View Full Version : I'm officially back....

04-25-2005, 06:46 AM
From NYC. Three and 1/2 days of misery, pretty much lol

I've determined these past few days that I like it where I am. I'm never moving out of the south. At least we have sweet tea and sundrop. By the second day, I was ready to scream:


For those of you who don't know what sundrop is, it's mello yello + 10x the sugar :jump:

Overall it WAS good trip though. I got lost in Macy's :D don't laugh, it's big. I never thought I'd be so happy to see the Atlanta airport.

04-25-2005, 06:57 AM
I bet you had a great time tho..........this small town girl here would probably get lost too!


Stolen Kisses
04-25-2005, 07:09 AM
WB cherry!!!!!!!!

As close as I am to NYC I have never been there. I am looking fwd to going though. :) BTW- what is written on the cowboys ass? LOL

Hugs Chicky

PS- gotta email u today to tell u lots. keep an eye out for it.

04-25-2005, 07:20 AM

You're right, the big city is not for everyone. No doubt about that!

04-25-2005, 07:28 AM
Been to the city many times........ I still hate it....... and the Yankees!!!!!!! :D

Been to Atlanta a few times in the summer too......... brutal..... I sweat profusely....... and that's before we have sex!!!!

So....... I wanna stay here in the summer and someplace south in the winter......any suggestions?

Oh Cherry........ welcome home sweetie!!! :hug: & :x:

04-25-2005, 08:23 AM
Where I was brought up(Conn),NYC was about 60mi,from me.It was,probably,
the place that the saying-It's a nice place to visit,but I wouldn't want to live
there,was invented about.I started going to New York,not the city,when I was 15yo.At that time,the drinking age in NY,was 18,& they NEVER asked for
an ID. Irish
P.S.Is a "sundrop" garanteed(sp?)to put me into a Diabetic Coma?

04-25-2005, 11:46 AM
Welcome home!
Okay now.... you HAVE to tell me the scoop on the naked cowboy!
Gawd he's a hunk! :faint:
Except for the white boots. :rolleyes2

04-25-2005, 11:48 AM
Looks like fun! TY for sharing your trip with us!

04-25-2005, 01:43 PM
CGT---You didn't know?The cowboys first name is David,& the white boots
are what originally attracted Elton John! Irish :jump:

04-25-2005, 02:41 PM
crazy city, huh?

i adore new york but it's always nice to get home.
welcome home, cherry

04-25-2005, 03:41 PM
Thanks everyone!! (((HUGS)))

Barb--It says "Naked Cowboy" :D I attached another pic to give you a better view LOL

Coaster--Chattanooga is nice, though it gets a little cold. Go to Charleston, SC ;) I love it there. Or New Orleans. Thank you for the warm welcome!

Irish--A sundrop is definitely guaranteed to put you into a diabetic coma...In a 20 oz bottle of sundrop, there are 333 calories and 83g of sugar :spin:

CGT--He is apparently just some guy who stands outside and pretends to sing while posing for pics :D LOL

Wyndhy--I found parts of it intriguing, but other parts just really turned me off (like chinatown and the open fish markets lol)

04-25-2005, 03:41 PM
Glad to have you back. Been to NYC several times (all pre-911). The city is amazing, but not a place I relish going to. Prefer Toronto, Dallas/Ft. Worth, Baltimore, St. Louis, San Francisco, New Orleans and some other towns.

But NYC is unique and worth seeing once (if you don't mind overpriced hotels and cab drivers that just got off the boat. :))

04-25-2005, 06:59 PM
I love the cowboy's Fruit of the Looms sexysexysexysexysexy hunka hunka hunka hunka!

Thank you for sharing and Welcome back home!

*gives you a BIG welcoming hug*


04-25-2005, 07:18 PM
welcome back looks like fun

04-25-2005, 10:59 PM
So....... I wanna stay here in the summer and someplace south in the winter......any suggestions?

Heck, OHIO is south of where you are......of course, we still have winter. :p

Cherry ~~ what a nice cowboy! Did you bring him home as a souveneir??? :D