View Full Version : I Get to Keep My Job

01-26-2007, 04:55 PM
Have you ever done something like this? Something that causes you to hang on the precipice? I told myself that I would base my return to my position next year, on an administrative decision that I felt was not going to go the way I felt it should. I was convinced that if they followed through on what I was originally told was their decision I would not be able to work with them.

Today they called us in, and to my most pleasant surprise, decided to go the route I felt was more appropriate. :D

As much as I love the Lost Boys I think I really would have left.

Have you ever had that type of resolve? Did making the decision based on another's actions pay off or did you have to follow through?

01-26-2007, 05:08 PM
I have, and I need more time to post it.

But I will return. :)

01-26-2007, 11:13 PM
I always let people know what I think, and where I think they should spend their time.

If people don't listen, I leave at some point after that. For me, the job is less important than my self respect.


01-27-2007, 03:07 AM
I am thinking of this myself at the moment, after 14 years.

01-27-2007, 03:30 AM
Today they called us in, and to my most pleasant surprise, decided to go the route I felt was more appropriate.

Whips in the classroom?
Detention in the dungeon?

Wow! That's our mod! :)

01-27-2007, 08:45 AM
Actually for the first time ever, I was pleading for leniency.

01-27-2007, 10:44 AM
I told myself that I would base my return to my position next year, on an administrative decision that I felt was not going to go the way I felt it should.

Lilith, please describe for us your exact position. After all, it's important to get the details accurate.

01-27-2007, 10:52 AM
Teacher of Lost Boys

01-27-2007, 11:09 AM
I ended up walking from a long term job that I loved because of one of those "If this happens/doesn't happen, then I will stay/leave" situations. Problem was, although I stood up for what I felt was my right, in the long run, I found out that it didn't make any difference that I left over the issue. Former co workers said that the supervisor, and her supervisor didn't change the way things were being done and even eventually lost another long term employee over it.

My self-respect was better, albeit temporarily, for it. Eventually I found another job in the same field of work and was better for it.

Would I do it again? If I knew for sure that it would affect real change for everyones wellbeing then yes. If it happened like my old job, then no, I would have stuck around and gotten intouch with the higher ups, like the CEO to see what change could be implemented.

It is a tough one when you are right in the midst of it. (((Lilith)))

01-28-2007, 03:11 AM
As a matter of fact, I just did exactly that with the band...I told the drummer it wasn't fun anymore, & I was quitting...specifically, it had to do with the behavior of one member... they had a meeting to try to work things out, which it was hoped I attend, but I boycotted it (partly because I'm not comfortable with confrontation, partly because I was unsure of the actual time of the meeting)...drummer called my afterward, to make sure I wasn't still holding out, he said things seemed to worked out pretty well, & that I may have made a better statement by not being there...I decided to go back the next week, & things have improved a bit...

Quite the liberating feeling, of course this was not really a danger of financial loss like quitting a real job would be, but exhilerating all the same...

01-29-2007, 10:24 AM
I sure do like the thought of making Lilith plead for leniency. :hot: