View Full Version : Broke My Arm
08-06-2007, 05:45 AM
Pardon the typing but I'm "winging" it!
oh...^^^that don't look so!
Anyway, I fractured my elbow this past Friday and am seeing an orthopedic surgeon this morning. No cast so far but I don't know what they'll do today.
Hubby and I are building a deck for our pool. We have the framing up and a piece of plywood to stand on till we get the decking on. We bought stringers and steps and temporarily attached them to try out the height and depth of the treads. It didn't look as though the "flow" would be comfortable so I volunteered (insisted) to try them out.
Ya see where this is going...right?
I went up four steps and stepped up on the plywood. Good so far. I turned around and looked down and didn't like the depth of the tread showing. I stepped on the first step down and it gave way and I tumbled 4ft. down and landed directly on my left elbow. Didn't even have time to put my arm out it was so fast. That's prolly a good thing cause it would have been broken broken...not just fractured.
Hubby was beside himself. He went into EMT mode and took really good care of me. At first I thought it had popped out of place. My arm was rigid and indented at the elbow. I felt as though if I could pop it into place I would be ok. So I held on to the ledger board and stretched slowly. I could feel and hear pops. It felt better and I could semi-bend it. So I took some Advil and went to bed later that night...taking care to prop my arm and not lay on that side (my fave).
Saturday morning I asked Mr. Lixy to take me to the ER. They took x-rays and the doc had a hard time finding it so she had a consult and they found a fracture. They didn't cast me but put me in a sling to immobilize it. Gave me percocets and icing instructions and made an appt. for ortho doc.
I remember a time when they just slapped on a cast and sent you on your way. Hope this means I might not need a cast!!!! It's August for crying out loud!
So...just wanted to let you all know what I've been up to and why I haven't been around the past few days.
Wish me luck!
Teddy Bear
08-06-2007, 05:58 AM
Ouch Lixy..... sending healing thoughts to you!
And some *huggsss* too. :)
Ya did good with only one hand.... I kinda think theres a few Pixies who do the 1 handed thing already. ;)
08-06-2007, 06:02 AM
Ouch Lixy..... sending healing thoughts to you!
And some *huggsss* too. :)
Ya did good with only one hand.... I kinda think theres a few Pixies who do the 1 handed thing already. ;)
TY Teddy! And caps are a pip!
08-06-2007, 06:29 AM
It could've been worse, but you'll have trouble seeing that for a while.
They may "half-cast" it to support the elbow, depends what's in vogue at the moment.
08-06-2007, 06:53 AM
Ouch hope you feel and heal quickly
08-06-2007, 07:02 AM
TY OF and themi01!
Half cast huh? Well that's suitable. I'm half-assed!
08-06-2007, 07:33 AM
Ouch! Good luck with the doctors!
08-06-2007, 07:37 AM
Oh you poor thing!
I hope you're not in any pain & that everything goes well at the doctors x
08-06-2007, 08:19 AM
So sorry to hear about your accident. :( Too bad you had to be building a deck instead of something safer ............. Like PACKING FOR A TRIP THIS COMING WEEKEND.:rolleyes2 Sometime those twistie, snappie, joint crack, fractures can be hard to treat. They might have to make a complete break to be sure it's all in proper alignment. :rolleyes: or............. I think they can do it with that mobile traction setup but not to worry. You may only be in an upper-half-body cast with a few rods sticking out at different angles with pulleys at the ends. Mr. Lixy may even want to take you along on the next fishing trip. It won't be on long and you'll be like new by the time you have to take the pool down and the 5 month of snow shoveling therapy will work out just about right. :cool:
08-06-2007, 08:31 AM
OUCH!!!! (((((((((Lixy)))))))))))))
08-06-2007, 08:36 AM
Maybe you should learn to type with your nose.
Otehrwise, *gentle hugs*
08-06-2007, 08:48 AM
((hugs)) feel better Lix!
08-06-2007, 10:19 AM
TY everyone...(even PF after I get done slappin the snot outta him)!
