View Full Version : Wow, two years

01-23-2004, 06:01 PM
I'm gonna post this today because I will probably forget it tomorrow.
I joined here 2 years ago and can honestly say this place is the coolest
site on the web. The reason for that is all of you people. The members and mods here really do make this place feel like a home. So even though I know I will probably never meet any of you in real life I do think of all of you as friends. There is no way I can express the dread I felt last summer when it looked like this place was going to close. THANK YOU to everyone involved in keeping it going.

Now I just need to post more often only 373 (0.51 post per day) in 2 years.

01-23-2004, 06:10 PM
(( bardog)) Congrats! We would not be us without you!

01-23-2004, 06:49 PM
"Only" 373 posts, Bardog........ but every one a Gem!! :)

Congrats on your 2nd anniversary mate...... now, GET POSTING!! :D


01-23-2004, 10:01 PM
Congratulations, bardog!!!! So glad you're here!

01-23-2004, 10:19 PM
I'm glad I've been able to share your time here BarDog.:) It's Pixie Citizens like you that have made our village what it is.


01-23-2004, 11:10 PM
Well said ((((Bardog))))! From one friend to another.....congratulations on your longevity! Don't fret your post count......it's quality not quantity that counts the most! You are quality personified!

P.S. Your av still makes me giggle!

01-23-2004, 11:19 PM
Congrats Bardog :) Many many more :)

01-24-2004, 01:03 AM
Congrats, bardog! I, too, love your av! :D