View Full Version : Pixies-place weight loss support thread
06-14-2004, 02:12 AM
Just a thread for those of us wanting to lose weight to post our progress, and to support others who are engaging in the battle of the bulge as well.
I invite you to share diet tips, excercise tips, relaxation and wellness tips, encouragement, etc.
I'd like to share that I've lost 32 lbs in the last while, and FINALLY gone down a dress size, which I discovered yesterday!
06-14-2004, 03:08 AM
YAY thats great !!!!!!!!! iv ebeen struggling but even w the meds i dont seem to be doing anything , exercise and all ya know , oh well it may just kick in and take over i hope i hope i hope!!!
06-14-2004, 03:14 AM
Lilith_82 - I've been thinking of starting a thread like this myself!
Well done on losing so much so far......Fussy and I have just started a weight loss programme, and at last week's weigh in, I'd lost 2lbs and he'd lost 4lbs! Not sure how we've done this week because we've eaten plenty of things we shouldn't have!
It's going to be slow progress for me, as I've about 68 lbs to lose.....but I'm really determined to be 3 dress sizes smaller by the time Fussy and I get married. Oh and yes guys, even losing that much weight will leave me with plenty of the curves you all love. ;)
06-14-2004, 08:38 AM
Congrats to your accomplishments! A couple of years ago I realized that I was either going to have to lose weight or get bigger pants. I decided that I liked the pants I had too much to get rid of them. :D
I don't do well with diets. It's just not my thing. Although I've never really been very athletic, I decided I had to get into an exercise program. Seeing that I never set small goals for myself, I decided I would set a very large fitness goal. I gave myself 13 months to go from couch potato to finishing a marathon.
Well, 13 months later (and 35 pounds less) I completed all 26.2 miles. (and boy were my legs tired)
Good luck with your goals! :D
06-14-2004, 08:59 AM
So far I've lost 25 pounds and 1 almost 2 dress sizes (I'm in between now and not a damn thing fits well). I have hit a plateau and am really frustrated. It's hard to step up the excercise to get over the hurdle when it's 95+ but I know it's the only thing that is gonna get me there.
It's those damn problem spots (to be read as, tummy and butt *covers Aqua's eyes* that are driving me nuts). Gonna start swimming laps a couple days a week, on top of my walking.
06-14-2004, 09:28 AM
I've told this elsewhere, but after being the fatboy all my life, I finally lost the excess weight last year by embracing the low-carb lifestyle. about 10 years ago I was creeping up towards the 300 lb. range, cut back on the portions & had a gradual loss to about #225 at the beginning of 2003. Then a variety of health probs hit, including diabetes, & I started losing in a big way! I don't recommend these drastic measures to anyone, but it seemed my only option at the time...recently went to a party with some friends who hadn't seen me in 2 years, & they took a while to recognize me! So I have to say grats to all who are fighting the battle & losing (weight, that is), if I can do it after 47 years, you can do it too!
06-14-2004, 10:29 AM
My senior year of high school I decided that I'd had enough. So over the next four months I lost a total of 20 pounds and now the total has made it to 30 pounds lost. I feel great, it's nice to walk into a store and it have Jr. sizes and being able to wear them, granted it's still the biggest size but hey it fits. To all of you trying I say keep it up cause nothing can taste as good as getting new clothes and having the old ones fall off. lol
06-14-2004, 01:34 PM
Congratulations, all!
I have more than just 30 or 40 lbs I want to lose. I wanted, when I began, to lose 120 lbs. I have about 90 more to go. Y'see, when I was in high school, I was a weight-lifter. I actually trained my high school senior football team in the weight-room. I was also a volleyball and football player, and just.. UBER-active. Then the car accidents began. I've been in 4 car accidents in the last two years. They've made the active lifestyle.. well, now I'm better, but for a couple years, I couldn't even walk 4 miles without pain. I still can't walk far without pain, but I have the ability to lift some weights. I used to be able to lift 800 lbs with my legs... now I can do about 400... so I have work to do.
Other issues came up over the last few years, and I actually DECIDED to gain weight, so that I would never be pretty again...
I've dealt with those issues, and think I'm damn pretty, and just want to be healthy.
I've been laid up on my back for weeks now, on bed-rest, for a bad back, but as soon as I have my doctor's okay, I'm buying a good bike, and going to use the hell out of it. I love bike-riding, and my spouse is going to buy one, too, so we can go for rides in the evening... *smile*
I feel good that I'm at least on the road to it... to my goal. *smile*
06-14-2004, 03:50 PM
Wow, this is a good idea for a thread!
