View Full Version : General Chat
- ~*~Does It Really?~*~ (19 replies)
- Belated Birthday Wishes (10 replies)
- Coors sucks bottom! (21 replies)
- Sydney Race Riot. (8 replies)
- Well Pop My... (5 replies)
- Bend it Like Bekham? (8 replies)
- Where in the World is Tess? (29 replies)
- My new avatar (6 replies)
- Ladies, buy your Space Shuttle tickets now! (11 replies)
- Today (2 replies)
- From the mouths of children (11 replies)
- @--8- Be My Valentine -8--@ (2 replies)
-'s what's for dinner. (19 replies)
- For The Lonely (5 replies)
- Shocked! (5 replies)
- Sandwitch fillings (4 replies)
- Snow In Texas!!!! (6 replies)
- 1st Pixies Valentine's Day Lonely Hearts Club Party (32 replies)
- Happy Valentine's Day (11 replies)
- Happy Vday (7 replies)
- Ha! And you Americans thought you were the first to land on the moon! (14 replies)
- Relationships (15 replies)
- Superstitions (13 replies)
- Larger people (47 replies)
- be safely romantic (11 replies)
- What wud u do???????? (9 replies)
- Questions? (5 replies)
- Life is Complicated Life is SUCK (8 replies)
- An anthem for all women (4 replies)
- Porn & Snowboarding (4 replies)
- A Flower For My Friends (11 replies)
- ~Flutterby~Butterfly~ (22 replies)
- Hugs! (32 replies)
- If......... (12 replies)
- Hmmmm... Chicken! (3 replies)
- A scary trip through my mental nightmare. (14 replies)
- Which Candy Heart Are You???? (26 replies)
- Pixies Chat leaving (14 replies)
- Still Standing Tall! (14 replies)
- Bye, for a while; maybe for good. (36 replies)
- 2 year Anniversary (18 replies)
- Shameless plug (18 replies)
- I Just Started My Own Business! (7 replies)
- Pixies Chat room (26 replies)
- Old one re-visited! (Brit version) (4 replies)
- Romance Mathematics! (6 replies)
- Lose Weight During Sex! (6 replies)
- US & Australian trade deal. (5 replies)
- Music and its soul{ful,less} origin (6 replies)
- OK...Who done it? (25 replies)
- SongVids (5 replies)
- Classes for men only! (18 replies)
- Let's indulge for a moment (30 replies)
- Lixy, Do Have a Message For Me To Deliver? (14 replies)
- I got dumped.... not that anyone would care (21 replies)
- Something to be aware of! (9 replies)
- Pixies Cupid strikes again (39 replies)
- Happiness on hold........ (6 replies)
- Valentines Day = Buying a gift for a woman? (20 replies)
- Valentine's Tips (1 replies)
- Do you have your Beaver?? (3 replies)
- Brew Amber Flex (5 replies)
- NeW sToRe OpEnInG SoOn NeAr YoU! (20 replies)
- --Understated-- (19 replies)
- U.S> Pick Your Issues (20 replies)
- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday... (61 replies)
- Time for censorship? (41 replies)
- Sunshine, thong bikini's, iced drinks, hot oiled bodies... (10 replies)
- Audition (0 replies)
- Customisation.......redneck style (26 replies)
- I think I may change my mind about breast implants... (5 replies)
- What's your battle cry? (27 replies)
- Bad Dog (12 replies)
- Stress Reliever! (5 replies)
- Just remember your childhood (21 replies)
- Don't think about it (14 replies)
- So tell me something... (27 replies)
- When shaking your groove thang... (20 replies)
- Inspired by UNDERWORLD (17 replies)
- Any Gamblers here? (11 replies)
- Smile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (11 replies)
- Oh, won't you be my six-legged valentine? (5 replies)
- Bad taste? ...maybe. Do I care?...not really. (13 replies)
- Pucker up boys... (8 replies)
- male v female menapause (5 replies)
- Ok, the Janet Jackson 'boob stunt' poll... (46 replies)
- Man on the moon... (27 replies)
- only singles may apply (10 replies)
- *~*~Punxutawney Phil~*~* (16 replies)
- He's Already Nekkid (17 replies)
- What in Holy Hell???? (28 replies)
- looking for that awesome summer job (14 replies)
- Mature ladies opinion please (14 replies)
- The Ghan inaugural journey has begun! (39 replies)
- ~Phil Collins..."In The Air Tonight"...Urban Legend?~ (12 replies)
- What is... (13 replies)
- I have been soooooooooooo bad (11 replies)
- Check this out (1 replies)
- not the type of thong we all like to see (7 replies)
- Saw these alternate nursery rhymes... (15 replies)
- Absence! (29 replies)
- Will the real gekko please head bob (15 replies)
- Exploding whales and such (11 replies)
- B-r-r-r-r-r-r (23 replies)
- Lost In Translation (8 replies)
- Cover That Pussy (14 replies)
- How often have you moved? (26 replies)
- don't start this unless you have time (23 replies)
- A list for the Geek's: You might be a redneck Wizard if... (7 replies)
- Leaf Blower 4 Sale (6 replies)
- Super Bowl plans (10 replies)
- ~~ For Every Dip... (11 replies)
- >>>Muy Caliente<<< (16 replies)
- Political & other PERSONAL outlooks! (9 replies)
- Something just for my good friend WI (2 replies)
- Missed my 1000th post! (11 replies)
- Bad Karma at the Beeb! (24 replies)
- Do you have 8 cups of water ? (17 replies)
- I Found Nemo! (4 replies)
- ^^^ I Feel Good ^^^ (14 replies)
- Home Pics! (8 replies)
- Where have all the Bunnies Gone? (12 replies)
