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  1. ~*~Does It Really?~*~ (19 replies)
  2. Belated Birthday Wishes (10 replies)
  3. Coors sucks bottom! (21 replies)
  4. Sydney Race Riot. (8 replies)
  5. Well Pop My... (5 replies)
  6. Bend it Like Bekham? (8 replies)
  7. Where in the World is Tess? (29 replies)
  8. My new avatar (6 replies)
  9. Ladies, buy your Space Shuttle tickets now! (11 replies)
  10. Today (2 replies)
  11. From the mouths of children (11 replies)
  12. @--8- Be My Valentine -8--@ (2 replies)
  13. _______....it's what's for dinner. (19 replies)
  14. For The Lonely (5 replies)
  15. Shocked! (5 replies)
  16. Sandwitch fillings (4 replies)
  17. Snow In Texas!!!! (6 replies)
  18. 1st Pixies Valentine's Day Lonely Hearts Club Party (32 replies)
  19. Happy Valentine's Day (11 replies)
  20. Happy Vday (7 replies)
  21. Ha! And you Americans thought you were the first to land on the moon! (14 replies)
  22. Relationships (15 replies)
  23. Superstitions (13 replies)
  24. Larger people (47 replies)
  25. be safely romantic (11 replies)
  26. What wud u do???????? (9 replies)
  27. Questions? (5 replies)
  28. Life is Complicated Life is SUCK (8 replies)
  29. An anthem for all women (4 replies)
  30. Porn & Snowboarding (4 replies)
  31. A Flower For My Friends (11 replies)
  32. ~Flutterby~Butterfly~ (22 replies)
  33. Hugs! (32 replies)
  34. If......... (12 replies)
  35. Hmmmm... Chicken! (3 replies)
  36. A scary trip through my mental nightmare. (14 replies)
  37. Which Candy Heart Are You???? (26 replies)
  38. Pixies Chat leaving (14 replies)
  39. Still Standing Tall! (14 replies)
  40. Bye, for a while; maybe for good. (36 replies)
  41. 2 year Anniversary (18 replies)
  42. Shameless plug (18 replies)
  43. I Just Started My Own Business! (7 replies)
  44. Pixies Chat room (26 replies)
  45. Old one re-visited! (Brit version) (4 replies)
  46. Romance Mathematics! (6 replies)
  47. Lose Weight During Sex! (6 replies)
  48. US & Australian trade deal. (5 replies)
  49. Music and its soul{ful,less} origin (6 replies)
  50. OK...Who done it? (25 replies)
  51. SongVids (5 replies)
  52. Classes for men only! (18 replies)
  53. Let's indulge for a moment (30 replies)
  54. Lixy, Do Have a Message For Me To Deliver? (14 replies)
  55. I got dumped.... not that anyone would care (21 replies)
  56. Something to be aware of! (9 replies)
  57. Pixies Cupid strikes again (39 replies)
  58. Happiness on hold........ (6 replies)
  59. Valentines Day = Buying a gift for a woman? (20 replies)
  60. Valentine's Tips (1 replies)
  61. Do you have your Beaver?? (3 replies)
  62. Brew Amber Flex (5 replies)
  63. NeW sToRe OpEnInG SoOn NeAr YoU! (20 replies)
  64. --Understated-- (19 replies)
  65. U.S> Pick Your Issues (20 replies)
  66. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday... (61 replies)
  67. Time for censorship? (41 replies)
  68. Sunshine, thong bikini's, iced drinks, hot oiled bodies... (10 replies)
  69. Audition (0 replies)
  70. Customisation.......redneck style (26 replies)
  71. I think I may change my mind about breast implants... (5 replies)
  72. What's your battle cry? (27 replies)
  73. Bad Dog (12 replies)
  74. Stress Reliever! (5 replies)
  75. Just remember your childhood (21 replies)
  76. Don't think about it (14 replies)
  77. So tell me something... (27 replies)
  78. When shaking your groove thang... (20 replies)
  79. Inspired by UNDERWORLD (17 replies)
  80. Any Gamblers here? (11 replies)
  81. Smile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (11 replies)
  82. Oh, won't you be my six-legged valentine? (5 replies)