I'm terrible and should be losing weight. I have a medical reason too, (lol, and no it's not just an excuse! Although, I always used to use it as an excuse before I learned it was true!) But I still can't seem to get myself into it.
I need to start at a Gym because I know that as soon as I get started I will do well, but it's just getting there.... I'm sure I'll get round to it one of these days- There's a Gym about 20feet from where I work for goodness sake! LOL
I have a tip too, although most people will probably know this already... If you eat lots of pasta or bread, try to get way down. Replace the bread with something wheat-free and the pasta with Rice. Pasta and Bread will bloat you, and I bet you'd see a difference if you tried it for a while!
And of course, the classic- If you're feeling like you wanna eat, drink a glass of water, cos it might just be there you're thirsty, and you might find it does the job!
Good luck and hugs all round!
06-14-2004, 04:04 PM
According to the glycemic index pasta is a better choice than rice because of the process necessary to break it down once ingested.
06-14-2004, 04:18 PM
Oh-kay, then! lol
06-14-2004, 06:32 PM
Did you know your body cant tell the difference between being hungry and being sends out the same signals for both
Which is why you should alway drink water before eating
06-14-2004, 06:57 PM
Great idea for a thread, Lilith_82! I knew I couldn't be the only one here at Pixies trying to lose weight.
As I mentioned in a previous thread, I've been going low-carb. Not completely as in the Atkins diet, but the Carb Addicts Diet. You still get to have carbs but only at one meal a day and your carbs need to balance out to 1/3 of your intake........protein and veg's being each 1/3 as well. I've also joined Curves. It's a fitness center for women only. I've been going 3 times a week.
I haven't been able to complete the full three circuits yet, but each time I'm getting better. And I've lost 6 pounds!!!!!!!! :line:
I didn't gain it over night, and I'm not going to lose it overnight. I'd rather do this than have gastric bypass surgery if I can help it.
06-14-2004, 07:03 PM
Sugarsprinkles that is the best idea to have, and that's great that you are seeing results. May each success bring you closer to you goal in body and spirt.
as for me i don't want to be skinny i want to be the healthiest me i can be. i think about -40 pounds will be my goal weight loss from here on out.
P.S. i've found it helps when eating out to get child portions or when that isn't avaible , portion off about half of your meal and ask for it to be put in a take home container. this always helps for a quick lunch the next day.
06-14-2004, 08:24 PM
Ugh, I know this road as well. I've not been on a diet perse, but just really trying to control my choices of eating. I do really well all day long at work (no sweet snacks and sensible portions). But home has been a challenge for me.
Like Sugarsprinkles, I'm also going to Curves. I love the workout. It's quick, effective, and easy to commit to. Just through the workout alone I can see definite devolpment of muscle mass below some of the fatty tissue.
I've lost about 20 pounds so far and my mini goal is another 40. That will put me about half way to the final goal.
And I can't encourage water drinking enough. I do my best to get in a minimum of 64 oz a day. I don't drink anything else, and have never been big on fluids, don't know why. But it really does provide the full feeling often and take away what I think might be hunger cravings.
06-19-2004, 10:31 PM
Originally posted by Lilith
So far I've lost 25 pounds and 1 almost 2 dress sizes (I'm in between now and not a damn thing fits well). I have hit a plateau and am really frustrated. It's hard to step up the excercise to get over the hurdle when it's 95+ but I know it's the only thing that is gonna get me there.
It's those damn problem spots (to be read as, tummy and butt *covers Aqua's eyes* that are driving me nuts). Gonna start swimming laps a couple days a week, on top of my walking. The exercize is the only thing that will keep you taking it off or help you to maintain. I have lost a similar amount but have a way to go yet. Good luck!:)
07-01-2004, 06:39 AM
At weigh in on Tuesday, I'd lost another 2lbs which means that in exactly a month, I've lost half a stone (7lbs to those who don't understand stone)!!!
It may not seem like a dramatic weight loss yet, but I'm trying to do it slowly so that I can keep it off, and so that Fussy and I can enjoy a nice life style too.