- OMG! Sharniqua has been CUT! (22 replies)
- Words to live by! (9 replies)
- A serious threat to our nation! (6 replies)
- Rumor had it that WildIrish might visit Florida... (13 replies)
- Some new winter pictures ... (21 replies)
- Married Love?????? (2 replies)
- Lost (9 replies)
- Oscars anyone? (12 replies)
- I hate you! You're the worst mom/dad in the world! (16 replies)
- any other websites like this? (11 replies)
- *giggle* (9 replies)
- When YMCA lovers be bumpin when they should be humpin.. (11 replies)
- Alaska or Hawaii (19 replies)
- Top-up Fees (13 replies)
- What kind of Pussy do you have? (5 replies)
- <=== Energy ===> (15 replies)
- totally random question (16 replies)
- more baby pics (0 replies)
- Virus Warning! (0 replies)
- Employee Evaluations (19 replies)
- 200 posts in over a year (2 replies)
- Blessing! (1 replies)
- Well worth a look.... (4 replies)
- Tan Lines (18 replies)
- & Now For Your Ag Report... (17 replies)
- Australia Day (14 replies)
- Best of the Worst (10 replies)
- Mr. Skipthisone (11 replies)
- Opportunity Lands (9 replies)
- What do you read? (24 replies)
- Older than dirt Quiz (41 replies)
- Disavowel(?) (21 replies)
- Musicman wants a spanking ... (14 replies)
- What Ifs (16 replies)
- ~~ shhhhhhhhhhhhh! ~~ (25 replies)
- Varied people attractions... (13 replies)
- Wow, two years (7 replies)
- Question? (7 replies)
- Captain Kangaroo (6 replies)
- Captain Kangaroo (12 replies)
- Points to ponder (15 replies)
- Anybody ever heard of or played Dragon Court? (7 replies)
- I want to convert from Buddism to Muslim (14 replies)
- Toronto is so dam COLD (15 replies)
- Spirit may be back (6 replies)
- What song (8 replies)
- What, in your opinion, is... (23 replies)
- Heard a couple of interesting questions today. (19 replies)
- Even men who pose naked at work have birthdays (34 replies)
- Soldier's Girl (5 replies)
- Red Rover, Red Rover (15 replies)
- Spring Break Trip (12 replies)
- ~Spankins for SUPERPIPE~ (10 replies)
- videos (3 replies)
- Michael Jackson (23 replies)
- User Cp (19 replies)
- Kalifornia English from the Governator! (11 replies)
- Praise the Lord and pass the beans! (6 replies)
- "I wish I hadn't said that!" (11 replies)
- not quite RABBIE BURNS!!!!!! (4 replies)
- Just some nice thoughts! (3 replies)
- this is really sad (3 replies)
- I need an Angle. (19 replies)
- It's Martin Luther King Jr. Day here in the States (16 replies)
- Music Questions (4 replies)
- figured yall would like this (10 replies)
- Truth.........OR...... (2 replies)
- Radio (17 replies)
- Panthers going to the Super Bowl! (11 replies)
- Monkey Spanking (3 replies)
- Do YOU............???? (13 replies)
- What gender??????? (0 replies)
- Get fit for 2004! (7 replies)
- Drink (25 replies)
- MAC (0 replies)
- Guiding light... (2 replies)
- Travel tips for Aussies. (26 replies)
- Pearls of Wisdom. (22 replies)
- Cloneing Gone TOO Far! (18 replies)
- Tipping - what does it apply to and how much? (33 replies)
- Information eludes me.... (20 replies)
- What is the dumbest thing you have ever heard said? (33 replies)
- Pistons on 11-game winning streak (4 replies)
- Much ADU about everything (14 replies)
- Hokey Cokey and all that cobblers... (33 replies)
- Irish ingenuity (16 replies)
- **The.....Ahhhhhhh! Grrrrrrrrr!.....Thread** (22 replies)
- Trip booked (17 replies)
- Male Copyright (8 replies)
- Redneck Gingerbread House (14 replies)
- Murphy's Other Laws (2 replies)
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^---------Sticky's. Love em? Hate em? (8 replies)
- If CANADA landed On MARS 1st. (10 replies)
- Cuff Me ~n~ Stuff Me (22 replies)
- PF, WI and C22 getting pussy! (11 replies)
- Fraud!!!!!!!! (21 replies)
- Ink work anyone (31 replies)
- New Age Lullabye (4 replies)
- Yay me! (18 replies)
- Bad Anal (15 replies)
- Dear John Letter (14 replies)
- Sound familiar? (5 replies)
- For the GUYS! (13 replies)
- Dicksbro: MIA? (15 replies)
- Early Valantines! (4 replies)
- For the GIRLS!!!! (2) (2 replies)
- For the GIRLS!!!! (4 replies)
- Queenslanders to vote. (1 replies)
- Question of Character (18 replies)
- The Amazing Texan! (4 replies)
- It is that time again!!!!!!!! (12 replies)
- Back By Popular Demand...... (15 replies)
- *~Ring~*~Ring~*~Ring~* (179 replies)
- To all the 'Tater' people at Pixies. (22 replies)
- What a playoff game! (8 replies)
- Who is the ultimate hero? (26 replies)
- Seventy five and still going strong! (13 replies)
- What sex? (10 replies)
- a funny for the older Pixies (15 replies)
- New York's lost Twin Towers (13 replies)
- Strip off your skin (6 replies)
- A cautionary tale! (6 replies)
- Triple J's Hottest 100 (11 replies)
- A Quiz for Sharn (30 replies)
- Supermarkets (13 replies)
- Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr (15 replies)
- Did you ever................ (13 replies)
- Long, lost________ (16 replies)
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