View Full Version : Sarcasm is a talent

08-30-2007, 09:34 PM
but not one equally shared.

I know people who can pull it off and it almosts adds to their charm and yet for some it just leaves them looking like a prick.

Do you know someone who has sarcastic charm?

08-30-2007, 09:39 PM
Are you calling me a prick? :)

Sarcasm is very difficult to do on a message board or any written medium. My mom always laughs at my sarcastic comments, and my wife seems to enjoy them as long as they aren't directed at her.

My wife and also be very sarcastic, almost to the point of it being hard to tell if she's serious. It's one of the things I usually like about her. Again as long as it's not directed at me.

08-30-2007, 09:44 PM
I work with a lot of neat women. I was think about these two especially. One is sarcastic in a way meant to embarrass or cause the person to feel uncomfortable while the other one uses sarcasm to lighten a difficult situation or to make you laugh at yourself.

08-30-2007, 09:48 PM
Yup, I do... and there is a difference between those with talent and those lacking.

08-31-2007, 04:02 AM
Sarcasm can be use in basically three different ways as I see it.

Some times sarcasm is used as a weapon. It's used by somebody to cut down and belittle others. Some people find this funny (just as long as it isn't aimed at them). Where others tend to find some one who use sarcasm this way as jerks.

Some times sarcasm is use as a shield. It's used by somebody to make fun of themselves or their short comings. It helps them build a wall to hide behind. If they make fun of themselves and their own short coming other are less likely to. some people will find this funny, others will find this pathetic . Where as a few others will worry about why the person is building these walls.

Some times sarcasm is used as humor (these would be the ones who have the charm Lilith is talking about). There is a subtle difference between when it is used as humor and when it is being used as a weapon or a shield. It's not so much in what is being said but how it is said and when it is used. Most people find this funny. Like any humor their are a few who just do get it.

I personally know I've used all three (or at least I hope that I'm use it as humor and am not just getting lucky sometime). I'll be the first to admit I tend to use it as a weapon or a shield more often then I use it as humor.

Jude30 said "Sarcasm is very difficult to do on a message board or any written medium." I know I have said about the same thing myself. Now that I've sat here and thought about it. I wonder if this is true or is it just the written work help show when it really is being used as a weapon or a shield. Making the person more likely to look like a jerk or pathetic. After all when used verbally it said and then done with there will be a memory of it but is easily forgotten. Where when some thing is written down it is there it can be looked at again and again. The only things that can happen to it is it will be erased or destroyed in some way. I know it can be used in the written word it is used in satire quite often. I also know a couple members here who use it quite well.

Now as I sit her and read back what I have written. I wonder if I've delved deeply in to sarcasm or if I've just written and big pile of steaming BS

08-31-2007, 06:10 AM
I do like sarcasm when it's used appropriately. Fussy is often sarcastic but rarely in a hurtful way. He's the funniest person I know (has to have a pretty good sense of humour to be married to me!)

I suppose I tend to use it most as a weapon if I feel someone is talking down to me in which case I feel I'm justified in taking them down a peg or two.

I tend to try not to use it in the written word, particularly on an international message board like this as I think sarcasm runs so deep in British humour that it can often be misinterpretted by other nationalities. I like to think I offend enough people with what I actually mean, without also offending them when I'm just making a joke!

08-31-2007, 06:18 AM
Eh, I do pretty well with it myself, but it's often best used with those that know me best. I try to keep it well hidden until I know the person I'm bantering with won't be offended or misunderstand.

08-31-2007, 06:34 AM
I meet so many people who can't discriminate between irony and sarcasm.

A friend of mine could be so waspish when he lashed back at someone, I used the term "sarcaustic".

08-31-2007, 08:10 AM
I inherited the sharp tongue from my father...he had that ability to cut right thru to the irony of almost any situation, did not suffer fools gladly, & apparently no qualms about turning his wit loose on any poor soul within earshot (including his younger son). Was he always charming about it? Not really...we all learned to read him fairly well, & always had to explain to newcomers to the family that he wouldn't pick on them if he didn't like them.