Every week I've been on it I've 'broken' the diet, with eating out etc, but whereas before I would have just thought 'well I've broken it now, so why bother, anymore?' I've got right back on to the low fat low calorie eating for the next meal, and it's working! Looks like at last I've found a sustainable way to lose weight, while still being able to eat things I like, when I really want them, or when it's unavoidable.
Yay for me - only another 4 1/2 stone to go!
07-01-2004, 07:08 AM
Fucking hurdles, shitty plateaus......I'm finally getting over it but damn it took forever.
Thank god for summer fruits.
08-18-2004, 06:53 AM
Know what you mean about plateaus Lil, I went two weeks without losing anything and I was so close to hitting my first target it was driving me mad!
However, last night I lost another 3lbs, which takes my total loss to 15lbs so far! That means I've lost my first stone, and I've only got one more pound to lose before I am technically 'overweight' as opposed to 'obese'.
Yay for me!!!!
08-18-2004, 07:27 AM
Yeah, I finally dropped about 3-5 more but I've had a hard time lately making time for me. I'll finally get to walking again tonight!!!! I have missed it.
Grats Lou! Every pound/stone/gram/ounce helps!
08-19-2004, 02:29 AM
Thanks Lil - I know this is only the start for me but already I've found it an enpowering experience.
And I've surprised myself with my own level of fitness, despite not having exercised regularly for about the last 5 years - swam half a mile last night in about 25 minutes - couldn't believe it when I realised how long it had taken - and I don't even ache this morning!
08-21-2004, 02:31 PM
Good luck everyone.
I've lost about 20 lbs in the last four weeks. No alcohol (except wine on Saturday), no processed foods and their hidden calories, 2-3 litres of mineral water per day, no carbs with evening meal - just lots of lovely fresh veggies and fish - and going swimming three times a week. I'd also recommend courgettes and marrow (calm down Lil) as they are a natural diuretic.
14 lbs until I am the same weight as when I was 20 and an active sports player.
The world is definitely fattist - I can't believe the difference in how people interact with me socially.
08-21-2004, 06:05 PM
courgettes and marrow~ are those squashes?
08-23-2004, 01:01 AM
Yes Lil, we don't have the variety of squashes that I think you have.
Marrows are basically overgrown courgette, I suppose you could say that a courgette is an under developed marrow. I find a plate of saute/steamed marrow with plenty of pepper a very filling but low calorie part of a meal.
I also find small pumpkin/squash to be delicious raw. Much better snack than chips etc.
08-23-2004, 02:25 AM
I think you folks across the pond call them zucchini, or something like that, don't you?
08-23-2004, 04:52 AM
yes...I would suggest you slice them in half lengthwise, marinate them in salad dressing, and then grill them on the BBQ. Best food in the world almost.
08-24-2004, 10:05 AM
man i waiver with the same 10 pounds or so all the time...wanted to lose 25 pounds, but never made it that far..with the Diabetes it's hard....
I've been on xenical for like a week now..maybe it'll work
08-24-2004, 11:23 AM
I tried Xenical....nice if you don't mind NEVER leaving the house. Good luck with it.
08-24-2004, 01:58 PM
I tried Xenical....nice if you don't mind NEVER leaving the house. Good luck with it.
lol... hasn't affected me badly *yet* if it does, I plan on stopping it immediately
In the meantime, I excercise a lot (see my previous threads about that)..hiking, yoga, swimming, walking etc..
I eat healthy, but then I have random binges when I deny myself which is so bad..I need to learn how to control that
08-26-2004, 08:39 AM
I had a question for you guys..
I've been dieting for awhile (all the time since i'm diabetic w/ a slow thyroic) and i'm curious
the last few weeks i've GAINED when i've eaten the same or maybe the slightest bit more b/c i'm heavily into excercise-yoga, hiking/walking, swimming etc.
Could this be b/c i've gained more muscle? i've gained about 10 pounds, so this makes me upset and worried.....what do you think?
08-26-2004, 09:00 AM
It could be muscle gain, it could also be that your body has adjusted to the current level of exercise.
I've lost weight the past few months by walking up a hill. Every week I would show some loss, but for the past 3 weeks or so I've been holding at exactly the same even though I've increased the frequency (but not the intensity) of the workout.
I think there are sustainable weight levels where one can plateau because of the combination of diet and exercise that one is willing/able to maintain. A big push to workout more or eat less can drop a person below that, but the body will readjust after the push is over.
The big question is not the number, but how you feel? If you feel good then don't sweat the 10, because darling you look DAMN HOT!