  83. Bad taste? ...maybe. Do I care?...not really. (13 replies)
  84. Pucker up boys... (8 replies)
  85. male v female menapause (5 replies)
  86. Ok, the Janet Jackson 'boob stunt' poll... (46 replies)
  87. Man on the moon... (27 replies)
  88. only singles may apply (10 replies)
  89. *~*~Punxutawney Phil~*~* (16 replies)
  90. He's Already Nekkid (17 replies)
  91. What in Holy Hell???? (28 replies)
  92. looking for that awesome summer job (14 replies)
  93. Mature ladies opinion please (14 replies)
  94. The Ghan inaugural journey has begun! (39 replies)
  95. ~Phil Collins..."In The Air Tonight"...Urban Legend?~ (12 replies)
  96. What is... (13 replies)
  97. I have been soooooooooooo bad (11 replies)
  98. Check this out (1 replies)
  99. not the type of thong we all like to see (7 replies)
  100. Saw these alternate nursery rhymes... (15 replies)
  101. Absence! (29 replies)
  102. Will the real gekko please head bob (15 replies)
  103. Exploding whales and such (11 replies)
  104. B-r-r-r-r-r-r (23 replies)
  105. Lost In Translation (8 replies)
  106. Cover That Pussy (14 replies)
  107. How often have you moved? (26 replies)
  108. don't start this unless you have time (23 replies)
  109. A list for the Geek's: You might be a redneck Wizard if... (7 replies)
  110. Leaf Blower 4 Sale (6 replies)
  111. Super Bowl plans (10 replies)
  112. ~~ For Every Dip... (11 replies)
  113. >>>Muy Caliente<<< (16 replies)
  114. Political & other PERSONAL outlooks! (9 replies)
  115. Something just for my good friend WI (2 replies)
  116. Missed my 1000th post! (11 replies)
  117. Bad Karma at the Beeb! (24 replies)
  118. Do you have 8 cups of water ? (17 replies)
  119. I Found Nemo! (4 replies)
  120. ^^^ I Feel Good ^^^ (14 replies)
  121. Home Pics! (8 replies)
  122. Where have all the Bunnies Gone? (12 replies)
  123. OMG! Sharniqua has been CUT! (22 replies)
  124. Words to live by! (9 replies)
  125. A serious threat to our nation! (6 replies)
  126. Rumor had it that WildIrish might visit Florida... (13 replies)
  127. Some new winter pictures ... (21 replies)
  128. Married Love?????? (2 replies)
  129. Lost (9 replies)
  130. Oscars anyone? (12 replies)
  131. I hate you! You're the worst mom/dad in the world! (16 replies)
  132. any other websites like this? (11 replies)
  133. *giggle* (9 replies)
  134. When YMCA lovers be bumpin when they should be humpin.. (11 replies)
  135. Alaska or Hawaii (19 replies)
  136. Top-up Fees (13 replies)
  137. What kind of Pussy do you have? (5 replies)
  138. <=== Energy ===> (15 replies)
  139. totally random question (16 replies)
  140. more baby pics (0 replies)
  141. Virus Warning! (0 replies)
  142. Employee Evaluations (19 replies)
  143. 200 posts in over a year (2 replies)
  144. Blessing! (1 replies)
  145. Well worth a look.... (4 replies)
  146. Tan Lines (18 replies)
  147. & Now For Your Ag Report... (17 replies)
  148. Australia Day (14 replies)
  149. Best of the Worst (10 replies)
  150. Mr. Skipthisone (11 replies)
  151. Opportunity Lands (9 replies)
  152. What do you read? (24 replies)
  153. Older than dirt Quiz (41 replies)
  154. Disavowel(?) (21 replies)
  155. Musicman wants a spanking ... (14 replies)
  156. What Ifs (16 replies)
  157. ~~ shhhhhhhhhhhhh! ~~ (25 replies)
  158. Varied people attractions... (13 replies)
  159. Wow, two years (7 replies)
  160. Question? (7 replies)
  161. Captain Kangaroo (6 replies)
  162. Captain Kangaroo (12 replies)
  163. Points to ponder (15 replies)
  164. Anybody ever heard of or played Dragon Court? (7 replies)
  165. I want to convert from Buddism to Muslim (14 replies)