Just got back and I'm in a full (green) arm cast...*YIKES*
Doc said I have a really, really, really bad fracture in a good place. Said I'll need the cast on for 3 weeks and therapy thereafter. I'll lose some range of motion forever but if it had of been just slightly lower (closer to the elbow joint) I might never move my arm again.
The fracture is in my inside upper arm (can't spell or pronounce his medical jargon) just at the bend of the elbow and it was disjointed till I took it upon myself to relocate it. I didn't damage anything doing that and doc said I set it up nice enough that he just had to cast adjustments/surgery necessary!
Waaaaaaaaaaa! I know there are folks out there worse off than me but it's August and I have a pool and we're in the middle of decking it out. Waaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Oh well...could have been much worse according to doc! I'll consider myself lucky and hope for a good outcome and eat percs and fill my script for a cover so I can shower and stand in the pool. All is not lost...YET!
08-06-2007, 10:42 AM
Glad to hear the full body cast wasn't needed...enjoy the percocets while they last, but be sure to stay out of the way of Mr Lix' power tools while you enjoy the ride...& look on the bright side, this gets ya out of the heavy lifting on the deck ;)
And one more time you need to test out the structural integrity of anything, find a neighbor you don't really like to be the crash test dummy...
08-06-2007, 10:49 AM
Ouch! That gave me the shivers.
Glad you got taken care of and that all you need to do now is heal.
But be wary when Mr. Lixy tells you that part of the physical therapy involves handjobs. :sad:
08-06-2007, 10:50 AM
all i can say is, that sucks. maybe you can't swim exactly, but can you waterproof it somehow (like with duct tape and a bag), and maybe get to go in the pool?
08-06-2007, 12:40 PM
Oh Lixy!!!!!!!!!!! :(
(((((((((Lixy))))))))) Hopefully the time in the cast flies by dear. :x:
08-06-2007, 12:40 PM
Lixy, you dipper!
Let that be a lesson to ya, girl; I may have to "wing it" over there to give you a :spank: if you can't behave!
Sorry to hear about your fracture, Lixy.
:kisser:... to make it better.
08-06-2007, 04:03 PM
Holy Cow,
Hang in there Lixy. (((Lixy)))
08-06-2007, 04:14 PM
I knew you two should have taken some time off and come to Peoria a week early and stayed for PIP. :rolleyes2
Lixy, rats. We're so sorry to here about your accident. If there's anything we can do, please let us know. In the meantime, we'll be saying lot's of prayers that you'll heal fast and maybe even get to go swmming in your pool before winter sets in ... or ... failing that, get to ice skate in it when winter does get here. Just be sure to wrap yourself in bubble-wrap before you go skating.
I knew I hung up the old rescue ranger bit too early. :(
08-06-2007, 04:25 PM
That funny bone ain't so damn funny!
Heal well.
08-06-2007, 09:17 PM
Sorry to hear about your arm hope it heals fast .
Don't roll over in your sleep and hit hubby to many times might have another dr. bill
08-06-2007, 09:28 PM
Ouch! That gave me the shivers.
Glad you got taken care of and that all you need to do now is heal.
But be wary when Mr. Lixy tells you that part of the physical therapy involves handjobs. :sad:
OMG! You and Mr. Lixy are cut from the same cloth!
I was sitting on the new (reworked and perfect) steps he built from scratch (cut his own stringers) and talking to him as he went in and out of the barn and I reminded him that I'll need therapy when the cast comes off. At the height of rush hour, in view of all the cars and trucks running past our house, Mr. Lixy grasped his hand around an imaginary GIANT cock in front of himself and stroked as he said, "Oh...I've got all the therapy you'll need! I even have some "magic" lotion that'll heal you even quicker if you rub it all over your body!" LMFAO!
TY everyone!!! *hugs* I'm OK so far! I went to the pharmacy/apothecary and got a "water tight", full arm, cast protector. I tried it out tonight in the shower and it work perfectly! I'll try it in the pool tomorrow.
I think I'll always get a smile on no matter what happens to long as I share it with you guys (my second family)!
Love you all bunches!
08-06-2007, 09:42 PM
..... Mr. Lixy grasped his hand around an imaginary GIANT cock in front of himself and stroked as he said, "Oh...I've got all the therapy you'll need! I even have some "magic" lotion that'll heal you even quicker if you rub it all over your body!" .....