08-26-2004, 09:44 AM
It could be muscle gain, it could also be that your body has adjusted to the current level of exercise.
I've lost weight the past few months by walking up a hill. Every week I would show some loss, but for the past 3 weeks or so I've been holding at exactly the same even though I've increased the frequency (but not the intensity) of the workout.
I think there are sustainable weight levels where one can plateau because of the combination of diet and exercise that one is willing/able to maintain. A big push to workout more or eat less can drop a person below that, but the body will readjust after the push is over.
The big question is not the number, but how you feel? If you feel good then don't sweat the 10, because darling you look DAMN HOT!
A special thanks to you for your sweet comments, but also your advice that couldn't have been put better.....I exercise just about every day and sometimes I let myself have a day off and go at it again the day after....but i'll have to adjust my diet some more, i barely eat as it is! lol oh well....i'm doing this to become more healthy though, not "just because", so it's a definite requirement that I lose the weight.
08-26-2004, 10:05 AM
Diet is the hard one for me, I'd rather exercise more and keep eating.
You might try varying the type of exercise. The body gets used to the sameness switching from endurance exercise to sprint exercise might shake things up. Speed walk one day and hike another. Have you tried Bikram Yoga ? (yoga in a hot [98*degree] humid room--I'm never sure if I remember the name right) Also some weight-lifting (I use 10 lb dumbbells) to increase muscle will burn fat.
Kind as my comments were they pale next to your loveliness. I hope that you will post more pictures in th future that I may admire you further!
08-26-2004, 11:56 AM
Diet is the hard one for me, I'd rather exercise more and keep eating.
You might try varying the type of exercise. The body gets used to the sameness switching from endurance exercise to sprint exercise might shake things up. Speed walk one day and hike another. Have you tried Bikram Yoga ? (yoga in a hot [98*degree] humid room--I'm never sure if I remember the name right) Also some weight-lifting (I use 10 lb dumbbells) to increase muscle will burn fat.
Kind as my comments were they pale next to your loveliness. I hope that you will post more pictures in th future that I may admire you further!
I'd LOVE to try hot yoga..the closest I get is when I do some power yoga, close all the windows and turn off the fan in the room and close the door lol....would love to have the time and money to attend actual yoga classes
I need to buy heavier weights, I have two 3 pound weights that tie around your ankles or wrists (from reebok) but that was for only slight toning...I need to go buy some heavier ones, 5 and 10 pouns used to work real well for me
09-15-2004, 03:13 PM
I started going to Curves back in May. My last visit was on July 1. I had to stop when I began to have shoulder problems, doctor's orders. That really frustrated me because I had just had my one month weigh in and had lost 6 lbs. and a total of 2 inches.
Finally got the shoulder problems sorted out and the physical therapist has said that the Curves workout shouldn't be a problem. So I'm going back next week. I stopped by Curves today and weighed in. I was totally shocked, and not just a little thrilled when I found I'd lost 2 1/4 lbs.!! It sure gives me incentive to go back. :jump:
I'm going to start back on Monday and I'll report my progress when I get weighed and measured in one month.
09-15-2004, 03:31 PM
Congrats SS!
09-15-2004, 04:41 PM
Oh Congrats SS. That's Great!!
Well as for me I've just discovered that I've lost 10 lbs. If I could get another 40 and keep it off Iwould be very happy. That would put me just over 140 which is just 10 lbs over what the max is for my height. Of course I'm doing this all wrong, I don't drink water, I don't take vitiamns, I only basicaly eat once a day, I smoke, I drink coffee all day(reg or unlead it don't matter to me), and I never excerised. Having went back to work 3 weeks ago has helped alot. I need one of those little meter things to see how many miles I walk in that store evertime I work. I think twice about having junk food. I have'nt had a beer since July I think and don't miss it. I will quit smoking someday when I really put my mind to it. I'm still not gonna drink water, but I am going to get some vitamins. And Hopefully this time when I get back on birthcontrol it will not pack on the 30 lbs it did last time. UGH!!
WTG everone!!!! One lb at a time is all it takes.
