View Full Version : nice guys finish last
01-18-2003, 02:34 PM
why is it that when a man makes himself subserviant to a woman he gets walked on? ever time i have put a woman on a pedastal i got kicked in the teeth. my friends all confirm this experience. yet if i consider myself equal i get treated great. i was taught sugar and spice and everything nice is what girls are made of and snakes and snails and puppydog tails for boys. yet experience teaches otherwise. any ladies want to share an experience of a man worshipping her and what happened? any men want to either share experience either agreeing or not? just find the whole thing bewildering as a woman who waits on a man hand and foot is a treasure lol
01-18-2003, 02:43 PM
I know the feeling... I am door mat... I let anyone walk over me... damn it... I never could stand up for myself... and its left me a wreck.. emotionally.. mentally (I am quite possibly slowly losing my mind)... and physically... every time is worse then the last... for example.... my 1st exGF... "left" a week after graduation without telling me ONE WORD about it... I thought she was ignoring me... then.. a month later... she calls me back threatening me... with legal actions.... when I so okay fine and hang up... she gets her FRIENDS to drive her to my house... she won't leaver her car to talk to me either... and her and her friends are CRACKING UP about what I am saying... so after we are done arguing.. she threatens me that her "cousin" or whatever is coming in 30mins to kick my ass... guess what.. .I stayed up until MIDNIGHT and the jerk never shown up... damn it... its partly my fault.... but damn it.. if she is GONNA lie.. make it believable... I don't CURSE on people's answering machines... I don't call people bad names for no reason... this happened back in like July... oh and get this... a month after this... I get a call from her she wants to meet to talk.. so I being a good person do so... she blows me off the whole time I am there and watches MTV and stuff.... until her Grandpa comes over and they get into an ARGUEMENT... (about me or something I don't know)... so I call my mom to pick me up (before she asks me to) she comes back in asks me to leave and I do jut that.... damn it... she and her whole family are f*cked up.. .I thought they were sorta nice... but damn it... I was wrong that time.... ughhh... that burned me BADDDD... one of the worst experiences of my life...
01-18-2003, 03:46 PM
c'mon ladies i'm not pointing a finger of blame but rather would like to know what it is that turns a woman off so fast. is it some kind of throwback instinct about weakness? quessing just drives me crazy so i avoid the whole issue which means i keep my eyes open and watch where i'm going. the feeling of first eye closed infatuation was great but hitting walls hurt. just want to have a clue based on females perspective
01-18-2003, 04:38 PM
Hmmmmm.......I would never be with a man who did not worship me!!!!:p
But I also expect him to hold his own. Unless you live in a 24/7 D/s household I don't understand why you think you have to be subserviant. By subserviant do you mean that she makes all the decisions and carries the responsibility for that??????? Cuz that shit gets old fast:rolleyes:
and not all men want a woman who waits on them hand and foot I don't think........I think both men and women want someone who is responsive to their needs but not to the point of being mindless.
If you want to be submissive, controlled, etc...... you need a woman who is 100% comfortable with you in that position. My guess is most women are not.
Did any of that make sense??????:p
01-18-2003, 06:35 PM
Originally posted by Lilith
and not all men want a woman who waits on them hand and foot I don't think........I think both men and women want someone who is responsive to their needs but not to the point of being mindless.[/i][B]
Lilith! You don't live in Pa. Dutch Country! ALL THE MEN (true Dutchies) expect their wives ( as they only marry....never just live with a woman....and procreation is the primary reason) to be subservient! They never took it out of the wedding vows and the women "vow" to it! "Do you promise to love, honor and obey ________ as long as ye both shall live"? I swear, it's true! Most couples have to go to "marriage classes" around here in order to get a minister to marry them! Just to make sure SHE knows her place in this marriage!
[B]If you want to be submissive, controlled, etc...... you need a woman who is 100% comfortable with you in that position. My guess is most women are not.
Did any of that make sense??????:p
It all made sense!!!!! You are wiser than you know! Never doubt that!
As to the question at hand..............Once one has the goes to his/her head......and the spiral downfall begins. Ever truly believe in someone in power (the President of the US for example) and slowly watch him misuse his (ill-begotten) sense of all knowing? As Lilith so wisely stated.......a person has to be secure in his/her power over you to make it work! When you think you have the world by it's tail with all that it a relationship or serving as the Pres. of the al......that's when the shit hits the fan.
If you don't want to be shit on......don't give someone the power to do so! No one is better than another (unless the other is a serial killer for example...and you are not.....LOL!) If you put a person you are in a relationship with.....high up on a'll have to look up all the time....and quite possibly get shit on (as they are above you and gravity is the law of the earth)!
I expect no more from someone than I am willing to give of myself
and I expect the favor returned.
I am a strong woman and can only be with a strong man....and I don't mean to arm wrestle either! ;)
01-19-2003, 08:18 PM
my DW ad I were reading over this thread and she, ever tactless, said who wants to be worshipped?All my best to the Pixies Men I dated, most of them did seem to put me on a pedestal, but I don't like it, I would rather my s/o get down and grub with me, especially on my days when i'm not feeling June Cleaver. If I get the hankering to scrub my wood floors, I want help, even if it's just cleaning my scrub brush and water. but I do prefer not having to scoop the dog shit in the back yard.... When I was dateing(men) I prefered to be subserviant, ordered, beaten to a degree...... I guess I changed...
Always Kyttn
01-19-2003, 08:30 PM
Call me old fashioned but I enjoy doing things for a man it makes me happy to be that way. I like to feel needed and to know I am making someone as comfortable as they can be. However, a man needs to be able to hold his own as well. I don't expect any man to wait on me hand and foot either but just knowing he will be there for me when I need him is a nice feeling. No one should feel superior to another person at any time in any relationship.
01-19-2003, 10:10 PM
I feel that a healthy relationship must be an equal 50/50 partnership. Obviously in some areas one partner will have the final say and vice versa. I guess that would have to be worked out within the relationship. But , I could be wrong. Thats the way it's always worked best for me in a relationship.
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