:thumbs: :line: :nod:
...I went to the pharmacy/apothecary and got a "water tight", full arm, cast protector. I tried it out tonight in the shower and it work perfectly! ....
I think you still should keep a roll of duct tape near by though. ;)
08-06-2007, 09:51 PM
I'm in line to help your therapy Lix!!! There isn't anything I would do to help you out.... itchy yet?
Be well.............
08-06-2007, 10:18 PM
So you go and hurt your arm so you don't have to go to work, is that about right. LMAO
Take care and get that arm back in shape. Winter is coming some time.
08-06-2007, 10:59 PM
So can we sign the cast?
Oh :idea:
08-10-2007, 10:41 AM
LOL...I Love You Guys!
Wish I could be at PIP to get some sigs!
Itchy yet? Fuckin-A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Slow Grind
08-10-2007, 10:43 AM
Can I come over and give you a hand?
08-10-2007, 11:28 AM
Can I come over and give you a hand?
Yes please...
But don't forget I have a broken elbow and a cast on...*giggle*
Slow Grind
08-10-2007, 11:33 AM
Yes please...
But don't forget I have a broken elbow and a cast on...*giggle*
Hmmm oh the ideas i have!
08-10-2007, 10:31 PM
Massage therapist on my way!
08-27-2007, 03:03 PM
Good news and bad news...
Good my cast off today! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that feels butter!
Bad news...Doc said I'm about 90% healed and tossed around the idea of casting me again. He opted not to just now. I can't straighten my arm or pull it towards my body. The forearm and wrist are extremely sore from the cast (I assume)...but the elbow really doesn't hurt much at all. Doc will see me again in three weeks.
Till then I can't pick anything up heavier than a coffee cup with my left arm. The most I can do is place my arm on a table and let gravity pull it in the straightening motion till I feel uncomfortable. I MUST stop at the slightest discomfort. The fracture has healed almost all the way but he doesn't want me to stress it. If necessary, after three weeks I'll do therapy.
The big news is I can swim now...if only the water would warm up from our last cold/rainy spell. And...I found out they make water proof casts these days. I didn't know that! And why don't they just do everybody in a water proof cast all the time? Doesn't make sense to me that they don't. Everyone could shower and swim and not worry. What's the deal with that secret?
Anyway...thought I'd update ya! Think healing thoughts for me please!
*hugs to all*
08-27-2007, 03:10 PM
You know what, even withpout being able to use the one arm to the best of it's ability, you give a pretty great hug. :x:
08-27-2007, 06:53 PM
A little late but sending well wishes. Heal quickly lady and enjoy the rest of the summer.
08-27-2007, 07:17 PM
Just be careful. We sure don't want you to do anything that might re-injure that arm. Although, if you did, maybe that'd mean you could stay home and be logged on to Pixies more. Now, that would be good news ... ((((( HUGS ))))).
We love ya' mamm!
08-27-2007, 07:24 PM
Every silver lining has a cloud.
08-27-2007, 09:01 PM
.....Till then I can't pick anything up heavier than a coffee cup with my left arm. ........
And why don't they just do everybody in a water proof cast all the time? Doesn't make sense to me that they don't. Everyone could shower and swim and not worry. What's the deal with that secret?.....
I guess you'll be seated on Mr. Lixy's left side for a while. ..... and you are going to have to learn to not lean on that right arm when you bend down. :bj:
I think your doc must know a lot of skanky people. :eew:
08-27-2007, 11:00 PM
I'm glad to hear that you are well on the road to recovery. I'm sure that getting the cast off was great. And your first shower.
Take care and let Mr Lix play nurse for you.
08-27-2007, 11:38 PM
Lix, what about physio? You should go!
08-28-2007, 12:18 AM
.....Take care and let Mr Lix play nurse for you.
I'm trying NOT to picture him in a nurses outfit. :yikes:
08-28-2007, 01:45 PM
Sounds like you're well on the mend Lixy...... Yippee!! :D
'course, what this means is you won't be able to go back to work for a while yet, so maybe, just maybe, we could see some pics of your, um, arm. Yes, that's it, your arm! ;)
08-29-2007, 12:37 PM
Awwwwwwwwwww! Thanks for the smiles and well wishes guys!
