View Full Version : General Chat
- Just 55 Days Left
- How many trick or treaters?
- People watching
- For thos LKH Vampire Hunter fans...
- New stuff........Xmas come early?!?!
- Any whiskey drinkers out there?
- Twelve Angry Men
- Borat
- *Random Picture Thread*
- Happy Birthday Winston77!
- Happy Birthday SuzyQ!
- Camping
- All my additions *L* ~ VERY pic heavy!!!!
- Do you want JD with that?
- When in doubt, I choose women
- Going dry.
- Eight of Murphy's Lesser Known Laws
- Only 17 days....
- I guess we are doing something right....
- psst...
- My 30th bday holy shnikes!!!!!!!!
- Need Your Prayers
- It's Glyndwr's Birthday!
- Not for the squeamish!!!
- Well, it's started ...
- Something you don’t often see. . .
- Nancy Pelosi just said ...
- They've got the right idea
- That must've been a hell of a bath!
- Transitions: Ed Bradley
- A hands-on question
- All I want for Christmas...
- Animal Pranks
- if you could only
- Crusty Old Soul
- Naked in the Woods
- From The Sky
- ~*~Happy Birthday Mayhem~*~
- Happy B'day Coaster!
- Happy Birthday Quisath
- You may be interested to know . . .
- Transitions: Jack Palance
- Internet Explorer 7.0
- Flushed Away
- Local Boy
- Veteran's Day
- Message In A Bottle
- What do you think.........................
- Sea Monkees
- Hail to the Victors......
- How bad a person am I?
- NOT Chicken Little
- Peyton Manning Master Card commercials
- Here I Go Again!
- Well....That'll learn me
- A warning for parents and grandparents
- Is it ok if your S/O...
- Best break up
- Perfect
- Switcheroo
- Yuck
- Nye 2006
- Lilith loved
- BLACK, Maize and Blue
- Head lice suck!
- Greek?
- Losing a Hero
- Congrats Bucks
- AZRedhot H,Birthday
- The Prestige
- Baby Pucker Pool
- I vow...............
- Black Friday
- For those that fly Quantas
- It's no coincidence...
- Transitions — Robert Altman
- Happy Birthday Cheyanne!
- Moods (and the like)
- Aussie Invasion
- Here’s a bit of good news.
- Technology & cell phones
- Bye bye butterflies
- Texiqant
- Happy Thanksgiving
- Aussie Kathy1
- Movies...
- Happy Birthday lakritze!
- If You Like A Warm Fire Then Look In Here
- 1st Christmas Joke of the Season ... for PF
- For Alasse!
- North, South, East and West
- Peace be with you
- Snow Days
- Great Truths
- Pixies couples
- *Indispensable*
- So fitting
- Well...that should get his attention!
- Oz Idol 2006 ~ Damien Leith
- Now I've seen everything...
- i suck
- New diseases!
- We're prisoners!
- Sci Fi Channel!
- Woo hoo!
- Jseal Reaches 199,000 Posts
- Should I...
- And you thought the President had his head up his own ass
- It's like a spy novel
- Who goes????
- Not as planned
- Uniquely Qualified
- What's the OLDEST you've had?
- The Move
- Hi All What song
- 3 seashells
- What is the worst movie you have ever seen...
- Early? Sue Me! :p
- Hey
- Little Black Dress
- 200,000 Post Barrier Broken!!!
- 10 days
- Bond, Craig Bond.
- Don't stone the noob!
- Top 10 ….. +5
- In My Box
- Lilith, Lixy,
- "We don't need no stinking thermometers"
- Transitions — Jeane Kirkpatrick
- It finally happened
- Gushy happiness stuff
- Er....not sure where else to put this...
- Santa's Helpers
- But not Aquarius
- I'd just like to say...
- 20 days and counting
- Since im relatively new here
- Fruitcakes
- Success at Last!!!
- Hell hath no fury
- Zipping Right Along at 23,000
- Eighteen!!
- I love German...
- "You will receive an e-mail
- *scrapes her tongue*
- where in the World?
- Just in time for your favorite December gift-giving event
- Rantiness Spam
- Did anyone else enjoy the irony?
- But what's wrong with a natural Gekko?
- Random Facts
- who's single?
- That "SPECIAL" Location
- Happy Birthday rockintime!
- Woo Hoo
- USS New York
- Every Who
- Transitions — Peter Boyle
- Happy Birthday IMAGINEWITHME!!
- 110,000 for Dicksbro!!!
- Ahmet Ertegun Dies
- Oh bare4you...
- Happy Day imalikalotapuss!
- Happy Anniversary Sugarsprinkles
- Moms ... from the mouths of babes ...
- 'tis the season
- Freakin' mammals again
- And some non-mammalian organics
- Pic of the day
- Festival of Lights......
- For The Season
- Something to Share..for all the Moms out there..
- Theme
- Every Year
- Time Person of the Year
- Laundry madness*
- Twas The Night Before Christmas-Pixie Style
- Pixies CD ~ Washington
- YOUR true meaning(s) of Christmas
- Here's A TOAST
- Proposals
- Happy Birthday jay-t!
- Help mixing a white russian
- What would YOU ask?
- Transitions — Joseph Barbera
- Have a happy period?
- Last minute gift idea for the guys to the ladies
- Yes & No
- Poke me with a fork
- Frozen/Pre-made Meals
- The 'online/offline couple' thread.
- I just figured it out
- Crafts for the ladies
- How 'on the square' are you?
- come here
- Merry #$%#@$# Christmas ;)
- Greetings!
- Mmmmmm....
- I want a
- 100!
- Pssssssssssst... Hey you
- Oi!!
- A nice thought at Christmas for our service men
- Better Digital Pictures
- Festivus!!!!
- Best Internet Advertizments
- December 25th ... This Is A Day To Celebrate
- Merry Christmas, everyone.
- Happy Birthday TXSWEET!
- Six Quickies
- Transitions — James Brown
- For Those of Yew In The Commonwealth
- For those that celebrate it
- Let 'er Down Huey!
- Holiday Presents
- Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My! (without the Tigers and Bears)
- Gerald Ford
- Can you see it?
- Pixies: Year in Review
- 2000 and going strong!
- 39,000 Lashings and Still Going Strong
- Sanakes! On the ground!
- Anyone care to make a wager?
- The Trading Post
- *~**Just Married**~*
- A Year of Funny TV Quotes
- Just Wanted to Be the First to Say...
- Yay!!
- Check it out!
- You too, can sleep with a cow!!
- .
- Happy Birthday
- Made me giggle
- Eid Mubarak!
- Have you seen all of these???
- Dunstan Baby Language
- The essence of Class
- Please Don't Make Me Go!
- Spiders on drugs...
- some funnies for 2007
- Can you help me find this corset?
- Why Does It Make Sense...
- Angry White Pyjamas
- Send this email to 245 people within the next two minutes
- Happy Birthday Iak!!
- What Works Right?
- Welcome Home Osuche
- Carelessness and Insensitivity
- my new girl friend
- Anal sex growing in popularity.
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