View Full Version : (((((((((((((osuche)))))))))))))

08-06-2003, 10:51 PM
Big hugs to one of our newer members, whom I've just heard is going through a rather sad moment in life. It's not my place to provide details, so I won't. But I thought I'd offer my own sympathies, and allow others to do the same.

Teddy Bear
08-07-2003, 03:23 AM
Thinking of ya osuche.

Keep your chin up.

08-07-2003, 03:24 AM

08-07-2003, 03:25 AM
Osuche, don't know what the problem is, but you have our very best wishes for everything to go well for you.

08-07-2003, 04:24 AM
hugs and best wishes!!! :)

08-07-2003, 05:13 AM
osuche, you are in my thoughts and prayers.

08-07-2003, 05:36 AM
osuche, you are in my thoughts and prayers as well.

Take care and have a big (((((((hug))))))))


08-07-2003, 05:51 AM

To everything there is a time and purpose. I'm sending my best wishes and I hope all is well soon!

08-07-2003, 07:11 AM
Thank you for the warm wishes, Dadaist, Teddy Bear, Sharniqua, dicksbro, fzzt, IAKG, Grumbleguts, and LixyChick. I needed them today.

A little information for the curious...my grandmother died Tuesday in a hospital in OH (USA). She came in with chest pains 11 days before...and caught blood poisoning, pneumonia, then had internal bleeding issues while in the hospital. She was even doing well on Sunday -- we were talking about checking her out of the hospital -- but things got bad really fast. She turned 83 the day before she died.

She was an amazing woman. Very strong and loving, and a living piece of history (more below). I loved her a lot, and this is a small tribute to her. I've put a little bit about her life below, for those who are interested in reading.

We spent today at the funeral home (planning the service -- which is Saturday with viewing on Friday) and at the church...including about an hour with one of the sisters and a priest ("briefing" them for the funeral). We sat and told stories...and I learned several things I never knew about Oma (grandmother in German)...including how she met Opa (grandfather), details of their escape from Yugoslavia, and how they made their way to the States. It was amazing...

Oma and Opa met in Jabuka in Yugoslavia. SHe was a Serb, and he is a Croatian. His family were farmers, and she was a city girl. They had a very unconventional romance (thier families disapproved) and courted for 3 years before they married.

Just as they married and settled down to have a life together, including having their first of two sons, WWII started and the Russians eventually occupied Yugoslavia.

They were placed in an internment camp when Russia occupied Yugoslavia, with all of their family. They worked until they were too tired or crippled to work anymore, then the Russians discposed of them. Oma's dad was forced to dig a hole and then shot into it after he couldn't work anymore. Oma's mom was placed in a ditch with water up to her chest and left there to die. Most of the rest of the family met similar fates -- and Oma and Opa got to walk by these places daily on their way to the fields.

They escaped the camp and walked to Austria, traveling at night, with a son (10, Hans, my stepfather) and a 1 year old child. They had no food most of the time. After several weeks, they arrived in Austria...where they were placed in a Catholic relief camp and got a weekly food ration and a job.

They were sponsored to come to the US by a farmer in IL. When they reached the States and the farm, Opa was put to work in the fields for 14 hours a day. The conditions were awful -- the farmer had no tools and had not worked the farm for a long time...he held Opa accountable for getting it into shape.

Eventually, Oma's brother (Josef), who had come to Mansfield, OH, about a year earlier, brought them to Mansfield and he started a career at Borden (14 years) followed by a career as a janitor at GM (for 20 years). Meanwhile Oma worked 10 hours per day as a cleaning lady for local doctors. She made 50 cents/hr plus a meal a day. After years of working, they raised two sons, sent one to college, own their home, have a fair bit of money in the bank, and have a good life. The American dream...arising out of a Russian nightmare. Amazing.

Oma, rest in peace. Your hard work and suffering is done.

08-07-2003, 07:16 AM

08-07-2003, 07:39 AM
((hugs)) I burried mine Monday.....I was more her daughter than her granddaughter. She is where the best parts of me came from. ((((osuche))))...if ya need to talk find me.

Teddy Bear
08-07-2003, 02:57 PM
There is a special place in heaven for people like your Oma and her family.

((((( Lilith)))))
Its so hard to lose the ones we love.

Your both in my thoughts.
Take care.

08-07-2003, 06:37 PM

Your Oma lead an incredible life, how honored you must feel to be a part of such a strong woman.

You honor your grandmother by being the person that you are...

08-07-2003, 06:52 PM
"The telling of the tale, honours the ears that hear" A quote from a book I'm reading just now...... and appropriate, I think, for what you two ladies have shared with us.

osuche, your oma and opa are amazing people..... I hope you can celebrate her life, rather than her passing.

Lilith, I knew you'd been to a funeral, but not whose it was.... I firmly believe that as we grow up, we are "shaped" by the people nearest to us.... with the little I know of YOU, your gran must have been a very special lady.

(((((HUGS))))) to you both.


08-07-2003, 09:51 PM
My thoughts and sympathies are with you Osuche and Lilith. Consider yourselves hugged from a freind.

08-07-2003, 10:46 PM
My heart goes out to you osuche, I know how it feels to loose a loved one , my prayers are with you!

08-08-2003, 09:08 AM
Thank you all. I appreciate your thoughts. It's been a lot of fun getting to know you all.

08-08-2003, 10:16 AM
osuche and Lilith,

You know we love you both, we're here if you need us (and I'm using a royal we here, I admit ;) ) ....

I only say this out of admiration and respect for both of you as human beings...


08-08-2003, 11:21 AM
*big bunny hugs to osuche and Liltih*

08-08-2003, 11:33 AM
We lost my grandfather last year and it still pains me every day. He admitted to us a month before he passed that he had been battling liver cancer for six months and his time was coming. My grandparents were married for 62 years and not a day went by where they didn't declare their love to each other. I have traveled the world growing up and they were never afraid to hop a plane to see us. If something needed to be fixed, he was the man to do it. If someone had a problem, he was the man to listen. The patriarch of the family. I feel blessed to have had him for so long but somehow that doesn't take away the pain.

My most heartfelt feelings of sympathy and wishes for comfort are with you both.

08-08-2003, 11:48 AM
(((((((Osuche)))))) * HUGS* I lost my father 11/11/01 from pneumonia.

((((Lilith))))))) *hugs* to you too!:(

08-09-2003, 01:12 AM
Hugs to you both....my heartfelt sympathies go out to you.


08-09-2003, 09:07 AM
*gives osuche a huge big massive hug*

08-09-2003, 10:22 AM
I feel akin to you in certain ways ((((((osuche)))))........As soon as I read the name Oma......I knew who you were speaking of! I live in Pa. Dutch country and they speak a dialect of "High German".....a combination of Dutch and German.....and I hear mention of Oma and Opa quite often!

Mei hatz un gedankes sei mit du un eier! Maege sg dei lieb glans (schimmere) uff im hallich ausewennichs vun Oma!

***My heart and thoughts be with you and yours! May your love shine on in happy memories of Oma!***

08-09-2003, 03:34 PM
God bless you osuche and Lilith. You've got our love and best thoughts for you both and for your families. My folks are both gone and my wife's dad died last September ... and so we can relate. It's never easy, but we can always hope that they're at peace in a far, far better place.