Gonna let gravity do some of the therapy for now Steph...till it's healed 100%. Doc figures about 3 weeks and then, if still necessary, I'll do some therapy with a pro.
I've got a question for anyone who has ever had a full arm cast (from palm to shoulder)...
Bear in mind that I probably have carpal tunnel from my job. I say probably because I've never been diagnosed but I have all the symptoms...more so in my right wrist than my left. My cast was on my left.
Well, anyway, I had this full cast on for a mere 3 weeks and I had some discomfort with the form of the cast the whole while. Matter of fact, the day after it's placement I had a bit of numbness and stiffness in my thumb and some stiffness in my fingers. I attributed that to the carpal tunnel and just beared with it till the removal. I always felt like my wrist was in an unnatural position in the cast but I didn't want to be a baby so I never mentioned it to anyone. When it was really hot out or as the day went on my arm/wrist would swell and I had no spacing inside what-so-ever. My arm felt awkward and unnatural in any position except the way they had me hold my arm up as they casted it.
Now, sans cast, my elbow (the point of the break/fracture) doesn't hurt. It's my wrist, thumb and forearm that's giving me trouble. My wrist swells more and more as the day goes on...albeit I've only had the cast off for 2 1/2 days. I have hardly any mobility in it. It hurts to bend it up and back. It hurts to bend it down and forward. To close my fist is a feat all in itself. I've always had trouble with water retention, especially in the time leading up to my period, so I am trying to keep that at a minimum and I can tell that that is part of the problem but...
Is it normal to have another part of a casted arm hurt more after cast removal than the original break point? Should I wait a few days or report this immediatley to the doc?
I am trying to "give it time" and not overreact to something that might be fully expected. Can anyone give me some insight?
08-29-2007, 01:22 PM
it prolly is from the cast and the way your arm was locked into that one position for so long. i'll bet it gets better (ibuprofen may help) but if there isn't any improvement in a few days, or still hurts lots after a week or so, i'd give 'em a call. i doubt there's anything they can do but you can at least let them know.
08-29-2007, 01:29 PM
Thanks (((((wyndhy)))))!
I was hoping for that answer mostly because I hate to "bother" a doctor. I just don't want to make mountains from molehills if it's not something that can be damaging if ignored.
08-29-2007, 01:32 PM
you're welcome! ((hugs)) really shouldn't listen to me - i'm not a doctor, i onlly fuck one on TV. :D
08-29-2007, 02:09 PM
- i'm not a doctor, i onlly fuck one on TV. :D
So I take it your TV isn't the plasma kind that hangs on the wall?
Teddy Bear
08-29-2007, 03:52 PM
Does it feel like when you hit your 'funny bone' (elbow) on something? Which is the nerves... could be they were kinda pinched in the cast or by the position? I agree, try ibuprofen, ice and elevate. But only for 3 or 4 days, then I'd call the doc.
08-29-2007, 05:53 PM
Call the doc now.
Don't panic, it's probably just getting the kinks out and circulation in, but the body is notorious for hurting in places different to the injury.
08-29-2007, 10:28 PM
Teddy...ain't NOTHING funny about hitting the "funny bone". But my fracture wasn't even near that. It's in the upper part of the arm just as it meets the elbow, but more towards the back than on the side...if that makes sense. And no...I don't feel like a nerve is pinched. Just that I never felt natural in the cast unless I lifted it to the position they had me hold it in when they put the cast on. One can't go around with a casted arm lifted to chest level and turned a slight bit outward for 3 weeks. LOL! Oh...and I must have swelled and calmed throughout because it didn't bother me so much in the morning, but as the day went by and conditions changed (ie: humidity, cold due to weather or AC, housework...etc.) I felt a little discomfort to extreme discomfort.
I'm doing the ibuprofen, ice and elevation. I'm taking great care not to overextend my much as I want it to straighten. I'm letting gravity guide me and I'm actually scared that at some point my elbow might pop out of place for as much as I am trying not to control it. The muscles in that arm are flabby and to be expected but surprising to look at none the less.
