy for the Devil..

07-12-2004, 10:51 PM
NEVER,I hope!The R.S.,have always been my favorite group.They're like
Aerosmith.They never die.A few years ago,they interviewed Steve Tylers
daughter(not Liv)They asked-Don't you get embarrassed when a man,your
fathers age,appears on stage & sings Rock & Roll?She said-Everyone still loves
him & he's enjoying what he's doing.I don't care if he comes out in a wheel-
chair,if he likes what he's doing.(More of peoples kids,should think like that!)
A few years ago,my youngest daughter,bought me a Mick Jagger CD.One of
his daughters is on some of the songs.He recorded it,mostly,in Lennie Kravits
(sp?) studio. Irish
P.S.I graduated HS,in 1961,at the age of 17.They are,probably,around my