View Full Version : ^*When You Can't Be At Pixies*^

08-02-2003, 02:47 PM
I was just about to sign out for a while...(reluctantly, I might add.....so I know how Lilith must be feeling in having to be away so long) and I thought of this question.

When you can't be here at Pixies........when RL supercedes your need to perv.........Can you guesstimate how many times a day Pixies enters your thoughts?

I do this all week.........and I have to say that throughout any given day.......I think of posts I've read or something that I want to say when I get back.........approx. 10-20 times a day!

Is that obscessive or sound rather addictive? LOL! Who cares!

08-02-2003, 02:58 PM
when I'm at work I do the same thing Lixy allways come up with things I want to say on threads but end up when I get home I've forgot most of what I want to post.

08-02-2003, 03:02 PM
LOL! Me too Booger! And then I have the RL interruptions that drive me up a wall when I am finally able to get home and yet still can't get on!

So, what would you say? How many times a day do you think of Pixies?

08-02-2003, 03:05 PM
Probably 3-5 times per day. Unfortunately my RL demands are very tough and so I do not get to hit the site daily. When I do I usually have, at most, an hour. Big reason why I will never be the posting king! :p


08-02-2003, 03:11 PM
Oh rabbit! You're a KING in my eyes! *hugs*

08-02-2003, 04:03 PM
How many times does Pixies ENTER my thoughs though the day?

I really can not answer this question on the grounds that Pixies NEVER leave my thoughts

08-02-2003, 04:19 PM
Never leaves my thoughts!!....Pixies lives with me 24/7

08-02-2003, 04:37 PM
Quite often of late I'll find myself in a conversation and want to use a thought I've read here and it's just odd because you can't really explain about here to outsiders. They just don't get it. So I'll mumble until I can find a suitable replacement piece of drivel to contribute and move along. In answer to the question, I'm pretty much in agreement with Bilbo & Sharni. Somewhere in my mind there's always some Pixie activity.

08-02-2003, 06:35 PM
Even though I don't post that much (I am more a wallflower watching the activity from the sidelines), Pixies is a very big part of my life--more than I could ever explain to anyone, particularly anyone outside of Pixies. My life has been so rough, especially during the time I have been a member here, that I can't begin to put into words the impact Pixies has had to help me get through it. I am not sure why, but I truly do feel I am among friends, and it is very reassuring. I honestly think of people here as friends--just as much friends or even more so that some of my r/t friends.

To get back to the original question, it rarely leaves my thoughts; it's usually in the front or back of my mind.

08-02-2003, 10:36 PM
Sharni said it ... I think of Pixies all the time. Posts I've read; posts I want to make; or just curious about how people have responded to different threads.

Love this place and the people here. :)

08-02-2003, 11:19 PM
The people of Pixies are never far from my thoughts, no matter what I am doing. ....................

08-02-2003, 11:42 PM
Same here.....thoughts of Pixies help get me through the day

08-02-2003, 11:45 PM
Working at home most of the week gives me a little freedom...if I am not at Pixies, checking out the posts and the people here, I am thinking about them. Recently, I'd have to say my Pixies life and real life have meshed more than maybe before, and I can't honestly separate the two now.

08-03-2003, 11:12 AM
I just keep coming here by accident...

08-03-2003, 12:00 PM
I do the same thing Bear and Blue.....in entering a conversation with a thought or idea I read here and then saying something like, "I belong to a website and I read something this morning.....yada, yada, yada", but I haven't actually told any co-workers the specific site. Well, I did tell one girl.....but she isn't working with us anymore and she never made a big deal of it. I talk to one person on a more personal level than most at work.....and I do refer to Pixies at times......but she's never questioned it and I don't offer unless she asks! So, I don't really hide it.....but it's a "need to know" thing. But.....it's with me all day it seems!

And skip? Seems your awfully clumsy! You're here alot more than me! LOL!

Slow Ride
08-03-2003, 12:19 PM
well Lixy it's like this........when I think about doing research at work,I think about the internet.............when I think about the internet,I think about Pixies.........when I think about Pixies ,I think about you...........and,when I think about you, I think about ......

;) I better finish this in private

08-03-2003, 08:53 PM
Mmmmmmmmmmm! Waiting for our privacy SR!

*going to check and see if your on*

08-04-2003, 07:30 PM
Originally posted by LixyChick
Oh rabbit! You're a KING in my eyes! *hugs*

lixy, sweet lixy.....XOXOXOXOXOXOXO ;)