10-17-2004, 06:01 PM
Well, I didn't get to go back to Curves the day I planned. My physical therapist wanted me to finish my course of therapy first. No problem. So I kept up the therapy and just before it was scheduled to end, our van broke down. So there went three more weeks down the drain. In the meantime I found a great website that helps you monitor your meals, exercise, your weight goal and progess, and more. I decided to give it a try. I've tried to keep to about 1500 calories a day or less, and relatively low carb, but not ridiculously so. Well, since I last weighed at Curves, according to my home scale, which is almost spot on with the scale at Curves, I've lost around 10 more lbs. I had set a goal to get down to a certain weight by my birthday. I only missed by 2 lbs.!!! :wiggles:
If anyone is interested, the website is . It's completely free, but they do offer a software version which is a bit more elaborate than the free site. I spent the $20 for the software and for me, personally, it was well worth the investment.
My son is getting married next October and I've set another goal. I don't want to have to wear a pup-tent with sequins to the wedding. :(
The van is working now, finally. and tomorrow I go back to Curves!! :jump:
I'm really excited to be getting back and I hope with everything else I'm doing that seems to be working, that I really start dropping the pounds.
WISH ME LUCK!!! :wine:
10-17-2004, 06:08 PM
WTG SS!!!!!! Best of luck too!!! That's great.
10-26-2004, 08:22 PM
:wine: :wiggles:
I finally got back to Curves last week!! I did my 3 days last week, and yesterday was my regularly scheduled weigh in and measurement.
Now I've been watching my calorie intake to make sure I'm taking in less than I'm working off, but have only started back to Curves last week.
Well, I got on the "evil scale" and was absolutely thrilled to find that since my last weigh in, I'd lost about 18 lbs.!!! And a total of 14 inches!!!!!
:line: :line:
I am sooooo thrilled!!!!
I still have a long, long way to go, but at least I know I can do it now. I'm going to keep going, and keep doing what I'm doing and the weight WILL come off!
10-26-2004, 08:25 PM
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! sugarsprinkles. if you're happy, i'm happy :jump:
10-29-2004, 09:20 AM
Well done Sugarsprinkles!
I've now been doing the weight loss thing since June, and I've lost 19lbs so far, which I'm really pleased with. It's been relatively slow progress but steady, losing about 1-2lbs a week most weeks, which I think is sustainable, since I still have another 37lbs to lose at least.
Yay for us Sugarsprinkles! :D
11-10-2004, 11:31 PM
((((Lou)))) ~ you're doing great!!!!!
I've lost 5 lbs in the past two weeks....and only 40 more to go. :rolleyes: I'd been going to the gym to do cardio for about 2 months now...every week a solid 4-5 times per week and was gettign NOWHERE fast....Added weight lifting in (again...I'd let it slip for about 9 months) and 5 lbs have magically dropped off.
It's all about lean muscle mass, baby!!! :D
11-11-2004, 04:01 AM
Have done nothing but EAT for the past fortnight and was dreading weigh in on Tuesday, but weirdly enough I was the only one of my little group of friends to go, who'd not put on any weight at all!
Osuche your attitude is so good: 'Only 40 pounds'....I have about that to lose but it feels like loads still - I suppose once I'm past half way, it will stop feeling so daunting!
11-11-2004, 03:12 PM
(((Lou))) ~ one day at a time. And as long as I stay properly hydrated, my body tells me when, what and how much to doesn't let me gain weight if I "tune in" to's likely yours was doing the same thing. Some days we just need to eat more. ;)
11-11-2004, 03:25 PM
I have been super stressed and unmotivated. While I have not gained I certainly am not losing. Mr. Lil got my heavy bag stand today so I am hoping that will get me excited and move me to jump back into being well.
11-11-2004, 03:39 PM
I suggest you all take up running.
Preferably to my house, because all of you are so damn hot and sexy!!!
11-11-2004, 03:40 PM
/me skips over to WI's place....just to be contrary :p
11-24-2004, 01:33 PM
I had my official weigh in at Curves this morning. I've lost another 6 lbs. :D, and a total of 2 1/4 inches in the last month. I was hoping for more inches lost, but I know it will happen in time. But I'm making progress and that's what counts.
11-24-2004, 01:46 PM
((((SS)))) ~ Great job. I know how hard it is to stay on track!!
11-27-2004, 04:34 PM
I was so happy to see this thread!
I've been chunky all my life, after I met fiance I tried to lose weight--lost about 20 pounds and gained back 40. I started weight watchers in May and I've lost 42 pounds since--hoping to lose about 20 more. Fiance is 5'7 and about 150 pounds lol I felt so out of place next to him. When we first got together as a couple I wouldn't cuddle b/c of the difference in our bodies, needless to say I'm over that nonsense but being overweight definately takes a toll on your self esteem.