08-31-2007, 10:31 AM
...... I wonder if I've delved deeply in to sarcasm or if I've just written and big pile of steaming BS
Not to worry. It's obvious. :brows:


I find the person, the setting and the topic determines what type and to what degree sarcasm can be fun.:) Boog is right that in written form it can be not understood as was meant. Not being able to give the verbal inflections and facial expressions does impede the intended delivery and not being able to see how it was received, limits any qualification or follow-up. ;) Most all of my sarcasm and punning is for fun and I try to use some text variations and the smilies as that patch. :jester:

Anything besides joking and fun are normally short and quick messages for me. I tend to pass through 'sarcasm' quickly in these cases if there is a real issue and I have given my warning shot across the bow. After that I will board your ship and be in your face or sail away while putting finger grips into the wheel. You DON'T want to catch up to me then. :mad:

08-31-2007, 10:49 AM
I love when PF is sarcastic. Gets me all hot and bothered. :weg:

08-31-2007, 10:53 AM
Do you know someone who has sarcastic charm?

I'm still not sure how well I know myself. :p

As everyone above mentioned, sarcasm really is an art. You need to be witty and observant to come up with something relevant, and recognize the thin line between funny and abrasive.

08-31-2007, 03:13 PM
Such a useful thing when used correctly :D
But like Lilith (Hi Lilith :molest:) says there is a fine line between it being funny n cute and it making the "user" look a bit silly!

08-31-2007, 06:35 PM
I love when PF is sarcastic. Gets me all hot and bothered. :weg:
See! It's the person :tongue:

........ but this isn't fair.:( She just makes me stammer and drool a lot. :slurp:

08-31-2007, 07:40 PM
Remember the golden drool?

08-31-2007, 08:12 PM
I agree with both jude30 and Sal I can be sarcastic to lighten things up and there are those who just can't pull it off.... What do you mean by that ? ... lol

08-31-2007, 11:32 PM
Boog is right that in written form it can be not understood as was meant. Not being able to give the verbal inflections and facial expressions does impede the intended delivery and not being able to see how it was received, limits any qualification or follow-up.
OTOH, sarcasm in written form means not having your facial expression turn into a target for the fist of the big man with no sense of humor... :whack:

08-31-2007, 11:45 PM
Oh, you've discovered the punch-line.

09-01-2007, 12:04 AM
I think there's a difference between sarcasm and irony. All sarcasm is ironic, but all irony is not sarcastic. To me, sarcasm is meant to be biting. Irony is meant to be humorous, and for gentle poking of fun. That said, I will use sarcasm to select people in quiet earshot to be mean about others, which, admittedly, is not kind, but I would not brandish the weapon at the intended victim. There are things we mutter to those closest to us that we'd never say aloud.

09-22-2007, 03:57 AM
Yup, I do... and there is a difference between those with talent and those lacking.
Sarcasm is like running with the scissors, sooner or later,,,,Sure its all fun and games, until someone gets HURT, then its fucking Hilarious!!!! :2cents:

09-22-2007, 06:10 AM
Sarcasm.....whats that?? :D

09-22-2007, 08:26 AM
Sarcasm? What's that?

09-22-2007, 09:10 PM
Does anybody remember an SNL bit about a TV talk show called "Heavy Sarcasm"? I recall Jane Curtin & Eric Idle, can't remember who else was in it, but they all made statements that could have been taken as positive & complimentary, but their vocal inflections were all dripping with...that's right, say it together now...Heavy Sarcasm. Funny stuff...

09-23-2007, 04:59 PM
hmm, i think i might fall under charming prick ;) depending on if i'm crabby. generally i think i pull it off.

09-24-2007, 06:50 AM
That's a pretty big oxymoron!

I don't think I know anyone who is charming while being sarcastic. I know people who are charming most of the time and can be sarcastic sometimes. And I know people who aren't charming and very sarcastic all the time. But never the two shall meet. I don't really know anyone who can be charming while being sarcastic.

I might be oversensitive where sarcasm is concerned. My mother once said something that I've found to be so true through the years. "Never a truer word is spoken than in jest". I can take a joke but I don't like sarcasm so I don't find it charming at all. Ergo the reason I don't know/ associate with anyone who is charcastic!

^^^^ I'm reading and rereading that to make sure it makes sense! Can't wait for the sarcasm about it!

09-24-2007, 02:39 PM
I have heard the jest statement too and it always sticks with me.

09-24-2007, 03:06 PM
I heard it as, "Many a truth is spoken in jest"...close enough, & I pretty much live by it...

People get their feelings hurt when they ask me a question that they don't to hear the answer to...sometimes, it seems to ease the blow a little if I can find a way to speak the truth while padding it with a little humor...

Sarcasm gets a bad name because too many use it as a cudgel to inflict blunt-force trauma, when it should be used as a finely honed razor...& used sparingly, when no other device will do...