I guess what I'm saying is...This kind of thing has never happened to me and I'm freaking because I like to have knowledge in order to "make things right". OK...I might be a bit of a control freak and I feel out of control right now!!!!
OF...I understand and I'll let ya know what the doc says as soon as I call him!
08-29-2007, 11:16 PM
Not to worry Lixy. I think what you are experiencing is misalignustorqueusitice. :nod: That can happen if there is a teny-tiny twist during the setting and casting process. It causes the tendons to stretch a little beyond their normal length and with the dysfunctional muscle it is like the marionette with too much string in the arm. :cool:
But there is a procedure that is a sure fix. They will have to re-break the upper arm, then break the lower arm above the wrist and twist everything to the proper alignment. Accurate casting normally requires external bone pins that can be a slit nuisance unless you live in an area with poor TV reception and can also be handy when picking those extra tomatoes during harvest time. With a few months of upper torso traction and the proper 4 times a day ligament therapy, the tendons will be right back in shape and you’ll feel good as new. :D
08-29-2007, 11:17 PM
Or maybe not. ;)
08-30-2007, 11:50 AM
Lixy, I had a neurologist who ran a full screen of tests checking for neuropathy from my diabetes, with lead to the finding of carpal tunnel in me...the tests, which involved some mild electrical jolts being shot thru my limbs, showed me that anything going on anywhere in the arm can have an effect on the wrists & need to feel like you're being a crybaby, if it doesn't feel right, tell your may be something that can work out in therapy later, or it might be something that shouldn't wait...
PM me if you care to hear any more of the gory details of my carpal adventures...
08-30-2007, 06:53 PM
"pain" is normal when your cast first comes off only because you haven't used all those muscles If your getting physical therapy the "pain" should go away but ask your Dr. to make sure
10-03-2007, 10:10 AM
Any update for us? Is the recovery coming along ok?
Ok so yeah, it was an easy excuse to slip Lixy a hug. :p
10-03-2007, 09:05 PM
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww! *sniffle* You guys are so good to me!
I've been to 4 therapy sessions and I can almost fully extend my arm. They've given me "home therapy" that I am taking FULL advantage of. I have no restrictions within reason.
I cannot lift more than an average daily chore would involve. In other words I can't do anything more than the ®Pledge lady of commercials in days gone by. If I make too big a lasagna I'll have to have Mr. Lixy put it in and take it from the oven. LOL!
Seriously...the docs think I am progressing by leaps and bounds. I'm getting so antsy to get back to work (<---can't believe I typed that, let alone thought it). My work is heavy lifting. Especially with my left arm. I feel ready for light work but nothing about my job is all that light.
A few more therapy sessions and I'm gonna call my orthopedic doc and tell him to move up my appt. so I can get off this sofa and ditch the friggin bon-bons!!!!
(((((IowaMan))))) <---a slipped hug backatcha!
Thank you for caring!
I Love You!
10-03-2007, 11:15 PM
All this time on your hands Lixy (in my dreams :boink: ) you can maybe get a jump on your Christmas shopping ( :)
Do a little online shopping ( from home. :D
Maybe find a thing or two ( for your friends. :tongue:
I like to think of you making the most of your time ( off. :nod:
10-04-2007, 07:46 AM
All this time on your hands Lixy (in my dreams :boink: ) you can maybe get a jump on your Christmas shopping ( :)
Do a little online shopping ( from home. :D
Maybe find a thing or two ( for your friends. :tongue:
I like to think of you making the most of your time ( off. :nod:
OMG...I think PF just told me not to leave the house till Christmas and stop being so selfish or I can shove it all up my ass!!??!!??
TeeHee! And don't think I didn't notice all the pink panties/knickers on those sites!!! :undies:
10-04-2007, 09:18 AM
LMAO.........^^^^^^^............glad to hear your on the mend Lixy!!
10-04-2007, 12:30 PM
So glad things are getting there for you Lixy! (((((Lixy))))
Hmmmm, now I'm all distracted thinking about PF's Christmas list ideas. :p
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