07-05-2013, 01:34 PM
If you're looking for something to do ... Despicable Me 2 and The Lone Ranger are two wonderfully good movies. Despicable Me 2 will totally delight kids and adults and is funny as it can be. Tonto (Johnny Depp) in the Lone Ranger is like a Jack Sparrow in war paint ... so if you liked him the Pirates series ... you'll love him here, too. I seldom really laugh in shows (although I may enjoy them a lot), but The Lone Ranger saw me laughing several times much to the surprise of my wife). Probably young children, however, may not like some to the action/violent scenes and the looks of one of the bad guys isn't fun to look at.
Anyway, hope if you do go see either or both that you enjoy them as much as us. Monster's University was also excellent, but I might rate it just a hair behind these two films.
Two thumbs up!
Anyway, hope if you do go see either or both that you enjoy them as much as us. Monster's University was also excellent, but I might rate it just a hair behind these two films.
Two thumbs up!