View Full Version : General Chat
- The draft
- What's With You Men, Anyway????
- Are you turned on easily...a quiz for CasperTG...LOL
- Going...going...gone
- Its 4 o'clock in the morning!
- Help, again, please ....
- Hello! anybody out there?
- here's a pic I enjoy!
- Winter impressions
- IS Internet on crack tonite???????
- Sinking Ship?
- My hidden sexual talent......
- The dominion of evil has gone too far!
- ~!~Happy Friday Baby~!~
- we're all affected...
- Spreading Like Herpes Through a College Dorm
- Is considering a move
- Lilith.......Herewith Job Application.
- What time is it?
- Speaking of Herpes...........................
- Which Hygiene product are you????
- ^*^*^*Pixies Journal*^*^*^
- mother o' fuckin god...
- The Key to Relationships
- $$Favorite TV commercials$$
- Help!
- Looking for Friends....
- I lost my avatar....
- *o~Damn!!! I am sooo worn out!!!~o*
- <Don't Give Me Your Attitude!>
- They censor this.........and they censor that!
- Opinion!
- What kind of drink are you!
- How do YOU know your s/o is cheating?
- Stupid queastion
- quotable quotes
- Are we unshockable?
- Connecting to Chat
- Rule Britannia!
- :o) You Gotta Love College (o:
- Right Now I'd Trade My Firstborn For........
- Looking for me?
- BiTe Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- What is it...?
- Is it really possible???
- Finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
- Sarcastic posts????
- Can anyone help?
- nice guys finish last
- ???Who The Hell Are You???
- What have you learned......
- Check it out! New free beer giveaway!
- marital status
- My Big FAT................
- Blowing you a kiss!
- Why is life Unfair?
- STO's Thoughts about life thread.
- Dick Clarks Watching ~ Pixies Countdown
- I feel so guilty
- --->Never Ever<---
- Make love not war!
- Why men are so cool
- (((((((((validus)))))))
- Elizabeth Wurtzel
- What hobbies do you enjoy
- I feel the need...
- Working, Working, Working!
- Happy B-Day Morrigan
- Why women are so cool
- Laughter IS the best medicine!
- What are you reading?
- What's in your wallet?
- Naughty Limericks
- Superbowl Champ?
- I've Been Cloned! = )
- Feelings!
- Thankfullness?
- What Movie Makes You Laugh?
- ~~GREASE is the Word~~
- Beautiful British Columbia
- READ THIS....If you are tired of telemarketers!
- One of life's MOST embarrassing moments!
- *^Super Bowl^*
- Burns Night!
- I Love This Place....
- Thanks...
- The Rules
- Happy Australia Day
- Hollywood comes to town
- ooohhh... the dungeon, I like the sound of that
- Just Wondering???
- What are you wearing...
- Hidden S&H charges!
- Doing it just a little different.
- *cough-cough* I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sick :p
- **Star Light** Star Bright**
- Sexy Cards
- <><>murphy<><>
- Need Some Computer Advice For A Friend
- Chinese New Year is comming up
- Queastion
- 100 post
- It ain't easy...
- Tort Reform
- 100th post
- And Skip so made the World...
- Guess who's back? Back again ...
- Reality TV chick, all tied up
- It's quiz time once again!!
- Could it possibly be the ..... Dr. Seuss' Purity Test ?!?!?!
- Are you a SEX GOD or GODDESS??!?!?!??!?
- RE: Hi, rocker - Please Read!!
- Tragedy in Oz
- New photo thread - silly faces!
- ((((Scotz))))
- change the status?
- Happy Birthday Bambi911
- You *know* you're a child of the 80s if...
- best gift/bribe?
- Tongues....
- Happy Thoughts and Good Luck!
- U.S. Space Shuttle Columbia lost
- Continuing to finish last
- Title
- am i the baby on here?
- Armed & Dangerous
- How is the weather up there????
- Hillbilly Medical Terms
- Oh, 80s children....a story to test your musical memories
- --------->Gotcha'
- >>This<< or >>That<<?
- Top ten reasons, 80's vs. 90's
- Hey STO...WTF was that movie about?????
- What size is your....
- Have you ever been to
- How many do you have?...........
- From the Realm of a Hidden Holiday...
- Check out My story
- Don't miss the Michael Jackson program.
- Shag-O-Meter
- **On the "CAN" again**
- The EMPTY thread
- Dear Friends:
- uniforms
- why is winter so depressing
- Thoughts and Prayers
- Buyer Beware
- look at my sig....
- Turkey in the Snow.....~WooHoo! It's a Hoedown!~
- ~@@~ He's lookin at me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Just a thought on current events ...
- Proof that the world is nuts
- I want my own website
- ~~~Security Blanket~~~
- Snow Bunnies
- Important Announcement
- Reading vs. Posting
- Happy Valentines Day !!
- Canada....enquiring minds want to know!
- ~Expectations~
- Just home from work
- The Geography of a Woman
- Haunted House
- My 500th post
- boring
- What is your Gift Protocol ??????
- Pixies Therapy
- Nascar????
- ~zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz~
- missed everybody
- Spring is near when it comes in the mail...
- [[[[[ Past Life ]]]]]]
- |||Slapped Between 2 Slices of Bread|||
- Coyote Ugly!
- We're having Puppies (2-10-03)
- Can anyone tell me.....
- What a waste! Story from my hometown
- Duuuuuude~ you're getting a CELL!!!
- S E C R E T~~pixie~admirer ~~t H R E A D
- Greetings!
- Need Help
- You`ve Got Male!!
- MLB Baseball
- Nkotb...
- More Dangerous than Bringing out the baby Pics II
- Dirty Phrases
- Advice from Children-Love & Marriage
- If only Real Life had a soundtrack...
- Thank Gawd its finally over!!!!
- Twisted Valentines
- Seen any good ones lately???
- Oldies~but~Goodies
- Legend?
- What type of music are you listening to at the minute?
- Save Your $$$ or Mail It to Me
- You've won the lottery
- Wallpapers vs. Screensavers
- Marriage on the decrease ?
- Happy Valentines Day
- What do you want to be?
- The Origins of Valentine's Day
- Is it true?
- Lilith promised me!
- Hi just another Newbie......
- Wow
- Newbie Here
- How'd it go??
- Are you going to call me?.......
- ~One Ringy Dingy~
- Charity
- More Jokes!!
- what ya think
- Let it snow!
- (zzzz)/snore\(zzzz)
- ~A Thread for Pop~......The Older We Get.....Well..Um....The Older He Gets!
- Big Enough To Satisfy?
- Lyrics with a twist
- newbie....dun dun dun
- Duck Tape and plastic
- ~hi Aqua~
- Oh Boy what do you do when....
- Hey Silky....
- \/Digital Drop Box\/
- Having trouble
- Oh the weather outside is frightful...
- Some times do you feel
- :o) Honestly(o:
- OOO~Symbols~OOO
- AV'S Question
- Advice about a landlord . . .
- Anyone with a CAM, please read!
- Women waiting for the perfect man!!
- Say "Happy Birthday" Everybody!
- Stuffing your face????
- Dirty rotten Sum B*TCH
- 10-4 Chunky Monkey on that Lot Lizard at Exit 159
- Hi. I'm 'new' here.
- Definitions according to gender
- Women Wear The Pants In The House!!!
- Ben & Jerry's
- Harry Potter Fans
- Dollys
- Beer & Female Hormones
- Help to Little lost Pixies.....
- Money sense??
- A very important question
- Psst...Psst... Hey do you know what Saturday Is??
- useless prizes
- Guys, we just can't win ...
- Texas Chili.........................OMG!
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