Good luck to anyone trying to lose the weight, and if you need some support (or tough love, hehe) message me anytime.
12-16-2004, 02:16 PM is the deal. I gave this link to Nikki1979, and I thought I would share it with everyone. I am so proud of what my aunt has accomplished.
NOW...If you sign her guest book, please do not mention that you were referred by her neice at Pixies, she is a good Christian and would not approve of her neice being her. I hope you all understand.
She is such an inspiration!! :)
I'm with TOPS. 11 and 3/4 pounds down. Not sure on inches.
03-15-2005, 12:37 AM
I haven't posted for a while, but I'm still plugging away. I haven't been able to get to Curves since before Christmas because our car is down. But I'm still watching what I eat. With the car down I can't eat out and I KNOW that's helping.
As of today, since I started on this plan to lose weight and get healthy last May, I've now lost a grand total of 55 pounds!!!
I'm just so happy that I'm sticking with it and I'm actually accomplishing something. :jump:
and with this fantastic information, I've made my 11,000th post. (wanted to make #11,000 a really good one :D )
03-15-2005, 01:06 AM
((((((((SS))))))))) ~~ That is a huge accomplishment!!! Congrats. :D :wine:
03-15-2005, 06:36 AM
Oh my god (((SugarSprinkles.))) :faint:
That is an absolutely extraordinary accomplishment for you to have attained.
You should be so proud of yourself for sticking to it!
Kudos to you :thumb: ... and may you continue your success on the quest for a healthier you!
03-15-2005, 10:17 AM
I suggest you all take up running.
Preferably to my house, because all of you are so damn hot and sexy!!!
anyone care to stop by my place on the way to WI's?
03-19-2005, 12:13 PM
Thank you everyone for your good wishes. It really helps to know that I've got so many people supporting me and wishing me well.
I know I'm not the only Pixie that's struggling with this. I wonder how the other 'dieting' Pixies are doing? I'd love to hear about everyone else's struggles and/or successes. I'd like to feel like I'm not the only one who's dealing with this issue.
BTW, I'm down another 5 lbs., for a grand total of 60 lbs.!!!! :jump:
03-19-2005, 01:26 PM
.......BTW, I'm down another 5 lbs., for a grand total of 60 lbs.!!!! :jump:
03-19-2005, 08:05 PM
my wife started weight watchers about 3 mos. ago and has lost almost 30lbs.its tough for her to follow the diet but she tries hard to stay with it.when she reaches her milestones she save enough points up to celebrate with a small dish of blue-bell low fat ice cream or a steak dinner (lite portions) When she lost the 30lbs we went and bought her a new dress and other things.
SugarSprinkles congrats on the weight loss!
03-28-2005, 08:30 AM
I got on the scale this morning and realized I have gained TEN pounds in two weeks. That's extremely bad. I've been going to Curves, but....well, I've been depressed (not that I'm trying to make excuses for myself) and eating and drinking all manner of things...Chinese food, fast food, pizza, chocolate, those damn cadbury eggs that I love, Sangria.....Oh geez
I have to get back on track, or that 10 is going to turn into 20 fast. I figured I'd gain a little, but not that much. Now my favorite jeans are snug. Damn it. I'm feeling very Bridget Jonesish. LOL
Anyone else struggling?
Stolen Kisses
03-28-2005, 09:20 AM
(((Hugs))) I have been struggling all my life girl! LOL
If one day at a time is too hard- do one meal at a time. Thats where I have to begin when I fall off the wagon. Thats where I am today.
03-28-2005, 09:30 AM
Thanks Barb (((Hugs)))
I'm using weight watchers. I lost 40-50 pounds on it last summer. I cant seem to find any motivation in winter.
Anyway, I was drinking like 4 liters of water everyday and exercising constantly. I cant see myself doing that everyday for the rest of my life :rolleyes2 For one, I don't have time.
I have to stop making excuses for myself or I'm going to gain the 50 back, plus more! Good luck ;)
Stolen Kisses
03-28-2005, 09:40 AM
WW is good. I am OP too. I did well on it a few yrs back too. Havent been able to stay motivated long either. When I get sick I get off program. I have a couple of friends who I email back and forth with- we email our jouranls to each other and our WI's.
If you want to be journal buds pop me an email.
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