  166. Toronto is so dam COLD (15 replies)
  167. Spirit may be back (6 replies)
  168. What song (8 replies)
  169. What, in your opinion, is... (23 replies)
  170. Heard a couple of interesting questions today. (19 replies)
  171. Even men who pose naked at work have birthdays (34 replies)
  172. Soldier's Girl (5 replies)
  173. Red Rover, Red Rover (15 replies)
  174. Spring Break Trip (12 replies)
  175. ~Spankins for SUPERPIPE~ (10 replies)
  176. videos (3 replies)
  177. Michael Jackson (23 replies)
  178. User Cp (19 replies)
  179. Kalifornia English from the Governator! (11 replies)
  180. Praise the Lord and pass the beans! (6 replies)
  181. "I wish I hadn't said that!" (11 replies)
  182. not quite RABBIE BURNS!!!!!! (4 replies)
  183. Just some nice thoughts! (3 replies)
  184. this is really sad (3 replies)
  185. I need an Angle. (19 replies)
  186. It's Martin Luther King Jr. Day here in the States (16 replies)
  187. Music Questions (4 replies)
  188. figured yall would like this (10 replies)
  189. Truth.........OR...... (2 replies)
  190. Radio (17 replies)
  191. Panthers going to the Super Bowl! (11 replies)
  192. Monkey Spanking (3 replies)
  193. Do YOU............???? (13 replies)
  194. What gender??????? (0 replies)
  195. Get fit for 2004! (7 replies)
  196. Drink (25 replies)
  197. MAC (0 replies)
  198. Guiding light... (2 replies)
  199. Travel tips for Aussies. (26 replies)
  200. Pearls of Wisdom. (22 replies)
  201. Cloneing Gone TOO Far! (18 replies)
  202. Tipping - what does it apply to and how much? (33 replies)
  203. Information eludes me.... (20 replies)
  204. What is the dumbest thing you have ever heard said? (33 replies)
  205. Pistons on 11-game winning streak (4 replies)
  206. Much ADU about everything (14 replies)
  207. Hokey Cokey and all that cobblers... (33 replies)
  208. Irish ingenuity (16 replies)
  209. **The.....Ahhhhhhh! Grrrrrrrrr!.....Thread** (22 replies)
  210. Trip booked (17 replies)
  211. Male Copyright (8 replies)
  212. Redneck Gingerbread House (14 replies)
  213. Murphy's Other Laws (2 replies)
  214. ^^^^^^^^^^^^---------Sticky's. Love em? Hate em? (8 replies)
  215. If CANADA landed On MARS 1st. (10 replies)
  216. Cuff Me ~n~ Stuff Me (22 replies)
  217. PF, WI and C22 getting pussy! (11 replies)
  218. Fraud!!!!!!!! (21 replies)
  219. Ink work anyone (31 replies)
  220. New Age Lullabye (4 replies)
  221. Yay me! (18 replies)
  222. Bad Anal (15 replies)
  223. Dear John Letter (14 replies)
  224. Sound familiar? (5 replies)
  225. For the GUYS! (13 replies)
  226. Dicksbro: MIA? (15 replies)
  227. Early Valantines! (4 replies)
  228. For the GIRLS!!!! (2) (2 replies)
  229. For the GIRLS!!!! (4 replies)
  230. Queenslanders to vote. (1 replies)
  231. Question of Character (18 replies)
  232. The Amazing Texan! (4 replies)
  233. It is that time again!!!!!!!! (12 replies)
  234. Back By Popular Demand...... (15 replies)
  235. *~Ring~*~Ring~*~Ring~* (179 replies)
  236. To all the 'Tater' people at Pixies. (22 replies)
  237. What a playoff game! (8 replies)
  238. Who is the ultimate hero? (26 replies)
  239. Seventy five and still going strong! (13 replies)
  240. What sex? (10 replies)
  241. a funny for the older Pixies (15 replies)
  242. New York's lost Twin Towers (13 replies)
  243. Strip off your skin (6 replies)
  244. A cautionary tale! (6 replies)
  245. Triple J's Hottest 100 (11 replies)
  246. A Quiz for Sharn (30 replies)
  247. Supermarkets (13 replies)
  248. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr (15 replies)
  249. Did you ever................ (13 replies)
  250. Long, lost________ (16 replies)