View Full Version : Turkey in the Snow.....~WooHoo! It's a Hoedown!~

02-07-2003, 08:18 AM
Oh no.........wait! That's "Turkey in the Straw"!

Opps......my mistake! But since you are here.......have a peek at my "pet" turkey. She's been around (and all alone, as I think a hawk got her babies this past fall) since last spring. One neighbor wants to shoot her......my other neighbor and I have protected her and fed her all this while. She's prolly a good 25lbs. or more now......according to hubby. And he isn't all that fond of her either, ever since she tried to roost on the hood of my Durango. Left scratches and hubby went for the gun. I ran out and chased her away! LMAO!

It's snowing like crazy today but she comes for breakfast every morning. Good thing she is here today cause all the little birdies that come for breakfast after her would never find the feed under all this snow.

I haven't named her yet....which, for me, is really unusual! I guess I keep thinking either my neighbor or hubby will shoot her one day and it would be sadder for me if she had a name.

So far, so good though. I fear she may get hit by a car if either guy doesn't shoot her first. She runs into the street if she is frightened.....and I hold my breath everytime I see her do this. I'm hoping in this coming spring she'll find a male turkey and some friends. She seems so alone and it's rare to see a single turkey. They usually travel in gaggles.......if that's the proper term!?

Shall we name her? LOL!

02-07-2003, 08:31 AM
I thought it was flocks..it is just groups of lixy's that travel in Gaggles...:D

02-07-2003, 08:33 AM
Flocks....gaggles......clumps....whatever! LMAO skip! Thanks for the 411!

And I don't travel in gaggles......I travel in babbles!


02-07-2003, 08:34 AM
Geese come in Gaggles
Turkeys come in Flocks *LOL*

02-07-2003, 08:54 AM
I thought Meleagris gallopavo traveled in herds.;)

02-07-2003, 09:33 AM
pantyfanatic, you are sadly wrong here.

Meleagris gallopavo travels singly in "bottles" and in numbers

(usually 12) in groups called "cartons".

Hope this brings clarity.

Also, more usually associated with ice, rather than snow.

02-07-2003, 09:36 AM
I thought Meleagris Gallopavo was a whiskey! Gawd I got so sick on that one time I, to this day, do not drink whiskey!


*EDIT NOTE* You owe me a drink OF! Thought of the same thing at the same time! LMAO!

*EDIT NOTE #2* OK....I lied......skip told me what Meleagris Gallopavo was.....to save me the trouble of looking it up! LOL! But I do still hate whiskey for the reason stated above!

02-07-2003, 09:36 AM
So would a group of internet users doing a search be called a google???

02-07-2003, 09:58 AM
:D @ OF ;)

02-07-2003, 10:28 AM
Lixy, hope yours fares better than one I saw...couple of years back, my F-I-L was giving me a tour of the farm he had just bought...led me into the barn, & I just missed stepping on the lower leg of a wild turkey...seems they also have coyotes & feral dogs around, & one had apparently made a meal out of Mr Tom & left a scrap behind...

02-07-2003, 06:43 PM
Personal opinion is that you should make a present of the turkey to the President for Thanksgiving. The bird gets spared (so you don't have to cry) and it's given a foster home with a lifetime of free food (hard to beat that). Finally, who knows, you may find as a gift to the government you become entitled to a federal pension. (Who knows what strange laws were put on the books to preserve America's fine pork barrel tradition.) In any case, you might find you get your picture on front page of some of the nation's leading tabloids!

Wow, you really know how to rig the game! :D :D

If you're a little reluctant to do this, you could tell them that Dicksbro suggested this. They'll all say, "Who ITF is that?" but rather than risk offending some really important politician, they'll bend over backwards to give the bird and it's gracious donor high praise for generosity. Governments work like that. :)

02-07-2003, 06:51 PM
little know fact: Ben Franklin wanted the turkey to be the nation bird instead of the Eagle:cool:

(ignore that man behind the curtain) :eek:

02-07-2003, 07:20 PM
Llixy what to name your new friend?? How about "Dinnerforsix"?
Good luck with your fowl weather friend
(geeezee did I actually write that?).

02-07-2003, 07:42 PM
NOT such a little known fact Scarecrow;)
The lesser known fact is that the defeating vote came from a future President that was also very interested in science but yet also voted to retain the imperial measurement over the Metric System:eek: . (Go figure!):confused:

02-07-2003, 08:55 PM
Lixy, you should call your new pet........

Lixy's Chick! Surely no one could shoot her then! ;)

02-07-2003, 11:20 PM
Originally posted by south
Llixy what to name your new friend?? How about "Dinnerforsix"?
Good luck with your fowl weather friend
(geeezee did I actually write that?).


Bad South!!!

02-08-2003, 03:03 PM
OMG! You guys are so fanfuckintastic! LMFAO here!

And db? P.E.T.A. is still up in arms about the pardoned presidential turkey's! They say that the farms that these pardoned birds are taken to are not fit for beast nor man! The turkey's live in a barn that is cold and dirty and there should be better accomodations for these free foul! Um.......they are turkey's for crying out loud! Look at mine in the pic. Does she look cold? OK...maybe there is a difference between domesticated turkey's and wild ones...........but they are all turkey's! Shall we house them in homes with heat and hot and cold running water? Homeless people should live so well as these pardoned birds! LMFAO!

Ha Ha south! I could call her that but would you be willing to say you "ate" a female wild turkey and she wasn't even a dead one? Cause you ain't gonna kill my girl! LOL! That might raise a few eyebrows and rouse some curiousity as to your leisure time!

I love the name BIBI! As a matter of fact a friend here had already suggested that to me in a personal chat. His was....LixyChic......but very similar none the less. Suffice it to say.........She now has a name!

TY everyone.......for all your sweet and witty responses!

02-08-2003, 05:19 PM
OMG. I feel terrible. I didn't realize that turkey's were suppose to get humane treatment. I thought they were to get foul treatment. (Sobs uncontrollably ... well ... actually not totally uncontrollably. I'm sure tender and intimate attentions would alleviate my sorrows. Even more than sure to be quite honest.)

Oops. I digress, which is something I quite often do. I think digression is important when you've eaten something so you don't get an upset tummy. Or, is that digest. Digress ... digest. They're so much alike. I think Webster's put them both in just to confuse the poor kids in school.

Poor kids thought turkeys were just something for pilgrims to eat on Thanksgiving while the Indians ate corn on the cob and scalped them. Never did know why they did all that scalping when they could have just used Rogaine to fill in on the sides of their heads.

Besides, if the whole idea was just just to get rid of the pligrims, couldn't they just have suggested everyone smoke Salems and have witch trials like we do in modern times.

Sure hope this clarifies everything. If it doesn't we'll probably just have to take showers and have a turkey sandwich or something.

What were we talking about?

Does anyone remember?

:D :D

02-09-2003, 05:20 AM
Oops ... I just noticed I said "foul treatment" when I meant "fowl treatment." Too late to edit, so consider this simply an addendum. All really sophisticated stuff has them. :D