View Full Version : Bridges

09-03-2007, 07:31 PM
With the recent collapse of the I35 Bridge in my area I've been thinking about bridges a good deal lately. I think for many, bridges conjure up thoughts of romance, serenity and beauty. In all your travels, what is the most memorable bridge you've ever crossed?

09-03-2007, 08:05 PM
Sunshine Skyway-old and new

09-03-2007, 08:23 PM
Not one that anybody would ever think of as being memorable. It's a little one on a gravel road that spans the Maquoketa River out in the country here. We call it Supple's Bridge. We used to go out there in high school and jump off of it into the river. Great memories each time I cross it.

09-04-2007, 05:14 AM
Probably several. The Golden Gate in San Francisco is probably the most recognized bridge I've been on but also the bridge in San Diego leading to Coronado Island towering over 200 feet above the harbor. The Chesapeake Bay Bridge and Tunnel connecting Virginia with Maryland and Delaware; the Mackinaw bridge between lower and upper Michigan and the bridge connecting Port Huron, Michigan with Sarnia, Ontario. All of these bridges are very impressive and marvels of construction. On a smaller scale, even the Cedar Street Bridge in Peoria crossing the Illinois River is quite impressive climbing to a height of maybe 100 feet above the river.

09-04-2007, 08:40 AM
Cleveland is a city of many bridges and not a thought that can be far from our minds. As such, there isn't a lot of romance connected to them in my mind, but there is a recollection of stark fucking terror :yikes: when as a very young and dumb and full of cum kid, a couple of us took a dare and did some climbing on one of these.

The bridge that first comes to mind as an 'attraction' for me is Royal Gorge (http://www.royalgorgebridge.com/) bridge in Colorado. It is 1,200 ft. above the river and made ours look scrawny.

09-04-2007, 08:49 AM
The Portsmouth Bridge between ME & NH means I'm home and the Golden Gate Bridge at sunset is spectacular!

09-04-2007, 11:00 AM
Ain't nobody corssing this one no more:


Man arrested for stealing bridge Fri Aug 31, 10:47 AM ET

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian police have detained a 45-year-old municipal worker for stealing a bridge.

The 5-meter span metal bridge disappeared from a river crossing in the Ryazan region, east of Moscow. Police said they tracked it down to the man, who had used his work truck to remove it and then chopped it up and sold it for scrap.

In a statement, Ryazan region police called it "the bulkiest theft of the year."

09-04-2007, 11:15 AM
^^^ :rofl:

I understand that is not an uncommon problem for railroad trestles in some of the outback of Oz. :eek:

09-04-2007, 11:29 AM
Does driving across Hoover Dam count? :shrug:

I'm don't do very well with heights and some bridges are a bit intimidating for me, I thought driving across that dam was going to kill me.

09-04-2007, 01:07 PM
It had a lot more to do with the fact that we were on our honeymoon, but the Europabrücke was a pretty spectacular bridge we crossed heading from Austria into Italy.

But I do love the GWB and the Brooklyn Bridge too, because I love driving into the city.

Another cool bridge that makes Mrs. WI nervous is the Jamestown Bridge leading over to Newport, RI. She HATES that one! The old Jamestown Bridge was even scarier but it was brought down last year, nearly a decade after it's use was discontinued.

09-04-2007, 04:24 PM
The Carquinas Bridge - which I crossed when I "moved" cross country into the Bay Area.

The bridges down to Key West are long and memorable -- and I think some of the longest in the world

I also liked the "bridges" around the Hoover Dam. :)

09-04-2007, 09:22 PM
The 7 mile bridge in the Fla. Keys!

09-04-2007, 09:23 PM
The Portsmouth Bridge between ME & NH means I'm home and the Golden Gate Bridge at sunset is spectacular!

The Portsmouth Bridge to me means I'm going to see a neighbor. :D

It's funny, though. Not that it's beautiful or breath-taking, but the Kennedy bridge, crossing the Ohio between Kentucky and Indiana, gives me the same feeling of "home."

09-04-2007, 09:24 PM
How did you keep Lix&Lix from blowing it up? :confused:

09-04-2007, 10:30 PM
Three bridges, all on Stoney Creek in N Cal.
1st. near the end of the creek into the Sacramento River. At about 45 mph both ends of the bridge provided an incredible tummy tickler for us kids in the back seat of the car. We went over that bridge one million four hundred ninety-seven times! or every other weekend in both directions for 12 or 15 years.

2nd. The Stoney Creek Bridge that was eventually inundated by the waters of The Black Butte Reservoir when Black Butte Dam was constructed. It was an older, one lane creosote soaked timbers bridge that had a sign posted at each end reading
40 tons
You break it,

3rd. The Stoney Creek Bridge one mile east of the home we lived in for three years when I was just starting school. A steel structure that served well on Highway 32 for many decades that finally was deemed too narrow and was replaced by a low profile embankment and concrete bridge.
A few years before the construction began I had a premonition about the bridge and its replacement. I awakened puzzled and concerned for a strange feeling that had overtaken and awakened me. About two years later I was driving along that stretch of highway and saw a change in the horizon in the vicinity of the home my family lived in. The road had been improved significantly and the bridges that I saw in my premonition appeared exactly as I had seen them. I immediately fell into tears and wept profusely for some unknown emotion.
Those are my bridges of Glenn County.

09-08-2007, 08:59 AM
the chesapeake bay bridge/tunnel. very cool to drive over and under. there's no high rails to obscure the view so it sorta feels like you're skimming on the water and then you just plunge underneath it.

we've also go quite a few small wooden covered bridges still left in rural PA, they're always neat to drive on

09-08-2007, 10:07 AM
The Portsmouth Bridge between ME & NH means I'm home and the Golden Gate Bridge at sunset is spectacular!
I don't know if it's still like that,but I used to live in Ports & have a motorcycle
shop there.The grates on that bridge,are so crooked that if you start on one
side of the bridge(on a motorcycle),that by the time that you reach the other
side,you will be completly accross the lane.I'm referring to the bridge that goes from Ports(State ST)to Kittery.Not the interstate! Irish :)
P.S.Just FYI(not a complaint)

09-08-2007, 03:49 PM
With my fear of heights & an odd paranoia about crossing bodies of water in general, any bridge that would register in my mind as "memorable" would be something that I try to block out...

Coupled with the fact I've seldom traveled more than a few hundred miles from home, not many rise to memorable except for making me feel like I'm way too high from terra firma to be comfortable...

09-15-2007, 10:00 PM
My first and top choice would be this small covered bridge in Vermont that I found down some lane. I was lost at the time. My second choice would be the Golden Gate bridge...going from the City to Sausalito. (Okay...I'll throw in Muir Woods as a side trip.)

09-22-2007, 03:25 AM
With the recent collapse of the I35 Bridge in my area I've been thinking about bridges a good deal lately. I think for many, bridges conjure up thoughts of romance, serenity and beauty. In all your travels, what is the most memorable bridge you've ever crossed?
"Bridge Crossings" Be they; romantic,serene, or even sur-real,to "bridge", is to connect two points,divided by a spacial gap,ie;road to road, concious to sub-concious, light side to Dark side, Pleasure to Pain, point A to point B, is merely that transitional place where 2 are joined as 1 continual..each crossing memorable to each person unto themselves,But far and beyond the most memorable "Bridge" is the "Bridges that We BURN". Those are the most affecting,due to once crossed,like it or not, there will be NO crossing back...and so,,,there you are,,,take care of one another....Crazeee;)

09-22-2007, 03:44 AM
"Bridge Crossings" Be they; romantic,serene, or even sur-real,.... ....But far and beyond the most memorable "Bridge" is the "Bridges that We BURN". Those are the most affecting,due to once crossed,like it or not, there will be NO crossing back...and so,,,there you are,,,take care of one another....Crazeee;)The bridges burned sear our souls. The effect leaves a void for some and a scar for others and a place where new bridges can be built for a rare few. I've learned to not burn my bridges. Rather, I hold dear the fonder of memories and try to realize a new wisdom in the pains of my passing less favored thoughts.

09-22-2007, 05:55 AM
With the recent collapse of the I35 Bridge in my area I've been thinking about bridges a good deal lately. I think for many, bridges conjure up thoughts of romance, serenity and beauty. In all your travels, what is the most memorable bridge you've ever crossed?
We cross many Bridges in our lives,some repeatedly,some but once,,,,I think the most influential Bridge in our lives we cross,we cross continuely,In fact you are crossing yours at this very moment,as I...Its this Bridge between reality and Cyber, we cross it with this "PC" vehicle,most dont realize the spatial distance,time and generations crossed with a single keystroke,or click of a mouse.Not to mention the incomprehensible union of digital media science,providing each of us with information, that is sometimes the most cutting edge, up to the moment knowledge available, and yet can be wisedom of the ages,timeless, going back thousands of years and bringing us history of the periods inquired of,ie; images of cave drawings,from the dawn of man, quotations of great philosophers,like Plato,centuries old art influences like Da Vinci, Mysteries of ancient civilizations,the great Pyramids,aztec ruins,providing a great "Bridge"of knowledge, Which quite possibly is the most memorable "Bridge" thus far....Be kind to each other...Crazeee;) :fix: :doorpeek: :noob:

09-22-2007, 08:33 AM
But will anyone remember this one?
